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Through advances in animal health, pets can live a lot longer these days but only if they have healthy teeth and
gums. Unfortunately, it’s our experience that for many pets this is not the case.
The problem is that UNHEALTHY teeth and gums are prone to infection that can spread from periodontal (gum)
disease to the rest of their body...and if that happens, it can be an expensive and painful problem! Did you know
Gum Disease Is The #1 Diagnosed Problem In Pets!
Disturbingly, by the time they’re just two years old, 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats show some sign of
gum disease! Even worse, 10% of pets have a broken tooth with pulp (nerve or root canal) exposure which is
extremely painful until the nerve dies and the tooth becomes infected!
Infectious oral diseases affecting the gums and root canals create bacteria in the blood stream, which can infect other
parts of the body. In fact, periodontal inflammation and infection have been linked to numerous problems including
heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease, emphysema, liver disease, osteoporosis, pregnancy problems and diabetes.
This has led oral infectious diseases to become known in veterinary circles as “the silent killer.”
Equally as heart breaking is the news that oral disease can also cause inflammation to the eye, resulting in blindness.
Jaw bone loss from chronic infection can lead to a jaw fracture which can be very hard to heal. If that wasn’t
enough, infectious oral disease can result in bone infections, nasal infections and an increased risk of oral cancer!
The Good News for YOUR Pet
is that Gum Disease IS Preventable!
Just as with us Humans, a good dental care regime can prevent gum disease so it is important to get your pet
checked over. Pets should have their teeth examined, as a matter of course, at least annually but think about this...
one year in your life is like five to seven years for pets. A lot of changes can happen in one year. Remember
humans get their teeth checked once every six months, and brush their teeth twice per day, yet pets use their mouths
much more than you do!
Claim Your National Pet Dental Health Month Offer…
Just book your pet in for a FREE dental check during February and we’ll perform a thorough dental examination.
Hopefully, everything will be fine and we’ll be able to give a clean bill of dental health. If any dental procedures
are required* such as teeth cleaning (scaling), polishing, extractions etc, receive $50 off the procedure. In
addition, if you buy any other dental products such as toothpastes, toothbrushes or dental related foods, while you’re
here for the exam, we’ll give you 15% off those too!]
Here’s How to Claim Your FREE Dental Exam…
Simply call to schedule your free dental exam during the month of February at 702-384-8737.