Download Blooms Spelling Rubric

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Multiple intelligence and BlooM’s taxonomy
Spelling Activities.
Seven ways to be
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Six Thinking Levels
I enjoy reading,
writing and
*Perform a Look, Say,
Cover, Write, Check with
your spelling words.
*Write out the dictionary
definitions for each of
your words.
*Write out what each of
your words mean in your
own words.
I enjoy working
with numbers and
*Write in your own words
the spelling rule for your
words for the week and
when to use it.
*Put your words to a
number code, e.g. A=1, B=2
*Test your family and see
how many of them can or
cannot spell your words.
I enjoy painting,
drawing and
*Write your words in a
creative looking way such
as rainbow words or bubble
*Type your words onto a
computer (without spell
check) and print them out
*Write your words in
different fonts, sizes and
colours on the computer
*Illustrate each of your
words with a picture.
*Cut letters out of a
magazine or newspaper to
make your words.
I enjoy making
and listening to
*Write your words out and
next to each one, list any
words that rhyme with it
I enjoy working
with others.
*Sit back to back with
someone and get them to
test you with your words.
*Cut an article out of a
magazine or newspaper and
underline or highlight any
of your words that are in it
*Play hangman with a
classmate or someone at
home using one of your
spelling words.
*Write each of your words
without the vowels and see
if someone can work out
what they should be
*Write out your spelling
words backwards and see
if you can read them out
*Choose your most
difficult word and ask
someone to test you on it
ten times.
I enjoy working
by myself.
*List your spelling words in
order from the one you
think is least difficult to
the one you think is most
*Choose one of your
longest words and write its
letters in a circle. See how
many smaller words you can
make using its letters.
*Give yourself five minutes
to mentally study your
words, then cover them
over and write out as many
as you can remember.
I enjoy doing
*Use this website to
investigate and record the
origins of your words.
*Arrange your words in
alphabetical order.
*Choose five of your
spelling words that you
think you can spell, and
explain why they are easy.
*Create a cloze passage
using your words for
someone else to do. (e.g.
“The ____ sat on the mat”
for the word cat)
*Devise and record ways to
remember how to spell
your words.
*Write your words out on
pieces of paper, cut them
into their syllables, and
glue them back down
*Type your words onto the
computer, and break up
into syllables using slashes
e.g. com/pu/ter
*Clap your words out loud
to someone, breaking them
into syllables
*Make an estimate as to
what you think you will
score out of 10 on the
Friday test, and write why
you think you will score
*Put your words on a scale
from 0% to 100% in order
of ease in spelling.
*Interview others as to
which of these activities
they found most helpful
and put them into a graph.
*Put your words on a scale
from 0% to 100% in order
of ease in spelling.
*Teach someone else how
to spell your words using
whichever strategy you like
*Write down your
strengths and weaknesses
with this week’s words
*Write your words out on a
mini whiteboard, checking
for and changing any
mistakes you think you
have made
*Map out a plan of what you
might do differently to learn
your spelling words next
week, based on what works
best for you
* Draw a picture of a scene
involving some of your
words, and then write
about it underneath
* Write out your words in
pencil, and colour in the
vowels OR the consonants.
*Chant your words out loud
to your favourite song
*Create a new spelling
activity to help others
learn new words. Write it
down, and do it with your
*Create a pattern using
the letters in your words
and your coloured pencils,
such as rainbow or swirled