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A Time to Review – The Seventies to the New Millennium
US History/Napp
Name: _________________
1. In New Jersey v. T.L.O. (1985) and
Vernonia School District v. Acton
(1995), the United States Supreme
Court ruled that
(1) student rights may be limited in school
(2) school locker searches are
(3) public schools have the right to promote
school prayer
(4) schools must obtain a court order to
implement drug testing
“…There is one sign the Soviets can make
that would be unmistakable, that would
advance dramatically the cause of freedom
and peace. General Secretary Gorbachev, if
you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for
the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you
seek liberalization: Come here to this gate!
Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr.
Gorbachev, tear down this wall…”
~ President Ronald Reagan, June 12, 1987
2. President Reagan was calling for the end
of the
(1) nuclear arms race
(2) Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
(3) division of Berlin, Germany
(4) Warsaw Pact
3. One way in which the Hayes-Tilden
election of 1876 and the Bush-Gore
election of 2000 are similar is that in
each election the winner was
(1) selected by the state legislatures
(2) elected without a majority of the popular
(3) aided by a third-party candidate
(4) chosen by the United States Supreme
4. Which development led to the other
(1) United States invasion of Afghanistan
(2) increased security at airports
(3) creation of the Department of Homeland
(4) September 11, 2001 attacks on the
United States
5. Passage of the Americans with Disabilities
Act (1990) improved conditions for the
disabled by
(1) making it illegal to criticize or fire
handicapped persons
(2) mandating easier access to employment
and public facilities
(3) sponsoring Olympic games for the
(4) requiring separate classrooms for
disabled students
…After 20 months of negotiations, I
ordered my Trade Representative,
Ambassador Kantor, to impose sanctions on
Japan unless they agreed to open these
markets. Today Japan has agreed that it
will begin to truly open its auto and auto
parts markets to American companies…
~ President Bill Clinton, Remarks on the
Japan–United States Trade Agreement,
June 28, 1995
6. President Clinton’s actions were a
reaction to
(1) an ongoing trade deficit with Japan
(2) a threat of war with Japan
(3) the refusal of Japan to import Alaskan
(4) tension over having to protect Japan
from Chinese aggression
7. What was a result of the events reflected in these magazine covers?
(1) Many Americans lost trust in their government.
(2) The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the president’s actions.
(3) Freedom of the press was limited.
(4) President Richard Nixon was defeated in his bid for reelection.
8. …Historians looking back at our time will note the consistent restraint and peaceful
intentions of the West. They will note that it was the democracies who refused to use the
threat of their nuclear monopoly in the forties and early fifties for territorial or imperial
gain. Had that nuclear monopoly been in the hands of the Communist world, the map of
Europe—indeed, the world—would look very different today. And certainly they will note
it was not the democracies that invaded Afghanistan [in 1979] or suppressed Polish
Solidarity or used chemical and toxin warfare in Afghanistan and Southeast Asia…
~ President Ronald Reagan, speech to the British House of Commons, June 8, 1982
Which attitude about Cold War rivalries is expressed by President Ronald Reagan in this
(1) Actions taken by communist nations to secure their borders have brought stability to
(2) The United States has made no attempt to pursue peaceful coexistence with communist
(3) Efforts to reduce the nuclear arms race have resulted in lower defense spending.
(4) Communist nations, not western democracies, have threatened world peace.
9. President Ronald Reagan and President George W. Bush shared the belief that tax cuts
would result in
(1) A reduction in exports
(2) The growth of the economy
(3) An increase in the federal bureaucracy
(4) A rise in unemployment
10. Which development is the topic of this cartoon?
(1) Increase in trade between the United States and Southeast Asia
(2) Outsourcing of American jobs to foreign countries
(3) Abandonment of free trade agreements with other countries
(4) Payment of higher wages to overseas workers
11. Which constitutional provision is most clearly illustrated by these headlines?
(1) Presidential power
(2) Qualifications to be president
(3) Presidential succession
(4) Advice and consent of the Senate
12. During the Great Depression of the 1930s and the economic crisis of 2008–2010, the
federal government initiated reforms in the banking system to
(1) Strengthen federal control over the financial system
(2) Eliminate the flow of capital to foreign countries
(3) Promote laissez-faire business practices
(4) Provide for a more equitable distribution of wealth
13. What was one result of the boycott called for on the poster?
(1) The sale of lettuce and grapes increased.
(2) The power of large landowners over their laborers grew.
(3) Federal troops were sent to suppress violence on farms in the West.
(4) Public support for the goals of farmworkers increased.
14. …Just over a month ago, General Secretary Gorbachev [of the Soviet Union] and I met
for the first time in Geneva. Our purpose was to begin a fresh chapter in the relations
between our two countries and to try to reduce the suspicions and mistrust between us. I
think we made a good beginning. Mr. Gorbachev and I spent many hours together,
speaking frankly and seriously about the most important issues of our time: reducing the
massive nuclear arsenals on both sides, resolving regional conflicts, ensuring respect for
human rights as guaranteed under international agreements, and other questions of
mutual interest. As the elected representative of the American people, I told Mr.
