Download UNIT II: 600-1450 (Rise of the East, Feudalism, Islam, Mongols)

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UNIT II: 600-1450 - Rise of the East (Sui, Tang, Song) and new technology,
Feudalism and Crusades, Spread of Islam, Mongols in Russia, Middle East and
China (Yuan), Mali Empire (Mansa Musa & his riches), Ibn Battuta travels
around the Islamic world, Great Zimbabwe, Aztecs & Incas, Crusades
Africa: (Ethiopia, Ghana, Great Zimbabwe, Ibn Battuta, Mali, Mansa Musa, Swahili Coast, Timbuktu)
-Varied environments had an imp. Influence on cultural and economic developments
-Regional and long-distance interactions among societies and outsiders created cultural diversity
-African societies played a major role in the larger networks of trade: sub-saharan and Indian Ocean
-Islam’s spread to Africa had a significant impact in terms of religious and economic influence
Africans could produce food, irrigation, rivers imp (Nile), copper (SE)and gold, iron most plentiful
N. Africa Islam by 8th c., Muslim Berber took Ghana (1076), Mali (1200-1500) largest, richest Islam state
E.Africa; Christianity (Ethiopia) – Islam came peacefully bc. economic interaction, empire management
Mali: wealth by trade (control of routes) –gold fields in Niger – more land than Ghana, Timbuktu (books)
-Mansa Musa in Mali (1312-1337) gold to Mecca story & devalued it in Cairo, built schools, govt. - peace
-Ibn Battuta wrote about Mansa – went to Middle East, Africa and Asia…Mansa Sulieman hurt by Malinke
1200-1500 Indian Ocean trade rich: states in Europe, Asia and Africa – grew after Mongol Empire
African city-states along Indian Ocean trade: Kilwa, Mombasa, Mogadishu (Swahili Coast) – shores of black
Swahili Coast prospered because of trade in gold – Great Zimbabwe (farm, cattle), but gold trade!
Islam still allowed local cultures to thrive (mosques different styles), Islam spread = literacy spread
Spread in wealth = elites, slavery grade in Mali, Ethiopia to ME, India, China…slaves had opportunities to
advance..some became powerful, wealth (slave took over Songhai Empire in Mali)
Women: farmed, transport food, water – women reflected in local customs, Islam: not completely covered
Middle East: (caliphates, Il-Khan, mamluks, Mongols, Ottomans, Shi-ite, Sunni, ulama, umma)
(See ISLAM to understand Islam(youngest of monotheistic religions – religious chart in review)
Muhammad in Mecca, visions of Allah creates Islam (submission), 5 Pillars, flee to Medina (hijra), creates Islamic
community (umma), back to Mecca, pilgrimage to the Ka’ba (hajj), death, split (Sunnis & Shi’ites)
Shi’ites: caliph succession through Muahmmad (cousin Ali), Sunni’s believe caliph chosen by community
1st Caliph (Abu Bakr) – collect, organize Muhammad’s revelations in the Quran (Arabic), laws (Shari’a)
Sunni’s establish 1st caliphate of Umayyad (661)…conquer ME, N. Africa, Spain ( w. Christians, Jews)
Abbasid comes after: capital in Baghdad (center for learning), not effectively ruled as empire large and diverse,
non-arabs convert to Islam, technological advancements as it fragments and Crusades come
Unlike Christianity (Catholics) – Islam looked to many sources for knowledge – Greek & Roman classics
Women: greater legal freedoms than Jewish/Christians – (veils from Byzantines) – not equal but could own &
inherit prop., divorce, remarry, testify in court
Crusades WHY: sons could gain new lands, titles (inheritances only by eldest), traders wanted access to ports
under Muslim control, Christian vs. Christian truces redirected warring to enemies of Christianity & Muslims
controlled Christ. sacred cities (Jerusalem,), pilgrimages OK,but Muslims kept eating away at Byzantine
Empire - Crusades effected Europe, not Muslims: life improved,: info., ideas, goods, resources – brought back
(paper & sugar) & ports in Genoa, Venice –demand for goods from ME stimulated markets, Greek works
found, knowledge – brings RX…Mongols in ME (Abbasid destroyed in 1258: Baghdad sacked) – Mongol
leaders (Khans) convert to Islam: 4 khanates – Il-khan in ME (grandson of Genghis)…tax farming, but with
paper money from China – brought an economic depression…
Mongol rule continued to bring ideas and goods under Silk Road, Rashid al-Din (historian) wrote about the
great empire
Trade& ideas also brought on plague – 14th C. Seljuk Turks between Byzantine & Mongols…then
Timur…Ottoman power Mongols decline, Ottomans tighten political org., skilled in warfare & conquest –
Ottomans take over Byzantine in 1453
Asia: (plague, Delhi Sultanate, dhow, Grand Canal, Jagadai khanate, junk, Kamakura Shogunate, koryo, Malacca, neo-Confucianism, tributary system/state, Yuan)
China: Han (300 yrs. Disunity)-Sui (40yrs)Confucianism, exam system revived, Mahayana Buddhism,
Chang’an capital-canals & Grand Canal (Yellow to Yangzi Rivers)– Tang (618-907)lg. empire, Buddhism &
monasteries given land grants, tax exemptions, tributary system (like Han): Japan, Korea paid tribute, Chang’an
a trading, arts center (Indian Ocean trade), compass, ocean-going vessels , cotton & silk production – problems
w. external groups & internal reb. Buddhism became a scapegoat (tax exempt,foreign), blamed for family
breakdown (sons in monasteries, not heirs) Song (960-1279) - lg. army (not as big as Tang), Song fought
