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------------------------------Version 2.0
-------------------------------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Latest version:
----------- Added change to fix display unit setting when restoring defaults.
- Fixed bug with converting the LIW's steady rate into the correct
per hour rate weight unit setting on the MGF.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Previous Versions:
----------- Added change to zero out SHOT WT, LDR, and LBS/HR when restoring
defaults after a firmware update.
----------- Fixed alarm active bug with MLAN Get status command.
----------- Fixed rounding issue when setting SHOT WT in pounds.
- Added change to total weight in the VIEW menu based off the
weight unit selected in Print Options.
- Added change to allow 1/5th more of the default for zero weight
calibration before showing ** ZERO TOO HIGH ** error message.
----------- Added change to convert total weight in the DIAGNOSTICS menu
based off the the unit selected in Print Options.
----------- Updated alarm codes for G2.
- Changed unit option under Settings. Now cycles between GRAMS,
KILOGRAMS, and POUNDS. Shot weight entry on home screen is based
off of this setting, converting the SHT parameter appropriately.
----------- Added Security option to Settings menu. Defaults to NORMAL.
When set to HIGH, the Main Menu setting are locked behind a
password. When a valid password is entered, the operator will
enter into PROGRAM MODE and is allows to modify the settings.
- Added Units to Print Options. The unit selected will only
affect the cycle by cycle print out total weight.
- Added new Error Count Tracking (ECT) parameter. This parameter
is broken into 2 parts:
where xx = number of cycles (Cycle mode)
yyy = number of seconds (Continuous mode)
ECT is used to specify the delay in error tracking when first
starting as well as after a error correction is made.
----------- Added change to ignore totals accumulation if the motor speed is
- Added change to reset accumulators when an LIW rate is set from
a zero rate.
----------- Added change to close TCP/IP connection after polling the LIW for
the XOF parameter and opens a new connection to poll for the
Get Steady Rate command.
----------- Added change to renew accumulator and motor timing when the LDR
is changed from an MLAN command Set Settings.
- Fixed bug with changing LDR from MLAN Set Settings command.
----------- Added change to query for the LIW's XOF parameter when LIW MODE
is enabled. If the LIW has an XOF parameter and it is set to a
value, then the steady rate calculation will ignore the MGF LDR
----------- Added change to wait for the first full screw signal after
power-up before allowing a cycle to start.
- Changed LCZ default to 8000.
- Added loadcell zero calibration checks which prevents zero weight
calibration from being successful under certain conditions.
----------- Fixed incoming rate from LIW. The new per hour rate correctly
adjusts the LIW rate to conpensate for the MGF let down ratio.
----------- Fixed bug with LIW not getting polled in the background when LIW
MODE is enabled.
----------- Fixed bug with run time continuing to accumulate in CONTINUOUS MODE
when AUTO STOP is enabled and the SCREW SIGNAL is OFF.
- Fixed bug with model selection, now saves changes when the selected
model is changed.
----------- Added new translations for Italian and German languages.
----------- Shorten error tracking delay time in CONTINUOUS/EXTR FOLLOWING
when first started and after an adjustment is made, from 20 seconds
to 10 seconds.
- Added change to delay error tracking after the LDR or PER HOUR RATE
is changed.
----------- Added change to only update AVG DISP and ERROR values in
when the logic checks for errors.
- Added change to reset accumulators when the LDR or PHR values are
changed in CONTINUOUS/EXTRUSION FOLLOW modes only.
- Added change make error corrections at the start of the cycle
instead of the end of the cycle.
- Fixed bug with accumulating totals in CONTINUOUS/EXTRUSION
mode when first start running.
----------- Removed change to delay error tracking for the first 3 cycles after
power-up and after an adjustment is made.
----------- Moved MODEL selection out of SETTINGS, behind a password.
- Added change to delay error tracking for the first 3 cycles after
power-up and after an adjustment is made.
- Enabled RAP adjustment to RTU for continuous mode.
- Changed RAP default to 05050.
- Added new parameter HRT (Hi Rate Trip Point), separated into 2
where xx = new value for ATP
yyy = trip point for changing ATP in grams / minute
Continuous and Extrusion Following only:
1. If the current rate is above HRT (yyy) then adjust the ATP to
HRT (xx)
2. If the current rate falls below HRT (yyy) then revert ATP back
to previous setting.
----------- Added fixed to keep TCP/IP packet active on certain error codes
attempting to send MLAN data back to client.
----------- Fixed bug with calculating checksum for outgoing MLAN commands.
- Fixed bug with closed TCP/IP sockets lingering after they are
----------- Added change to immediately save changes when editing parameters.
----------- Fixed issue with reading loadcells from I/O board.
----------- Fixed issue with I/O board not reporting state of RUN / STOP switch
on power-up.
----------- Added tests for SD Card and USB.
- Fixed issue with error correction after a load is complete while
running cycle mode.
- Changed translations to use a language "database" instead of
index based translations.
----------- Fixed issue with running Continuous and Extrusion Following modes
when the screw signal is active.
----------- Added change to round up the screw signal time when displayed.
----------- Fixed bug with setting the cycle time after screw signal goes
away. This fixes an issue with adjusting the cycle time when
the target rate is less than the TAT parameter setting.
----------- Change LCL default to 03000.
- Change LCH default to 08000.
----------- Added change to cap lower limit of screw signal time to one second.
----------- Fixed bug with cycle mode starting immediately when the RUN switch
enabled while the screw signal is active.
- Added change to ignore screw signal times less than 1 second. If
the screw signal is less than 1 second, the MGF will stop, however,
the timing for the next cycle will be based on last cycle that has
a screw signal longer than 1 second.
- Added new parameter XFT for filtering incoming extrusion voltage.
The parameter is separated into 2 parts:
Where vvv = cap to zero voltage in 1/100th of a voltage
ff = fluctuation filter in 1/100th of a voltage.
NOTE: ff is capped at 0.50V or xxx50
Defaults to 02003
- Added new parameters LCL and LCH for full weight loadcell
calibration. The LCL and LCH parameters ensure that the calibrated
weight falls with a reasonable slope. If the full weight slope
is outside the LCL and LCH defined slopes, then an error message
'** BAD LOAD-CELL **' will be displayed.
