* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
mid term prep Completion Complete each statement. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the present tense of savoir or connaître, as appropriate. 1. Dis, Pierre. Tu ____________________ la sœur de Marina? 2. Nous avons un nouveau prof de chimie, mais je ne ____________________ pas son nom. 3. Patricia ne va jamais seule à New York parce qu'elle ne ____________________ pas bien la ville. 4. Nous ne ____________________ pas la nouvelle adresse des Dupont. 5. Vous ____________________ nager? 6. Vous ____________________ l'œuvre de Monet? 7. Tous les skieurs ____________________ que les pistes vertes sont faciles. 8. Giselle a perdu son sac à dos et elle ne ____________________ pas quoi faire. 9. Je ____________________ bien les films de Spielberg. 10. Les élèves de Monsieur Halimi ne ____________________ pas encore les pièces de Molière. Complete the following sentences with the correct object pronoun: me, te, nous, or vous. 11. —Paul te téléphone de temps en temps? —Oui, il ____________________ téléphone tous les samedis. 12. Monsieur! L'addition, s'il ____________________ plaît! 13. Bonjour les amis! Je ____________________ invite tous à ma fête samedi soir. 14. Nous n'aimons pas cette pièce. Elle ne ____________________ plaît pas du tout. 15. —Ce film ____________________ plaît, Jean-Loup? —Tu rigoles! C'est une horreur! Complete the following sentences with the correct direct object pronoun. 16. —Tu connais Monique? —Oui, je ____________________ connais bien! 17. —Tu aimes les films de science-fiction? —Non, je ne ____________________ regarde jamais. 18. Lucien a un nouvel anorak. Il ____________________ met pour faire du ski. 19. —Tu aimes cette actrice? —Oui, je ____________________ admire beaucoup. 20. Le prof parle aux élèves, mais ils ne ____________________ entendent pas. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the imperfect of the verb in parentheses. 21. En 1950 il n'y ____________________ pas beaucoup d'ordinateurs. (avoir) 22. En 1950, les téléphones n' ____________________ pas de touches. (avoir) 23. Je ____________________ mes devoirs tous les jours. (faire) 24. Tu ____________________ espagnol ou anglais chez toi? (parler) 25. Nous ____________________ toujours nos devoirs avant dix heures. (finir) 26. Vous ____________________ à Paris ou à Lyon? (habiter) 27. Je ne ____________________ pas de petits pois. (manger) 28. Mon père ____________________ bon étudiant. (être) 29. Les cours ____________________ à huit heures. (commencer) 30. Mon premier prof de musique ____________________ Monsieur Pulaski. (s'appeler) 31. Nous ____________________ toujours jouer dans le jardin. (vouloir) 32. Vous ____________________ jouer au basket ou au football? (préférer) 33. En 1988 j'____________________ très petit! (être) 34. Les élèves ne ____________________ pas finir leurs devoirs. (pouvoir) 35. À l'âge de cinq ans, Michèle ____________________ téléphoner à sa grand-mère. (savoir) Complete the following sentences with the passé composé or the imperfect of the verb in parentheses. 36. Hier soir Thierry ____________________ au café avec ses copains. (aller) 37. Quand j'étais petit, je ___________________ le car scolaire pour aller à l'école. (prendre) 38. Ce matin Laurent ____________________ le métro pour aller au lycée. (prendre) 39. Quand le prof posait une question à Liliane, elle ____________________ toujours la réponse. (savoir) 40. Avant, j'____________________ une lettre à ma grand-mère tous les week-ends. (écrire) 41. Je faisais mes devoirs quand le téléphone ____________________. (sonner) 42. Mathieu ____________________ à une jolie jeune fille quand on a annoncé le départ de son train. (parler) 43. Sandrine est arrivée à l'aéroport une heure avant le départ de son vol parce qu'elle ne ____________________ pas rater son avion. (vouloir) 44. Rachid ____________________ le train quand il a vu son ami Alain. (attendre) 45. Quand j'étais petite, j'____________________ jouer au base-ball. (aimer) Complete the following sentences with the present or the passé composé, as indicated, of the verb in parentheses. 46. Victor et Léna ____________________ ce soir? (venir / present) 47. Tu ____________________ à ma fête? (venir / present) 48. Nous ____________________ mercredi soir. (revenir / present) 49. Christine ____________________ bonne élève. (devenir / present) 50. Henri ____________________ à minuit. (revenir / passé composé) Complete the following sentences with the correct preposition. 51. Nous habitons ____________________ États-Unis. 52. Hélène passe ses vacances ____________________ France. 53. Ma sœur va travailler ____________________ Canada. 54. Mes grands-parents sont venus en Amérique ____________________ Espagne. 55. L'avion fait escale ____________________ Chicago. Complete the following sentences with qui or que. 56. Nathalie connaît un garçon ____________________ parle espagnol. 57. Quel est le numéro du vol ____________________ part à 16 h 45? 58. Philippe mange le gâteau ____________________ tu as fait pour la fête. 59. Voilà le garçon ____________________ tu as vu au concert. 60. Michèle a lu le livre ____________________ il lit. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the past participle in parentheses. 61. Je n'ai pas encore lu la lettre qu'il a ____________________ (écrit). 62. Ce sont les timbres que David a ____________________ (acheté) en Tunisie. 63. Tu parles du cadeau que j'ai ____________________ (envoyé) à Xavier? 