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Benefits and Uses of Antioxidants
An explanation of free radicals:
In his book, The Antioxidant Miracle, Lester Packer explains the importance of
antioxidants and the antioxidant network. Antioxidants are a family of vitamins, minerals
and other nutrients that protect the cells of the body from damage caused by free radicals.
Free radicals are unstable molecules, that are made by the body as a by-product of energy
production (metabolism) and in adequate numbers can be good for the body. In this
process, oxygen is used to break down the nutrients to create the necessary energy used in
growth and other activities of the body. Along with metabolism, substances within our
environment such as: chemicals, pollutants, smoke and radiation (both solar and
electronic) trigger free radical production. In large production, free radicals can become
an enemy to the body. In just about every disease known, free radicals are a causal
factor. In stroke victims, superoxide free radicals are generated that attack surrounding
tissues of the brain. In the case of heart disease, free radicals are made by the oxidation
of low-density lipoprotein (LDL). The damage caused by the free radicals in both stroke
and heart disease is after the blood circulation has been resumed to these areas. Free
radical overproduction causes inflammation found in specific areas of the body (arthritis
of the joints is an example). They are, however, a necessary part of the living process.
Free radicals complete many critical functions within our bodies from fighting infection
to keeping the brain healthy. They assist in the turning on and turning off genes through
signaling molecules that start that process.
A summary of each one of the network antioxidants:
To counter the ill effects of free radicals, the body produces some of the antioxidants
needed to control the free radicals. Some antioxidants are only available through the
intake of food or supplements. A special grouping of these antioxidants, create the
antioxidant network. This network includes five key antioxidants: vitamin C and E,
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), lipoic acid, and glutathione. Though each one of these has
their own individual function, working within the group synergistically adds to their
performance. We will look at each one separately.
Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant. It must be obtained by food or
supplementation because the body does not produce it. Vitamin C revitalizes vitamin E
after it has become a free radical. After vitamin C is oxidized in the cells, it becomes
antioxidant vitamin C and is returned to the blood plasma where it helps protect
lipoproteins and proteins from oxidation. Vitamin C helps prevent cancer by shielding
DNA from free radical damage, strengthens the immune system, and protects against
cataracts. Sources of this vitamin include: citrus fruit, tomatoes, cranberries, cabbage and
other fruits and vegetables.
Vitamin E consists of a group of substances called tocopherols and tocotrienols that
help keep the skin protected from UV radiation and ozone. It has anti-inflammatory
properties that help relieve arthritis and other inflammation diseases. Vitamin E can
reduce the growth of breast cancer cells and reduce the risk associated with prostate
cancer. Sources of vitamin E are nuts and nut butters, barley, rice bran and raw vegetable
oils. Vitamin E is fat-soluble and can move through the fatty parts of the cell membrane.
Vitamin E is a cancer fighter, it aids in the prevention of aging, and provides protection
to the heart and assists with the prevention of coronary artery disease.
Coenzyme Q10, (works with protein enzymes to produce a particular reaction) is fatsoluble and regenerates vitamin E. It has been used for twenty years in Japan to treat and
prevent heart disease. Co Q10 may help prevent Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. It
has been used to treat gum disease and is being investigated as an advanced breast cancer
treatment. The body synthesizes Co Q10; other sources are organ meats and seafoods.
Co Q10 is essential in the production of energy. Co Q10 may assist in the treatment and
prevention of cancers by boosting the effectiveness of the body’s T-cells. Co Q10 may
rejuvenate the brain, and protect the gums.
Lipoic acid may provide protection against stroke, cataracts, and heart disease; it may
strengthen memory and prevent brain aging. Lipoic acid boosts the entire antioxidant
network. It turns off the bad genes that cause cancer and aging. It has been used to treat
liver disease and mushroom poisoning. Lipoic acid is produced in the body and can be
found in small quantities in potatoes, spinach, and red meat. Lipoic acid regenerates
itself and is essential for the breakdown of sugar and its conversion into energy. Unlike
the other components of the antioxidant network, lipoic acid can cross into the cell’s
water and fat portions, increasing its ability to scavenge free radicals. Lipoic acid helps
protect the eyes, liver and the heart and may protect against stroke. It may help control
diabetes, protect against aging, aid in the immune system’s production of T-cells,
enhance memory, and reduce the effects of radiation poisoning damage.
Glutathione is produced in the body and is the primary water-soluble antioxidant. It
regenerates vitamin C, restoring its antioxidant capability. Glutathione is instrumental
for healthy functioning of the liver and is instrumental in the detoxification of pollutants
and drugs. It is important for the immune system and can reverse immunological slumps
arising from age-related immune functions. It helps in the storage and transport of amino
acids, the building blocks of protein. Glutathione can be found in fruits, vegetables, and
cooked meat, however during the digestive processes, it is broken down. Glutathione
helps protect the cells from cancer by riding the body of hydrogen peroxide and it signals
molecules to turn off the inflammatory response. Glutathione attacks toxins in the liver
and makes them more available to be flushed out of the body through the kidneys. It
rejuvenates the immune system and acts as an anti-aging antioxidant.