LCL is defaulted to 06000.
LCH is defaulted to 10000.
- Fixed bugs language translations.
----------- Added change to
- Added change to
the BACK key.
- Added change to
- Added 30 second
save settings while in the VIEW screen.
ignore all keys while an alarm is active except
only use the BACK key to silence alarm.
timeout to VIEW screen.
----------- Added change to save settings on an hourly basis.
- Added change to save totals when updated from Cycle or Continuous
mode. However, the totals will only be saved to FLASH if the
run / stop switch is in the stop position, or the hourly timer has
----------- Added Modbus TCP/IP support.
----------- Added change to limit full weight calibration. If the weight is
less than between FUL / 4 or greater than FUL, 'Out of Range' will
be displayed.
- Increased upper limit for all parameters, from a 16-bit uppper
limit to a 32-bit upper limit.
----------- Changed parameter printout to match Gen 5 version of MGF parameter
- Added alarm logging to cycle-by-cycle printout.
- Added change to re-trigger 'OVER WEIGHT' alarm every 30 seconds
until alarm is cleared.
----------- Fixed bug with accumulators tarring when a NO METERING alarm is
detected but not triggered.
----------- Added change to only adjust "RTU" when the system is running.
----------- Added change to "remember" RTU entry for when the RTU parameter is
adjusted from 'Extrusion Following' and RAP parameter.
----------- Fixed issue with RUN/STOP switch state not detected on power-up.
- Changed Loadcell Full calibration to error out if weight entered is
less than 1/4th of FUL grams.
- Fixed issue with accumulating total weight while running small
- Added system options to parameter printout.
- Added change for NO METERING alarm, if the target was changed
to a small value when the NO METERING alarm is active, the alarm
is cleared.
- Added change for extrusion following. If the voltage drops to
zero while running, the accumulators will reset and error
correction will be ignored.
- Updated version string to match I/O and A/D micro versions.
----------- Added new alarm for loadcell failure. When the I/O board fails to
receive a new loadcell reading within one second, a message is
sent to the CPU and the LOADCELL FAILURE alarm is triggered. The
alarm will automatically clear when a new reading is received.
----------- Added change to clear out Loader pause flag if the RUN / STOP
switch is set to the STOP position.
- Added change to periodically update outputs to the I/O board.
----------- Fixed bug with pausing the Loader output.
- Fixed bug with 'NO METERING' alarm after the hopper settles from
a weight fluctuation.
- Change RTU default to 00201.
----------- Fixed bug with resetting factory defaults.
- Added change to allow LOW WEIGHT alarm and LOADING TOO SLOWLY
alarm to work together.
- Added change to re-trigger LOADING TOO SLOWLY alarm every
25 seconds after first triggered.
- Added change to re-trigger LOW WEIGHT alarm every 30 seconds
if alarm is silenced and low weight condition still active.
----------- Fixed bug with clearing the flag to make the first adjustment a
full adjustment. Related to cycle mode when the target rate (g/s)
is less than TAT.
----------- Fixed bug with LOADING TOO SLOWING alarm
- Added new parameter Target Adjustment Threshold (TAT), used
in cycle mode only. Defaults to 00025.
- Added change to prevent full adjustment on first adjustment
if the target rate (g/s) is less than TAT.
- Added change to increase the motor speed and decrease the run-time
if the target rate (g/s) is less than TAT.
----------- Changed FUL default to 10000.
- Changed OVER WEIGHT alarm to use FUL parameter to trigger.
----------- Added change to disable UART communications to I/O board if
a power-on message is not received.
Fixed printout to include current model selection.
Updated Loadcell calibration defaults
Changed FUL default to 05000.
Changed KDF default to 00200.
Incorporated original MGF stepper changes from N0127B to N0327A.
Fixed bug with 'LOAD' stuck on main screen when not running.
Fixed Prime Function calibration calculation.
----------- Fixed French and Finnish language strings for model selection.
- Added change to printout cycle report when PHR is changed from
an LIW rate change.
- Added change to add LDR to LIW rate.
----------- Changed BFS default to 00020.
----------- Changed Over Weight alarm to FUL grams
- Changed Over Weight alarm to say:
Changed Loadcell Full calibration to error out if weight entered is
less than 1/4th of FUL grams.
Changed FUL parameter default to 5000.
Added 30 second delay between re-triggering of LOW WEIGHT and
Added change for continuous mode total accumulation. If the bin
weight fluctuates by more than BFS + target rate, the change in
weight is ignored and the target rate is accumulated into the total
----------- Changed BFS default to 50.
- Changed filling detection logic to only look for 1 second for
weight fluctuation instead of 2.
----------- Fixed motor factor default for MGF-8.
Default is now 12.50 +- 5.00.
----------- Added delay between re-triggering NO METERING ALARM while in
continuous mode.
- Added change to round up steady state rate when to nearest LB or
KG when set from MLAN command.
----------- Fixed change to allow NO METERING ALARM to re-trigger, in
continuous mode, if condition isn't cleared.
- Added change to MLAN Command Get Steady State Rate. The steady
rate (determined by the PHR parameter) is returned in whole grams.
----------- Added change to allow NO METERING ALARM to re-trigger, in
continuous mode, if condition isn't cleared.
----------- Added change to print cycle report at the start and end of
continuous mode.
- Added state of RUN / STOP switch and SCREW SIGNAL input to
cycle report.
- Fixed OFF TIME in cycle report to accurately print the current
using the current adjustment rate.
----------- Added change to resound alarm at the beginning of the each cycle
alarm was activated but silenced.
- Added change to resound alarm for NO METERING RATE if condition
isn't cleared after 3 cycles.
- Added change to lock out PHR (per hour rate) parameter on MAIN
screen or PARAMETERS screen if the most significant digit of the
XMO parameter is sent and the MGF is in extrusion follow mode.
----------- Fixed 41h/65 Set Steady State Rate to correctly adjust the motor
output when a new value is received. Also applied changes from
7/10/13 for No Metering Alarm.
