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Answer all the questions in this section in the answer booklet provided
1. Identify one artifact used by an archaeologist to reconstruct the history of the early man (1 Mk)
I. Tools
II. Weapons
III. pottery
IV. ornaments
V. Remains of garments
VI. coins
VII. Remains of dwellings
2. State two ways in which the early man obtained food ( 2mk)
I. hunting
II. gathering
III. Through domestication of crops and animals
IV. fishing
3. Identify two forms of oral traditions (2mk)
I. Proverbs
II. Legends
III. Songs
IV. Riddles
V. Poems
4. State the contribution of Jethro Tull to agrarian revolution (1mk)
I. Invented the seed drill
II. Invented a horse-drawn hoe
5. Identify two ways in which iron technology spread in Africa (2mks)
I. Trade
II. Migration
III. Warfare
IV. Intermarriage
6. State two disadvantages of drumbeat as a means of communication (2mks)
I. Message could b e misunderstood
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II. Relied on people with special skills
III. Message could be easily be interfered by natural elements
7. State the main disadvantage of currency as a medium of exchange (1mk)
I. The value of currency fluctuates depending on strength of a country’s economy
8. Name two towns in North Africa that developed as a result of the Trans-Saharan trade (2mks)
I. Fez
II. Sijilmasa
III. Ghadames
IV. Tuat
V. Taghaza
VI. Cairo
VII. Murzuk
9. State the main significance of the Odwira festival among the Asante people (1mk)
I. The omanhene (Kings of the state) paid allegiance to the Asantehene
10. Name the statesman who convened the Berlin Conference between 1884 and 1885 (1mk)
I. Otto von Bismarck
11. Identify two sources of the British constitution (2mk)
I. Constitutional milestones
II. Acts of parliament/legislation
III. Customs
IV. Judicial precedents
V. Conventions
12. Name two fighting techniques used by Samori Toure’s forces against the French. (2mk)
I. Guerilla warfare
II. Scorched earth policy
III. Diplomacy
IV. Retreating
13. What name is given to the settlements in Senegal where the policy of assimilation was
I. Quartre communes/the four communes/the four settlements
14. State two military alliances that were formed during the First World War (2mk)
I. The Triple Alliance
II. The Triple Entente
15. Name the architect of indirect rule in Northern Nigeria (1mk)
I. Sir Frederick Lugard
16. Give the main reason for the defeat of Maji Maji uprising in Central Tanganyika ( 1mk)
I. The German forces had superior weaponry
17. Identify the main historical milestone that occurred in South Africa in 1990.(1mk)
I. The release of Nelson Mandela from prison after serving 27 years in jail.
Answer any THREE Questions from this section in the answer booklet provided.
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18. (a) Give three physical characteristics of the Homo erectus
Had upright posture
Had protruding jaws
Was about 5 feet tall
Had slopping forehead
Had deep set eyes
Had hairy body.
(3 mrks)
(b) Explain six cultural practices of Homo sapiens during the new stone Age. (12 mrks)
Made microlithic tools which were small and more efficient than the earlier tools.
Lived in rock shelters/ caves to protect themselves from harsh weather/wild animals.
Decorated shelters with animal paintings/hunting scenes
Began to domesticate animals/plants in order to ensure regular food supply
Developed government by setting up rules/laws
Developed religion as evidence by the practice of burying the dead with their possessions.
They practiced simple Art and Craft work/pottery/basketry/weaving
They started a settled way of life where they established villages.
Wear a varieties of garment/clothes
19.(a) state three disadvantages of coal as a resources of energy.
Coal is bulky to transport;
Coal causes pollution
Mining of coal can lead to injuries/death
It is a non-renewable source of energy.
Coal was expensive to are any transport
(b) Explain six effects of the scientific inventions on industry.
(3 mrks)
(12 mrks)
Machines have been improved which produce goods on a large scale
Alternative sources of energy have been developed for use in industries
Invention of steam engine has improved transportation of raw materials to the industries/
finished goods to the market.
The development of the printing press has enabled people to read and acquire knowledge/
information about industrialization
There has been loss of lives through industrial accidents
Data processing/storage has been improved by use of computers
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Robots have been developed which have reduced over reliance on human labour/reduced
labour costs
Development of telecommunication has led to buying/selling of goods on the internet/ecommerce
Research has enable industries to recycle waste products in manufacturing usable goods.
20.(a) Identify three factors that led to the decline of Meroe as an early urban centre.
 Loss of trees affected the iron smelting industry as there was shortage of wood to
smelt iron.
 Decline and collapse of agriculture due to deforestation and increase in
 Rise of the kingdom of Axum to the East of Meroe. This denied Meroe access to the
read sea.
 Deterioration of trade due to rivalry and competition form Axum kingdom.
 Conquest of Meroe by King Ezana of the kingdom of Axum in 350 AD
(b) Discuss five factors that led to the development of early urban centres in Africa. (12mks)
 Availability of water for instance Cairo and River Nile. The places where water
was available attracted settlement.
 Development of agriculture. Availability of food encouraged people to establish
permanent settlement.
