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1. What is the circumference of the Earth?
10,000 kilometers
40,000 kilometers
c. 20,000 miles
d 40,000,000 meters
e both “b” and “d”
2. How many meters in a kilometer?
c. 100
d. .1
3. How many centimeters in one meter?
c. 100
d. .1
4. Over the course of their lifetimes, trees will do what to the level of gasses in the
Nothing, O2 and CO2 level will remain constant c. O2 will be increased
CO2 will be decreased
d. CO2 and O2 will both
5. A meteor is
On the ground
c. In space
Falling through the air
d. Lost
6. About how much of the water (on Earth) is salty?
c. 25%
d. 97%
7. Meteorology is the study of
Things in the air
c. Meteors
Rocks falling from space
d. The atmosphere
8. A glacier would most likely fall within what “sphere” within Earth Systems?
c. Lithosphere
d. Atmosphere
9. The study of how the different spheres of the Earth interact is called
c. Earth Science
d. Earth Systems
10. A meteor is
On the ground
c. In space
Falling through the air
d. Lost
11. Humans are part of the
c. Biosphere
d. All of the above
12. Meteorology is the study of
Things in the air
c. Meteors
Rocks falling from space
d. The atmosphere
13. What is the most effective greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, the most
Carbon dioxide
Water vapor
Carbon monoxide
14. Where is most of the CO2 on the earth held?
a. Atmosphere
b. Geosphere
15. About how much of the air is Carbon dioxide
a. 1%
b. Less than 1/2 of 1%
16. What kind of water holds the most carbon dioxide?
a. Warm
b. Wet
17. About how much more carbon dioxide is there in the atmosphere, than their
was in 1850?
a 10%
b 30%
18. What marker goes through Greenwich, England?
a. Equator
English Meridian
b. Line of Longitude
Prime Meridian
19. Which lines go north and south on a globe (up and down stripes) are
a. Latitude
Great circles
b. Longitude
20. These lines are parallel to each other
a. Date lines
Time zones
b. Latitude
21. This system uses sound (and its echo) to measure navigation and ranging.
a. Global Positioning System
22. A GPS coordinate system uses how many satellites for triangulation, at a
a. Two
b. Four
23. What needs to be unique, widespread, abundant and short time span?
a. Amber
c. Index fossil
b. Cast and mold
d. Original preservation
24. This is made from tree sap?
a. A trace fossil
c. Amber
b. An index fossil
d. A cast and mold
25. Which of the following would be a fossil of original preservation?
a. A trace fossil
c. Cast and mold
b. An index fossil
d. Amber
26. Another name for petrified wood is what?
a. Stromatilite
c. Perminerization
b. Trilobite
d. Parasite
27. What kind of rock, and only this kind, will contain fossils?
a. Igneous rocks
c. Sedimentary
b. Metamorphic
d. Actually, all of them can
28. The correct term for fossilized dinosaur feces is …….
a. Diorite
b. Peterolite
29. What kind of fossil gives only evidence of past life, without an actual artifact?
a. Index Fossil
Cast and Mold
b. Trace Fossil
Fossil of unaltered remains
30. Amber would be fossils of what?
a. Index Fossil
Cast and Mold
b. Trace Fossil
Fossil of unaltered remains
31. Which of the following is needed for good fossil preservation
a. Hard parts, oxygen, fast burial
Water, no oxygen, fast burial
b. Water, soft parts, fast burial
d. No oxygen, Hard Parts, Fast burial
32. What kind of fossil gives only evidence of past life, without an actual artifact?
a. Index Fossil
Cast and Mold
b. Trace Fossil
Fossil of unaltered remains
33. Amber would be fossils of what?
a. Index Fossil
Cast and Mold
b. Trace Fossil
Fossil of unaltered remains
34. A material has 80 grams of a radioactive substance, and the half-life of the
substance is 5 days. How many grams of the substance will remain after 8 half lives?