Changed CSE default to 09999.
Fixed parameter list for MLAN commands.
Fixed 45h/69 Get Parameter to return value in correct byte order
Fixed 32h/50 Get Cycle Weight and Time to return value in correct
byte order.
Fixed 4Fh/79 Get Cycle Weight and Time to return value in correct
byte order.
Fixed 54h/84 Get Batch Info to return value in correct byte order.
Fixed 5Ah/90 Set Tag Info to correctly set operator and recipe
number from the command.
Changed 41h/65 Set Steady State Rate to accept a gram/hr value in
Continuous mode only and adjust the Per Hour Rate accordingly.
----------- Changed ethernet communications to LIW. Now using new ethernet
commands that contain a delimiter and length to help the LIW
determine start and end of MLAN command.
----------- Changed output for retrofit stepper motor to normally HI and pulse
----------- Increased max RPM limit to 300.
- Changed EXCEED MOTOR CAPACITY alarm to require off-time to be
less than MAX RPM, instead of less than or equal to.
----------- Added change to delay adjustment for 13 when going from a zero
rate to a non-zero rate, when LIW mode is enabled.
----------- Fixed bug with motor not started / stopping when a new rate from
the LIW is received.
- Fixed bug with MGF making error correction for a zero rate.
----------- Added change, when the LIW rises above the LLC threshold, the
continuous mode is re-initialized forcing the motor to start
- Added change to delay No Metering Alarm check, bases on STL
parameter. This delay is used when the LIW reports a rate
above the LLC threshold, when previously below the threshold.
----------- Added change to delay No Metering Alarm check, based on STL
parameter. This delay is used when the LIW reports a zero rate
or when the LIW COMM alarm is triggered.
- Added LLC (LIW Lower Cap) parameter. This parameter is used to
cap the LIW rate to zero, if the reported value is less than this
parameters threshold. Parameter is in 1/10th of units, defaulted
to 1.0 per hour.
----------- Re-enabled software optimizations.
----------- Change MGF-4 motor factor default to 3.00 +- 2.00.
- Added change to retain LIW ID and LIW IP address across versions.
- Added additional check to ensure LIW IP is valid before attempting
to connect.
----------- Added change to set per hour rate to zero on startup if LIW MODE
is enabled.
- Changed entry of IP Address, using BACK and ENTER keys to confirm
changes. The UP and DOWN keys are now used to select between
Static IP and DHCP.
- Fixed bug with LIW polling running, even when disabled.
- Fixed bug with failed LIW pollings not triggering alarm.
- Changed loader operation to use the STL parameter for delaying
No Metering Alarm check and error corrections after the loader
has finished filling.
----------- Added change to zero out target rate if communication errors
with LIW.
- Fixed bug with MLAN server for ethernet communications.
- Fixed alarm codes to be unique compared to LIW and WSB alarm
----------- Changed MTF default for MGF-8 to 12.50.
- Changed min / max range for MGF-8 from +/- 3.00 to +/- 5.00
----------- Added change to reset MTF to default if MTF is calibrated outside
of model range.
----------- Added MGF-4 and MGF-8 model selections to Settings menu. MGF
motor factor and default are reset when the model # is changed.
- Added change to display model on power-up message.
- Added change to clamp motor factor in a Prime Calibration based
off the MGF model.
MGF-4 will clamp +- 1.50 from default
MGF-8 will clamp +- 3.00 from default
- Added change to adjust motor factor default when manually entering
in the Metering Rate menu. Default will be maintained through
power toggles and firmware versions.
----------- Adjusted jitter filtering to allow for large swings in voltage
while filtering out 0.01 to 0.02 fluxuations in voltage.
----------- Improved filtering for jitter when running extrusion following
- Added new parameter (RAP) for adjusting the delay between updates.
The parameter is broken into two parts:
where xx = number of seconds to delay between updates
yyy = the minimum grams/minute rate (in 1/10th) before
the MGF starts using xx update delay.
This parameter is used to adjust the RTU parameter when LDR or PHR
parameters get changed, only in extrusion following.
----------- Added option to SETTINGS to enable LIW MODE when MODE is set to
- Added option to COMMUNICATIONS menu to setup the IP address of an
- Added menu option to ping LIW system from MGF.
- Added ability to update MGF's PHR parameter based on the LIW's
current steady state rate.
- Added fix for entering SETUP when the LOW WEIGHT alarm is
- Added fix to detect microSD cards.
----------- Changed wording for message before a PRIME FUNCTION is triggered.
---------- Added change warning user to open slide gate before a PRIME.
- Added change to allow LOW WEIGHT alarm to trigger even when the
loader is active.
- Added change to allow LOW WEIGHT alarm to supercede LOADING
- Added change to Get Batch Info MLAN command to output totals
- Fixed bug with cycle count byte order for MLAN commands, ensuring
that the value is output in big endian format.
---------- Added
- Fixed
change to only make a full adjustment on first adjust in
mode only.
race condition for AUTO STOP feature when the system is
powered up and the RUN switch is active.
---------- Fix to save the SINGNAL_RUN flag.
- Update Paul’s algorithm for load cells.
---------- Change to use Paul Maguire's algorithm for removing the min and
max values for load-cell filtering.
- Removed unused parameters XRC, XAL, and XUL.
- Added change to reduce the current to the stepper motor when the
system is idle.
---------- Fixed total cycle count, ensuring consistance between cycle reports
and the totals report.
---------- Fixed bug with cycle mode. When the RUN / STOP switch is set to
the STOP position after previously being in the RUN position will
force the MGF to clear accumulators at the start of the next cycle.
---------- Added a hardcoded 10 second delay after continuous mode starts
tracking before the NO METERING alarm is checked.
Added confirmation screen that will allow clearing totals if it
fails to print or USB is missing.
----------- Fixed NO METERING alarm when automatically loading.
correctly ignored when the loader status is active.
Alarm is now
----------- Changed priming calibration to back to using a 10 second window
when calibrating from loss in weight.
- Added change to reset cycle accumulators after calibrated prime.
- Added change to force a full adjustment on the very first
when the MGF starts to run.
