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Weekly Bulletin
Week of Monday, March 3rd, 2003
“Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one
whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of
Allah." (Quran 33:21)
What Every VCU/MCV MSA Member Needs to Know for the Week of 3/3/03:
(1) Prayer Timings for this week
(2) Friday Prayer (Salat al-Juma)
(3) Halaqaa of the Week: To Be Announced
(4) Iqra: Please Sign Up
(5) Islam and Black History Month (Part 3) (Wed Feb 26th @ 6:30pm
(6) On Going Activities/Congregational Prayer Timings at the Local
(7) Special Mosque/Richmond Community Events of the Week
(9) Hadith of the Week
(10) Audio Clip of the Week
(11) Special Topic of the week:
(1) Prayer Timings for this week:
(Congregational prayers for Zuhr, Asr, and Maghrib are in the Student Commons)
Fajr: 5:13
Zuhr: 12:22
Asr: 3:34
Maghrib: 6:04
Isha: 7:31
***Please check the reservation boards for location of prayer room***
(2) Friday Prayer (salat al-Jumu`a)
WHEN: Friday March 7th at 1:15 to 2:00 PM
WHERE: Business Auditorium
Reminder to everyone that we will be having Jummah prayer this Friday at 1:15 in the
Business Auditorium, which is located across from the University Commons. The prayer
should end close to 2:00, so that those who have class at this time will be able to attend.
"O you who have believed, when [the Adhan] is called for prayer on the Day of Jumu`ah,
then proceed to the remembrance of Allah and leave trade. That is better for you, if you
only knew." (Q. 62:9)
(3) Halaqaa of the Week:
The topic of the Halaqaa will be a story for the Holy Quran. An e-mail will be sent out
on Monday night given the exact day, time, and location of the Halaqaa. Please check
your e-mail for an update.
(4) Iqra
* ==/\== *.
* IQRA *
`* ====== *`
/====== The Literary and Cultural Journal =======\
/ of the Muslim Students' Association at VCU/MCV \
*Publication of Spring 2003 Issue to Begin!*
If you're interested in helping out, becoming a part of the
staff, contributing work, or just want more info.
or E-mail
[email protected]
(5) Islam and Black History Month (Part 3)
Islam, Race, and Justice: Reconciling the Irreconcilable by Civil Rights Activist Mahdi Bray
WHEN: Monday, March 3rd at 7:30 pm
WHERE: Forum Room, Student Commons
A long time civil and human rights activist, Mahdi Bray will be visiting the campus for
the final event of MSA's Black History Month series. He is currently the Executive
Director of the Muslim American Society (MAS) Freedom Foundation and the President
of the Coordinating Council of Muslim Organizations (CCMO). He also is a
Washington, DC, Television and Radio Talk-Show Host. His extensive history of civil
rights activism also has afforded him experience with many civil rights organizations in
the past. During the 1960s, Bray was involved in the Student Non-Violent Coordinating
Committee (SNCC), the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and other activist
(6)On Going Activities/Congregational Prayer Timings at the Local Mosques:
Islamic Center of VA(ICVA)
Congregational Prayer Times :
Fajr: 6:00 am
Duhr: 12:30 pm
Asr: 3:50 pm
Maghrib: 5:53 pm
Isha: 7:30 pm
Sunday School 10:15 AM - 1:15 PM
Introduction to Islam classes for new Muslims
or those interested in learning Islam 2:00 - 3:00 PM
Juma Prayer 12:30 - 1:15 PM
Adults Halaqaa 6:30 - 7:30 PM Tafseer and Seerah
Arabic - Beginner Level taught by Br. Abdur-Rahman 6:00 - 7:30 PM
Tuesday and Thursday:
Arabic - Advanced Level taught by Imam Shaheed
6:30 to 8:30 PM
For more information on ICVA, go to:
Or contact Imam Shaheed at [email protected] for exact timings and questions
Islamic Society of Greater Richmond (ISGR)
To find out the prayer timings for the Islamic Society of Greater Richmond, please
contact [email protected].
Friday: Men's Halaqa (Study Circle) 8:30 PM
Sunday: Sunday School 10:30 AM-1:45 PM
Women's Halaqa (Study Circle) 2:00 PM
For more information, please email [email protected]
(7) Special Mosque/Richmond Community Events of the Week:
Get Mistified: Interscholastic Tournament:
Want to help some high school Muslims learn more about Islam? Be a MIST mentor.
Muslim Inter Scholastic Tournament is a fun and creative way to help high school
students from around America learn and show their creativity in the way of Allah swt. It
allows for an Islamic atmosphere that is greatly lacking within our youth today.
