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The Enlightenment and The French
1. What did both the United States Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of
the Rights of Man both emphasize?
2. Which philosopher believed that the only good government was one that guided by a direct
3. Which philosopher believed that a government should be limited through a separation of
4. Which philosopher argued that life, liberty and property are natural rights that should be
protected by the government?
John Locke
5. Which philosopher advocated the right to freedom of speech and religion?
6. How did the American Revolution affect other persecuted peoples around the world?
7. What is the Divine Right of Kings. How would the enlightened philosophes react to someone
who believed in the Divine Right of Kings?
8. What did the enlightened philosophes believe that government decisions should be based
9. How did John Locke influence the Declaration of Independence?
10. How did Locke, Montesquieu and Rousseau affect the absolute monarchy in France?
11. What kind of government would John Locke and Rousseau most likely support?
12. How did democracy develop in Great Britain?
13. What was the most significant effect of the European Enlightenment Period?
14. Prior to the French Revolution, why did Louis XVI call the meeting of the Estates General?
15. What was the slogan of the French Revolution?
16. Who imposed the Reign of Terror?
17. What caused France’s government to change from a constitutional monarchy to democratic
18. What did the Napoleonic Code focus on?
19. How did Napoleon symbolically reduce the power of the Pope?
20. What international event contributed to Napoleon giving up his world wide empire?
21. What were Napoleon’s mistakes that led to the fall of the Napoleonic Empire?
22. The main goal of the governments who participated in the Congress of Vienna was to do
23. What was the legacy of the Congress of Vienna?
24. & 25. Analyze the political cartoon below
Rise of Democratic Ideas
1. Define Popular Sovereignty
2. Important long-term contributions of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations are
primarily found in what area?
3. How has the United States Constitution influenced other contemporary political
4. Which form of government allows voters to choose representatives to run the
5. What kind of government allows all citizens take part?
6. What are the important documents which helped establish the birth of English democracy?
When were they created and how did they change the government?
Essay: It has been argued that without the Enlightenment, the revolutions in America and
France might not have happened. In your essay, describe how the Enlightenment influenced the
American and French Revolution. Be sure to include the writings and arguments of specific
philosophes and how they each contributed to the revolutionary spirit.
The Industrial Revolution
1. Describe some of the changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution
Economic Changes:
○ Communist and socialist thought increases.
○ Assembly line systems, factories, and replaceable parts.
○ World trade becomes interconnected.
○ Inexpensive products = growing demand.
Social Changes:
○ Life expectancy grew.
○ Urbanization and overpopulation.
■Small, cramped housing.
■Growth of entertainment houses.
■Increased pollution and disease.
○ Working conditions and housing conditions.
■Labor unions.
■Minimum wage.
■Child labor laws.
■Safe work environments.
○ Growth in the middle class.
○ Standards of living eventually increased.
Cultural Changes:
○ Urban renewal projects.
■Settlement patterns emerge.
○ Family structure changed.
Technological Changes:
○ Advances in agriculture.
○ Advances in medicine.
○ Advances in industrial technology.
2. Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Britain?
Ample human and natural resources:
Labor Supply.
Natural Resources
Water Routes.
3. What does a society need to have in order to Industrialize?
Human and natural resources:
○ Money.
○ Labor Supply.
○ Natural Resources.
4. Why did spinning and weaving machines increase the number of workers in England?
5. What were some of the problems factory workers had with their jobs?
Unsafe working conditions.
Bad wages.
Long hours.
Disability and unemployment.
6. Describe some characteristics of a mass production system.
Assembly line.
Division of labor: Each worker performs a single task.
7. Which social class benefited the most from industrialization?
● The middle class.
8. What caused the European population to grow between 1750-1900?
○ Particularly agricultural advances and health advances.
9. How did the Industrial Revolution affect the political developments in Europe?
Urbanization led to a more influential working class and an educated middle class.
○ Unions could shut down economic activity through strike.
○ Educated middle class aligned with the lower classes as opposed to the upper
○ Exchange of ideas that results from urbanization.
10. Why did the increase in population in Europe lead to an urbanized society?
11. Describe some general characteristics of a nation undergoing the process of
12. What were some long term effects of the Industrial Revolution?
Economic Changes:
○ Communist and socialist thought increases.