- Changed PMR default to 00020.
- Changed MTF default to 00250.
----------- Changed priming calibration to back to using a 10 second window
when calibrating from loss in weight.
- Added change to reset cycle accumulators after calibrated prime.
----------- Changed the meaning of the MTF (Motor Factor) parameter from
milligrams per step to 1/100th grams per revolution.
- Changed priming calibration to use a second-by-second window
instead of a 10 second window when averaging the loss in weight
for calibration.
----------- Fixed error when calibrating motor factor from the PRIME FUNCTION.
The calibration formula was truncating the motor off time into
whole numbers, which would cause an error with the motor factor
when the PRIME FUNCTION's max RPM is set to 40.
----------- Fixed bug with main menu when the Italian langage is selected.
- Fixed bug with alarm message when a different language is selected.
----------- Added change to compare the second by second difference of weights
for bin fill / settle instead of a comparison of current weight
the data held in the trace buffer.
----------- Added change to include target rate change checking bin fill /
- Changed hardcoded timeout after automatic fill to 10 seconds before
no metering alarm check starts.
----------- Reverted back to original algorithm for bin fill / settle, however,
the current target rate is added to the BFS parameter.
----------- Changed the algorithm that determines if the bin is being filled
manually. An averaged grams per second value is compared to the
target rate. If the averaged value is consecutively twice the
target rate, then the MGF will flag the system as "FILLING".
----------- Fixed bug with averaged rate after a load has completed.
----------- Added change to only update diagnostics screen run-time values
after the MGF checks the weights.
- Added change to ignore loading if volumetric is turned on.
- Added change to ignore bin not pressed alarm if in volumetric
- Fixed bug with exceeding motor capacity when the capacity has not
been exceeded.
------------ Fixed error checking for Clear totals. If printing fails, the
totals will not get cleared.
- Fixed bug with totals not accumulating in volumetric cycle mode.
----------- Changed NMA default to 33500.
----------- Added change to ignore NO METERING alarm in continuous mode for
5 seconds after the bin has settled.
- Added fix for showing error when changing from continous mode to
cycle mode.
- Added new VIEW key. The view key is located above the '1' key.
When pressed from the main screen, the MGF will switch to viewing
the totals. Pressing an non-numeric key will cycle between showing
the totals, current date / time, and the last cleared date / time.
Pressing any combination of two digits, other than 00 will cause
the totals to be printed and the view totals to exit. If 00 is
entered, the totals will be printed, then cleared, before exiting
the view totals.
----------- Fixed bug with displaying total dispensed in VIEW TOTALS.
- Changed display of totals to include a decimal point on the
----------- Change No Metering alarm settings for continuous mode into a
parameter (NMA). The parameter is separated into 3 parts,
d.a.ppp, where
d = the number of positives before the alarm is deactivated
a = the number of positives before the alarm is activated
ppp = the percentage of the target rate that needs to be
lost within a 24 second period.
- Added change to use new Fat Filesystem libraries for SD/MMC
----------- Changed BFS default to 40 grams
- Changed bin fill / settle algorithm to watch a 5 second windows
instead of a 24 second window
- Changed continuous mode NO METERING alarm algorithm to watch for
a 50% of target G/S change in weight over a 24 second period.
------------ Added change to clear accumulators and mode specific flags when
changing operation modes.
------------ Added change to wait one cycle before checking no metering after
a bin weight fluxuation.
- Added change to remove first weight reset when the no metering
alarm is active.
------------ Change to clear the cycle accumulators for the no metering alarm
when the bin is settled, either from a fill or a coffee cup.
------------ Fixed bug with NO METERING alarm causing the actual dispense to
change to a negative value.
- Changed for NO METERING alarm. A running average of the cycle
to cycle weight loss is used to determine if a no metering alarm
condition is active.
- Added change to look for updates with the GS prefix in the
------------ Added change to clear alarm message without having to press a
key while sitting in the diagnostics screen.
- Fixed bug with displaying OFF TIME resulting in CYCLE CT getting
overwritten with Italian translation
- Changed NO METERING algorithm. The NO METERING algorithm now uses
a run-time average of weights, over a 24 second period, this
must produce at least 50% of the target rate. If the average is
less than 50%, consecutively for three updates, then the NO
alarm will trigger.
----------- Added change to display the 3 digits after the decimal for the
motor offtime
- Added change to ignore the NO METERING alarm if the target rate
is less than 10 grams / min.
----------- Fixed bug with error not accumulating in cycle mode.
----------- Fixed bug with reports printing continuously if the report
interval is set to zero.
----------- Fixed bug caused by report change in K0908A, which prevented the
keypad from responding when the RUN / STOP switch is active.
----------- Updated language strings for Czech
----------- Updated language strings for French, German, Italian, and
----------- Cleaned up report timer so that printout will occur exactly one the
one minute mark.
- Fixed bug with displaying totals in VIEW TOTALS.
- Fixed bug with accumulating totals while the loader is running.
----------- Added change to reset report timer after a forced printout that was
due to an accumulated error.
- Added change to NOT clear out accumulators when the extrusion
voltage changes. The motor on time is still adjusted as normal
to compensate for changes in input voltage, however, only the error
checking logic will take care of clearing the accumulators when
the accumulated error exceeds the limit.
----------- Adjusting the totals accumulation for when an unstable bin weight
is detected to use the same accumulation technique used in the
automatic loader.
----------- Added change to printout accumuated count in minutes instead of
- Added change to printout a cycle report in continuous mode right
before an adjustment is made.
- Added change hold the error rate at zero when the MGF is waiting
for the weight trace accumulator gets filled for the no metering
----------- Fixed bug with MFG stepper report. Changed ON TIME to OFF TIME
and fixed to correct output motor off time setting.
----------- Added change to look at weight trace in increasing order when
checking for an unstable bin weight.
----------- Increased over weight alarm from 5000g to 9000g.
----------- Added change to report printout.
20/07/2011 13:11:32
WO 000000
RATE ADJ: 1.0000
ERROR: -0.4 (5)
New Format:
RECIPE 00000
OP 000
01/12/2000 23:33:44
WO 01500
RATE ADJ: 0.7000
+1.7 (5)
RECIPE 09999
OP 050
The new format includes the accumulated weight and cycle count
or run time (continuous). The total weight and cycle count have
been moved to a third column.