Gorbachev of our deep desire for peace and that the American people do not wish the
Soviet people any harm… ~President Ronald Reagan, January 1, 1986
One major issue that dominated United States–Soviet relations at this time was the
(1) War in Southeast Asia
(2) Use of apartheid in South Africa
(3) Danger of nuclear destruction
(4) Threat from al Qaeda in the Middle East
15. Which conclusion is best supported by the information on these graphs?
(1) More nations produce energy than consume it.
(2) South American nations are the greatest producers of energy.
(3) Nations that produce the most energy are the richest nations in the world.
(4) The United States uses more energy than it produces.
16. One result of the situation shown on the graphs is that the United States
(1) Must consider its need for energy when making foreign policy decisions
(2) Relies mainly on European nations for its energy
(3) Leads the world in the production of oil and steel
(4) Must find markets for its surplus energy
17. One unique feature of the presidential election of 2000 between George W. Bush and Al
Gore is that
(1) The Supreme Court played an important role in the final outcome
(2) No third-party candidate was on the ballot
(3) Both candidates had previously served as vice president
(4) The electoral votes in Florida were divided between the candidates
18. Which statement most accurately expresses the main idea of the cartoon?
(1) Successive presidents have failed to deal effectively with illegal drug use.
(2) These presidents were successful in fighting the war on drugs.
(3) The war on drugs was the major domestic concern of these presidents.
(4) Many presidents have proposed legislation to decriminalize illegal drugs.
19. I. __________________________________
A. Trade restrictions
B. Laissez-faire
C. Trickle-down theory
D. Wage and price controls
(1) Social Reforms
(2) Constitutional Amendments
(3) Economic Policies
(4) Religious Beliefs
20. The terms Teapot Dome, Watergate, and Iran-Contra are most closely associated with
(1) Domestic policies
(2) Presidential scandals
(3) Federal court decisions
(4) Failed reform movements
21. What accounts for the changes that took place in the distribution of seats in the House
of Representatives between 1900 and 2000?
(1) The population in certain regions grew more quickly than in other regions.
(2) Supreme Court decisions expanded the power of Congress.
(3) The Democratic Party majority increased in strength during the 20th century.
(4) Constitutional amendments gave large states more representation in the Senate than
small states.
22. The main purpose of this
cartoon is to point out that
(1) Global warming is a
proven theory
(2) Additional oil supplies
must be located
(3) Individuals contribute to
environmental problems
(4) Prosperity depends on
increased sales of
23. Which United States foreign policy is the subject of this 1904 cartoon?
(1) Imperialism
(3) isolationism
(2) Neutrality
(4) containment
24. The cartoonist is expressing concerns about the ability of the United States to
(1) Accept citizens from foreign countries
(2) Control territories spread out over vast distances
(3) Support human rights around the world
(4) Maintain a trade surplus with new trading partners
25. The Supreme Court decision in Schenck
v. United States (1919) and the passage of the
USA Patriot Act (2001) demonstrate the
principle that the federal government can
(1) guarantee citizens the right to bear arms
(2) restrict the power of the president
(3) limit individual rights in times of
national emergency
(4) expand the liberties protected by the Bill
of Rights
…In the sixth year since our Nation was
attacked, I wish I could report to you that
the dangers have ended. They have not. And
so it remains the policy of this Government
to use every lawful and proper tool of
intelligence, diplomacy, law enforcement,
and military action to do our duty, to find
these enemies, and to protect the
American people…
~ President George W. Bush
26. Which concept is illustrated by United
States participation in both the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
and the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA)?
(1) interdependence
(3) nationalism
(2) appeasement
(4) nonalignment
29. Which event did President Bush refer to
in this quotation?
(1) Oklahoma City bombing on April 17,
(2) terrorist actions on September 11, 2001
(3) Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
(4) start of Operation Iraqi Freedom
27. Which statement is best supported by
information in the chart?
(1) The candidate selected by a majority of
the population won the presidency.
(2) The popular vote is not the deciding
factor in winning the presidency.
(3) Candidates must campaign in all states
to win a presidential election.
(4) The electoral college system was
abolished after this election.
28. One way in which President Andrew
Johnson and President Bill Clinton are
similar is that both were
(1) forced to fight an unpopular war
(2) opposed to civil rights legislation
(3) sworn into office after the assassination
of a president
(4) acquitted by the Senate after being
30. Which statement illustrates the system of
checks and balances?
(1) The electoral college cast 435 votes for
Woodrow Wilson in 1912.
(2) President Harry Truman decided to
remove General Douglas MacArthur as
military commander in Korea.
(3) The Senate rejected President Ronald
Reagan’s nomination of Robert Bork to the
Supreme Court.
(4) Nancy Pelosi was elected as the first
female Speaker of the House of
Representatives in 2007.
31. A main goal of President Richard
Nixon’s policy of détente was to
(1) sponsor free elections in North and
South Korea
(2) reduce tensions between the United
States and the Soviet Union
(3) negotiate an end to the Arab-Israeli
(4) build support for recognition of the
Nationalist government of Taiwan
32. Which event led to this letter being written?
(1) Teapot Dome scandal
(2) Kent State shootings
(3) Iran-Contra affair
(4) Watergate break-in
33. Which constitutional power was most directly responsible for the action taken in this
(1) Power of Congress to override vetoes
(2) Power of the president to appoint justices to the Supreme Court
(3) Power of impeachment by the House of Representatives
(4) Power of the Senate to approve proposed treaties
34. President Ronald Reagan asked Congress to lower tax rates on businesses and wealthy
individuals in order to
(1) Encourage new economic investment
(2) Increase exports to Asia
(3) Impose limits on the money supply
(4) Preserve funds for social welfare programs
35. This cartoonist is expressing a concern that the current Social Security system
(1) Imposes taxes which are too high
(2) Does not cover most American workers
(3) Faces threats from future increases in the number of recipients
(4) Does not support a decent standard of living
36. Which conclusion is most clearly supported by the information in the time line?
(1) Government intervention in the economy has limited the growth of the gross domestic
(2) United States economic policies have been modified to meet changing conditions.
