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A Pathfinder for WORLD MYTHOLOGY
If you would like to learn more about WORLD MYTHOLOGY, follow the
links on this pathfinder. The pathfinder is hyperlinked, that means if you
put your mouse over any listing in blue or purple, it will link to a
TO GO TO JSTOR, click here
TO GO TO ABC-CLIO, click here
TO GO TO ABC-CLIO Ebooks (37 titles), Click Here
Middle Eastern
Norse and Celtic
Classical Greece
Southeast Asia (China, (Assyrian, Babylonian,
Korea, Japan)
North American
(Native Amer.
Egyptian and African
Eastern Indian
Various World
Myth Sites
The Web sites listed on this page have been previewed and selected for this topic.
Norse and Celtic
A-Z of Norse Mythology - A light hearted look at Norse mythology. Fully cross-referenced gods, giants, heroes
and legends from Scandinavia.
A Bit of Swedish (and Scandinavian) History - Overview of Norse mythology and sections on Loki and the
Nornir and Disir.
Eddas and Sagas on the Internet - List of links to resources of Germanic literature, history, and mythology,
including the Eddas, sagas, and Beowulf.
Gallery of Historical Figures - Many Germanic - Norse mythical gods and legendary figures are depicted in
highly life-like sculpture by artist and storyteller George Stuart.
Germanic Mythology - Student project by Bridget Herrera, covering cosmography and the pantheon.
Germanic Myths, Legends, and Sagas - Germanic mythology and culture with a focus on Old Norse, including
sections on deities and monuments.
Grimm's Teutonic Mythology - Complete texts of the four volume collection of Germanic mythology compiled by
the Grimm Brothers.
The Guild of the Runescratchers - Aims to awake the ancient heritage spirit, and create art in the form of
In the Days of Giants: A Book of Norse Tales - By Abbie Farwell Brown (1902), e-text from the Baldwin Project.
The Journal of Germanic Mythology and Folklore - A web-published academic journal concerning all aspects of
Germanic mythology and folklore, from ancient to modern.
Norse Fornnordisk Mytologi - English translation of the Hávamál, runic inscriptions and carvings, with images of
runestones and deities.
Norse Mythology - List of names from Norse mythology, from
Sagnanet - Icelandic medieval literature online from Cornell Library.
Scandinavian Mythology and Folklore - List of names in Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore, compiled
by Scott Trimble.
Teutonic Mythology - Online book by Viktor Rydberg (1825-1895), discussing Germanic sagas and myths.
Viking/Norse Religion - Introduction to the pre-Christian religious beliefs of the Scandinavian people.
Animal Symbolism in Celtic Mythology - Overview article by Lars Noodén, discussing the tie between animals in
Celtic and Welsh mythology with fertility and vitality.
Celtic Literature Collective - A collection of medieval Celtic literature, relying on primary sources and modern
Celtic Mythology - Commentary and literary resources on the ancient religious and spiritual beliefs of the Celts.
Celtic Studies Resources - FAQs, articles, annotated links and reading lists on Celtic topics from an opinionated
digital medievalist. - In-depth historical information about Epona, the Gaulish goddess of horses. Fully referenced and
Gods of the Britons and Gauls - A listing of the gods of the Celtic Britons and Gauls, including descriptions name
interpretations and legends.
Legends: Erin and Alba - Annotated guide to resources on the net.
Lugodoc's Guide to Celtic Mythology - An overview of the Welsh and Irish canons.
Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race - By Thomas Rolleston (1911), e-text from the Internet Sacred Text
Of Celts - Windsor Castle - Of Celts, fairy tales, stories, and history.
The Sacred Fire - A celebration of ancient Celtic history and lore, including legends, myths, festivals, the
calendar, druids, ogham, faeries and leprechauns.
Classical Greece
Ancient Greek Mythology - Covers the Olympian gods and goddesses, heroes and major mythological stories.
Apollonius Rhodius' Argonautica Online on Windsor Castle - The travels of Jason and the argonauts and other
stories, adapted from R. C. Seaton's translation.
Classical Myth: The Ancient Sources - Drawing together ancient texts and images concerning the major figures of
Greek and Roman mythology, by Laurel Bowman, University of Victoria.