- Added new recipe menu. This setup menu will allow manual entry
of a recipe number, work order, and operator number. These values
are also available from the parameter menu.
- Added change to use average dispense when the bin weight is
settling instead of using the previous dispense weight.
----------- Added over weight alarm. When the bin weight rises above 5000g,
the OVER LOADED alarm will trigger.
- Added change to hold settle flag until the next cycle. Applies
only to cycle mode. When the MGF detects a weight fluxuation,
its waits for the loadcells readings to stablize, then sets a
timer to give the loadcells extra time to settle. This changes
also requires an extra cycle to run after the settle timer expires
before the loadcells are characterized as stable.
- Added change to prevent large adjustments to the RATE ADJ. This
change only applies to cycle mode. After 10 continuous cycles have
ran without the MGF making an adjustment to the RATE ADJ, any
adjustment after the 10 cycles will be limited to the adjustment
limit's lower percentage (ADJ).
----------- MGF 01: Reverted back to original averaging algorithm for
continuous and extrusion following rate dispense.
- Increase rate buffer to 16 updates from 8.
----------- MGF 01: Fixed bug while in the diagnostics screen. The run time
variable wasn't get refreshed, causing the error calculation to
shrink exponentially while in the diagnostics screen
----------- MGF 01: Fixed K0719A change to use seconds instead of
----------- MGF 01: This change applies to continuous mode and extrusion
following. The dispensed weight is calculated using the target
rate, accumulated error, and the number of seconds since last
AVG. DISP = (TARGET + (ERROR / # OF SECONDS)) * 60 seconds
Dispensed and target are displayed in 1/100th of grams.
----------- MGF 01: Changed DISPENSED on diagnostics screen and usb printout
- Changed BFS default 50.
----------- MGF 01: This change applies only to cycle mode. The dispensed
weight is calculated using the target rate, accumulated error,
and the number of cycles since last adjustment.
Dispensed and target are displayed in 1/100th of grams.
----------- Fixed bug with MGF bin fill / settle algorithm on power-up.
- Fixed bug with displaying dispense weight in report and diagnostic
- Added change only adjust the error when an update runs, in cycle
mode this is at the start of every cycle, in continuous mode, an
update occurs every second.
- Changed LCT parameter default to 00505.
----------- Added change to reset RATE ADJ to 1.0 when a calibrated prime is
- Added change to delay first adjustment of continuous mode by an
extra 12 seconds. This should give the MGF no metering alarm
algorithm time to accumulate enough weight to detect no loss in
---------- Added change to use STL parameter as a settle time between
adjustments and between bin weight settling. No adjustment
will occur while the settle time is running.
---------- Added new parameter BFS (Bin Fill / Settle). This parameter is
used to detect an anomaly with the loadcells and prevent the
MGF from adjusting the motor output until the loadcells have
settled again. Defaults to 10 (10 grams).
---------- Added change to prevent adjustments when the bin is being filled.
*NOTE* : for testing purposes only. The label "LOAD" will display
on the main screen when the MGF detects the bin filling.
---------- Added change to use an average of 8 rates for displaying in the
diagnostics screen as well as in the cycle printout.
- Changed RTU default to 00301. This will allow continuous mode
to update every second.
---------- Added change to smooth out dispense value right after an
adjustment to the motor timing is made.
---------- Added change to zero out dispense and error on diagnostics screen
if the system is in stop mode.
---------- Added change to cap extrusion voltage to zero when it drops below
- Changed default for ATP to 5
---------- Added change to accumulate totals in continuous mode while the
loader is running.
- Added software filtering to reduce effect of noise on loadcells.
- Added change to display /S in version string when powering the MGF.
- Added change to ignore bin removed when in volumetric mode.
- Added change to zero out error and hold dispense on the diagnostic
screen. This change is only active while the loader is running.
- Added change to use captured weight for displaying accumulated
error for the cycle mode instead of the current bin weight. Change
applied to both printout and diagnostics screen.
---------- Added change for ATP parameter. In this change the error is
accumulated from the difference of the target dispense versus
the actual dispense. When the error reaches ATP grams from the
target, the normal adjustments rules are applied.
- Added change to display ATP in diagnostic display. Also changed
the error value to equal the difference from the target.
---------- Fixed MAX CAPACITY alarm when running extrusion following.
- Added change for XMR parameter. This parameter's unit of measure
has changed to grams per minute. The value entered in XMR will
cap the minimum gram per minute target rate while running in
extrusion following. This cap is only visible in diagnostic mode.
---------- Fixed max capacity alarm in cycle mode. The alarm check was
called before the motor run-time was set, randomly causing the
MAX CAPACITY alarm to trigger.
- Added change to display MTF as grams per revolution, instead of
grams per step.
- Added new parameter PMR (Prime Motor Rate), used to limit the
speed of the motor when running prime. Defaults to 40 RPM.
---------- Fixed bug in cycle mode. The steps per second calculation was
using the original formula from the analog motor version of the
MGF. This change correctly calculates the steps per second.
--------- Adjusted motor control for better performance. Can now reach up
to speeds of 150 RPMs.
- Adjusted diagnostics message from ON TIME to OFF TIME.
- Adjusted limit of Maxium RPM to 150.
--------- Added change to ignore low weight alarm when running volumetric
--------- Updated Spanish language translations.
--------- Fixed total dispensed for cycle and continuous modes. The dispense
value was originally accumulating grams that were converted from
raw counts. This change accumulates the raw counts and converts to
grams when needed for display or printing.
--------- Fixed bug with using USB device. A changed in version J0128A,
initialized the USB controller before the ethernet stack was
initialized. Because of this change, the USB driver was
from the file system after startup. This change fixes this bug.
--------- Added change to ignore no metering alarm is the target weight in
cycle mode is less than 2.0 grams.
--------- Updated French language template.
--------- Added change to cap Full Weight Calibration to 5000 grams. If
the value enter is greater than this, a warning message will
appear and the weight must be re-entered.