“barbarians” in north…Jin defeated Song – “southern Song” – math, engineering, astronomy, build mechanical
clock, created junk (oceans w. watertight compartments), iron & steel productions, gunpowder – weapons;
paper money (moveable type) – spread across Asia and beyond, printing = better education, agricultural
techniques, health info (combat malaria, plague), credit system – neo-confucianism: reflect some Buddhism;
exam system, merit system – WOMEN treated poorly (ag. Buddhism): no rights or remarriage, footbinding
Mongols: - shamanism religion, but adopted Buddhist, Islam, Christianity – Khan most powerful: Genghis
Khan (1200)
Khan Ogodei (Genghis son) took North China, Song Empire, Middle East (sacking of Baghdad): WHY so
quickly? Mongol military techniques (steppe, horsemanship, Central Asian bow, iron weaponry and tactics fr.
China): cap: Karakorum
Mamluks the only rival: shared cultural traditions and familiar w. Mongol weaponry and tactics: 3 groups:
Great Khan in Golden Horde - GH(Russia), Jagadai Khanate – JH (Central Asia), Il-Khan - IK (Iran)….GH:
(Alex. Nevskii helped them, was favored), Moscow became imp., recognized Orthodox Church (smart!), Islam
adopted by leader – conflict w. Il-khan until 1295 – Il-Khan now a Muslim! Mongols allowed missionaries,
merchants, trade – bubonic plague(influenza, typhus, smallpox), tax burden, plague = pop. Loss, drained
econ….Jagadai Khanate took over Il-Khan w. Timur (not a Mongol, thus not Khan) – attacked Delhi Sultanate
(later became Mughal), Ottoman…JH won’t recognize Khubilai Khan as Great Khan (GH) in 1265 – fights
destroyed Karakorum - Khubilai from Beijing – Yuan – unifies areas, combine Chinese & Mongol traditions,
but no exam system (Mongols instead), Confucians didn’t like Yuan practices like merchant status rising (not
respect by Confucians), silk road revitalized, Pax Mongolia (Il-Khan at one end & Yuan other), roads, canals to
bring tribute to Beijing, men at court (Marco Polo)-population declined (flooding, migration, warfare, plague)
and Mongol rebellion: new empire w. Ming (Hongwu) – reassert Chinese practices capital from Beijing to
Nanjing, Confucian exam system, staple crops, pop increase, Great Wall (keep foreigners/Mongols out), Yongle
emperor increased ties to Mongols – back to Beijing, Forbidden City, reopen trade w. Indian Ocean & ME, sent
Zheng He on trips (trade, mercantile, diplomatic relations), 50 new tribute states, porcelain, lit, painting (mid
17th c) Korea: influenced by Chinese (records fr. Ch)Confuc. & Budd., but no civil service exam – aristocracy
were rulers, wealth from agric., Koryo family – feared Liao & Jim Empires (like Chinese), diplomacy w. Song,
Mongol attacked 1231 (gave tribute) – Koryo married into Mongols & Yuan culture – Yi next in power,
excellent navy, moveable – Japan came in 1910…Japan: records fr. Ch., Confuc. & Budd., - no Mandate of
Heaven, emperors descended (Fujiwara then Kamakura – est. shogunate… decentralized feudal state (not
unifed), Mongol threat = Jap. Identity, resisted invasion (weather), samurai..Vietnam: Annam (N)tied to China,
Champa (S)influenced by India & Malaya – tribute gift of Champa rice, Mongols took it
India: Gupta (from UnitI)- fighting states – Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526): Muslim, centralized w. strict govt.,
Hindu’s paid tax=protection, tension! (still continues), Timur captured Delhi (1398), but continued sultanate –
Indian Ocean trade w. port cities (Malacca: gateway for all, lots of trade with dhow w. lanteen sail) – monsoon
Europe: (feudalism, Western Schism, Hanseatic, Holy Roman Empire, investiture controversy, scholasticism,)
-After fall of Roman Empire, w. part of empire decentralized feudal system, east = Byzantine Empire
-Christianity political and religious impact, Catholic Church competed for political authority and influence
-Crusades brought economic & intellectual changes in late-medieval Europe –Renaissance (see ME)
-Black Death was a major factor in ending feudalism and awakening urban life
Europe in decline, subsistence living, local lords ruled, Germanic traditions & practices, safety! = castle, lords –
weak kings except Charlemagne (granddad at battle of Tours: prevented Muslims from taking France), in Gaul
(France), Germany, Italy – brought int. revival: Treaty of Verdun split into 3 parts…cities declined, roads
disrepair, no contact
Manor – fortified dwelling, serfs worked land for lord (protection), serfs couldn’ t leave… (land rights to
military service), vassal relationships: King to vassal for military work (knight), marriage a tool for alliances
and land
Church head=Pope, strong in early period, Rome: drew up rules/doctrines, 962: Holy Roman Emperor to defend
Christ. – tension btw Kings /Lords & Pope…bishops had local power, but often vassals to other Kings…who
would appoint Bishops & have power (Pope Greg. Said Pope) Concordat of Worms =emperor could appoint
Bish., w. secular resp.& rights… Feudal law =gave power to King; canon law (roman trad.) = power to one
legal system, Kings challenge auth., i.e. French Philip elected French Pope (Avignon) – Great Western Schism,
but eventually papacy back in Rome; monasticism (keepers of books, lit, learning)…LATE MEDIEVAL: plow,
horse collar, horse (not oxen) increase food prod.= increase pop. Reversal w. Black Death (1 in 3 dead)..good?
