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International Islamic University Chittagong
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Program: B. Sc in Computer Science & Engineering
Course Title: Computer Fundamentals
Course Code: CSE-1107
Instructor: Md. Monirul Islam
Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of CSE, IIUC
e-mail: [email protected], cell: 017-11701719
This course provides clear concepts of Introduction to Computer. The topics covered include
Computer and its Organization, Number Systems, Computer Codes, Arithmetic, Computer Memory,
I/O Devices, Logic Gates, Computer Program, Software and Language, Operating System, Data
Processing, Data Communication, Computer Network, Multimedia and Internet.
 To provide a very good basic knowledge about computer
 To discuss about computer hardware
 To discuss about computer software
 To discuss about Internet
 To discuss about computer database and network
 To discuss about multimedia Office automation and ecommerce
After studying this course:
 Students will have an good introduction to computer and its all branches.
 They will be able to apply the theoretical and practical knowledge in the application of
computer environment.
Details Course Outline
Chapter 1: Introduction of Computer and its Organization
Historical evolution of computers & classification, Computer generations, Basic organization and
functional units of computer, Input/ output/storage/arithmetic logic/control and central processing
unit, Internal structure of CPU.
Chapter 2: Number Systems, Computer Codes and Arithmetic
Non-positional/positional number system, different number systems & their conversion, Fractional
numbers, Numeric/alphanumeric data, BCD/EBCDIC/ASCII code, Binary arithmetic (Addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division).
Chapter 3: Computer Memory
Memory location and address, RAM, ROM, PROM, and EPROM, cache memory,
Sequential/Direct/Random access device, Magnetic tape and disk, hard disk, floppy disk, CDROM,
optical disk.
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Chapter 4: I/O Devices, Logic Gates
Input and output devices, Printers, Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, and other devices, Basic concepts of
logic gates, truth table, OR gate, AND gate, XOR gate, NOR gate, universal gates.
Chapter 5: Computer Program, Software and Language
Program planning, algorithms, flow charts, pseudocode, Software and firmware, types of computer
software, types of computer language, translator, interpreter, compiler.
Chapter 6: Operating System and Data Processing
Evolution of OS, Multiprogramming, Multiprocessing, Time sharing system, Real time system, types
of data processing, database concept, database management system, ERD.
Chapter 7: Data Communication and Computer Network
Basic elements of a communication system, Types of communications among computers,
characteristics of communication channels, Computer Networks, LAN, MAN, WAN, Network
Chapter 8: Business Data Processing, Multimedia and Internet
Goals of office automation, Advantages and threats of office automation, Multimedia concepts and
components, WWW, WAP, E-commerce, Internet, Internet services.
Dr. M. Lutfar Rahaman
P. K. Sinha
N. Subramanian
V. Rajarcman
Peter Norton
Satish Jain
: Computer Fundamentals
:Computer Fundamentals Concepts, Systems & Applications
: Introduction to Computers
: Fundamentals of Computers
: Introduction to Computer
: Introduction to Computer Science
Assessments :
Class Attendance
Assignments, Class Tests
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CSE-1108 Computer Fundamentals Sessional
Credit Hours: 1
Contact Hours: 2 per Week
Operating System: Proposed Operating Systems: Windows 2000/XP, MS-DOS
Topics: Files, Folders, Basic operations on file/folders, File System, Windows OS Organization
and Hierarchy, Searching files and folders.
Word Processing: Proposed Application Software: Microsoft Word
Topics: Formatting, Table Editing, Picture, Clipart and object, Charts, Drawing, Text box and
shapes, Hyperlink, Macro, Equation editor etc. Lab Assignment: CV Design, Application/Letter
Spreadsheet Analysis: Proposed Application Software: Microsoft Excel
Topics: Basic idea, Cell formatting, Equation, Function, Different sheet data calculation.
Lab Assignment: Grade sheet calculation, Salary Sheet calculation.
4. Slide Oriented Presentation: Proposed Application Software: Microsoft Power Point
Topics: Hyperlinks, Slide window detail, Audio, Video, Animation, Slide transition.
Lab Assignment: Simple slide based presentation (topics are free of choice).
5. Database Application: Proposed Application Software: Microsoft Access
Topics: Database basics, Field, Table, Keys, ER Diagram, Form, Report, Query.
Lab Assignment: Address book (Insert, Update, Delete, and Search).
Hardware Trouble Shooting
Topics: Installing/binding a new computer system, Installing operating system and other software.
Formatting and partitioning the hard disk. Precaution, preventive maintenance, troubleshooting
hardware and software components.
7. Internet and Computer Network
Topics: Browsing Concepts, Searching in the web, Email.
Practical: Cable Configurations: Straight cable, Cross Cable etc. LAN setup and IP address
1. MSDN (Microsoft developer network) library.
2. Microsoft Office 2000/XP Premium Edn. - BPB Publications.
3. Mastering Access 2000, BPB Publication, [ISBN: 81-7656-093-6]
4. Peter Norton’s Complete Guide to MS Windows 2000 Professional
5. Complete PC Upgrading & Maintenance (Lab Manual) – BPB Pub, [ISBN: 81-7656241-6]
6. Networking Essentials – BPB Publication
7. Internet (2nd Edn.) – BPB Publication, [ISBN: 81-7029-053-7]
8. Operating system by Andrew S. Tanenbaum – 7th edition
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