Classical Mythology Directory - Syllabus for a course in classical mythology, from Robin Mitchell-Boyas,
Temple University.
Classical Myths and Legends - Summary of major classical myths and legends, with extensive name index.
Dick Caldwell's Greek Myths - An exploration of Greek Myths categorized by city.
Empire Arts Resource - The Greek mythology poetry of Michael J. Farrand.
Encyclopedia Mythica [ Teens/Mature Teens ] - On-line encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, and legend.
Eoster - Mysteries of the Resurrected Child - Discussing myths and symbols of Greek spring and vegetation
Family Tree of Greek Gods and Goddesses - A visual genealogy list of the Greek gods and goddesses.
Forged By Lightning: The Gods - Extensive information on the Greek, Roman and Carthaginian Gods and
Goddesses mentioned in Forged By Lightning: A Novel of Hannibal and Scipio.
From Myth To Eternity - Excerpts from a CD Rom presenting Greek mythology in stories and images with
historical background.
Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece - Greek gods, goddesses and heroes of ancient Greece. Myths of Greek
gods, picture galleries and mythology quizzes.
Gods Metaphysics and Philosophy in modern History - How Greek Myths are becoming today's reality.
Greek & Roman Mythology - Helen Roberts chronicles the classical myths of Greece and Rome. Also includes an
illustrated encyclopedia.
Greek and Roman Mythology - List of names from Greek and Roman mythology, from
Greek Deities - Basic information on several Greek deities, with links.
Greek Gods - Table of the gods and goddesses, some with descriptions.
Greek Gods and Goddesses - Learn everything about Greek Gods and Goddesses.
Greek Lovers and Legends - Brought to you by the Mythography site in encyclopedic form.
Greek Mythology - A reference of Greek gods, goddesses, Titans, heros and monsters.
Greek Mythology - Devoted to the early Greek mythology from the Iliad to the fall of the last tyrant.
Greek Mythology - Introduction to ancient Greek mythology combining information from a number of sources.
Greek Mythology [ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Simple introduction to the gods, heros, creatures, and stories of the
Greek world.
Greek Mythology: Chapters in Pre-History - A new look at the myths of the Greek seen as portions of a much
older, lost historical tradition. A detailed on-line book by William Harris, Professor Emeritus, Middlebury
Greek Myths - A retelling of selected Greek Myths. Particularly useful for children who are being introduced to
Greek Mythology for the first time. - Greek Mythology - Greek mythology offers extensive information and pictures on the
gods, goddess and myths of ancient Greece.
Hellenism: Mythology - Covering creation myths, heroic legends, and Homer's Odyssey and Iliad.
Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns and Homerica - Part of the Online Medieval and Classical Library.
Medea's Lair - A collection of mythology stories from ancient Greece, with paintings to compliment the pages.
Mythman Greek Mythology [ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Modern-style retelling of the Greek Myths. A new one
each month. Illustrated and in a fun style. Also includes a homework help section.
MythNET - A source of information about Greek and Roman Mythology. Learn about the Gods, Mythical
Creatures and Monsters, the Heroes and their stories and genealogy.
Mythography [ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Explore Greek mythology through the eye of the artist. Features
sections on gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines, lovers and legends, and creatures and chimerae.
Mythweb [ Kids/Teens ] - Shares many of the stories from ancient Greek mythology - heroes, gods and monsters.
Cartoon illustrations.
Name and Fame: Greek and Roman - List of names of famous and not-so-famous characters from Greek and
Roman mythology.
Old Greek Stories on Windsor Castle - Old Greek Stories Retold.
Oxford Classical Mythology Online! - Retells the myths and legends of Greece and Rome enabling students to
explore and appreciate the most significant ancient sources of classical legends and myths.
Perseus Project - Summary of Apollodorus's Library - Frazer's summary of Apollodorus' handbook of Greek
mythology all aspects of ancient texts, and including a superb image library.
Principal Gods Family Tree - From Edith Hamiltion's Mythology, with clickable links to each god and goddess.
SoYouWanna Learn the Basics of Greek Mythology? [ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Walks readers through the
fundamentals of Greek mythology, including gods, heroes, and remnants of mythology in modern life.