People focus on other industries, demand high.wages, buy land, water wheel, windmill (from Muslim world),
revival of trade=cities, serf laws passed, Italy imp., Hanseatic League (trading cities in Baltic), coins from
Muslim world, Byzantium, Jews have tolerance & disaster; education, law, Thomas Aquinas,
Crusades: (see ME)- Byzantine Empire asked fro help ag. Expanding Muslims…Pope Urban II (Jerusalem
captured and then gone again), failed to take Holy Land…but new goods, trading network, ideas, science,
intellectual, - Rx
Byzantine: Constantinople capital (Christian) until Ottoman Turks in 1453 (MUSLIM): trade, travel, refl. Greek
and Latin, build Hagia Sophia (architecture) develop Cyrillic writing (Russian, Slavic), urban to rural (plague);
women went from a freer status in the Roman period to secluded at home (veil, not social w. men – compare w.
Muslim empires)
Vikings: shipbuilders, explorers; settled coast of Eng.& France, took Sicily from Muslims, went to Iceland,
Green., New.
Americas: (Anasazi, ayllu, Aztecs, chinampas, Incas, khipus, Maya, mit’a, vertical integration)
-Mesoamerica never a single political union, but civilizations sharing imp. Cultural, religious traditions
-Aztec & Maya (Mesoamerica), Inca (Andean) developed complex, soph. civ. (terraced farming, irrigation, elite
w. labor
- The environment is very imp. To influencing technological and agricultural developments
Teotihuacan: (600), largest city in world, religious center, poly., pyramid-struct., Quetzalcoatl (god), human
sacrifice – terraced hillsides & chinampas (manmade islands w. agric. Year-round),: Maya (600-900), never
pol. Unified, but shared culture, terraced farm., irrigation (feed large pop), cities w. palaces, pyramids, temples,
Tikal, ceremonies of sacrifice, ritual, no wheel or metal tools!, elite acted as intermediaries btw. Spirit and
material – bloodletting, women had role of religious/political (2 kingdoms ruled by women), hieroglyphic ,
math (0), solar calendar (365 days), destruction Aztecs – (mexico) – Lake Texcoco: capitals: Tenochtitlan &
Tlatelolco, stratified, military conquest, monarchy by region, Kings win new military conquests to validate rule,
warrior elite (highest) w. land & labor of peasants, clan-based org., chimana, separate fresh,/salt water w. dike,
tribute system draw on labor and resources of other (1/4 of food supply), great division based on wealth, elite
many wives (commoners one), merchant class: distant trade, barter (not coins), poly., God hummingbird
Huitzilopochtli (war, then sun) needs human hearts – human sacrifice (worse), violent –s ubmit auth.
N. America: Anasazi (desert) maize, beans, decorative pottery, underground buildings (kivas), Chaco Canyon,
men hunt
Inca: Andean geo. Difficult, terraced farm., irrigation, roads (13,000 miles), calendar, plant domest., llamas,
alpacas, khipus (recordkeeping), labor imp. (allyu=can working land), larger pol, org = mit’a system (allyu
rotate 1/7 males for labor for food surplus), local chiefs admin., but heirs of defeated terr. Had to live in royal
court (no rebellion), stratified society – commoner executed if look at King), royal bureaucracy were kinsmen,
Kings extend empire thru conquest , Cuzco capital, Temple of Sun (gold on inner walls, silver)copper and
bronze weapons, sacrifice, but little human sacrifice