35.Which would be more accurate, the carbon-14 dating of an organism that has
been DEAD for 4,000 years, or the dating of an organism that has been dead for
40,000 years.
a. 4,000 years
c. It would be the same
b. 40,000 years
d. C-14 dating would not be
accurate for either
36. What kind of burial would be needed for a fossil to form?
a. Warm wet soils
c. Dry soils, lots of oxygen
b. Rapid burial of hard parts
d. Slow burial on the surface of land
37. What is the longest era, by far?
a. Cenozoic
c. Mesozoic
b. Paleozoic
d. Precambrian
38. Which era is called the age of the fishes?
a. Paleozoic
c. Precambrian
b. Cenozoic
d. Mesozoic
39. The core of Earth is made of
a. Iron, Nickel and heavy metals
c. Basalt
b. Granite
d. Carbon
40. The first atmosphere of Earth (after Hydrogen and Helium) was made mostly of
CO2, H2O, nitrogen and …
a. Oxygen
c. Acids
b. Methane
d. Carbon monoxide
41. Free oxygen was released by
a. Rhodenians
c. Trilobites
b. Lauentians
d. Stromatilites
42. The best index fossil for the end of the pre-cambrian era is
a. Stromatilite
c. Trilobite
b. Mesosarous
d. Declopodia
43. A type of oxygen molecule, with three (3) oxygen atoms combined is
a. Ozone
c. Trizone
b. Oxygen trihydrate
d. Trioxygen
44. The heating of the early Earth was by radioactive decay, meteor bombardment
a. The Sun
c. Gravity
b. Cosmic rays
d. Nearby supernovae
45. Free oxygen was released by
a. Rhodenians
c. Trilobites
b. Lauentians
d. Stromatilites
46. The best index fossil for the end of the pre-cambrian era is
a. Stromatilite
c. Trilobite
b. Mesosarous
d. Declopodia
47. A type of oxygen molecule, with three (3) oxygen atoms combined is
a. Ozone
c. Trizone
b. Oxygen trihydrate
d. Trioxygen
48. The heating of the early Earth was by radioactive decay, meteor bombardment
a.The Sun
c. Gravity
b.Cosmic rays
d. Nearby supernovae
49. What is the longest era, by far?
a. Cenozoic
c. Mesozoic
b. Paleozoic
d. Precambrian
50. Which era is called the age of the fishes?
a. Paleozoic
c. Precambrian
b. Cenozoic
d. Mesozoic
51. Oxygen was put into the atmosphere by what organism?
a. Trilobite
c. Mesosaur
b. Stromatilite
d. Carposaurous
52. How many oxygen atoms are in an Ozone molecule?
a. One
c. Three
b. Two
d. Four
53. Which of these are in order, from longest time-frame to the shortest timeframe?
a. Eon, Epoch, Period, Era
c. Period, Eon, Era, Epoch
b. Epoch, Eon, Period, Era
d. Eon, Era, Period, Epoch
54. What is the name of the Epoch that we live in now?
a. Holocene
c. Centrantic
b. Cambrian
d. Abyssal
55. What is the Era that we are living in now?
a. Precambrian
c. Mesozoic
b. Cenozoic
d. Paleozoic
56. During what era did the dinosaurs live?
a. Precambrian
c. Mesozoic
b. Cenozoic
d. Paleozoic
57. What means “ancient life”
a. Precambrian
c. Mesozoic
b. Cenozoic
d. Paleozoic
58. Which was the “age of the fishes”
a. Precambrian
c. Mesozoic
b. Cenozoic
d. Paleozoic
59. What was the name of the index fossil, that showed the end of the Precambrian
a. Trilobite
c. Mesosaur
b. Stromatilite
d. Carposaurous
60. What is the name for the process when one plate is going “under” another?
a. Convergence
c. Subduction
b. Transformation
d. Transverse
61. Where is the Ocean getting “bigger”?
a. mid-ocean ridge
c. oceanic trench
b. north and south poles
d. equator
62. What is the term that means that the ocean crust is being pushed under the
continental crust?
a. diversion
c. subduction
b. conversion
d. transform
63. What is the fossil that marks the end of the Precambrian era, and the start of the
Paleozoic era?
a. Stromatolite
c. Diorite
b. Trilobite
d. Cynobite
64. Where would ocean rocks be the oldest?
a. near the middle of the ocean
c. near the coast of continents
b. near the north and south poles
d. near the equator
65. What word means the study of ancient magnetism on Earth?
a. magnetology
c. paleomagnetism
b. historical magnetism
d. neomagnetism
66. What is the name for the process when one plate is going “under” another?
a. Convergence
c. Subduction
b. Transformation
d. Transverse
67. Where is the Ocean getting “bigger”?
a. mid-ocean ridge
c. oceanic trench
b. north and south poles
d. equator
68. What is the fossil that marks the end of the Precambrian era, and the start of the
Paleozoic era?
a. Stromatolite
b. Trilobite
69. In what country (or continent) does glacial till (dirt from a glacier) give
evidence of continental drift?
a. Asia b. North America c. Europe d. Australia e. India f. China h. Antarctica
70. What is the name of the fossil animal that is on the west coast of Africa, east
coast of S. America?