(3) The United States government has shown little interest in regulating big business.
(4) Most Americans are opposed to government intervention in the economy.
37. One reason some people support raising the eligibility age for receiving Social Security
benefits is that
(1) Most Americans now have access to free health care
(2) People are living longer today
(3) The federal government has had record budget surpluses in recent years
(4) Baby boomers will begin to retire after the year 2030
…Keeping America competitive requires affordable energy. And here we have a serious
problem: America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the
world. The best way to break this addiction is through technology. Since 2001, we have
spent nearly $10 billion to develop cleaner, cheaper, and more reliable alternative energy
sources. And we are on the threshold of incredible advances…
~ President George W. Bush, State of the Union Address, January 31, 2006
38. In this passage, President George W. Bush suggests Americans can overcome oil
“addiction” by focusing on
(1) Conservation
(3) Scientific Research
(2) Education
(4) Discovery of new oil fields
39. Which goal related to United States energy needs is addressed in this speech?
(1) Reduce dependence on the Middle East
(2) Supply all energy needs from domestic sources
(3) Decrease offshore drilling
(4) Eliminate the use of all petroleum products
40. “House Chooses Jefferson”
“Corrupt Bargain? Clay Sides with Adams”
“Bush Wins Florida—Wins Election”
Which is the most accurate conclusion that can be drawn from these headlines?
(1) Candidates who make promises they cannot keep are seldom elected.
(2) Congress has had no role in deciding close elections in United States history.
(3) Democratic candidates have won most disputed elections in the last 100 years.
(4) Several controversial elections have occurred in United States history.
41. “President Lincoln Declares Martial Law”
“President Roosevelt Issues Executive Order to Detain Japanese Americans”
“President Bush Orders Terrorist Suspects Held at Guantanamo”
These headlines best demonstrate that
(1) The system of checks and balances equalizes the powers of governmental branches
(2) Presidential power often increases during times of crisis
(3) Presidents act forcefully during periods of economic depression
(4) Presidential decisions made to resolve national crises are rarely controversial
42. Which action was a major foreign policy achievement of President Jimmy Carter?
(1) Settling the Suez crisis
(2) Withdrawing the United States from the Vietnam War
(3) Establishing improved relations with Iran
(4) Mediating the Camp David Accords between Egypt and Israel
43. Based on this map, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) received the least support in
(1) Rocky Mountain states
(3) northeastern states
(2) Pacific Coast states
(4) southeastern states
44. Based on this map, the proposed equal rights amendment was not added to the
Constitution because
(1) Too few New England states supported it
(2) Fewer than three-fourths of the states ratified it
(3) The president vetoed the passage of the amendment
(4) Idaho, Nebraska, and Kentucky never held a ratification vote
45. President Ronald Reagan used the concept of supply-side economics when he proposed
(1) Reducing income taxes to stimulate growth
(2) Providing direct payments to people living in poverty
(3) Creating government jobs to keep people working
(4) Increasing regulations on business to promote competition
46. Which action has come to symbolize the end of the Cold War?
(1) Establishing the Peace Corps
(2) Achieving a truce in the Korean War
(3) Tearing down the Berlin Wall
(4) Improving United States relations with China
47. The main idea of this cartoon about the
Iraq War is that
(1) the American public should no longer
support the president’s goals
(2) President George W. Bush claimed
victory too soon
(3) American troops should be coming home
(4) creating a democratic government is no
longer the goal of the war
48. Which issue was involved in both the
firing of General Douglas MacArthur in
1951 and the passage of the War Powers Act
of 1973?
(1) judicial limits on free speech
(2) media influence on budget policies
(3) the president’s authority as commander
in chief
(4) expansion of the military-industrial
49. How is the presidential election of 2000
similar to the presidential elections of 1824
and 1876?
(1) The electoral vote count ended in a tie.
(2) The third-party candidate won several
electoral votes.
(3) The winner of the popular vote did not
become president.
(4) The United States Senate selected the
50. A major way in which the Civil Rights
Act (1964) and the Americans with
Disabilities Act (1990) are similar is that
both laws
(1) were intended to lift Americans out of
(2) failed to pass constitutional review by the
Supreme Court
(3) gave a minority group the right to vote
after years of protest
(4) provided equal protection to groups that
had experienced discrimination
51. Since 1970, what has been a significant
economic trend in the United States?
(1) decline in the number of working
mothers in the labor force
(2) shift in jobs from manufacturing to
service industries
(3) decrease in dependency on foreign oil
(4) increase in federal budget surpluses
52. The North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) and the European
Union (EU) both seek to expand trade
within their organizations by
(1) prohibiting imports from nonmember
(2) creating a common currency and
(3) lowering tariffs and eliminating import
quotas between member nations
(4) forming military alliances
53. The policy of détente pursued by
President Richard Nixon was an effort to
(1) increase foreign aid to African nations
(2) maintain access to East Asian markets
(3) reduce conflict with the Soviet Union
(4) end trade barriers among Western
Hemisphere nations
54. Which statement most accurately
expresses the main idea of this cartoon?