64. Voilà les filles que tu as ____________________ (rencontré) au café. 65. Ce n'est pas le porte-monnaie que j'ai ____________________ (perdu). Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the passé composé of the verb in parentheses. 66. Henri et Patrick ____________________ au restaurant. (se voir) 67. Hier Marie-Laure et Angélique ____________________ dix fois! (se téléphoner) 68. Les amis ____________________ quelques lettres. (s'écrire) 69. Les copains ____________________ à faire leurs devoirs. (s'aider) 70. Tristan et Véronique ____________________ au revoir. (se dire) Complete the following sentences with the correct negative expression, personne ne or rien ne. 71. —Qu'est-ce qui est arrivé à la voiture? —____________________ est arrivé à la voiture! 72. —Qui est allé à la banque? —____________________ est allé à la banque. 73. —Quelqu'un a acheté des cartes postales? —____________________ a acheté de cartes postales. 74. ____________________ se passe dans ce petit village. 75. Le téléphone sonne, mais ____________________ répond. Complete the following sentences with the future tense of the verb in parentheses. 76. L'année prochaine je ____________________ quinze jours à Nice. (passer) 77. Les élèves ____________________ trois musées pendant l'année scolaire. (visiter) 78. Tu ____________________ tes devoirs à l'heure? (finir) 79. Nous vous ____________________ l'argent la semaine prochaine. (rendre) 80. Je ____________________ à Lille avant 16 heures. (être) 81. Vous ____________________ voir vos parents à Paris? (aller) 82. Jean-Marc n'____________________ pas de difficulté à touver un bon restaurant. (avoir) 83. Je ____________________ les courses demain. (faire) 84. Les enfants ____________________ à neuf heures. (se coucher) 85. J'espère que tu ____________________ bien en France. (s'amuser) Complete the following sentences with the correct object pronouns. 86. —Tes parents te donnent leur vieille voiture? —Oui, ils ____________________ ____________________ donnent. 87. —Qui t'a prêté cet ordinateur? —C'est Yolande qui ____________________ ____________________ a prêté. 88. —Tu ne nous as pas encore rendu nos livres. —Mais si. Je ____________________ ____________________ ai rendus la semaine dernière. 89. Voilà une lettre pour toi. Qui ____________________ ____________________ a écrite? 90. —Martine te prête quelquefois ses CD? —Oui, elle ____________________ ____________________ prête de temps en temps. 91. —Aurélie prête ses CD à ses amis? —Oui, elle ____________________ ____________________ prête. 92. —Yannick a donné son vieil ordinateur à sa sœur? —Non, il ne ____________________ ____________________ a pas donné. 93. —Qui a donné ce livre aux enfants? —C'est Amélie qui ____________________ ____________________ a donné. 94. —Qui va expliquer la pièce aux élèves? —Bien sûr, c'est le prof qui va ____________________ ____________________ expliquer. 95. —François a écrit cette lettre à Céline? —Non, il ne ____________________ ____________________ a pas écrite. Complete the following sentences, choosing the correct verb in parentheses. 96. Cyrille ne sait pas réparer sa moto. Donc, il la ____________________ chez le mécanicien. (répare / fait réparer) 97. —Qu'est-ce que Lucie peut bien faire pendant tout ce temps dans la salle de bains? —Elle ____________________ ses chemisiers. (lave / fait laver) 98. Il faut ____________________ le veau à feu doux. (cuire / faire cuire) 99. Tu veux du thé? Bon, je vais ____________________ de l'eau. (bouillir / faire bouillir) 100. L'eau ____________________ à 100 degrés Celsius, ou 212 degrés Fahrenheit. (bouillit / fait bouillir) Complete the following sentences with the conditional of the verb in parentheses. 101. Mes parents ____________________ passer quelques jours à Menton. (aimer) 102. Tu ____________________ ton ami combien de temps avant de partir seule? (attendre) 103. À ma place, vous ____________________ à New York ou à Boston? (aller) 104. Nous ____________________ heureux de vous revoir. (être) 105. Mariama ____________________ besoin d'un ordinateur. (avoir) 106. À ta place, je ____________________ le plein à cette station-service. (faire) Complete the following sentences with the future or conditional of the verb in parentheses. 107. Régine ____________________ avec ses amies? (venir / future) 108. Vous ____________________ le colis mercredi avant midi. (recevoir / future) 109. Je ____________________ le musée d'Orsay avant de quitter Paris. (voir / future) 110. Nous lui ____________________ un nouveau plan de la ville. (envoyer / future) 111. Je ____________________ voir ta nouvelle voiture. (vouloir / conditional) 112. Il ____________________ faire le plein et vérifier les pneus. (falloir / conditional) 113. Tu ____________________ nous aider à réparer la moto? (pouvoir / conditional) 114. Étienne ne ____________________ pas se coucher si tard. (devoir / conditional) 115. Avec 50 000 euros, j'____________________ une belle voiture. (acheter / conditional) Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. 116. Si j'____________________ une voiture, je la conduirais prudemment. (avoir) 117. Si tu vas à Paris, tu ____________________ visiter la Grande Arche. (pouvoir) 118. Je viendrais te chercher à l'aéroport si ma voiture n'____________________ pas en panne. (être) 119. Si notre équipe ____________________ ce match, nous serons champions. (gagner) 120. Vous ____________________ à l'examen si vous travaillez. (réussir) mid term prep Answer Section COMPLETION 1. ANS: connais PTS: OBJ: NAT: MSC: 2. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 10 tell what you and others know and whom you and others know 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Irregular verbs Present tense of savoir and connaître sais PTS: OBJ: NAT: MSC: 3. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 10 tell what you and others know and whom you and others know 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Irregular verbs Present tense of savoir and connaître connaît PTS: OBJ: NAT: MSC: 4. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 10 tell what you and others know and whom you and others know 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Irregular verbs Present tense of savoir and connaître savons PTS: OBJ: NAT: MSC: 5. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 10 tell what you and others know and whom you and others know 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Irregular verbs Present tense of savoir and connaître savez PTS: OBJ: NAT: MSC: 6. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 10 tell what you and others know and whom you and others know 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Irregular verbs Present tense of savoir and connaître connaissez PTS: OBJ: NAT: MSC: 7. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 10 tell what you and others know and whom you and others know 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Irregular verbs Present tense of savoir and connaître savent PTS: OBJ: NAT: MSC: 8. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 10 tell what you and others know and whom you and others know 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Irregular verbs Present tense of savoir and connaître sait PTS: OBJ: NAT: MSC: 9. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 10 tell what you and others know and whom you and others know 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Irregular verbs Present tense of savoir and connaître connais PTS: OBJ: NAT: MSC: 10. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 10 tell what you and others know and whom you and others know 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Irregular verbs Present tense of savoir and connaître connaissent PTS: OBJ: NAT: MSC: 11. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 10 tell what you and others know and whom you and others know 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Irregular verbs Present tense of savoir and connaître me PTS: OBJ: STA: 12. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 12 tell what happens to you or someone else FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns vous NAT: 1.2 MSC: Me, te, nous, vous PTS: OBJ: STA: 13. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 12 tell what happens to you or someone else FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns vous NAT: 1.2 MSC: Me, te, nous, vous PTS: OBJ: STA: 14. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 12 tell what happens to you or someone else FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns nous NAT: 1.2 MSC: Me, te, nous, vous PTS: OBJ: STA: 15. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 12 tell what happens to you or someone else FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns te NAT: 1.2 MSC: Me, te, nous, vous PTS: OBJ: STA: 16. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 12 tell what happens to you or someone else FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns la NAT: 1.2 MSC: Me, te, nous, vous PTS: OBJ: STA: 17. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 14 refer to people and things already mentioned FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns les NAT: 1.2 MSC: Le, la, les PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 14 OBJ: refer to people and things already mentioned STA: FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns 18. ANS: le NAT: 1.2 MSC: Le, la, les PTS: OBJ: STA: 19. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 14 refer to people and things already mentioned FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns l' NAT: 1.2 MSC: Le, la, les PTS: OBJ: STA: 20. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 14 refer to people and things already mentioned FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns l' NAT: 1.2 MSC: Le, la, les PTS: OBJ: STA: 21. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 14 refer to people and things already mentioned FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns avait NAT: 1.2 MSC: Le, la, les PTS: OBJ: TOP: 22. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: pages 74-75 | page 78 narrate in the past NAT: 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 Structure KEY: Irregular verbs MSC: Imperfect tense avaient PTS: OBJ: TOP: 23. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: pages 74-75 | page 78 narrate in the past NAT: 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 Structure KEY: Irregular verbs MSC: Imperfect tense faisais PTS: OBJ: NAT: MSC: 24. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: pages 74-75 | page 78 talk about habitual and continuous actions in the past; narrate in the past 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Irregular verbs Imperfect tense parlais PTS: OBJ: NAT: MSC: 25. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: pages 74-75 | page 78 talk about habitual and continuous actions in the past; narrate in the past 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Regular verbs Imperfect tense finissions PTS: OBJ: NAT: MSC: 26. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: pages 74-75 | page 78 talk about habitual and continuous actions in the past; narrate in the past 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Regular verbs Imperfect tense habitiez PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: pages 74-75 | page 78 OBJ: narrate in the past NAT: 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Regular verbs MSC: Imperfect tense 27. ANS: mangeais PTS: OBJ: TOP: 28. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: pages 74-75 | page 78 narrate in the past NAT: 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 Structure KEY: Regular verbs MSC: Imperfect tense était PTS: OBJ: TOP: 29. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: pages 74-75 | page 78 narrate in the past NAT: 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 Structure KEY: Irregular verbs MSC: Imperfect tense commençaient PTS: OBJ: NAT: MSC: 30. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: pages 74-75 | page 78 talk about habitual and continuous actions in the past; narrate in the past 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Regular verbs Imperfect tense s'appelait PTS: OBJ: TOP: 31. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: pages 74-75 | page 78 narrate in the past NAT: 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 Structure KEY: Regular verbs MSC: Imperfect tense voulions PTS: OBJ: NAT: MSC: 32. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: pages 74-75 | page 78 talk about habitual and continuous actions in the past; narrate in the past 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Irregular verbs Imperfect tense préfériez PTS: OBJ: NAT: MSC: 33. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: pages 74-75 | page 78 talk about habitual and continuous actions in the past; narrate in the past 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Regular verbs Imperfect tense étais PTS: OBJ: TOP: 34. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: pages 74-75 | page 78 narrate in the past NAT: 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 Structure KEY: Irregular verbs MSC: Imperfect tense pouvaient PTS: OBJ: TOP: 35. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: pages 74-75 | page 78 narrate in the past NAT: 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 Structure KEY: Irregular verbs MSC: Imperfect tense savait PTS: OBJ: TOP: 36. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: pages 74-75 | page 78 narrate in the past NAT: 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 Structure KEY: Irregular verbs MSC: Imperfect tense est allé PTS: NAT: MSC: 37. ANS: 1 DIF: Average 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 Imperfect tense vs. passé composé prenais REF: page 106 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe past events KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 38. ANS: 1 DIF: Average 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 Imperfect tense vs. passé composé a pris REF: page 106 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe past events KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 39. ANS: 1 DIF: Average 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 Imperfect tense vs. passé composé savait REF: page 106 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe past events KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 40. ANS: 1 DIF: Average 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 Imperfect tense vs. passé composé écrivais REF: page 106 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe past events KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 41. ANS: 1 DIF: Average 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 Imperfect tense vs. passé composé a sonné REF: page 106 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe past events KEY: Verbs PTS: OBJ: TOP: 42. ANS: 1 DIF: Average describe past events Structure KEY: Verbs parlait REF: pages 109-110 NAT: 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 MSC: Imperfect tense vs. passé composé PTS: OBJ: TOP: 43. ANS: 1 DIF: Average describe past events Structure KEY: Verbs voulait REF: pages 109-110 NAT: 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 MSC: Imperfect tense vs. passé composé PTS: OBJ: TOP: 44. ANS: 1 DIF: Average describe past events Structure KEY: Verbs attendait REF: pages 109-110 NAT: 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 MSC: Imperfect tense vs. passé composé PTS: OBJ: TOP: 45. ANS: 1 DIF: Average describe past events Structure KEY: Verbs aimais REF: pages 109-110 NAT: 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 MSC: Imperfect tense vs. passé composé PTS: OBJ: TOP: 46. ANS: 1 DIF: Average describe past events Structure KEY: Verbs viennent REF: pages 109-110 NAT: 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 MSC: Imperfect tense vs. passé composé PTS: NAT: MSC: 47. ANS: 1 DIF: Average 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 Present tense of venir viens REF: page 112 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe actions of people KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 48. ANS: 1 DIF: Average 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 Present tense of venir revenons REF: page 112 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe actions of people KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 49. ANS: 1 DIF: Average 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 Present tense of venir devient REF: page 112 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe actions of people KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 50. ANS: 1 DIF: Average 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 Present tense of venir est revenu REF: page 112 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe actions of people KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 51. ANS: 1 DIF: Average 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 Passé composé of venir aux REF: page 112 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe past events KEY: Verbs PTS: OBJ: STA: 52. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 113 identify cities, countries, and continents FL.C.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Prepositions en NAT: 1.2 MSC: With geographic names PTS: OBJ: STA: 53. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 113 identify cities, countries, and continents FL.C.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Prepositions au NAT: 1.2 MSC: With geographic names PTS: OBJ: STA: 54. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 113 identify cities, countries, and continents FL.C.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Prepositions d' NAT: 1.2 MSC: With geographic names PTS: OBJ: STA: 55. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 113 identify cities, countries, and continents FL.C.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Prepositions à NAT: 1.2 MSC: With geographic names PTS: OBJ: STA: 56. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 113 identify cities, countries, and continents FL.C.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Prepositions qui NAT: 1.2 MSC: With geographic names PTS: OBJ: STA: 57. ANS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: page 150 giving more information in one sentence FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns qui NAT: 1.2 MSC: Relative PTS: OBJ: STA: 58. ANS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: page 150 giving more information in one sentence FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns que NAT: 1.2 MSC: Relative PTS: OBJ: STA: 59. ANS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: page 150 giving more information in one sentence FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns que NAT: 1.2 MSC: Relative PTS: OBJ: STA: 60. ANS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: page 150 giving more information in one sentence FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns qu' NAT: 1.2 MSC: Relative PTS: OBJ: STA: 61. ANS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: page 150 giving more information in one sentence FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns écrite NAT: 1.2 MSC: Relative PTS: OBJ: NAT: KEY: 62. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 153 refer to people and things already mentioned; describe past events 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 | FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure Past participles MSC: Agreement achetés PTS: OBJ: NAT: KEY: 63. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 153 refer to people and things already mentioned; describe past events 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 | FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure Past participles MSC: Agreement envoyé PTS: OBJ: NAT: KEY: 64. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 153 refer to people and things already mentioned; describe past events 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 | FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure Past participles MSC: Agreement rencontrées PTS: OBJ: NAT: KEY: 65. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 153 refer to people and things already mentioned; describe past events 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 | FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure Past participles MSC: Agreement perdu PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 153 OBJ: NAT: KEY: 66. ANS: refer to people and things already mentioned; describe past events 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 | FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure Past participles MSC: Agreement se sont vus PTS: OBJ: NAT: KEY: 67. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 155 tell what you and others do for one another; describe past events 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 | FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure Pronouns MSC: Reflexives to express reciprocal action se sont téléphoné PTS: OBJ: NAT: KEY: 68. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 155 tell what you and others do for one another; describe past events 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 | FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure Pronouns MSC: Reflexives to express reciprocal action se sont écrit PTS: OBJ: NAT: KEY: 69. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 155 tell what you and others do for one another; describe past events 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 | FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure Pronouns MSC: Reflexives to express reciprocal action se sont aidés PTS: OBJ: NAT: KEY: 70. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 155 tell what you and others do for one another; describe past events 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 | FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure Pronouns MSC: Reflexives to express reciprocal action se sont dit PTS: OBJ: NAT: KEY: 71. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 155 tell what you and others do for one another; describe past events 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 | FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure Pronouns MSC: Reflexives to express reciprocal action Rien n' PTS: NAT: MSC: 72. ANS: 1 DIF: Easy 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 Personne ne and rien ne Personne n' REF: page 157 TOP: Structure OBJ: make negative statements KEY: Negation PTS: NAT: MSC: 73. ANS: 1 DIF: Easy 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 Personne ne and rien ne Personne n' REF: page 157 TOP: Structure OBJ: make negative statements KEY: Negation PTS: NAT: MSC: 74. ANS: 1 DIF: Easy 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 Personne ne and rien ne Rien ne REF: page 157 TOP: Structure OBJ: make negative statements KEY: Negation PTS: NAT: MSC: 75. ANS: 1 DIF: Easy 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 Personne ne and rien ne personne ne REF: page 157 TOP: Structure OBJ: make negative statements KEY: Negation PTS: NAT: MSC: 76. ANS: 1 DIF: Easy 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 Personne ne and rien ne passerai REF: page 157 TOP: Structure OBJ: make negative statements KEY: Negation PTS: NAT: MSC: 77. ANS: 1 1.2 Future tense visiteront DIF: Average STA: FL.D.1.4.1 REF: page 182 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe future events KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 78. ANS: 1 1.2 Future tense finiras DIF: Average STA: FL.D.1.4.1 REF: page 182 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe future events KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 79. ANS: 1 1.2 Future tense rendrons DIF: Average STA: FL.D.1.4.1 REF: page 182 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe future events KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 80. ANS: 1 1.2 Future tense serai DIF: Average STA: FL.D.1.4.1 REF: page 182 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe future events KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 81. ANS: 1 1.2 Future tense irez DIF: Average STA: FL.D.1.4.1 REF: page 182 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe future events KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 82. ANS: 1 1.2 Future tense aura DIF: Average STA: FL.D.1.4.1 REF: page 182 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe future events KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 83. ANS: 1 1.2 Future tense ferai DIF: Average STA: FL.D.1.4.1 REF: page 182 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe future events KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 84. ANS: 1 DIF: Average 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 Future tense se coucheront REF: page 182 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe future events KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 85. ANS: 1 1.2 Future tense t'amuseras DIF: Average STA: FL.D.1.4.1 REF: page 182 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe future events KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 86. ANS: 1 1.2 Future tense me la DIF: Average STA: FL.D.1.4.1 REF: page 182 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe future events KEY: Verbs PTS: OBJ: STA: 87. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 185 refer to people and things already mentioned FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns me l' NAT: 1.2 MSC: Double object pronouns PTS: OBJ: STA: 88. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 185 refer to people and things already mentioned FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns vous les NAT: 1.2 MSC: Double object pronouns PTS: OBJ: STA: 89. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 185 refer to people and things already mentioned FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns te l' NAT: 1.2 MSC: Double object pronouns PTS: OBJ: STA: 90. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 185 refer to people and things already mentioned FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns me les NAT: 1.2 MSC: Double object pronouns PTS: OBJ: STA: 91. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 185 refer to people and things already mentioned FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns les leur NAT: 1.2 MSC: Double object pronouns PTS: OBJ: STA: 92. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 220 refer to something already mentioned FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns le lui NAT: 1.2 MSC: Double object pronouns PTS: OBJ: STA: 93. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 220 refer to something already mentioned FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns le leur NAT: 1.2 MSC: Double object pronouns PTS: OBJ: STA: 94. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 220 refer to something already mentioned FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns la leur NAT: 1.2 MSC: Double object pronouns PTS: OBJ: STA: 95. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 220 refer to something already mentioned FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns la lui NAT: 1.2 MSC: Double object pronouns PTS: OBJ: STA: 96. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 220 refer to something already mentioned FL.D.1.2.2 TOP: Structure KEY: Pronouns fait réparer NAT: 1.2 MSC: Double object pronouns PTS: NAT: MSC: 97. ANS: 1 DIF: Average 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 Faire + infinitif lave REF: page 187 TOP: Structure OBJ: tell what you have others do KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 98. ANS: 1 DIF: Average 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 Faire + infinitif faire cuire REF: page 187 TOP: Structure OBJ: tell what you have others do KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 99. ANS: 1 DIF: Average 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 Faire + infinitif faire bouillir REF: page 187 TOP: Structure OBJ: tell what you have others do KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 100. ANS: 1 DIF: Average 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 Faire + infinitif bouillit REF: page 187 TOP: Structure OBJ: tell what you have others do KEY: Verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 101. ANS: 1 DIF: Average 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.2.2 Faire + infinitif aimeraient REF: page 187 TOP: Structure OBJ: tell what you have others do KEY: Verbs PTS: OBJ: STA: 102. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 214 talk about what would happen under certain conditions FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Verbs attendrais NAT: 1.2 MSC: Conditional tense PTS: OBJ: STA: 103. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 214 talk about what would happen under certain conditions FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Verbs iriez NAT: 1.2 MSC: Conditional tense PTS: OBJ: STA: 104. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 214 | page 216 talk about what would happen under certain conditions NAT: 1.2 FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Verbs MSC: Conditional tense serions PTS: OBJ: STA: 105. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 214 | page 216 talk about what would happen under certain conditions NAT: 1.2 FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Verbs MSC: Conditional tense aurait PTS: OBJ: STA: 106. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 214 | page 216 talk about what would happen under certain conditions NAT: 1.2 FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Verbs MSC: Conditional tense ferais PTS: OBJ: STA: 107. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 214 | page 216 talk about what would happen under certain conditions NAT: 1.2 FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Verbs MSC: Conditional tense viendra PTS: NAT: MSC: 108. ANS: 1 1.2 Future tense recevrez DIF: Average STA: FL.D.1.4.1 REF: page 216 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe future events KEY: Irregular verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 109. ANS: 1 1.2 Future tense verrai DIF: Average STA: FL.D.1.4.1 REF: page 216 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe future events KEY: Irregular verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 110. ANS: 1 1.2 Future tense enverrons DIF: Average STA: FL.D.1.4.1 REF: page 216 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe future events KEY: Irregular verbs PTS: NAT: MSC: 111. ANS: 1 1.2 Future tense voudrais DIF: Average STA: FL.D.1.4.1 REF: page 216 TOP: Structure OBJ: describe future events KEY: Irregular verbs PTS: OBJ: STA: MSC: 112. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 216 talk about what would happen under certain conditions NAT: 1.2 FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Irregular verbs Conditional tense faudrait PTS: OBJ: STA: MSC: 113. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 216 talk about what would happen under certain conditions NAT: 1.2 FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Irregular verbs Conditional tense pourrais PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 216 OBJ: talk about what would happen under certain conditions NAT: 1.2 STA: FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Irregular verbs MSC: Conditional tense 114. ANS: devrait PTS: OBJ: STA: MSC: 115. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 216 talk about what would happen under certain conditions NAT: 1.2 FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Irregular verbs Conditional tense achèterais PTS: OBJ: STA: MSC: 116. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 214 talk about what would happen under certain conditions NAT: 1.2 FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Irregular verbs Conditional tense avais PTS: OBJ: STA: 117. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 218 talk about what would happen under certain conditions FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Verbs pourras NAT: 1.2 MSC: Si clauses PTS: OBJ: STA: 118. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 218 talk about what would happen under certain conditions FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Verbs était NAT: 1.2 MSC: Si clauses PTS: OBJ: STA: 119. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 218 talk about what would happen under certain conditions FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Verbs gagne NAT: 1.2 MSC: Si clauses PTS: OBJ: STA: 120. ANS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 218 talk about what would happen under certain conditions FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Verbs réussirez NAT: 1.2 MSC: Si clauses PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: page 218 OBJ: talk about what would happen under certain conditions STA: FL.D.1.4.1 TOP: Structure KEY: Verbs NAT: 1.2 MSC: Si clauses