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Chapter 8 review
In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that best completes
each statement or best answers each question.
1. What is the layer directly beneath Earth’s crust called?
a. oceanic crust
c. outer core
b. inner core
d. mantle
2. Because of intense pressure, the inner core of Earth is
a. liquid.
c. solid.
b. gaseous.
d. plastic.
3. Which of the following gives evidence for plate tectonics?
a. magnetic alignment of oceanic rock
b. movement of crust away from a plate boundary
c. cooling molten rock
d. age of Earth’s crust
4. Mid-oceanic ridges are formed by
a. bends and folds along the subduction zone.
b. cooled magma that hardens between diverging plates.
c. the diving of oceanic plates.
d. collisions of Earth’s continental crust.
5. In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that best matches
each description.
I. _______part of Earth that consists of seven
a. continental
drift large and several small tectonic
II. ______a crack along which rocks move
past one another
III. ______an area where tectonic plates move
apart, forming mid-oceanic ridges
IV. _______a process in which one tectonic
plate moves beneath another
V. _______location where mountains form due
to plate collisions
VI. ______a theory stating that Earth’s surface
consists of large moving plates
6. Where do most earthquakes occur?
a. along convergent boundaries
b. at vents in Earth’s crust
b. convergent boundary
c. lithosphere
d. subduction
e. divergent boundary
f. fault
c. near hot spots
d. along shifting plate boundaries
7. The location on Earth’s surface where most earthquake damage occurs
is called the
a. focus.
c. epicenter.
b. vent.
d. surface wave point.
8. Longitudinal waves are called primary waves because they
a. are shaped like a “P.”
c. only move across Earth’s surface.
b. reach recording stations first.
d. cause the most destruction.
9. A ___________ wave does not originate from the focus.
a. transverse
c. longitudinal
b. direct
d. surface
10. Which of the following statements is not true about the Richter scale?
a. The Richter scale measures the magnitude of an earthquake.
b. Earthquakes with equal ratings do not have the same severity.
c. The Richter scale allows us to make predictions of earthquake severity.
d. Each step of the scale increases by 30-fold.
11. Where do volcanoes tend to form?
a. convergent plate boundaries
b. divergent plate boundaries
c. hot spots
d. all of the above
12. Shield volcanoes are known for their
a. mild eruptions.
b. viscous magma.
c. small size.
d. ash production.
13. What determines the severity of volcanic eruptions?
a. composition of magma
b. size of the volcano
c. frequency of eruptions
d. number of vents
14. Volcanoes that form along convergent plate boundaries are located
a. along the Ring of Fire.
c. at high altitudes.
b. at the edges of plate collisions.
d. underwater.
15. Cinder cone and composite volcanoes both
a. go dormant quickly.
b. have trapped gas.
c. are of similar size.
d. have mild eruptions
16. Feldspar is considered a ____________ because it has a characteristic
chemical composition and a definite internal structure.
a. sedimentary rock
c. igneous rock
b. mineral
d. metamorphic rock
17. An igneous rock forms when molten rock
a. cools.
b. hardens.
c. crystallizes.
d. All of the above
18. Why does obsidian, an igneous rock, appear smooth and glassy?
a. Its crystals cool quickly.
c. It has large, numerous crystals.
b. Its crystals cool slowly.
d. both (a) and (c)
19. Which of the following statements is not true about sedimentary rocks?
a. They are formed from compressed layers of sediment.
b. They are formed when dissolved minerals fuse sediments together.
c. They may contain old rocks.
d. They are completely inorganic.
20. Which of the following transforms sedimentary rocks into metamorphic
a. seasonal heating and cooling
c. extreme heat and pressure
b. Earth’s magnetic field
d. radioactive decay
21. In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that best matches
each description.