--------- Shortened sleep time for cycle and continuous mode while waiting
for an active screw signal.
- Fixed bug with motor on time getting truncated to zero when the
screw signal time is less than one second.
- Added a few changes to give ethernet driver more time to process
incoming packets.
- Fixed bug with MLAN command 71h, now returns all four lines of
--------- Added change to display usb version on top right side during
- Added new menu option in SETUP. This new menu option allows the
user to re-flash the USB firmware from a USB flash drive. The
firmware file must have .ROM extension in order for the MGF to
see it.
--------- Added change to print screw signal active time in report printout.
The report will print SIG ON: in 1/100th of seconds.
- Added change to reset RATE ADJ when the PRIMING FUNCTION is able
calibrate the motor factor.
--------- Added change to auto-calibration in PRIMING FUNCTION.
We capture the bin weight every second while running the
Priming function. When we see a loss in weight greater
than 0.2 grams in one second, we flag that second. This flag
indicates that LIW is detected. We then scan through the
rest of the captured data, ensuring that we are continuously
losing at least 0.2 grams of weight each second.
--------- Added change to display CALIBRATED message with the PRIMING
FUNCTION has accumulated enough weight loss data to calculate
a motor factor.
- Fixed total accumulation for cycle mode. If the MGF is loading,
the cycle weight is locked in until the loading sequence is
--------- Change automatic motor calibration for priming function. We start
recording weight loss as soon as priming is activated. If the
priming function runs for more than 10 seconds, the collected data
is used to calculate a motor factor.
- Fixed bug with total accumulation while running the loader.
- Fixed cycle report for total, added decimal point.
--------- Fixed bug with motor time not getting updated when XMR is set to
zero and the incoming voltage starts at zero.
--------- Added change to allow a zero value for XMR. Also changed logic
to look for zero value and ignore minimum rate if zero.
- Changed XMR default to 0.
--------- Fixed bug with motor time not getting updated when the voltage
starts at zero.
- Fixed bug with error checking when the voltage is set to zero.
--------- Fixed bug with loading flash settings on power-up.
- Changed default for XMR to 2 (0.2 g/s).
--------- Added new parameter XMR, extruder minimum rate. This parameter
will only apply to extrusion follow mode. When the incoming
voltage caused the target rate to drop below XMR, the rate is
capped to XMR. An exception to this is if the incoming voltage
is zero. XMR is entered as 1/10th grams per second and defaults
to 10 (1.0 gps).
--------- Added change to double motor ON and OFF time it calculated motor
time is less than 20 milliseconds. The ON and OFF will continue
to get doubled until the ON time is over 20 milliseconds. The
time will not get doubled more than 5 times. This change is only
affective in continuous or extrusion mode.
--------- Added change to disable NO METERING alarm is the target rate in
continuous or extrusion follow is less than 1 lb per hour.
--------- Changed automatic motor factor calculation from the prime function
to reject factors less than 0.10 g/s.
--------- Changed LOW WEIGHT ALARM default to 400.
--------- Fixed bug with extrusion following voltage update.
--------- Fixed parameter lists for all other languages other an English.
--------- Added change to print XCV in extrusion mode cycle-by-cycle
report printout.
- Added change to print REFILL CT in continuous and extrusion mode
if the loader is enabled.
- Added change for NO METERING ALARM. In all modes, if the no
metering alarm check is moving toward a no metering alarm, we
ignore any error correction.
- Added change to cycle mode for NO METERING ALARM. If the
NO METERING ALARM was triggered, then we will ignore error
correction until the alarm is cleared.
- Added change to cycle mode. This the cycle is not running then
the weight trace buffer will not get updated.
--------- Fixed bug with SHOT WT printout. It now prints out in 1/10th of
- Fixed bug with DISPENSED rate not updating then using SIGNAL_RUN
option for continuous mode.
- Fixed bug with printing reports during continuous mode.
- Removed CYCLE CT from cycle-by-cycle report for continuous mode
if loader is disabled.
- Fixed bug with report interval not saving after getting changed.
--------- Changed default for SIGNAL RUN to off
- Changed default for LOW WEIGHT ALARM to 500
- Added change to prevent a zero value for motor factor from
PRIME FUNCTION calibration.
- Added change to prevent a zero value for XMO if a zero value
is entered for LDR or PER HOUR RATE.
- Fixed bug with loader turning off when running FILL BIN. While
the MGF is the running the FILL BIN menu option and the RUN / STOP
switch changes from the RUN position to the STOP position,
the loader would stop running but stay waiting for the BIN WEIGHT
to reach the LOADER OFF weight. This fix prevents the loader from
turning off when the RUN / STOP switch changes to STOP position.
--------- Fixed bug with MGF controller locking up after updating the
firmware. This bug was caused by a change to the flash settings,
the saved language has moved, causing the MGF to try and use
a language that doesn't exist. This fix hardcodes the FIRMWARE
CHANGED message english.
--------- Changed PRIME FUNCTION, removing speed control and added an autocalibration feature that runs in the background. If the PRIME is
cancelled before the 60 second timer expires, the calibration is
also cancelled. The AUTO-CALIBRATION is used to calculate a
motor factor, based off the loss-in-weight during the PRIME.
- Changed formatting of Shot Weight. The parameter SHT and main
menu display formatted to 1/10ths of grams.
- Added new option SIGNAL RUN to SETTINGS menu in SETUP. SIGNAL RUN
defaults to ON. Then SIGNAL RUN is enabled, CONTINUOUS mode will
not start until the screw signal input becomes active. The MGF
will continue to run until the screw signal becomes inactive or the
RUN / STOP switch is placed in the STOP position.
--------- Changed report interval from seconds to minutes.
Added cycle by cycle reports.
Added report for parameter list.
Added ability to print to USB printer.
Added change to control motor using new I/O board.
Added PRINT OPTIONS menu for printing
Changed motor factor default from .77 to .75
Added change for model #
- Fixed bug with displaying LOAD after run / stop switch is in the
stop position.