○ Assembly line systems, factories, and replaceable parts.
○ World trade becomes interconnected.
○ Inexpensive products = growing demand.
Social Changes:
○ Life expectancy grew.
○ Urbanization and overpopulation.
■Small, cramped housing.
■Growth of entertainment houses.
■Increased pollution and disease.
○ Working conditions and housing conditions.
■Labor unions.
■Minimum wage.
■Child labor laws.
■Safe work environments.
○ Growth in the middle class.
○ Standards of living eventually increased.
Cultural Changes:
○ Family structure changed.
Technological Changes:
○ Advances in agriculture.
○ Advances in medicine.
○ Advances in industrial technology.
13. Describe the proletariat. Why did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles call for a world wide
Proletariat: The working class.
○ They must revolt against the Bourgeoisie to break the shackles of the Capitalist
14. Why did the working class call for reform in England as a result of the Industrial Revolution?
Weren’t well-represented in England.
○ The power of the strike gave them power.
15. What are the basic economic differences between capitalism and socialism?
Who controls the means of production?
16. Describe some major characteristics of a socialist economy.
The government controls key factors of production and distribution.
17. Describe the basic principles of communism.
Government controls all the means of production and distribution.
18. What was the main idea of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel’s’ Communist Manifesto?
Proletariat and the Bourgeoisie.
History is a struggle between classes.
19. Describe Karl Marx’s view of history.
History is a struggle between classes.
20. How did Utopian Socialists attempt to achieve their goals?
Model Communities.
21. How was democratic reform achieved in Great Britain?
Brought about:
○ Middle class voting rights.
■Eventually voting rights to others.
○ Limited power of the monarchy.
22. Why would workers smash a spinning jenny in 19th century England?
The machines are stealing their jobs.
Describe some of the social ramifications of the Industrial Revolution. Include how the Industrial
Revolution affected working conditions, changes in the family unit and any other changes
industrialization brought to modern society.
Working Conditions:
○ Less time spent with families
○ Dangerous work conditions
○ Long hours
○ Little pride in work
○ Unauthorized absences
○ Large employee pool
○ “Laissez Faire”
○ Luddite Movement
○ Working conditions and housing conditions.
■Labor unions.
■Minimum wage.
■Child labor laws.
■Safe work environments.
Changes in the Family Unit:
○ Men are the main providers.
○ Free time spent at Taverns
○ Women stayed home
○ Exploitation of women & children workers
○ Decrease in family size
○ Nuclear Family
Other changes:
○ Overpopulation.
■Mass Migration and urbanization
■Cramped living space
■Increase in disease
● (Rickets, cholera & alcoholism)
○ Shorter life expectancy
○ No Gov’t intervention
○ Transportation industry
1. Define Social Darwinism
2. What were some of the results of the Berlin Conference?
3. What role did religion play in India during its independence movement from Great
4. List some examples if countries that were made into colonies during the 19th century
and who were their colonizers?
5. Why were European nations able to conquer large parts of Africa in the 19th and 20th
6. Why were the British and the French interested in obtaining Egypt in the 19th century?
7. The 19th century term “white man’s burden” reflects what types of ideas?
8. Why did the British Government build railroads, schools and irrigation systems in
9. “All human life revolves around the struggle for survival” This quote reflects which
19th century philosophy?
10. Describe some major effects of European rule in Africa.
11. What was the lasting influence British Colonialism had on India?
12. Why would European imperialism promote the development of nationalism in Asian
and African countries?
13. Between 1880-1914, which nations were most involved in colonizing Africa?
14. Why did European nations want to seek colonies in Africa?
15. What was the primary purpose for building the Suez Canal?
16. What was the major result of the Opium War?
17. What was the catch phrase for Social Darwinism?
18. What invention allowed Europeans to penetrate the rivers into Africa?
19. Define Nationalism
20. What company in the 1600’s built the imperial foundation for Britain in India?
21. What is a sepoy?
22. What triggered the Sepoy Mutiny?
23. How did industrialization encourage Imperialism?
24. Which African countries were not colonized in Africa by 1911?
25. The French colonies of Indochina are comprised of which modern day countries?
26.Why did European countries desire colonies?