I. _______states that the age of undisturbed
a. weathering
rock layers increase with depth
II. _______physical and chemical processes
that break down rocks
III. ______method of determining the age of
rocks based on radioactive decay
IV. ______describes the sequence of events
which can change rock types
V. _______determines the age of rocks by
comparing rock layers to one
b. rock cycle
c. absolute dating
d. principle of
e. relative dating
22. Identify the type of rock described in each of the following:
a. will have small crystals if cooled rapidly
b. may contain fossils
c. forms as a result of heat and pressure
23. Describe how each of the following types of rock is formed, and give an
example of each.
a. sedimentary
b. metamorphic
24. Describe how igneous rock can become sedimentary rock.
25. Explain why you would find the oldest fossils at the bottom of a cliff and the
youngest fossils at the top of a cliff.
26. Name an example of the cause for each of the following:
a. physical weathering
b. chemical weathering
27. Identify whether physical weathering or erosion occurs in each of the following
a. A deep gully forms in a hillside after a rainstorm.
b. A U-shaped valley is carved out as a glacier moves through the mountains. Y/N
c. A rock is slowly broken apart by the force of ice thawing and refreezing. Y/N
d. Sandstone is worn away by the sediment particles carried in the wind.
28. ____________ occurs when water fills cracks in rock and freezes.
a. Frost wedging
c. Deposition
b. Chemical weathering
d. Oxidation
29. Which of the following does not cause chemical weathering?
a. decomposition
c. erosion
b. acid precipitation
d. oxidation
30. Water erosion is a type of
a. acid precipitation.
b. physical weathering.
c. sediment deposition.
d. chemical weathering.
31. Water plays a part in chemical weathering during
a. leaching.
b. acid precipitation.
c. oxidation.
d. All of the above
32. Which type of weathering occurs along ocean cliffs?
a. glacial abrasion
c. wind erosion
b. water erosion
d. both (b) and (c)
33. In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that best matches
each description.
I._______ formed by large deposits of
a. fins
II._______ often caused by atmospheric pollution
III.______ narrow free-standing rock structures
formed by physical weathering
IV. ______created by the interaction of carbonic
acid and calcite
V. _______reaction of dissolved oxygen with
minerals that contain metals
b. acid precipitation
c. oxidation
d. limestone caves
e. deltas
34. The continental crust is deepest beneath
a. oceans.
b. mountains.
35. About 80 percent of Earth’s volume is made up of
a. crust.
b. mantle.
c. valleys.
d. rivers.
c. inner core.
d. outer core.
36. A geologic feature of divergent plate boundaries in oceanic crust is the
formation of
a. trenches.
c. U-shaped valleys.
b. fossils
d. faults.
37. A zone where oceanic crust dives beneath continental crust is called a
zone of
a. subduction.
c. reduction.
b. divergence.
d. rifting.
38. Earthquakes occur mostly
a. in the middle of continents
b. in the asthenosphere.
c. at plate boundaries.
d. at the edges of the continents.
39. Which of the following is not a characteristic of S waves?
a. travel slower than P waves
b. cannot be detected in locations more than 105° from an earthquake’s epicenter
c. travel through solids and liquids
d. none of the above
40. The minimum number of seismograph stations necessary to determine
the location of an earthquake’s epicenter is
a. one.
c. three.
b. two.
d. four.
41. Which of the following is not a rock?
a. granite
b. shale
42. Fossils are only found in which type of rock?
a. igneous
b. metamorphic
43. Igneous rock forms from
a. weathered rock particles.
b. evaporation of water.
c. marble
d. diamond
c. oxidized
d. sedimentary
c. magma.
d. None of the above
44 Sedimentary rocks are named according to
a. the type of minerals they contain.
b. where they were formed.
c. when they were formed.
d. the size of the fragments they contain.
45. The rock type formed as bits of other rocks are cemented together is
a. igneous.
c. sedimentary.
b. metamorphic.
d. magma.
46. The principle of superposition is used to
a. determine the absolute age of rocks.
b. determine how rocks are formed.
c. determine the relative age of rocks.
d. determine how rocks are changed.