The Greek Heroes - Tales of Perseus, the Argonauts, and Theseus, by Charles Kingsley.
The Heroes, or Greek Fairy Tales for My Children - Tales of Perseus, the Argonauts, and Theseus, by Charles
Kingsley; e-text at the Project Gutenberg.
The Immortals - List of gods, goddesses, and other creatures of Greek mythology. - Information on the
Olympians, Chthonians, Titans, and free spirits.
The Parthenon [ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Richly-illustrated site examines the form and function, statutes,
columns, and carvings in this ancient Greek temple.
The River Styx - The Myths of Hades - Myths of the underworld, its king and inhabitants. - Greek Mythology - The Lost Info offers information and pictures about the gods, Titans,
heroes and monsters from Greek Mythology.
Theoi Project Guide to Greek Mythology - Encyclopedia of Greek gods, spirits and monsters with detailed
individual biographies. Quotes from classical literature, gallery of Greek and Roman art and e-texts classics
Thinkquest: Greek Mythology: Gods, Goddesses, Titans and More [ Kids ] - Explains main figures in many Greek
Women in Greek Myths - A who's-who on all females in Greek mythology, with a section on Greek Men, and
collection of myths.
Southeast Asia (China, Korea and Japan)
Chinavista: Chinese Myths and Fantasies - Brief overview of the history and defining characteristics of Chinese
Chinavista: Deities Worshipped by Farmers - Some of the gods worshipped by Chinese farmers.
Chinavista: Selected Chinese Myths and Fantasies - Small selection of well-known myths and legends.
Chinese Legends - Brief accounts of several myths and legends on emperor Huangdi, and how the world was
The Creation Myth of Yayo - Told by Siapen Kotan Isamo of the Yami, a Malayo-Polynesian people inhabiting
Orchid Island, part of the Republic of China, Taiwan.
Eight Immortals of Chinese Mythology - Listing of the names of the Eight Immortals and their iconography.
Stove Gods - Overview of the various legends of the Stove God, including artwork.
Chinese Tales and Fables - Chinese Tales and Fables is an illustrated e-book with Chinese art and enhanced with
Chinese classical music. Each fable is a brief story, contained on a single page with an implied common-sense
Chinese Tea Stories - Chinese folklore, folktales and legends retold by Colette.
The Illuminated Lantern: Ghosts and Fox Spirits - Article on supernatural literature in China, by Peter Nepstad;
including tales from Pu Songling.
The Legend of Lady White Snake - Synopsis and background of the legend, and comparison with similar legends
and its connection with Chinese Opera.
Korean Folk Tales - Four illustrated tales, from "Korean Folk and Fairy Tales" by Suzanne Crowder Han.
Amaterasu: Out of the Cave and Into the Light - A tale of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu and the Storm God
Gods of Man: Japan - Listing of some of Japan's deities, excerpted from "The Gods of Man," by David W.
Japanese Myth - Short retellings of Japanese myths.
Japanese Mythology - Brief overview of Japanese deities, demons, and ghosts with art work.
Japanese Mythology - Basic overview of Japan's deities and myths.
The Folktales in Fukushima - Three folktales from Fukushima Prefecture in Japan.
Foxtrot's Collection of Kitsune Lore - Lore and tales about Japanese fox spirits.
Japanese Ghosts - Article by Tim Screech, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
The Kitsune's WebRing - Containing stories, legends, and information about the fox-spirits called Kitsune in
Kwaidan - Stories and Studies of Strange Things - Lafcadio Hearn's 1904 book of Japanese stories of ghosts and
the extraordinary.
Middle Eastern (Assyrian, Babylonian, Hittite)
Canaanite/Ugaritic Mythology - FAQ about the Canaanite pantheon, as recovered from the city of Ugarit in what
is now western Syria, by Christopher Siren.
Hittite/Hurrian Mythology - FAQ concerning Hittite and Hurrian mythology, superstitions, and cosmology, by
Christopher Siren.
Assyro-Babylonian Mythology - FAQ about the pantheon, cosmology, and history of the Assyrians and
Babylonians, by Christopher B. Siren (1999).
Before the Legend of Noah - Essay about Mesopotamian flood legends recorded before the bible.
Gateways to Babylon - Ancient and modern texts on Mesopotamian mythology, religion, and deities.