- Fixed bug with loader alarm timer not counting down if weight
doesn't change
- Fixed bug with silencing alarm also pausing loader
- Fixed bug with changing motor speed in prime mode due to noise.
--------- Updated defaults for LWA and NWA to 00100.
- Added ability to view alarm while in Diagnostics mode.
- Added longer debounce to keypad input.
--------- Added change to cancel priming if BIN NOT IN PLACE alarm becomes
- Added change to clear LOADING TOO SLOWLY alarm if loading is
able to complete.
- Added change to ignore error correction for extrusion following
if the voltage is ramping or the extruder voltage is set to zero.
- Added parameter No Weight Adjustment (NWA). If the current
bin weight is less than this value, then error corrections will
be ignored.
- Added fix to help with 908 voltage dropping to zero. If the
MGF sees a swing in voltage greater than 2.25 V, then a 5 second
timer is started. While the timer is running, all incoming voltage
is ignored. If the incoming voltage drops back to zero, the timer
gets reset. If the incoming voltage is stable for 4 seconds, then
we will automatically change to the new voltage.
- Added change to adjust motor time when the extrusion voltage is
- Added volumetric mode to emulate target weight loss.
- Added change to turn off loader if the RUN / STOP switch is in the
stop position.
- Added change to only trigger the BIN NOT IN PLACE if the RUN / STOP
switch in the RUN position, or we attempt to prime or fill.
--------- Added change to allow BIN NOT IN PLACE alarm when loader
is disabled.
- Added change to lock out entry for LB/HR or KG/LB if we are in
extrusion following mode and the incoming voltage is zero.
- Added change to filter incomimg voltage to help remove jitters.
--------- Fixed bug with calculating target rate for continuous mode when
units is set to metric.
- Fixed bug with missing string in SPANISH language template.
- Added calibration routine for extrusion following. The password
3179 must be entered when selecting SETUP from Main Menu.
--------- Fixed extrusion following voltage calculation to match incoming
voltage, bases off of raw counts.
- Fixed NO METERING alarm for cycle mode. We must dispense less than
50% of target rate within 3 cycles before the NO METERING is
--------- Changed format of ATP parameter. ATP now contains a minimum
and maximum deviation from target. It is formated as follows:
u.l.ppp, u is the upper limit from target in whole grams
l is the upper limit from target in whole grams
ppp is the percentage trigger point from target
- Changed default for ATP to 51005.
- Added fix for NO METERING alarm. When the loader is finished or
an adjustment is made to the motor on time, the timer for the
no metering alarm is reset.
- Added fix for CYCLE mode. We wait three cycles after a load is
finished before allowing error correction.
- Fixed bug with screw signal timer not getting reset, when we
are not running.
- Fixed bug with Total Dispensed becoming negative when value
gets too big.
--------- Fixed defaults for loadcell calibration
- Added change to default to CYCLE mode.
- Added change to reset CYCLE mode dispensed accumulator when
the LDR or SHOT WT is changed.
- Added change to save current Ethernet settings, loadcell
calibration, and motor factor when restoring factory defaults.
--------- Added VIEW/RESET TOTALS after RATE ADJ RESET under SETUP. This
menu displays the total dispense in grams as well as the number
of cycle ran. If two zeroes are sequentually pressed within
4 seconds while viewing this menu, the totals will be cleared.
- Added change to save cycle counts to FLASH. If running cycle
mode, this count represents the number of screw signals received.
If running continuous mode this number represents the number of
load cycles.
--------- Added alarm for MAX ADJUST rate. When the rate adjustment factor
caps at the upper boundary error (UBE), the MAX ADJUST RATE alarm
is triggered. If another adjustment is made that brings the
rate adjustment below UBE, the alarm is cleared.
- Added alarm for MIN ADJUST rate. When the rate adjustment factor
caps at the lower boundary error (LBE), the MIN ADJUST RATE alarm
is triggered. If another adjustment is made that brings the
rate adjustment above LBE, the alarm is cleared.
- Added alarm for weight bin removed. When the bin weight falls
below the negative bin weight (NBW), the BIN NOT IN PLACE alarm is
triggered. While this alarm is active, a cycle will not start,
continuous mode can't be ran, PRIMING FUNCTION and FILL BIN are
disabled. The alarm is cleared when the bin weight rises above
the NBW.
- Moved FILL BIN option under SETUP when loader is enabled.
- Added change to accumulate cycle dispense and use it in error
- Fixed cycle count getting reset to zero when an adjustment is
- Added change to flag when a correction is done, without clearing
the dispensed display.
--------- Added 1/2th second debounce to stop switch reading
--------- Added 1/10th second debounce to screw signal reading.
- Added change to save MLAN ID, Ethernet Info, mode settings, and
motor factor across firmware versions.
Fixed bug with checking MAX CAPACITY alarm in cycle mode.
Fixed bug with displaying Adjust Rate in METERING menu.
Fixed bug with displaying ON / OFF at end of SETUP menu.
Changed SETTINGS menu in MAIN MENU to SETUP menu.
Changed SETUP menu in SETTINGS (now SETUP) to SETTINGS menu.
Chanded error correction for cycle mode. If we are outside the
trip-point, we continuous to made adjustments until we fall within
that trip-point range.
Added FILL BIN menu option to MAIN MENU when loader is enabled.
Added SIG:xx to bottom right side of display to show screw
signal time, where xx is the number of seconds the screw signal
has been active.
Added LOAD message to bottom left side of display when loader
is active or paused.
Removed averaging for dispense when running cycle mode.
Removed ability to select other menu options when RUN switch
is active.
--------- Added change recalculate motor ON time when the LDR or PHR is
--------- Fixed bug with NO METERING alarm after a load cycle. This was
fixed ignoring error correction until the loadcells peak, then
we tare the accumulators and wait STL seconds before checking
for errors in rate.
- Fixed bug with displaying old calibration values after running
a calibration.
- Removed EXTR. FLLW menu option
- Changed ATP parameter to include a minimum gram error. ATP is
formatted as follows: mm.ppp where mm = minimum gram error in
1/10th of grams, and ppp = percent from target.