(1) Rising farm costs are reducing
(2) Foreign competition has driven up
farm costs.
(3) Farm production is failing to keep
pace with demand.
(4) Farmers are losing profits due to
55. “Grant Administration Caught Up in Credit Mobilier Controversy”
“Harding’s Secretary of the Interior Indicted in Teapot Dome Investigation”
“Iran-Contra Scandal Leads to Resignation of Reagan Advisor”
Which conclusion can be drawn from these headlines?
(1) American presidents are not subject to the nation’s laws.
(2) Senate trials have been used to remove corrupt presidents.
(3) Only Democratic presidents have been investigated for misdeeds.
(4) Some presidents have been damaged by the actions of their aides.
56. Which statement best
describes the main idea of the
(1) Iraq is using terrorism to
end American military
(2) Iraq is rejecting help from
the United States against
(3) The United States and
terrorists are competing to
influence Iraq.
(4) Iraq is catching up to the
United States in the war on
Amendment XXV
Section 1. In case of the removal of the
President from office or of his death or
resignation, the Vice President shall become
Section 2. Whenever there is a vacancy in
the office of the Vice President, the
President shall nominate a Vice President
who shall take office upon confirmation by
a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.
60. Which event of Bill Clinton’s presidency
best illustrates the use of checks and
(1) hosting peace talks between Israelis and
(2) reelection to a second term
(3) selection of Al Gore as vice president
(4) impeachment for alleged perjury and
obstruction of justice
This amendment to the Constitution made
possible for
(1) voters to elect Franklin D. Roosevelt to a
fourth term as president in 1944
(2) Gerald Ford to become president when
Richard Nixon left office in 1974
(3) the House of Representatives to impeach
President Bill Clinton in 1998
(4) the Supreme Court to rule on the
counting of votes in Florida in the
61. What is the main topic of this 1985
presidential election of 2000
(1) quality of Japanese products
58. Which development led to the other
(2) imbalance in Japanese-United States
(1) growth of new home construction
(3) outsourcing of American jobs to Japan
(2) increase in school populations
(4) relocation of American companies to
(3) start of the baby boom
(4) pressure on the Social Security system
59. The United States government is
creating memorials along the Trail of Tears
because it was
(1) an important road used by settlers going
to the frontier
(2) the location of injustices against many
Native American Indians
(3) the site of victories by General Andrew
Jackson during the War of 1812
(4) the route followed by the first
transcontinental railroad
62. If this 1985 cartoon were to be redrawn
today, which country would most likely
replace Japan as the subject of the cartoon?
(1) China
(3) Germany
(2) Brazil
(4) Russia
63. The Supreme Court rulings in Roe v.
Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood of
Southeastern Pennsylvania, et al. v. Casey
(1992) are similar in that both cases dealt
with a woman’s right to
(1) privacy
(2) medical insurance
(3) equal pay for equal work
(4) participate in school sports
64. Which statement best describes the point of view of the cartoonist?
(1) Outsourcing of jobs has hurt American workers.
(2) Americans receive most of their news from television.
(3) United States presidents now seek support throughout the world.
(4) Low unemployment rates have forced United States companies to expand overseas.
65. What is the main issue identified in this cartoon?
(1) The high cost of computer services
(2) Conflicts between Congress and the Supreme Court
(3) The increasing lack of privacy
(4) Limits placed on the powers of Congress
66. Which event is President George H. W. Bush referring to in this letter?
(1) The bombing of Pearl Harbor during World War II
(2) The military service of Japanese Americans during World War II
(3) The internment of Japanese Americans during World War II
(4) A ban on Japanese immigration to the United States after World War II
67. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, led the federal government to create the
(1) Environmental Protection Agency
(2) Department of Homeland Security
(3) Central Intelligence Agency
(4) Federal Bureau of Investigation
68. President Jimmy Carter’s decision to criticize South Africa’s apartheid policy and
President Bill Clinton’s decision to send troops to Bosnia were both responses to
(1) Human rights abuses
(2) Civil wars
(3) Immigration policies
(4) Trade agreement violations
69. The Supreme Court decision in Schenck v. United States (1919) and the USA Patriot Act
of 2001 both dealt with the power of the federal government to
(1) Suspend the writ of habeas corpus
(2) Restrict freedom of religion
(3) Deny civil rights to those who lack citizenship
(4) Limit civil liberties for reasons of national security
70. In the 1970s, many women’s rights advocates reacted to the situation shown in the
cartoon by
(1) Rejecting the provisions of Title IX
(2) Opposing affirmative action programs
(3) Demanding the right to vote in all elections
(4) Supporting the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution
72. President Richard Nixon’s foreign policy of détente was an attempt to
(1) Resolve Middle East conflicts
(2) Improve relations with the Soviet Union
(3) Defend United States interests in Latin America
(4) Increase the power of the United Nations Security Council
73. Which action did President Gerald Ford
take in an attempt to end the national
controversy over the Watergate affair?