Myths of Babylonia and Assyria - The complete book written by Donald A. Mackenzie.
The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria - By T. G. Pinches, e-text from the Project Gutenberg.
ETCSL: Narrative and Mythological Compositions - Compositions on deities and heroes, with English
translations and bibliography, from The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature.
Lugalbanda Epic - A lay version of the Sumerian epic depicting the exploits of Lugalbanda, the father of
Sumerian Mythology FAQ - Introduction to the Sumurian culture, pantheon, and cosmology, including Biblical
cross-references; by Christopher Siren (2000).
The Epic of Gilgamesh - The text as translated by Maureen Gallery Kovacs.
Epic of Gilgamesh Theatre Production - The oldest known heroes tale Gilgamesh and Enkidu has been created
into a play. Photos, score, text, and references.
Gilgamesh - The complete text by tablet.
Gilgamesh - In Search of Immortality - The story as translated.
Gilgamesh Summary - Summary of the Old Babylonian heroic poem, which describes the legendary story of
Gilgamesh, King of Uruk.
He Who Saw Everything - Verse version of the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Sin-leqe-unnini - Extracts from the legend of Gilgamesh.
Storytelling, the Meaning of Life, and The Epic of Gilgamesh - Article by Arthur A. Brown discussing the literary
development in the several versions of the epic of Gilgamesh.
Native North American
Aadizookaan - Traditional Stories, Legends, and Myths - Extensive collection of annotated links to traditional
stories, myths, and legends from many different Native American Nations.
The Encyclopedia of Hotcâk (Winnebago) Mythology - Articles, stories, and histories, edited and compiled by
Richard L. Dieterle, with genealogies, bibliography, and links.
Haliksai! This Is How It Was - Hopi myth excerpted from Harry C. James' book "Pages From Hopi History."
Many Swans: Sun Myth of the North American Indians - By Amy Lowell (1920), e-text from the Electronic Text
Center, University of Virginia Library.
The Myth of Hiawatha and Other Oral Legends, Mythologic and Allegoric, of the North American Indians - By
Henry R. Schoolcraft (1856), e-text from Early Canadiana Online.
The Myths of the New World: A Treatise on the Symbolism and Mythology of the Red Race of America - By
Daniel G. Brinton (1868), e-text from Early Canadiana Online.
Notes on Eskimo Traditions - Article by Harlan I. Smith (1893?), e-text from Early Canadiana Online.
Tales of the North American Indians - Anthologized by Stith Thompson (1929), e-text from the Internet Sacred
Text Archive.
The Thunder-bird Amongst the Algonkins - Article by A. F. Chamberlain (1890?), e-text from Early Canadiana
Traditions of the Hopi - By H. R. Voth (1905), e-text from the Internet Sacred Text Archive.
White Buffalo Calf Woman Brings the First Pipe - A Lakota myth as told by Joseph Chasing Horse.
Beloved Fear: Two Scary Inuit Folk Tales for Halloween - Two tales that scared Rachel Attituq Qitsualik as a
child, published in Nunatsiaq News.
Maya Stories - From "Tales and Legends of the Q'anjob'al Maya" of Guatemala, as told by don Pedro Miguel Say.
Geow-lud-mo-sis-eg : Little People - Maliseet folklore about magical little beings similar to the Leprechauns of
MicMac Creation Story - Native American MicMac folklore about the relationship between the Great Spirit
Creator and Human Beings and the Environment.
Origin of the Medicine Man - Passamaquoddy native American lore about Glooscap, the Good Spirit.
The Origin of the Thunderbird - Passamaquoddy native legend about two Indians who desire to find the origin of
Rabbit and the Moon Man - Micmac folklore about Rabbit, the great hunter.
The Strange Origin of Corn - Abnaki folklore about long ago when Indians were first made.
Native American Religion in Early America - Historical essays aimed at educators, with pictures and links.
Native American Sisters - Description of Native American spirituality, with quotes from Indian religious figures
and excerpts from a book by a Lakota Sioux nun.
Native American Spirituality - Essay about land-based spirituality, creation mythology and immanence.
Native American Spirituality - A general overview with quotes, essays, and links.