Please check out the MIST website for more
Please Contact Br. Farrukh at [email protected]
MSA National East Zone Conference… The Continuous Struggle: Maintaining our Faith
WHEN: April 18-20, 2003
WHERE: Ramada Plaza Hotel Edison, New Jersey
SPEAKERS: Imam Mokhtar Maghroui, Ustadh Muhammad Alshareef, Imam Siraj
Wahhaj , Imam Zaid Shakir
"O ye who believe! Shall I lend you to a bargain that will save you from a grievous
Penalty? You shall believe in Allah and His Messanger, and struggle hard in Allah's way
with your property and your lives; that is better for you, if ye but knew!" [Quran 61:1011]
Life is a continuous circle, and so is our spiritual struggle. We encounter daily issues that
we struggle with and wonder how to keep that circle going. The conference will focus on
topics that deal with living Islam, not just learning it. We will take a look at how Islam
can be practiced in our everyday lives, by fulfilling the commands of Allah(swt) when it
comes to serving your purpose here on earth. Along with prayer, your life should have a
meaning and you can fulfill your duty as a Muslim by following a career path, which will
benefit Muslims and make you an example of a Muslim living Islam. - Program
Committee, MSA National EZ 2003
***Pre-register: $75 (includes registration, hotel room, meals)***
To Register online please visit:
April 5th - MSA Yale Conference
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
In conjunction with MSA National, the Muslim Students of Southern CT State
University, and Yale Religious Ministries, the Muslim Students' Association
at Yale, and Masjid al-Islam of New Haven, CT invite you to participate in
Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) in the Academy
a roundtable forum
Speakers commenting on the following papers will include Dr. Sherman Jackson,
Dr. Marcia Hermansen and Imam Zaid Shakir.
A Conference On Community, War & Oppression
Childcare, food and housing provided.
Hey- If you're against war and live in or near the Virginia/Mid-Atlantic/Southeast area,
we request your presence in Richmond the weekend of March 21-23 for RECLAIM! a
conference on community, war and oppression. During RECLAIM we'll be building a
bigger and stronger, long-lasting anti-war movement in our particular part of the country
by networking and equipping a couple hundred activists from all walks of life with the
skills, knowledge and connections they need to fight the fundamental reasons for the
government’s mad oil war. There will be workshops, skill-sharing sessions, panel
discussions, films, demonstrations, a regional spokescouncil and more. If you're against
Bush's "endless war" in all of its different manifestations, please try to make it to
Richmond at the end of March. Movements don't build themselves, and power doesn't
conceed anything without demand.
For more info: call 804.643.0196, email [email protected], or check
out: and
Here's a smattering of what we’ve planned so far...
an extensive series of workshops and info sessions focusing on
multiple aspects of the war, Iraq specifically and organizing against another
Persian Gulf War. With Dr. Rania Masri.
*The Social Cost of War on Working Class People
*Introduction To Islam
*Against The Occupation: An Intro to Palestinian Liberation and the
International Solidarity Movement, by Adam Shapiro
*Public Speaking Skill-share (women's workshop, by Rania Masri)
*Non-Violence & Direct Action
*Activist Grab Bag: Tactics, Skills, & Strategy for Social Change
*Sexism & Militarism
*We Don’t Want Your Racist War: Understanding How Racism & War Are
Connected *Making Connections: A Panel on Local Social Justice
Organizing & the Anti-War Movement
*Ending Israeli Apartheid: VCU Israel Divestment Campaign
*Working Class Resistance To War: Past & Present
*US Imperialism in Latin America
*Confronting Empire: Anarchist Perspectives, with Cindy Milstein
*Understanding and Resisting the PATRIOT act
SATURDAY NIGHT SPOKESCOUNCIL: A democratic forum for the VA anti-war
movement to plan it’s next big actions and initiatives! All are invited to speak their mind
about where they would like to see their energy with a statewide movement go.
*Poets Against the War
*AVAIL punk benefit show for food not bombs
*Antiwar Film Festival
and finally...
4:30 PM Rally and Meal 5:30 PM March down Monument Ave. On Sunday, March
23rd, hundreds of people from all across Virginia will converge on Richmond to raise our
voices in opposition to the Bush administration’s economic and military violence. If
you're against the present cycle of poverty and war, we need you here with us.
Yes, YOU.
Unions, students, pacifists, activists, kids, moms, artists, jews, muslims, christians,
homeless and all community members. If we want better wages and healthcare instead
of violence and destruction, we need to be in the streets together!
At 4:30 PM on SUNDAY MARCH 23, we'll be gathering in Monroe Park to eat dinner,
hear speakers and rally. At 5:30 we march. The march will be permitted, safe and
accessible to all. We will proceed together in opposition down Monument Ave past stone
monuments of the South’s racist war generals, and end in a candlelit vigil at dusk.
Math Tutor Needed
Are there any muslim sisters at VCU or in the community who could help be a math tutor
for some sisters in local high schools who needed some help. Specifically it would be for
Algebra II.