(1) pardoning Richard Nixon
(2) declaring a war on poverty
(3) declining to run for reelection
(4) asking Congress to impeach Richard
74. President Jimmy Carter’s decision to
pardon Vietnam War draft evaders who
had fled to Canada is an example of the
president’s role as
(1) chief diplomat (3) chief executive
(2) head of party (4) world leader
75. Which statement is most clearly
supported by the information in the chart?
(1) Elderly men outnumber elderly women.
(2) In 1960, more than 10 percent of
Americans were age 85 or older.
(3) The number of Americans living past the
age of 85 is increasing.
(4) In 1900, only 1 million Americans were
age 85.
76. What is one reason for the increases in
worldwide oil prices since the 1970s?
(1) construction of the Trans-Alaska oil
(2) political unrest in the Middle East
(3) promotion of conservation efforts by
United States oil companies
(4) doubling of tariffs on oil imports by the
United States government
77. One way in which the Pearl Harbor
attack of December 7, 1941, and the attacks
of September 11, 2001, are similar is that
both led to
(1) increasing isolation
(2) the creation of a military draft
(3) the impeachment of the president
(4) major changes in United States foreign
78. “No person in the United States shall, on
the basis of sex, be excluded from
participation in, be denied the benefits of, or
be subjected to discrimination under any
education program or activity receiving
Federal financial assistance…”
~ Title IX, 1972
The passage of this law affected women
across the nation by
(1) granting them the right to own property
(2) guaranteeing them the same wages as
male workers
(3) increasing their opportunities to
participate in school sports
(4) allowing them the right to seek elective
79. The passage of the War Powers Act of
1973 was intended to affect the balance of
power between the president and Congress
(1) allowing troops to be sent overseas
without the president’s consent
(2) requiring the president to remove all
United States troops from Southeast Asia
(3) permitting the president to enter treaties
without Senate approval
(4) placing limitations on the president’s
ability to keep troops in hostile situations
80. Which term is most commonly used to
describe President Richard Nixon’s foreign
policy toward the Soviet Union?
(1) collective security (3) détente
(2) brinkmanship
(4) neutrality
81. What is the main idea of this cartoon?
(1) The president is responsible for helping hurricane victims.
(2) Members of the Supreme Court can often ignore political issues.
(3) Nominating a justice to the Supreme Court often creates controversy.
(4) The Constitution should be amended so that Supreme Court Justices are elected.
82. Which event led to the investigations that resulted in the resignation of President
Richard Nixon?
(1) A decision to escalate the war in Vietnam
(2) A presidential decision to freeze wages and prices
(3) A break-in at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee
(4) An oil embargo by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
83. “Gasoline Prices Soar in 2008”
“U.S. Oil Consumption and Imports Continue to Rise”
“OPEC Votes to Reduce Oil Production”
Which conclusion is most clearly supported by these headlines?
(1) The United States exports more oil than it imports.
(2) Energy policies are not affected by domestic events.
(3) The demand for alternative energy sources is declining.
(4) United States dependence on foreign oil is a major problem.
84. Which statement is accurate about congressional bills vetoed between 1961 and 1993?
(1) Congress was usually able to override a presidential veto.
(2) Pocket vetoes were used more often than regular vetoes.
(3) The majority of presidential vetoes were upheld.
(4) The use of the veto increased steadily between 1961 and 1993.
85. The data in the table illustrate the operation of
(1) Executive privilege
(2) Checks and balances
(3) Congressional immunity
(4) Federal supremacy
86. Since the 1970s, many people have moved from the Midwest and Northeast to the
South, Southwest, and West Coast. This migration has resulted in
(1) Support for increasing the membership of Congress
(2) A decrease in immigration from Asia and Latin America
(3) Increased pressure to eliminate the Electoral College
(4) Some states gaining and others losing seats in the House of Representatives
87. The disputed elections of 1876 and 2000 were similar because in both contests the
(1) Winner was chosen by a special electoral commission
(2) States were required to hold a second election
(3) Winner of the popular vote did not become president
(4) Election had to be decided in the House of Representatives
88. Data from the graphs most clearly support the conclusion that by the mid-1990s,
American women as a group
(1) Surpassed men in the number of businesses owned and law degrees received
(2) Had given up marriage in favor of careers outside the home
(3) Had gained more opportunities in professional areas
(4) Earned more than men in the legal profession
89. Which generalization about United States presidential elections is most clearly
supported by the data in this chart?
(1) A candidate can win the election without a majority of the popular vote.
(2) Third-party candidates have no effect on presidential elections.
(3) Electoral college votes determine the will of the majority of voters.
(4) Voter participation in national elections is declining.
90. The Department of Homeland Security was created as a direct response to the
(1) Persian Gulf War (1991)
(2) Oklahoma City bombing (1995)
(3) Terrorist attacks on September 11 (2001)
(4) Flooding of New Orleans (2005)
91. What is the main idea of this cartoon?
(1) Burning flags is another cause of global warming.
(2) Washington politicians are focusing on the wrong issues.
(3) Respect for the American flag around the world is declining.
(4) Automobiles are mainly responsible for global warming.
92. Based on this cartoon, which action by the federal government would the cartoonist
most likely support?