Native Wisdom - Article by Nora Bunce, an eastern Cherokee woman, on the religious beliefs of her people.
The Road to Nazlini - Video about traditional American Indian religious practices.
Seeking Native American Spirituality: Read This First! - Cautionary note for seekers of American Indian
Shamanism: It Ain't Native American Religion! - Explanation of the difference between Eurasian shamanism and
American Indian religion, by a shamanic devotee.
Spirit Path - A twice-monthly newsletter dedicated to American Indian spirituality and other information.
Summary of Native American Religions - School paper about the religion of the Iroquois Nation, Dakota (Sioux)
and Apache tribes.
Ancient Egypt: the Mythology - Covering deities, symbols, and myths, along with articles about ancient Egyptian
culture and history.
Ancient Egyptian Mythology and Culture at a glance - Information on Ancient Egyptian life, culture, mythology,
gods and goddesses, religion, mummification, life after death, hieroglyphics and symbols.
Ancient Egyptian Religion - Sections on mummification and the Book fof the Dead, with illustrated list of
Egyptian gods.
Assorted Egyptian Religious Texts - Piecing together the myths of Osiris and Horus, Father and Son, with various
Egyptian texts.
Egypt Legends - Egyptian legends based on papyrus and pyramid texts.
Egyptian Mythology - Snippets of Egyptian mythology.
Egyptian Mythology Today - List of links to sites dealing with ancient Egypt.
Fruit of the Nile - Overview of ancient Egyptian gods, symbols, religious practices, and pharaohs.
Guardian's Egypt - Ancient Egyptian Religion - Links to sites about ancient Egyptian mythology and religion. Egyptian Mythology - List of names from Egyptian mythology.
Yahoo! Groups: Ancient Egyptian Mythology - Discussion group for Egyptian mythology.
Abydos Triad and Set - Recounts the story of Osiris and his brother Set, along with their sister wives Isis and
Ancient Egyptian Culture - This exhibit has information on the culture of ancient Egypt including that on
architecture, art, hieroglyphics, the daily life of ancient Egyptians, military and maps.
Egyptian Mythology - Overview of Egyptian mythology with detailed listings of the primary gods and goddesses
along with their place of worship
Five Days Out of Time - Recounts the story of creation with Osiris, Set, Nephthys, Isis and Horus.
Hor - Book about ancient Egypt published online. The sun-god, Re, journeys through the underworld towards the
Miwu - Miwu is a collaborative website; it publishes written and artistic material regarding the Egyptian feline
gods. It is currently accepting submissions.
Creation - Article introduces three regional creation cycles, the Heliopolitan, Hermopolitan and the Memphite.
Egyptian Creation Myths - An introduction to ancient Egyptian stories of creation, with the myths of creator gods,
Atum and Khepri.
Gods and Goddesses in Ancient Egypt :: Creation - A synthesis of ancient Egyptian creation stories, episodes and
references drawn from numerous different sources.
Into Africa Adventures - Travelogue comprising some myths and legends of the VhaVenda nation in South
Myths and Legends of the Bantu - By Alice Werner (1933), e-text from the Internet Sacred Text Archive.
The Place of the Elephant in the Culture of Northern Cameroon - On the elephant's important and mythical
position in the culture and oral traditions among the local population of Northern Cameroon.
African Folktales - Eight Zulu folktales contributed by Loreen McDonald.
Bura Folktales - Folktales from the Bura in Northern Nigeria from missionary Albert Helser's 1930 book on his
teacher experiences.
Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria, West Africa - By Elphinstone Dayrell (1910), e-text from the Internet Sacred
Text Archive.
Folktales - Three folktales of Ananse the Spider and their meaning in Ghanese culture.
Folktales: The Feast - An African folktale about Dukufruoko (Turtle), told by Oni.
Hausa Folklore - Collected by R. Sutherland Rattray (1913), e-text from the Internet Sacred Text Archive.
Kaffir Folk-Lore - Xhosa folk tales by George McCall Theal (1886), e-text from the Internet Sacred Text Archive.
The King of the African Jungle - An African comical animal tale.
Motherland Nigeria Stories - Collection of Nigerian and other African folktales listed by theme.
Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort (French Congo) - By Richard Edward Dennett (1898), e-text from the Internet
Sacred Text Archive.