To help out contact Sr. Khadijah <[email protected]>
Searching for a Roommate
Muslim brother, new to Richmond, is in search for a roommate/apartment with
another muslim brother. Contact Br. Asif at [email protected]
Or at (804) 515-7582
(9)Hadith of the Week:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
While the Prophet was saying something in a gathering, a Bedouin came
and asked him, "When would the Hour (Doomsday) take place?" Allah's
Apostle continued his talk, so some people said that Allah's Apostle had
heard the question, but did not like what that Bedouin had asked. Some of
them said that Alllah's Apostle had not heard it. When the Prophet finished
his speech, he said, "Where is the questioner, who enquired about the
Hour (Doomsday)?" The Bedouin said, "I am here, O Allah's Apostle ."
Then the Prophet said, "When honesty is lost, then wait for the Hour
(Doomsday)." The Bedouin said, "How will that be lost?" The Prophet
said, "When the power or authority comes in the hands of unfit persons,
then wait for the Hour (Doomsday.)"
(Volume 1, Book 3, Number 56)
(10) New Audio Clip of the Week:
To hear Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaquobi speak on Spiritual Bankruptcy, go
to and scroll down until June 14th, 2002. The
audio file lasts almost 40 minutes.
(11) Special Topic of the week:
Article of the Week:
Imam al-Haddad: The Golden Mean
Know that moderation and steering a middle course are required in all affairs and must be
maintained. It has been handed down that “the best of the things are the middle ones”.
And, “Moderation, deliberation, and graceful manners are one of twenty-five parts of
prophethood.” The Commander of the Faithful, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib, may God ennoble his
countenance and grant him His good pleasure, said, “Keep to the middle course, for those
who exceed it return to it and those who fall short of it [eventually advance to] rejoin it.”
It is out of incapacity or neglect that one falls short of the middle course and moderation,
while to exceed it is to be immoderate and extravagant. God (blessed and exalted is He!)
urges mankind towards moderation and to cleaving to the middle way: Let not your hand
be tied to your neck, nor open it altogether, lest you sit down blamed and regretful
(Quran, 17:29). Also, And those who when they spend are neither wasteful nor grudging,
and there is ever a firm station between the two (Quran, 25:67).
All praiseworthy attributes and activities should be judged according to this rule. To go
into this detail would be too lengthy, so we will give only a few examples, like liberality
(about which you have just read what God the Exalted has said), such that excess and
immoderation here amount to squandering and wastefulness, for God likes not the
wasteful (Quran: 6:141). But on the other hand, insufficiency and neglect amount to
avarice and greed, and the miser is remote from God the Exalted and from men. Again,
courage is a praiseworthy quality. However when immoderate, it turns into recklessness
and unnecessary risk-taking; whereas when insufficient it becomes cowardice and
disgrace. Humility is also praiseworthy, but when excessive, it turns into degradation and
humiliation; and when insufficient, it turns into arrogance and frivolity. The same applies
to modesty which, when excessive, becomes effeminacy and weakness, and when
insufficient becomes crudeness and impudence. Finally, too much humor and
cheerfulness leads to fatuousness and triviality, while too little leads to offensiveness and
estrangement. Other traits can be weighed in the same manner. The same principle
applies to sleep, food, clothes, and so on. One must always cleave to the middle way, for
both extremes are blameworthy.
Now be aware that the limits of moderation may not be evident, and the middle way may
prove difficult to locate, except for those who have religious insight and are well versed
in knowledge and certitude. Therefore any person who experiences problems in this area
must refer to such people, and if he cannot find any of them, which frequently occurs
these days, he must halt and wait until he is sure of the right thing to do. The best course
of action when confusion occurs is to lean slightly on the side of excess in praiseworthy
things, such as humility and liberality, and slightly on the side of frugality in habitual
things such as eating, sleeping, and talking, for it is in the nature of the lower soul to lean
towards excess in habitual things and toward insufficiency and neglect in matters of
religion. It is therefore wise and appropriate to go against the soul’s inclination on both
accounts. The Proof of Islam, [Imam al-Ghazali], may God have mercy on him, has given
similar indications in his writings.
To explain further, if a man giving charity is undecided as to whether he is being miserly
or prodigal, let him go a little more toward the side of excess, for this is better than
avarice. The soul is inclined to like money and to dislike parting from it; so it must
always stand accused of miserliness. If a man is undecided whether he has excessive or
insufficient humility, let him move a little toward being humble, for the same reason
[stated above]. If on the other hand, he cannot decide whether is taking the right amount
of food, sleep, or any other habitual thing, let him move toward reduction and economy,
for the soul again stands accused here, and any reduction in such things is unreservedly
praiseworthy, so long as it does not affect one’s mind or body adversely.
Disclaimer: The Muslim Students Association at VCU and its officers, advisers, members, and associated organizations
do not necessarily organize, sponsor, or endorse the non-MSA events, discussions, lectures, meetings, programs, or
other notices posted on MSA-List. Their posting to the list is meant solely to inform the readers of our
e-mail list of relevant items of possible interest. The accuracy of non-MSA at VCU notices is not guaranteed.
To subscribe to or unsubscribe from our mailing list, please go to
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 804/370-5271
Office: 907 Floyd Ave. PO Box 842032