(1) Restricting first amendment rights
(2) Promoting industrial growth
(3) Enforcing environmental regulations
(4) Encouraging globalization
93. One similarity between President Jimmy Carter and President Bill Clinton is that both
(1) Attempted to bring peace to the Middle East
(2) Supported the federal takeover of public education
(3) Testified under oath at United States Senate hearings
(4) Proposed treaties to limit trade with Latin America
94. An initial response of the United States to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001,
was to
(1) Aid in the overthrow of Taliban rule in Afghanistan
(2) Reduce support for Israel
(3) End trade with all Middle Eastern nations
(4) Demand an end to communist rule in Iraq
95. Which issue in the United States is the focus of this cartoon?
(1) Poor diets of many older Americans
(2) High cost of many medicines
(3) Increased competition among drug manufacturers
(4) Government-controlled prices of prescription drugs
96. The graduating student pictured in this cartoon is confronted by a problem caused in
part by
(1) Cheaper foreign labor
(2) Increasing tariff rates
(3) High-cost imports
(4) Lack of education
97. Which generalization about the projected population in New York State is most clearly
supported by the information on the graph?
(1) The death rate will slowly increase by 2020.
(2) The number of citizens 75 and older will double by 2020.
(3) The number of citizens 75 and older will steadily decline by 2020.
(4) The population of both groups shown on the graph will increase by 2020.
98. In 1990, approximately 12 percent of the United States population was over 65. It is
estimated that in 2030 that number will climb to nearly 20 percent.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
The most likely result of this trend will be an increase in the number of
(1) Immigrants from Asia
(2) Students attending colleges
(3) People receiving Social Security
(4) Members of the House of Representatives
99. Which category most accurately completes the heading for the partial outline below?
I. Supreme Court Cases that Deal With
A. Engel v. Vitale (1962)
B. Tinker v. Des Moines School District (1969)
C. New Jersey v. T.L.O. (1985)
D. Vernonia School District v. Acton (1995)
(1) Right to Counsel
(2) Student Rights
(3) School Integration
(4) Federal Funding of Education
100. Which statement most accurately describes the main idea of this 1975 cartoon?
(1) The press should not publish materials that damage the reputation of public officials.
(2) The government is improperly hiding information from the public.
(3) Government should restrict the publication of sensitive materials.
(4) Libraries are making too many government reports open to the public.
101. What was the primary reason Richard Nixon resigned his presidency?
(1) He was convicted of several serious crimes.
(2) He was facing impeachment by the House of Representatives.
(3) His reelection was declared invalid by the Supreme Court.
(4) His actions in Cambodia and Laos were exposed in the Pentagon Papers.
102. Information from the table supports the conclusion that the
(1) Population of the United States is increasing
(2) Center of population is moving eastward
(3) Distribution of House seats follows shifts in population
(4) Number of senators will soon increase
103. In the late 1990s, increasing public concern about the role of money in politics led to
(1) All candidates receiving an equal amount of money
(2) A ban on all private campaign contributions
(3) Attempts to reform campaign financing
(4) The widespread defeat of incumbent congressional candidates
104. The federal government responded to the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon by
(1) Creating a cabinet-level agency for homeland security
(2) Deporting most illegal aliens
(3) Decreasing defense spending
(4) Expanding the civil liberties of American citizens
105. Which conclusion about life expectancy at age 65 is most clearly supported by the
information in the graph?
(1) Life expectancies for men and women are likely to remain the same.
(2) Life expectancy rates for men show a steady decline since 1980.
(3) By 2040, the life expectancy of men will exceed that of women.
(4) Current life expectancy exceeds age 80 for both men and women.
106. The changes shown between 1940 and 2000 are most likely the result of the
(1) Reduction in warfare
(2) Improvements in modern medicine
(3) Increase in the number of immigrants
(4) Decrease in obesity rates
…There may come a time when we elect a president at age 45 or 50, and then 20 years
later the country comes up with the same sort of problems that the president faced before
and the people would like to bring that man or woman back, and they’d have no ability to
do so. I’d kind of like to see it changed. I don’t have terribly strong feelings about it…
~ President Bill Clinton, A Conversation with Former President Bill Clinton, John F.