South-African Folk-Tales - By James A. Honeij (1910), e-text from the Internet Sacred Texts Archive.
Specimens of Bushman Folkore - By W. H. I. Bleek and L. C. Lloyd (1911), e-text from the Internet Sacred Text
Wildlife Africa: African Tales - Retellings of Bushman, Khoi, Tswana and Kurdi tales.
Creation in African Thought - A discussion of creation myths in African Traditional Religions, in the context of
developing a theology of ecology for the continent.
Creation Mythology of Africa - Essay comparing five African creation myths.
Gikuyu Creation Myth - A translation of this Kenyan people's creation story.
Kabyl Creation and Origin Myths - The first human beings and the beginnings of agriculture; stories of a Berber
people in North Africa
Eastern Indian
Animals of Indian Mythology - On the role of animals and animal gods in Hindu mythology.
Gods in Hindu Dharma - The concept of God in Hindu religion, with an overview of the major deities and their
Hindu Gods - Spiritual purpose, physical characteristics, and places of worship of Hindu deities.
Indian Mythology - A substantial collection of links to individual stories on the web, and indices on the
terminology and principal characters.
Indian Mythology - A glimpse into the rich mythology, various gods, goddesses and legends of India with some
detailed information and colorful images.
Kamat's Potpourri - Mythology - Index of topics at Kamat's Potpourri on the mythology of India.
Lakshmi and Saraswati - Tales in Mythology and Art - Accounts of the goddesses Lakshmi and Saraswati, with
examples of images.
Mythology Stories of India - Retelling for children of many stories such of the origin of Ganesha, and the
Myths and Legends of Indian Temples - From Templenet: a selection of stories and legends connected with the
temples and presiding deities.
Sages, Rushis & Saints - Vignettes on the more important sages from mythology as well as from history.
Stories for Children - A collection of stories taken from the Mahabharata, in simple English in a form suitable for
Stories from Indian Mythology for Children - Popular tales summarized for children to enjoy, including the
Ramayana and the Mahabharata.
The Vedic Age - Astronomy and creation myths of Vedic India.
Eastern Stories and Legends - By Marie L. Shedlock (1920), e-text from the Baldwin Project.
Folk Tales from Kashmir - Tales current in the valley of Kashmir, collected by S. L. Sadhu.
Indian Fairy Tales - Collected by Joseph Jacobs, e-text at the Gutenberg project.
IndiaParenting: Indian Children's Stories - Large collection comprising myths, legends, fables, Jataka-tales, fairy
tales, witty tales and other stories.
IndiaParenting: Panchatantra - Ten fables from the Panchatantra, retold for children.
Kashmiri Folktales - Six folktales, including an audio clip (in Kashmiri).
Tales from the Panchatantra - Fifteen fables from the Panchatantra.
Tales of King Vikram and Betaal the Vampire - Selection of five stories.
Tales Of The Punjab - By Flora Annie Steel, e-text at the Gutenberg project.
Tales of the Punjab - By Flora Annie Steel (1894), e-text of the Celebration of Women Writers.
The Tortoise and the Geese and Other Fables of Bidpai - Retold by Maude Barrows Dutton (1908); e-text at The
Baldwin Project.
The Laws of Manu - A translation of the first chapter of the Book of Manu, in which is described the creation of
the cosmos, caste, and sacred law.
Australian Aboriginal
Australian Dreamtime - Overview of the oral traditions of the Aboriginals about the origins of the land and its
Australian Legendary Tales: Folk-Lore of the Noongahburrahs as Told to the Picaninnies - By Katherine Langloh
Parker (1897), e-text from the Internet Sacred Text Archive.
Australian Legends - By C. W. Peck (1933), e-text from the Internet Sacred Text Archive.
Didjeridu Myths and Legends - From Ed Drury's Didjiridu site.
The Euahlayi Tribe - An ethnography by K. Langloh Parker (1905) on the culture, spiritual beliefs and
ceremonies of the Euahlayi.
Some Myths and Legends of the Australian Aborigines - By W. E. Thomas (1923), e-text from the Internet Sacred
Text Archive.
Stories - Myths from several Australian peoples, presented by a college student of archaeoastronomy.
