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Literacy Medium Term Plan
Year 2 - Owls
Term 6
Teacher: Mr. N. Bailey
Duration 5 weeks
This medium term plan is intended to prepare learners for the rigor of Year3 with focus on handwriting and
spelling skills. Lessons are based on “Support for Spelling” objectives but contextualised with a quality picture
book, relevant to the topic “Getting to know Africa”.
Key Text
Amazing Grace and
Grace and Family
(Mary Hoffman)
Objectives and Activities
For the first 20 mins of each lesson
Differentiated handwriting activities – (LA) individual letter formation using
Espresso videos for support (MA) join 2 and 3 letter graphemes from RWI
speed sound cards (HA) join whole words and put them into joined phrases
and sentences.
Main Session Objective
To recognise past and present tense.
To relate these to the suffixes –ing and –ed.
To apply these suffixes to a range of verbs including those where double
consonants are required.
(These activities will be taught in the context of the key texts.)
Amazing Grace and
Grace and Family
(Mary Hoffman)
Big Writing
Learners will be reminded to use -ing and -ed words in their stories.
For the first 20 mins of each lesson
Differentiated handwriting activities – (LA) individual letter formation using
Espresso videos for support (MA) join 2 and 3 letter graphemes from RWI
speed sound cards (HA) join whole words and put them into joined phrases
and sentences.
Main Session Objective
To recognise compound words and use this to support spelling.
To search for compound words in a text.
To construct compound words using pairs of simple words and use these in
To investigate compound words which contain one similar simple word (e.g.
everytime, everybody, everywhere, etc.) and use these in writing.
(These activities will be taught in the context of the key texts.)
Big Writing
Learners will be reminded to use compound words in their stories.
Key Text
The Leopards Drum
(Jessica Souhami)
Objectives and Activities
For the first 20 mins of each lesson
Differentiated handwriting activities – (LA) individual letter formation using
Espresso videos for support (MA) join 2 and 3 letter graphemes from RWI
speed sound cards (HA) join whole words and put them into joined phrases
and sentences.
Main Session Objective
To understand the meaning of singular and plural.
To recognise that the ending of words can be similar (-y, -ful, -less) and have
an effect, using the term “suffix”.
To add suffixes to words to form adjectives, and use these in writing.
(These activities will be taught in the context of the key text.)
A is for Africa
(Ifeoma Onyefulu)
Greedy Zebra
(Mwenye Hadithi)
Big Writing
Learners will be reminded to use -y, -ful, and -less words in their stories.
Olympics Week
Use the key text as part of teaching during Olympics week. As a whole class,
create an alternative version of the text relating to our activities in
Olympics week then present in the celebration assembly at the end of the
week. Use PowerPoint to collate and present ideas.
For the first 20 mins of each lesson
Differentiated handwriting activities – (LA) individual letter formation using
Espresso videos for support (MA) join 2 and 3 letter graphemes from RWI
speed sound cards (HA) join whole words and put them into joined phrases
and sentences.
Main Session Objective
To use the term “prefix” and recognise that the start of some words can be
similar (which has an effect on their meaning).
To find words with the same prefix (i.e. un-, dis-) and understand how it
changes the meaning of the word.
To transform words using a negative prefix and use these in writing.
(These activities will be taught in the context of the key text.)
Big Writing
Learners will be reminded to use un- and dis- words in their stories.