a. Trilobite b. Stromatolite c. Slausosaurous
d. Pleaseasour e. Mesosaur
71. The longest era by far is
a. Paleozoic
c. Cenozoic
b. Mesozoic
d. Precambrian
72. The age of the fishes was the
a. Paleozoic
c. Cenozoic
b. Mesozoic
d. Precambrian
73. The human species that lost to homo sapiens was
a. Stupid othipicas
c. Neanderthals
b. Austro antichipus
d. Sou theastinous
74. The kind of light that is stopped by ozone is
a. Visible
c. Infra-red
b. Ultra violet
d. Gamma
75. We live in what epoch?
a. Sapiens
c. Holocene
b. Cenozoic
d. Mesozoic
76. Dinosaurs ruled which time frame?
a. Paleozoic
c. Cenozoic
b. Mesozoic
d. Precambrian
77. Stromatilites did what for us?
a. Give us ozone
c. Give us free oxygen
b. Removed carbon dioxide
d. Created coal
78. Mesosaurus is found on what two continents?
a. Antarctica and India (subcontinent)
c. Asia and North America
b. South America and North America
d. South America and Africa
79. Who developed the idea of Continental Drift?
a. James Hutton
c. Richard Tarbuck
b. Alfred Wagener
d. Michael Ellington
80. On Antarctica, people have fossils that prove it was once much warmer. What
was the fossil of?
a. Palm trees
c. Ferns
b. Redwoods
d. Grasses
81. India has evidence of what, in its layers of disturbed soils?
a. Warm past climate
c. Large tsunamis
b. Glaciers
d. Large-scale farming
82. The last two super continents were named what?
a. Laurentia, then Pangaea
c. Pangaea then Rhodenia
b. Rhodenia then Pangaea
d. Laurentia then Rhodenia
83. A very important fossil was found, that showed that Africa and South America
were one connected. What was the name of that animal?
a. Trilobite
c. Mesosaur
b. Stegosaur
d. Saurousaur
84. How fast do continents move around, on average?
a. 1” – 6” inches per year
c. 12” – 36” inches per year
b. 6” to 12” inches per year
d. 10 or more feet per year
85. New Earth is formed near what feature? For those of you who like to split hairs,
the age of the atoms are the same. We speak of the time when the molten material
hardened into stone.
Subduction zone
c. Lithosphere
b. Mid-ocean ridge
d. Epicenters
85. Plates tend to move about the Earth. Why do they move about in such a
manner? You may have more than one answer.
a. Convection currents
c. Slab pulling
b. The speed of the Earth’s rotation
d. Hot spot displacement
86. Yellowstone is a hot-spot, supervolcano. What plate does the hot spot come up
a. Wyoming plate
c. Colorado plate
b. North American plate
d. Pacific Plate
87. Things will become very “interesting” off of the Pacific Northwest coast. This is
because of the subduction of what plate?
a. Pacific plate
c. Juan de Fuca plate
b. Cocos plate
d. North American plate
88. The farther inland one goes, the location of earthquakes change. How does the
location of earthquakes change?
a. They are shallower (closer “up”)