47. Which of these is an example of physical weathering?
a. oxidation of minerals c. cave formation
b. frost wedging d. acid rain
48. Underground limestone caves form
a. from cooling and solidification of magma below the surface.
b. from the compacting and cementing of weathered rock fragments.
c. when oxidation decomposes the minerals in the rock.
d. when the calcite is dissolved by carbonic acid in rainwater.
49. When molten rock cools and hardens, it undergoes a
a. physical change.
c. Both (a) and (b)
b. chemical change.
d. None of the above
50. When a glacier breaks a rock into smaller pieces, this is an example of
a. a physical change.
c. Both (a) and (b)
b. a chemical change.
d. None of the above
51. An example of a chemical change is
a. wind moving sand.
b. acid rain reacting with rock.
c. running water wearing rock down.
d. glaciers scraping out a valley.
52. Oceanic crust is
a. thicker and less dense than continental crust.
b. thinner and less dense than continental crust.
c. thicker and more dense than continental crust.
d. thinner and more dense than continental crust.
53. Earth’s inner core is
a. hot and solid.
b. hot and liquid.
c. cool and solid.
d. cool and liquid.
54. Young rocks near the center of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge suggest that
a. Earth’s magnetic field reverses every 200 000 years.
b. the rocks originated from the Earth’s core.
c. the crust is moving away from the ridge.
d. All of the above
55. A divergent boundary occurs where two plates
a. move toward each other.
c. move past each other.
b. move away from each other.
d. move over each other.
56. The breakage of rocks along a fault line releases energy in the form of
a. electromagnetic waves.
c. heat.
b. seismic waves.
d. light.
57. Waves that cause the most damage during an earthquake are
a. surface waves.
c. S waves.
b. P waves.
d. ocean waves.
58. Scientists can calculate the distance from the seismograph station to
the focus using
a. the difference in arrival times of P and surface waves.
b. the difference in arrival times of P and S waves.
c. the difference in arrival times of S and surface waves.
d. None of the above
59. Which of the following is not a rock type?
a. igneous
b. sedimentary
c. cubic
d. metamorphic
60. Sedimentary rocks are the only rocks that can potentially contain
a. fossils.
c. fractures.
b. minerals.
d. faults.
61. Igneous rocks that have mineral crystals easily seen with the unaided
eye formed
a. extrusively.
c. under water.
b. intrusively.
d. from lava.
62. Rocks that are changed by heat and pressure will form
a. sedimentary rocks.
c. igneous rocks.
b. metamorphic rocks.
d. magma.
63. The type of rock formed as molten rock cools and hardens is
a. igneous.
c. sedimentary.
b. metamorphic.
d. magma.
64. The process in which sediment is laid down is called
a. erosion.
c. weathering.
b. deposition.
d. cementation.
63. Carbonic acid dissolved in water is a
a. physical weathering agent.
b. chemical weathering agent.
c. biological weathering agent.
d. mechanical weathering agent.
64. The layers of Earth’s atmosphere decrease in ____________ as altitude
a. temperature
c. density
b. pressure
d. Both (b) and (c)
65. What causes the stratosphere to get warmer with increasing altitude?
a. increased pressure
c. temperature inversion
b. solar radiation
d. increased water vapor
66. The thermosphere is
a. very hot.
b. part of the troposphere.
c. below the mesosphere.
d. within the ozone layer.
67. Most weather occurs in the
a. troposphere.
b. stratosphere.
c. mesosphere.
d. thermosphere.
68. About 350 million years ago, the concentration of ____________ in the
atmosphere increased to 20% due to photosynthesis.
a. carbon dioxide
c. oxygen
b. ozone
d. nitrogen
69. In the oxygen–carbon dioxide cycle, _____________ is a waste product
of animals.
a. carbon monoxide
c. sugar
b. oxygen
d. carbon dioxide
70. Identify the geologic features that form at each of the following:
a. a convergent boundary between an oceanic plate and a continental plate
b. a convergent boundary between two oceanic plates
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