A summary of each of the network boosters
Network boosters consist of non-network antioxidants and some substances that are
not antioxidants. The boosters include flavonoids, selenium, and the carotenoid family.
Flavonoids are a group of phytochemicals that are found in plants. This family has
over several thousand phytochemicals with fifty different common compounds being
found in fruits, vegetables, and beverages. Flavonoids improve memory and
concentration and are used to treat deficiency disorders. They are powerful free radical
scavengers that can boost the effectiveness of vitamin C. Flavonoids regulate nitric
oxide, prevent blood clots, lower high blood pressure, and protect against LDL
cholesterol oxidation. These substances help improve sexual function in men, reduce
inflammation, and bolster the immune system.
Selenium is a mineral and a non-antioxidant that strengthens the antioxidant network.
It is a component of two antioxidant enzymes. Selenium works in synergy with vitamin
E. It helps protect against many types of cancer that include: lung, colon and prostate.
Selenium is not produced by the body and must be obtained through water and food
sources such as: garlic, onions, red grapes, broccoli, egg yolks and wheat germ. Selenium
may protect against heart disease and aid in the fight against cancer.
Carotenoids are a family of antioxidants that help by reducing the free radical load
within the body. The carotenoids include: Alpha carotene, beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin,
lutein, lycopene, and zeaxanthin. Lycopene has been associated with lower prostate
cancer rates. Lutein and zeaxanthin have been associated with decreased risks of
cataracts and macular degeneration. Beta-carotene can be effective in boosting the
immune function in older people. A diet rich in carotenoids may reduce the risk of heart
Compelling antioxidant research:
The importance of vitamin C has been cited in several sources: A Treatise of the
Scurvy, by James Lind , 1753; Vitamin C and the Common Cold, by Dr. Linus Pauling;
Cancer and Vitamin C, by Dr. Linus Pauling.
Researchers at Jean Mayer, USDA Human Nutrition Center, Tuffs University have
proven that vitamin E can stimulate immune function in older people.
Researcher at the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging found that
glutathione stimulated the production of interlukin 1 and interlukin 2.
In a six-year study conducted by Dr. Edward Giovanucci, at Harvard Medical School,
involving 48,000 male physicians, found that men who consumed tomatoes, tomato
sauce, or pizza more than twice per week showed a 21 to 34 percent reduced risk of
prostate cancer.
The basic antioxidant cocktail plan:
It is recommended that the supplements be taken at two separate times, one being in the
morning and the other in the afternoon.
The vitamin E family
(1) 100mg tocotrienols
(1) 200 mg mixed tocopherols
(1) 200mg natural alpha tocopherol
Co Q10
(1) 30 mg
Lipoic Acid
(1) 50 mg
Lipoic Acid
(1) 50 mg lipoic acid
Vitamin C
(1) 250 mg ester C
Vitamin C
(1) 250 mg ester C
Folic Acid
(1) 400 mcg folic acid
Ginkgo Biloba
(1) 30 mg ginkgo biloba
(1) 300 mcg biotin
(1) 200 mcg selenium
Vitamin B6
(1) 2 mg vitamin B6
An outline of special needs and the associated recommendations by Packer:
Cigarette Smokers: In addition to the basic plan add, 100 mg lipoic acid, 100 mg
tocotrienols, 50 mg Co Q10, and 20 mg Pycnogenol to either the morning or evening
regimen. (Caution: smokers should not take carotenoid supplements.
Diabetics: Add the following to the basic plan either in the morning or in the evening:
100 mg lipoic acid, 1,000 mg GLA capsule, and 200-mcg chromium.
Athletes: Add the following to the basic plan either in the morning or afternoon: 250 mg
of L-carnitine.
Menopausal Women: In addition to the basic plan, add the following to either the
morning or afternoon regimen: 1,200 mg calcium and 100 mg tocotrienols.
People at High Risk of Cancer: Add the following to either the morning or afternoon
regimen: 100 mg lipoic acid, 100 mg tocotrienols, 50 mg of Co Q10 and 20 mg
People at High Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: Add to either the morning or evening
basic plan: 50 mg Co Q10, 100 mg tocotrienols (P.M.), 100 mg lipoic acid, and 20 mg
Picky Eaters: Add the following to the basic regimen daily either morning or afternoon:
Flavonoid complex, cruciferous-plus, and mixed carotenoid complex.
Packer, Lester, PhD and Colman, Carol, (1999), The Antioxidant Miracle,
United States: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Copyright 2008 Chandler Naturopathic Health Center
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Gastonia, NC 288054