c. They are neared the shoreline
b. They are deeper into the Earth
d. They are more northerly
89. What was the name of the last major volcano in the continental United States?
a. Mt. Hood
c. Mt. Saint Helens
b. Mt Rainer
d. Mt Cascadian
90. In what kind of plate boundary do the plates slide past each other?
a. Divergent
c. Convergent
b. Transform fault
d. Revergent
91. What will form when ocean crust subducts under ocean crust?
a. Mountain chain
c. Island Arc
b. Divergent plate boundary
d. Transform plate boundary
92. Where does a trench form?
a. Divergent boundaries
c. Convergent boundaries
b. Transform fault boundaries
d. Revergent areas
93. Which of the following is a transform plate boundary?
a. Los Angeles
c. Himalayas Mountains
b. Yellowstone
d. Mid Ocean Ridges
94. Where is new Earth formed
a. Mountain chain
c. Island Arc
b. Divergent plate boundary
d. Transform plate boundary
95. Which country is a result of an Island Arc?
a. Iceland
c. Japan
b. Greenland
d. Cuba
96. What system uses sound waves to calculate the distance to an object?
a. Radar
c. Sonar
b. Freemantle
d. Fathomization
97. What is the letter of the description of a subduction zone
a. where an oceanic plate is forced beneath a second plate
b. where an oceanic plate grinds past a second plate
c. where a continental plate grinds past a second plate
d. where an oceanic plate moves away from a second plate
98. A “hot spot” is responsible for what geological structure?
a. Himalaya mountains
c. Mid-ocean ridge
b. Iceland
d. Yellowstone
99. Where is new Earth created
a. Mid ocean ridge
c. Subduction zone
b. “ hot spots”
d. Transform zones
100. Which kind of boundary will show paleomagnetism?
a. Convergent
c. Divergent
b. Transform
d. State
101. What island is the result of a “hot spot”
a. Iceland
c. Japan
b. Greenland
d. Hawaii
102. What kind of boundary does Los Angeles sit upon?
a. Convergent
c. Divergent
b. Transform
d. Revergent
103. What kind of boundary results in tsunami earthquakes?
a. Convergent
c. Divergent
b. Transform
d. Revergent
104. Which kind of boundary creates metamorphic rocks
a. Convergent
c. Divergent
b. Transform
d. Revergent
105. Which one of these boundaries is totally a figment of Mr. Monroe’s
a. Convergent
C. Divergent
b. Transform
d. Revergent
106. Igneous
a. Changed form
c. From volcanoes
b. From fire
d. Hot
107. Intrusive
a. Into other rocks
c. Stayed in Earth
b. Came into the surface
d. Cooled quickly
108. Granite
a. Pinkish, large crystals
b. Dark, with variety of crystals
109. Pumice
a. From Hawaii, dark, no crystals
c. Pinkish, small crystals
d. Extrusive with large crystals, and is
c. From Hawaii, light, large crystals and
air pockets
d. Pale color, solid, no air pockets
b. Light, air pockets, pale color
110. Basalt
a. Dark, dense, continental crust
c. Dark, light, continental crust
b. Dark, light, oceanic crust
d. Dark, dense, oceanic crust
111. Batholith
a. Covers 100’s of square kilometers
c. Covers 10’s of square kilometers
b. Means “lake of rock”
d. Moves horizontally through rock layers
112. Stock
a. Covers 100’s of square kilometers
c. Covers 10’s of square kilometers
b. Means “lake of rock”
d. Moves horizontally through rock layers
113. Large crystals indicate
a. Fast cooling
c. Smooth texture
b. Slow cooling
d. Rough texture
114. Metamorphism needs
a. High heat
c. High pressure
b. High heat and pressure
d. Magma
115. Contact metamorphism occurs in the presence of
a. High heat and water
c. High heat
b. Water and cementation fluids
d. Silicon
116. The bands of color on a metamorphic rock are called
a. Bands of density
c. Bands of foliation
b. Bands of cleavage
d. Color differentiation
117. The bands of color on a metamorphic rock are a result of
a. Characteristics of the minerals in the rock
c. Differences in heat
during formation
b. Elevation changes during formation
d. Pressure differences during
118. “Hot Spots” are located over
Magma rising to the surface of the Earth
c. Convergent plate boundaries
Divergent plate boundaries
d. The ring of fire
119. The source of heat in the Earth is a result of
a. Meteors early in the History of Earth
c. Radioactivity of the Iron core
b. Radioactivity of Uranium and other elements
d. Gravitational contraction
e. All except “C”
120. When the solar system was new, it was in a cloud known as a
a. Accretionary disk
c. Interstellar cloud
b. Big bang cloud
d. Solar cloud
121. The solar system began to “clump together”. This process is known as
a. Condensation
c. Accretion
b. Deflation
d. Convection
122. More dense materials settled to the center of the disk, in a process known as
a. Completion
c. Planetizaton
b. Layerization
d. Differentiation
123. As the disk of the solar system got smaller, it began to spin faster, because of
an effect known
a. The coriolis effect
c. The Doppler effect
b. Conservation of energy
d. Conservation of momentum
124. This disk, from which the solar system sprang, is know as a
a. Nebular disk
c. Solar disk
b. Accretion disk
d. Planetary disk
125. Three things are basically needed to crush gases into something as dense as
the Sun. They are
a. Gravity, the weak force, the strong force
c. Gravity, cold and the
strong force
b. A supernovae, gravity and cold space d. Gravity, electricity and the strong force
126. The main gases that made up the earliest solar system were
a. Oxygen and carbon
c. Hydrogen and oxygen
b. Helium and Hydrogen
d. Carbon dioxide and methane
127. A telescope that bends light to a focus point is a
a. Refractive Telescope
c. Reflective Telescope
b. Chrono Telescope
d. Defective Telescope
128. The telescope that we used to look outside the LSW front doors was a
a. Webster Telescope
c. Reflective Telescope
b. Refractive Telescope
d. Wardovian Telescope
129. Light is fast. Its speed is
a. 3,000 meters per second
c. 300,000 Kilometers per second
b. 300,000,000 meters per second
d. All above, except “a”, but
including “b” and “c”
