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Health in Christian Perspective
Test 1 (Chapter 1)
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the answer that best completes
the statement.
________ 1. The proportion of nutrients compared to the number of calories
the food contains is called ___?
a. percent daily value
c. nutrient density
b. serving equivalents
d. Food Guide Pyramid
________ 2. Substances that neutralize harmful molecules called free radicals are?
a. lipoproteins
c. vitamins
b. antioxidants
d. minerals
________ 3. Long chains of building blocks from which proteins are made are
called ___?
a. dietary fiber
c. fatty acids
b. amino acids
d. cellulose
________ 4. Most of the body’s nutritional needs come from ___?
a. proteins
c. fats
b. carbohydrates
d. all of the above
________ 5. The tissue surrounding a tooth that holds it in place and protects
its roots from decay is the ___?
a. crown
c. gingiva
b. pulp
d. enamel
_________ 6. The physical and chemical breakdown of complex nutrients into
simpler, water-soluble substances the body can use is called ___?
a. cortisol
c. digestion
b. metabolism
d. insulin
_________ 7. The transitional change from childhood into adulthood is ___?
a. peristalsis
c. puberty
b. adolescence
b. placenta
_________ 8. The endocrine gland that is sometimes called the “master gland”
is the ___?
a. adrenal gland
c. thyroid gland
b. parathyroid gland
d. pituitary gland
__________ 9. The hardest substance in the body is ___?
a. dentin
c. cementum
b. collagen
d. enamel
__________ 10. The body’s largest internal organ is the ___?
a. liver
c. heart
b. stomach
d. gallbladder
__________ 11. The body’s main source of energy should come from ___?
a. fats
c. carbohydrates
b. vitamins
d. proteins
__________ 12. The general term for fatlike substances that are typically insoluble in water is ___?
a. cholesterol
c. fatty acid
b. protein
d. lipid
__________ 13. The physical and chemical processes by which the body “burns”
food and generates energy is called ___?
a. cortisol
c. digestion
b. metabolism
d. insulin
COMPLETION: Write the answer that best completes the statement.
__________________ 14. Two vitamins that function as antioxidants are
Vitamin C and ___?
__________________ 15. The visible part of a tooth is the ___.
__________________ 16. The name for a developing child that is recognizable
as a miniature baby from the second month until birth
is a(n) ___?
__________________ 17. The common unit for measuring the energy value of
foods is the ___?
__________________ 18. The movement of water, digested food, and other
dissolved substances into the bloodstream is ___?
__________________ 19. The “emergency action” hormone which prepares the
body for stressful situations when strength and endurance are required is ___?
__________________ 20. The structure that forms between the mother and unborn baby and does the work of several organ.
SORT: Number the parts of the digestive tract in the order that food passes
Through it.
________ 21. small intestine
________ 25. esophagus
________ 22. stomach
________ 26. oral cavity
________ 23. rectum
________ 27. colon
________ 24. pharynx
COMPLETION: Identify each medical specialist or health-care professional
described below.
__________________ 28. A doctor who treats diseases of the teeth and gums is
called a(n) ___.
__________________ 29. A doctor who provides primary care for infants and
children is called a(n) ___.
__________________ 30. A doctor who treats diseases and disorders of the
digestive system is called a(n) ___.
MATCHING: Match each meaning with the correct prefix, suffix, or root.
___ 31. refers to the liver
a. dent, don’t
___ 32. means “in, inside, or within”
b. en-, end-, endo-
___ 33. means “fat or fatty”
c. entero-
___ 34. means “surrounding or enclosing
d. gastro-
___ 35. refers to the intestines
e. hepat-, hepato-
___ 36. means “large”
f. lip-, lipo-
___ 37. refers to sugar or carbohydrate
g. –logy
___ 38. means “tooth”
h. macro-
___ 39. means “science” or “study”
i. micro-
___ 40. refers to the stomach
j. –ose
k. peri
MATCHING: Match each function with the correct endocrine gland.
Answers may be used more than once.
41. regulates blood calcium
a. thyroid
42. regulates blood sugar
b. pituitary
43. regulates growth
c. pineal
44. regulates sleep
d. parathyroid
45. regulates metabolism
e. islets of Langerhans
MY PLATE: According to 10 Tips to a Great Plate, write the answer that best completes the
__________________ 46. Being physically active helps you ____ calories.
__________________ 47. Eating too fast may lead to eating too many ___.
__________________ 48. Half of your plate should consist of ___ and ___.
__________________ 49. Substitute soda, energy drinks and sports drinks, which are a major
source of added sugar and calories, for ___.
__________________ 50. & 51. Name two of the foods you should eat most often.
ESSAY: Explain the difference between saturated fats and unsaturated fats, and give examples
of each. Which are better for your health?