- Added a 10 second delay on CONTINUOUS mode startup which allows
the loadcells "catch-up" with the LOSS IN WEIGHT trend.
- Added EXTR. FLLW to list of modes in SETUP
- Added change to ignore rates less than 0.2 grams per second for
3 second updates.
- Adjusted default for RTU, set to 00303
- Adjusted default for ADJ, set to 03005
- Updated defaults for loadcell calibration
--------- Fixed bug with extrusion following. If the incoming voltage is
greater than 10 V, then we ignore the voltage and do not adjust
the Per Hour Rate or Shot Weight.
- Fixed bug with Get Steady Rate MLAN command. Now returns the
target grams per hour value, in 1/10th of grams.
- Reduced the frequency to the V-to-F converter for the load-cells.
With the reduced frequency, the incoming weight from the load-cells
is more stable. However, this change causes all previous loadcell
calibrations to become invalid.
- Changed value used in error correction. We are now using an
average flowrate when checking if we are on target. When the
actual deviates ATP percent from target we adjust the motor ON
time and reset the actual rate to the target rate.
- Fixed bug with running cycle mode. One first run of cycle mode,
the error check if ignored until a full cycle has ran.
- Changed error correction for cycle mode. The target dispense is
now a gram value based off the settings for the screw signal,
instead of a grams per second rate.
- Changed 501 screen to display target gram dispense for cycle mode,
instead of target rate.
--------- Changed 501 screen to display difference between actual and target
instead of percentage.
- Changed ADJ parameter to contain two values. ADJ is formatted as
follows: uuu.ll where uuu is the percentage of adjustment made
when the error is at or above uuu. ll is the percentage of
adjustment made when the error is below uuu.
- Added RESTORE DEFAULTS menu option after RATE ADJ RESET. This
option can be used to restore flash settings to factory defaults.
- Added actual rate buffer to smooth out display value in 501 screen.
- Added another layer of filters to loadcells
- Fixed bug with returning invalid totals for GetTotals MLAN command.
Changed 501 screen DISPENSE to grams per minute
Changed 501 screen TARGET to grams per minute
Changed 501 screen ERROR to display percent error from target
Removed NMW parameter, we now use the current target rate to
calculate the no metering alarm weight. The weight is calculated
by taking the grams per second multiplied by 10, when compare it
to the oldest element in the trace buffer.
Relabeled LTP to ATP for adjustment trip point. The ATP parameter
is now used as a percentage of the target rate. When the actual
rate is less than ATP percent from the target rate, we check to
see if we can adjust the motor ON time.
Added Run-Time Update (RTU) parameter. The RTU is formatted as
follows: where ss = number of seconds between each update
and rrr = number of updates that trend away from target rate.
Added Adjustment Limit (ADJ) parameter. The ADJ parameter is
used to limit the calculated adjustment.
Added change to display message when exiting RESET RATE ADJUST
Relabeled message on RESET RATE ADJUST screen to OLD RA and NEW RA.
Fixed bug with SHT and PHR parameters getting truncated.
Changed EXTR. CTRL label to EXTR. FLLW.
Hardcoded component 12's type to natural.
Added change to Send Settings MLAN command. We now use LDR as
component 12's settings. If XT parameter is set > 0, then
component 12's setting is multiplied by 10 before setting LDR.
Added change to Get Settings MLAN command. Component 12's setting
reflects the current setting for LDR.
Added DIAGNOSTICS menu after PRIME FUNCTION is main menu.
Added RATE ADJ RESET menu after UPDATE FIRMWARE in settings menu.
Removed 503 backdoor key and button sequence from main menu.
Removed stability window from 503 screen.
Changed RATE ER to RATE ADJ in 501 screen.
Added change to reset rate adjustment when the motor factor is
Fixed display offset for values in LOADER OPERATIONS menu.
--------- Added change to detect bin filling when loader is off. If the bin
gets filled while the loader is disabled, we wait for the bin
weight to settle. After the bin settles, we tare the weight
accumulators to prevent any false NO METERING ALARMs.
- Added EXTR CTRL menu option to SETUP menu
- Added XMO parameter for Extrusion Follow feature. The XMO
parameter stands for Extruder Max Output and is used to determine
the ratio for the 0 - 10 V input.
Added change to adjust the Shot Weight or LB/HR rate when using
extrusion following.
Fixed bug with motor turning ON for one second if motor ON time
is set to zero.
Added change to ignore NO METERING alarm if motor is not running.
Changed backdoor password to '7136'
--------- Fixed bug with priming alarm. When PRIMING TIMED OUT alarm is
active, pressing any button would silence the alarm but keep it
active. This fixes clears out the alarm when any button is
- Added software solution to help with noise causing the alarm to
randomly turning on.
- Added change to load default load-cell setting when running a
new firmware.
- Added templates for multiple languages
- Added fix to ignore run switch when priming or calibrating
- Fix bug that ignores run switch in continuous mode when the screw
signal is active.
--------- Fixed bug with reading from
production diagnostics, the
twice. Because of this the
correctly when "talking" to
USB. Due to software changed for
USB hardware was getting initialized
USB controller wasn't responding
a USB drive.
Added setup menu to change MLAN Id for communications
Added setup menu to change IP address
Added setup menu to view IP address
Added setup menu to view MAC address
Added MLAN commands for G2 support
Added menu to edit Real-Time clock
Changed Parameters menu to look more like WSB/LIW
Changed menu system
Fixed bug with low weight alarm when hopper is removed. Loader
now shuts off if weight is a negative value.
- Fixed bug with setting PRIME speed below zero.
- Added change to "PAUSE" loader by pressing any key. Loader
operation can be resumed by pressing the ENTER key.
--------- Fixed FULL CALIBRATION, to allow use to cancel calibration using
the back key.
- Fixed bug with running PRIME in cycle mode.
- Fixed bug with error correction after refilling the bin.
--------- Added PRIMING TIMEOUT alarm
- Fixed NO METERING alarm
- Fixed cycle mode timing calculation using ms resolution timer.
--------- Added timeout to PRIME mode
- Added cycle mode control
- Added control for loader and added menu options to adjust ON / OFF
and alarm times
--------- Initial release