130. The shortest wavelengths are
a. Red
c. Gamma
b. Blue
d. Radio
131. A light-year is
a. The distance light travels in a year
c. The time it takes for light to
b. As far as it is from Earth to Vega
d. The distance across our Solar
132. If the Sun went “out” right now, how long would it be before you knew it?
a. 8.5 light-minutes
c. 8 minutes and 30 seconds
b. 2.5 seconds
d. “Did Chuck Norris flip a switch off?”
133. What type of telescope can see through inter-stellar clouds of gas and dust?
a. Refractive
c. Reflective
b. Hubble
d. Radio
134. The Earth has a “wobble”. About how long does it take for the Earth to
complete one “wobble” around the zodiac?
a. 10,000 years
c. 20,000 years
b. 25,000 years
d. 100,000 years
135. Another name for the “wobble” of the Earth is what?
a. Differentiation
c. Precession
b. Retrograde motion
d. Rotation
136. Binary Star systems are useful, because they help determine what?
a. Mass of the stars in the system
c. Distance to the stars
b. Chemical composition of the stars
d. Temperature of the stars
137. Which is longer, a day according to the Sun (solar day), or a day according to
the background stars (sidereal day)?
a. The longest day is a sidereal day
c. The longest day is a solar day
b. The days are the same length (duh)
d. The shortest day is any day
there is a sub for science class
138. A circumpolar star is one that does what?
a. Circles the North pole
c. Is visible year around
b. Touches the North star at some point
d. Seems to twinkle in the cold
winter air of a January snowstorm.
139. Why do stars move rapidly across the sky each night?
a. Stars just generally move fast
c. The Earth is going around the Sun
b. The Earth is revolving around its axis d. The Earth is rotating around its axis
140. How far do stars move across the sky, from night to night. This means at same
time, on two nights in a row.
a. They don’t really move
c. 1º to the West
b. 1º to the East
d. It depends upon the hemisphere that
you are in
141. Parallax works best on stars that are
a. Near
c. Far away
b. Bright
d. Old
142. The precession of the Earth takes about
a. 2,000 years
c. 14,000 years
b. 24,000 years
d. 110,000 years
143. The Egyptians used the North Star to help build
a. Pyramid of Giza
c. Sphinx
b. Spire of Cleopatra
d. Did not use North Star
144. There are this many seconds in one degree.
a. 60
c. 360
b. 3,000
d. 3,600
145. A mirror is used in what type of telescope?
a. Refractory
c. Newtonian Reflector
b. Radio
d. X-ray and Radio
146. How does parallax differ between a faraway star, and a nearby star?
a. The faraway star has more parallax
c. The nearby star has more parallax
b. Parallax does not differ, it only seems to
d. The parallax will differ,
depending upon size of the star
147. What is a parsec?
a. 3.26 light-years
d. 32.6 light-years
b. One parallax-second of arc
e. “a” and “b”
c. “c” and “d
148. Absolute and Apparent Magnitude are the same at
a. 10 parsecs
c. 32.6 light years
b. 1 parsec
d. 10.0 light years
149. When one looks towards the Sun with a spectroscope, and they see bright
lines on a dark background, it is
a. Lines of absorption
c. Continuous spectrum
b. Lines of emission
d. Time to run away, FAST!!
150. How do stars apparently move, from night to night?
a. 1º to the East
c. 5º to the East
b. 1º to the West
d. They do not move
151. If a star is moving away at great speed, it will appear
a. More red
d. More blue
b. Hotter
e. “a” and “c”
c. Cooler
f. “a” and “b”
152. Earth is about 4.6 billion years old (4.6 x 10 9). How old is the Sun?
a. Older
c. Younger
b. Same age
d. The Sun is the same age as the universe
153. The most massive stars will end as
a. White Dwarf
c. Brown Dwarf
b. Neutron Star
d. Black Hole
154. Pulsars will emanate from
a. White Dwarfs
c. Main Sequence
b. Neutron Star
d. Black Hole
155. White Dwarfs will become
a. Black Holes
c. Brown Dwarfs
b. Neutron Stars
d. Black Stars
156. The Sun will become, next, a…
a. White Dwarf
c. Neutron Star
b. Black Hole
d. Pulsar
157. A protostar will "turn on" when the internal temperature reaches
a. 10,000ºC
c. 100,000ºC
b. 1,000,000ºC
d. 10,000,000ºC
158. The heaviest element that can be made inside of any star, before an super
novae is what?