Kennedy Library and Foundation, May 28, 2003
107. In this statement, President Clinton is commenting on the
(1) Presidential primaries
(2) Presidential two-term limit
(3) Two-party political system
(4) Electoral College system
108. Data from this graph support the conclusion that between 1992 and 2000
(1) The Democrats lost more votes to third-party candidates than the Republicans did
(2) Third-party candidates received less support in each succeeding presidential election
(3) Less than 50 percent of eligible voters participated in elections
(4) The Republicans received more than 40 million votes in each election
109. Cultural pluralism in American society is best characterized by the
(1) Existence of ethnic diversity within the population
(2) Failure of many immigrants to vote in elections
(3) Rejection of United States citizenship by most immigrants
(4) Flow of illegal immigrants into California
110. The cartoon is most closely associated with the controversy over the
(1) Watergate affair
(2) War on drugs
(3) Arab-Israeli conflict
(4) Iran hostage crisis
111. Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X, and Jesse Jackson are each well known for
(1) Helping to end slavery
(2) Working for African American rights
(3) Organizing the Underground Railroad
(4) Supporting Jim Crow laws
112. A conclusion best supported by the information in this graph is that the United States
(1) Is more efficient and less wasteful than other nations
(2) Shows great concern for lesser-developed countries
(3) Consumes several times the world average of many resources
(4) Spends more than other nations on environmental protection
113. The Camp David Accords negotiated by President Jimmy Carter were important
because they
(1) Reduced tensions in the Middle East
(2) Renewed diplomatic relations between the United States and China
(3) Slowed the pace of the nuclear arms race
(4) Provided for cooperation with the Soviet Union in the exploration of outer space
114. The Supreme Court decisions in New Jersey v. T.L.O. (1985) and Vernonia School
District v. Acton (1995) show that
(1) A student’s right to privacy is limited under certain conditions
(2) Prayer in public schools must be limited
(3) Racially segregated schools are unconstitutional
(4) A student has no guaranteed rights while in school
115. The cartoon refers to the idea that most candidates for the presidency try to
(1) Win the majority of popular votes nationwide
(2) Campaign equally in all states
(3) Win the electoral vote in certain key states
(4) Gain the support of first-time voters
116. According to this cartoonist, the problem faced by these college graduates was mainly
the result of
(1) Slow economic growth
(2) Prohibition
(3) The Great Depression
(4) High rates of inflation
117. The cartoonist is directing criticism at the
(1) Use of unskilled workers
(2) Government policy toward illegal immigrants
(3) Poor quality of domestic textiles
(4) Use of nonunion labor in the workplace
118. One similarity in the policies of President Herbert Hoover and President Ronald
Reagan is that both supported
(1) A reduction of military spending
(2) The end of Social Security
(3) Appointment of a woman to the Supreme Court
(4) Economic changes favoring big business
120. Evidence that the United States has become more economically interdependent since
1990 is shown by its
(1) Participation in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
(2) Change from a service economy to a manufacturing economy
(3) Increased dependence on domestic farm products
(4) Policy of restricting imports
121. Which federal government program has been most affected by the longer life
expectancy of people in the United States?
(1) Medicare
(2) Americans with Disabilities Act
(3) War on Poverty
(4) No Child Left Behind Act
122. Which event led to the other three?
(1) United States overthrow of the Taliban in Afghanistan
(2) Passage of the Patriot Act
(3) September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against the United States
(4) Creation of the Department of Homeland Security
123. The conflict that was the focus of the cartoon involved President Richard Nixon’s
attempt to
(1) Increase the number of troops in Vietnam
(2) Withhold evidence in the Watergate scandal
(3) Impose mandatory wage and price controls
(4) Improve relations with the People’s Republic of China
124. The cartoon illustrates the constitutional principle of
(1) Federalism
(2) Checks and balances
(3) Representative government
(4) Civilian control of the military
125. The Camp David Accords and the Persian Gulf War both show the desire of the
United States to
(1) Create stability in the Middle East
(2) Expand trade with Asian nations
(3) Maintain friendly relations with Europe
(4) Provide economic stability in Latin America
126. The economic policies of President Ronald Reagan (1981–1989) and President George
W. Bush (2001–present) are similar in that both
(1) Balanced the federal budget
(2) Expanded welfare programs to end poverty
(3) Used tax cuts to encourage economic growth
(4) Decreased military spending
127. Since the 1990s, the primary issue concerning the health care system in the United
States has been the
(1) Increasing cost of medical care
(2) Shortage of prescription drugs
(3) Safety of medical procedures
(4) Reorganization of hospitals
128. • Announcement of Eisenhower Doctrine (1957)
• Operation Desert Storm (1991)
• Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003 – present)
These events involve attempts by the United States to
(1) Protect human rights in Europe
(2) Protect its interests in the Middle East
(3) Deliver humanitarian aid to Africa
(4) Contain the spread of communism in Asia
129. A major goal of the women’s movement over the past twenty years has been to gain
(1) Full property rights
(2) The right to vote
(3) Equal economic opportunity
(4) Better access to Social Security
130. One similarity shared by President Andrew Johnson and President Bill Clinton is that
(1) Served only one term as president
(2) Were impeached but not convicted
(3) Had no vice president
(4) Came to office after the death of a president
131. Which issue is the central focus of this cartoon drawn after September 11, 2001?
(1) Is there a need to give up some civil liberties to protect the nation?
(2) Should the United States reduce oil imports from the Middle East?
(3) Does the United States need fewer limits on immigration?
(4) Should the United States abandon the Constitution?
132. A major policy of President Ronald Reagan’s administration was to
(1) Reduce defense spending
(2) Lower federal income tax rates
(3) End desegregation of public facilities
(4) Promote regulation of small businesses
133. “Gorbachev Proposes Nuclear Arms Reductions”
“Berliners Travel Freely Between East and West”
“Russia Seeks To Join NATO”
These headlines are most closely associated with the
(1) Military arms race
(2) Decline of Cold War hostilities
(3) Failures of the containment policy
(4) Successes of communism in the Soviet Union
134. The federal government enforced the antitrust laws in court cases against Northern
Securities Company, AT&T, and Microsoft in an effort to
(1) Increase business competition
(2) Nationalize important industries
(3) Improve public trust in corporate leaders
(4) Generate more investment capital
135. The United States intervened in Haiti and Bosnia during the 1990s to
(1) Gain access to new markets
(2) Acquire colonies for an economic empire
(3) Stop conflicts within those nations
(4) Disrupt international drug trafficking
136. Information provided by the graph shows that between 1988 and 1993, there was an
increased need for candidates of major political parties to win the support of
(1) Ethnic minorities
(2) Senior citizens
(3) Independent voters
(4) The labor vote
137. The point of view expressed
in this cartoon is that
(1) President and Mrs. Clinton
have made Chicago their new
(2) President Clinton supports
adoption over abortion
(3) Republican issues should not
be part of the Democratic
National Convention
(4) Democrats sometimes
support traditionally Republican
Word Bank: Cold War, African-American, Global warming, North American Free Trade
Agreement, Service, Baby Boomers, Office of Homeland Security, Electoral Votes,
Americans with Disabilities Act, Watergate
1- The last years of Reagan’s Presidency saw the beginning of an end to the _________.