Stories of the Dreaming - Presenting Aboriginal stories of the time before time, when the Ancestor spirits roamed
the earth.
Various World Myth Sites
Age of Fable Or Beauties of Mythology - Online publication of the 1913 edition of Thomas Bulfinch's classic.
Flood Stories from Around the World - Brief description of flood myths from cultures all over the globe.
Godchecker - Mythology with a Twist - Explores the quirky side of mythology with humorous research, including
a Holy Database of the weird and wonderful gods from around the world.
Gods, Heroes, and Myth - Listings by culture of people and places from legend and myth, with links to tales.
Gods, Monsters and Myths - Brief accounts of popular myths and legends from Greece and Rome, Egypt, Japan,
China, and India.
Literature Network - Thomas Bulfinch - Offers biography and a searchable collection of works.
Morgana's Observatory: Universal Myths and Mysterious Places - Myths of creation, flood, and afterlife, along
with some legends.
MythHome - Myths, deities, and mythological characters from across the world listed by culture, with discussion
board and large collection of links.
Mythic Arts - Writings on mythology, psychopomps, death and the afterlife, ritual and symbolism, and creativity.
Mythical Folk - An on-line encyclopedia of mythology and folklore.
Mythography - Exploring mythology and art from the ancient Greeks and Romans to the legends of the Celts.
Mythological Studies - Ancient European mythology and history with art work.
Mythology - Myths of various cultures related to the heavens, from Windows to the Universe at the University
Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR).
Mythology - overview of the study of myths.
Mythology - Brief sections on classical, Norse and Egyptian myths.
Mythology Notes - Historical overview of the mythologies of the Ancient Near East, the Scandinavians and the
Celts, including story abstracts and names of deities.
NonWestern Mythologies - Course materials with online texts of myths and legends from several Native
American, Slavic, and Asian peoples.
Pantheons - Concise dictionaries of the various divinities from nine Eurasian and Middle Eastern pantheons.
Rachel's Mythology Page - A who-is-who of classical, Norse, Gaelic and Egyptian mythology.
Sacred-Texts - Myths and Sagas - Poetic and prose texts from various cultures including Anglo-Saxon, Arabian,
Arthurian, Celtic and Scandinavian.
Shrine of the Horned Gods - Presentation of ancient, modern, and false horned gods. Mythology - Essays on mythology to give insight into what it means to be human.
Timeless Myths - Covering Classical, Norse, and Celtic myths, as well as Arthurian legends, with a summary of
popular deities, heroes, and other characters.
World Myths and Legends in Art - Exhibition of images inspired by mythology around the world with
background information, photos and audio files. From the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.
E-BOOKS (from ABC-CLIO E-Reference collection)
American regional folklore : a sourcebook and research guide
Arabian nights encyclopedia
Creation myths of primitive America in relation to the
religious history and mental development of mankind
Dictionary of Celtic mythology
Dictionary of Chicano folklore
Dictionary of Native American mythology
Encyclopedia of creation myths
Encyclopedia of folk heroes
Encyclopedia of Greco-Roman mythology
Encyclopedia of Russian & Slavic myth and legend
Encyclopedia of urban legends
English fairy tales : and, More English fairy tales
Folktales from northern India
Giants, monsters, and dragons : an encyclopedia of folklore,
legend, and myth
Goddesses in world mythology
Handbook of Chinese mythology
Handbook of classical mythology
Handbook of Egyptian mythology
Handbook of Hindu mythology
Handbook of Inca mythology
Handbook of Japanese mythology
Handbook of Mesoamerican mythology
Handbook of Native American mythology
Handbook of Norse mythology
Handbook of Polynesian mythology
Italian popular tales
Medieval Folklore
Mythical West : an encyclopedia of legend, lore, and popular
Mythical zoo : an encyclopedia of animals in world myth,
legend, and literature
Myths, gods & fantasy
Nectar & ambrosia : an encyclopedia of food in world
Old Deccan days, or, Hindoo fairy legends
Popular stories of ancient Egypt
Popular tales and fictions : their migrations and
Voyages in classical mythology
Women of classical mythology : a biographical dictionary
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Mythology look for these numbers: 398.2 (folklore), 290-299 (religion)