 Trading activities led to rise of centres which eventually developed into towns.
 Existence of trade routes which connected various people.
 Administrative and royal centres developed into towns e.g. Kumasi
 Security places that were secure attracted population concentration and town
 Religion some towns grew as religions centres.
 Centres of learning some developed as learning centres e.g. Alexandria and
21. (a) State five factors that led to the growth of the Shona Kingdom.
A standing army of warriors
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(5 mrks)
State economy supported by mixed farming
Trade increased wealth and provided the goods they required
Able leaders in the initial stages
Well unfied by their toward system especially religion
Describe the political organization of the Shona Kingdom in the 19th century.
(10 mrks)
- The Emperor/King was the head of the government and the head of the state.
- Office of the Emperor was hereditary.
- The Emperor was assisted by the Queen mother, the Head drummer, emperor’s
sister, his Principle wives and the military commander.
- The empire was divided into provinces under the rule of lesser Kings/Chiefs.
- The empire had a standing army for defence and expansion.
- Priests acted as a link between the people and the emperor.
- The king was a military leader/Commander in Chief of the army.
- The King was considered a semi-divine ruler.
22. (a) What five reasons encouraged the nationalist in Mozambique to independence
(5 mks)
I. Portugal refused to listen to the grievances of the Africans
II. The nationalists were trained in fighting skills
III. The liberation committee of the organization of the African unity –Tanzania and other
O.A.U supported the nationalist with finance and weapons
IV. The nationalist were supported and encouraged by communist countries
V. The success of mau mau fighters in Kenya inspired them
VI. The country was forested and conducive for guerilla warfare
VII. The united nations denounced colonialism thus boosting the morale of the nationalist
(5x1=5 mrks)
(b) What factors enabled FRELIMO score early successes against the portuese in the revolutionary war in
(12 mks)
I. Good early leadership and careful planning were an important factor
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II. The brilliant early military strategy of afull scale peoples war agaist the portugues armed
forces gave FRELIMO a promising start
III. FRELIMO boosted its combat strength by intensifying recruitment and improving its
IV. Niassa cabo Delgado and tete were ideal for guerilla warfare being heavily wooded and
providing good cover.
V. Frelimo started by attacking the portuguese simultaneously in these provinces,
overstretching portuguese resources
VI. The Dar-es- salaam-based OAU liberation committee, providing training for FRELIMO
VII. Frelimo tackled the tribal danger to unity early. By mingling people from different areas in
the same guerilla unit
VIII. In the political field FRELIMO initiated a one party democracy, resulting in greater
IX. FRELIMO was generously supplied with arms from china Czechoslovakia and the ussr
X. FRELIMO had the advantage of fighting in familiar territory unlike the portiguese who
were fighting in completely unfamiliar environment where people were hostile
23.(a) Give three characteristics of the French policy of assimilation in Senegal (3 mrks)
I. The French regarded their overseas territories as French provinces and their rule was to
transform the people into frencemen in a language, behaviour and general life
II. Laws used in the colonies were made in paris for the frence themselves
III. Colonies were to elect deputies to represent them in the French national assembly
IV. They emphasized French culture and education as a model of civilization
V. Through education .language and religion people became assimile and acquired French
(3x1=3 mrks)
(b) Why did the application of the policy of assimilation face challenges in Senegal
(12 mks)
I. There were great cultural differences between the frence and the Africans eg marriage
practices, religion, and belief systems and language
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II. The French public saw Africans as posing an unnecessary competition to them in the labour
market and criticised it
III. It was based on unrealistic assumptions of equality and colour. African elite who were
elected to join the French parliament as deputies were discriminated against by the whites
IV. French businessmen saw Africans as a source of cheap labour and disapproved assimilation
V. Assimilation was too expensive to run for the French government as the resource to provide
sufficient facilities for the development of African colonies were limited
VI. The traditional African rulers did not want to lose their authority over assimiles
VII. Muslims resisted the policy since it was Christian-based
VIII. The French citizens feared being outnumbered by assimiles in the Chamber of Deputies
(6x2=12 mrks)
24. (a) Name three nations which were formed after the First World War ( 3mks)
I. Austria
II. Hungary
III. Poland
IV. Czechoslovakia
V. Yugoslavia
(b) What were the results of the first world war
(3x1=3 mrks)
(12 mrks)
I. The war led to the destruction of insfrastructure eg roads; railways; homes; towns; and
farms were destroyed
II. The war led to the loss of life. Civilian deaths led to starvation and disesses eg the Spanish
III. It weakened the economies of European nations. Huge sums of money were used during the
war and this had forced some countries to borrow money. Some of these debts were repaid
by future generations
IV. It slowed down the pace of industrialization because of lack of manpower in industries
V. The war caused insecurity and hand the adverse effect of slowing economic activitieseg
trade and agriculture
VI. The war undermined the existence of the Greater turkey as she lost all her possessions
VII. The USA entry into war on the side of the allies and their subsequent victory over the
central powers enabled the USA to dominate post-war European affairs
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VIII. The war led to the creation of new nations in Europe
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(6x2= 12 mrks)