The economic failures of Communism forced Soviet leaders to introduce new
reforms. Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev agreed to withdraw troops from
Afghanistan and to allow a peaceful transition to democracy in Eastern Europe.
Reagan and Gorbachev held a series of summit conferences, and signed an
agreement to dismantle thousands of nuclear missiles.
2- Reagan’s Vice President, George H.W. Bush, campaigned in the 1988 election on a
promise to continue Reagan’s policies, but with an emphasis on improving
education, fighting drug use, and greater compassion for the poor and the
disadvantaged. In 1990, Bush signed the _____________ prohibiting discrimination
against people with disabilities in the areas of employment and public
accommodations. Bush’s greatest domestic challenge was to reduce the growing
budget deficit.
3- President Clinton pushed the _____________ (NAFTA) through Congress. First
proposed during the Bush Administration, it created a trade association between the
U.S., Canada, and Mexico. NAFTA is a free trade association and has eliminated
most tariffs and other trade barriers on products and services passing between the
United States, Canada, and Mexico.
4- The most dramatic event of George W. Bush’s presidency occurred on September
11, 2001 when terrorists from the radical Islamic al-Qaeda network hijacked U.S.
airliners and crashed them into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. About
three thousand people were killed. Bush immediately declared a “War on
Terrorism.” Federal agents replaced private security agents at U.S. airports and
the ___________ was created. When the Taliban government of Afghanistan
refused to hand over al-Qaeda’s leader, Osama bin Laden, the U.S. invaded
Afghanistan. This action led to the overthrow of the Taliban, and to the destruction
of terrorist bases there.
5- The United States, like all nations, has faced environmental problems. Some of
these problems include: __________ – some pollutants in the atmosphere prevent
heat from escaping into space and this greenhouse effect may permanently raise
temperatures enough to cause farmland to become desert, or polar ices to melt,
raising ocean levels
6- Americans are living longer. Medical advances have increased the number of
people who live into their 70s and 80s. As the “_________” (those born between
1945 and 1965) begin to retire, there is concern that the Social Security system will
not have enough money to fund their retirements.
7- The United States began as an agricultural nation and then evolved to an industrial
power. In the last fifty years, however, the nation has been shifting from an
industrial economy to a “post-industrial” or _________ economy. Americans are
now more likely to work as salespeople, computer programmers, bank tellers or
teachers than as factory workers. Much of the increased productivity of the
economy in the 1990s was due to computers. The Internet, a worldwide linking of
computers, makes it easier to communicate and find information.
8- The inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States was of
great significance in American history – President Obama was the first ___________
president in the nation’s history. President Obama has had to address economic
and domestic concerns. He has also reformed health care. In 2009, President
Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize “for his extraordinary efforts to
strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.”
9- In 1972, a group of former CIA agents, working for Nixon’s re-election, were caught
breaking into Democratic Party headquarters at the __________ complex in
Washington, D.C. Nixon tried to cover up an investigation of the break-in on the
grounds of national security. In Senate hearings, it was revealed that Nixon secretly
recorded all his White House conversations. When the Senate Committee asked to
hear the tapes, Nixon refused, claiming executive privilege. The Supreme Court
ruled that Nixon must turn over the tapes, reaffirming the principle that no one is
above the law. The tapes revealed that Nixon had lied when he said he was not
involved in the cover-up. Fearing impeachment, Nixon became the first President
ever to resign.
10- The 2000 election proved the closest in U.S. history. On election night it was clear
that Al Gore had carried the Northeast (except New Hampshire) and Pacific Coast
and scattered states in the Midwest. He was ahead in the popular and electoral
votes, but three states were too close to call – Oregon, New Mexico, and Florida.
George W. Bush, son of former President H.W. Bush, had won the entire South and
many states in the Mountain West and the large states of Missouri, Ohio, and
Indiana. Finally, the election depended on who carried Florida and its 25 electoral
votes. On November 8, Bush led in Florida by 1,784 votes. However, a recount of
machine-cast votes cut the lead to 327. There appeared to be some irregularities in
ballot design and punching of ballots. The two candidates then resorted to lawsuits
to seek recounts or to block them as seemed best for their side. The Florida
Supreme Court became involved. Finally, the U.S. Supreme Court took the case on
December 12 voted 5 – 4 in Bush v. Gore to end the Florida recount. In effect, this
gave Florida’s __________ to Bush, for a total of 271 to Gore’s 266. Thus, Bush was
elected president although Gore had won the popular vote. Gore conceded the
election. After five weeks of uncertainty, the nation had a new president. The
Court’s decision was accepted.