a. Copper
c. Oxygen
b. Carbon
d. Iron
159. A star that is going away from a person will appear changed in what way?
a. Older
c. Bluer
b. Redder
d. Bigger
160. Pulsars come from
a. Neutron stars
c. Black Holes
b. White dwarfs
d. Black dwarfs
161. An apparent magnitude, and absolute magnitude, are the same at
a. One light-year
d. One Parsec
b. 32.6 light-years
e. 10 parsecs
c.“ b” and “c”
f. “b” and “e”
162. Lines of emission tell astronomers about a star’s
a. Distance
c. Temperature
b. Chemical composition
d. Age
163. Which star will last longer
a. Big, honkin’ star
c. High mass star
b. Small wimpy thing
d. One just like our Sun
164. Which has a higher density”
a. White dwarf
c. Black dwarf
b. Black hole
d. Neutron star
165. Most points of light in the sky are what?
a. Stars
c. Star systems
b. Galaxies
d. White dwarfs
166. The mass of a star can be determined by studying
a. The wavelength of the light emitted by the star
c. The color of the star
b. The distance between the star and Earth
d. The binary star systems
167. Which of the following is true about using parallax to measure the distance to
a. The closer the star, the smaller the parallax angle c. The closer the star, the
larger the parallax angle
b. The larger the star, the smaller the parallax angle d. The larger the star, the
larger the parallax angle
168. At the nucleus, the Milky Way galaxy is about
a. 1,000 light years thick
c. 100,000 light years thick
b. 10,000 light years thick
d. 1,000,000,000 light years thick
169. According to the big bang theory, the entire Universe started as a
a. Supernova explosion
c. Dense, hot, supermassive ball
170. Which type of light is longer than visible light?
a. Gamma
c. X-ray
b. Ultra violet
d. Radio
171. Where, in the Milky Way Galaxy, is the Earth and Sun?
a. At the exact center
c. At the very tip of one of the spiral arms
b. Just outside the galactic nucleus d. Within one of the spirals, but not at the tip
172. Why does the pitch seem higher (or light seem bluer) of an approaching
a. Coriolis effect
c. Doppler effect
b. Lundgen effect
d. It does?
173. What is another name for the hydrologic cycle?
a. Cryocycle
c. Hydrogen cycle
b. Water cycle
d. Hydrosphere
174. The process of H2O leaving the atmosphere and entering the geosphere is
a. Transpiration
c. Condensation
b. Precipitation
d. Infiltration
175. The process of H2O moving through the geosphere is called what?
a. Transpiration
c. Condensation
b. Precipitation
d. Infiltration
176. Water moving along the surface of the geosphere is called what?
a. Condensation
c. Runoff
b. Precipitation
d. Infiltration
177. A natural way to slow runoff is what?
a. A levee
c. A dam
b. Grading of the land to make it flat
d. Planting a lot of trees
178. Evaporation and Transpiration, together, are called
a. Evapotranspiration
c. Perspiration
b. Hydrotransation
d. Evaporhydration
179. A pebble would be considered part of what? (check all that apply)
a. Bed load
c. Stream load
b. Dissolved load
d. Suspended load
180. A fish releases urine into a stream. What is affected? (check all that apply)
a. Bed load
c. Stream load
b. Dissolved load
d. Suspended load
181. All of the land, whose water drains into a stream, is called the stream’s
a. Divide
c. Floodplain
b. Watershed
d. Stream load
182. The largest watershed in the United States is what?
a. Ohio
c. Pacific
b. Mississippi
d. Seaboard
183. The discharge of a river is what?
a. Cubic meters of water, divided by seconds
c. Total tons of water in the
river’s flow
b.Total amount of bed load carried by a river
d. Total amount of stream
load carried by river
184. Erosion in mostly caused by what? (check all that apply)
a. Bed load
c. Stream load
b. Dissolved load
d. Suspended load
185. A graduated cylinder holds 550 mL of soil. Cindy the scientist puts 250 mL of
water into the soil, and it just covers the top of the soil. It takes 10 seconds for the
water to reach the bottom of the graduated cylinder. What is the porosity of the
a. 45%
c. 800 mL
b. 55 mL/sec
d. Cindy dumps the dirt on Monroe and leaves