27. Who was the Scottish doctor and missionary who explored much of Central Africa?
28. What was the significance of quinine?
29. Which African state was founded as a refuge for former American slaves?
30. Why did Britain try to gain overseas colonies?
World War I
1. Why did European countries form alliances in the early 20th century?
2. What were the long term causes of World War I?
3. Just prior to World War I, the nations in Europe believed a balance of power could be best
maintained by what?
4. What region in Europe was considered a “powder keg”?
5. Why did most of the combat on the Western Front in WWI take place in a relatively small
6. How did Russia’s participation in WWI affect its empire?
7. Why was World War I considered a “total war”?
8. What was the system of rationing designed to limit?
9. What was the purpose of propaganda during World War I?
10. Describe the Schlieffen Plan. Was it effective?
11. Why was allied victory at the First Battle of the Marne if critical importance?
12. What was the purpose of the Gallipoli Campaign?
13. What was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?
14. Why did the United States enter World War I?
15. What were some of the results of the Battle of Verdun and the Somme?
16. What part did Great Britain’s empire play in World War I?
17. Define Genocide. Which nation attempted genocide in World War I?
18. What was the main goal of the League of Nations?
19. What were the goals of France and Great Britain at the Versailles conference?
20. Which nation refused to join the League of Nations? Why?
21. How was the Middle East immediately affected by World War I?
22. Describe post-war disillusionment? Who was feeling this?
23. What was Wilson’s Fourteen Points?
24. What was the Lost Generation? Who are some notable writers from the Lost Generation?
25. What are mandates?
World War II
1. Why did Britain and France appease Germany and Italy during the 1930’s?
2. What event sparked the outbreak of World War II?
3. “A day which will live in infamy”-FDR. This quote refers to which historical event?
4. Who attacked Germany from the east and the west by 1945?
5. What was Winston Churchill’s role in World War II?
6. What was the Nazi party’s intent when they executed the Holocaust?
7. What leader signed the nonaggression pact with Hitler and later joined the Allies?
8. What was the purpose of the Nuremberg laws?
9. During the Holocaust, which country held the majority of the death camps?
10. What did Germany gain from the Hitler-Stalin Pact (nonaggression pact)?
11. Where did Mussolini invade in his quest to form the “New Roman Empire”?
12. What happened in China after the Japanese invasion of 1937 (Rape of Nanking)?
13. What did the Axis powers all have in common?
14. Who were the Axis powers?
Germany, Italy, and Japan.
15. Describe a Blitzkreig invasion.
16. Which European battle was the last offensive attack by the Germans?
17. What happened to the Japanese Emperor after WWII?
18. Where were the Atomic bombs dropped at the end of WWII?
19. What was the purpose of the Nuremberg Laws?
20. Francisco Franco of Spain was the leader of which group?
21. What happened at the Munich Conference?
22. What battle is considered the turning point in the war of the Pacific?
23. What happened on D-Day?
24. Why were thousands of Japanese Americans interned in relocation camps in the United
25. What was the main goal of Hitler’s Final Solution?
26. In which nation was the pre-war government allowed to return to power after WWII?
27. Who led the efforts to draw up the Japanese constitution after WWII?
28. What techniques did both Hitler and Mussolini use to gain power in their country?
29. What characteristics did Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia and Mussolini’s Italy all have in
30. Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany?
31. What nation sought to establish the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere between 19311945?
32. Neville Chamberlain’s “peace for our time” speech represents what foreign policy?
33. Following the United States’ entry into World War II what was the American and British
Leaders highest priority in fighting the war?
34. What was the major purpose of the Yalta Conference in 1945?
Define the following:
Battle of the Bulge
Final Solution
Battle of Midway
Cold War Study Guide
1. What was the purpose of the Yalta Conference? What decisions were made there?
2. What were some of the characteristics of the Cold War and relations between the U.S. and
the Soviet Union?
3. What was the purpose of the Soviet Buffer Zone? What was a satellite nation?
4. How did the economies of Japan and Germany fare after WWII?
5. What were the causes of the Cold War?
6. What was the Iron Curtain?
7. What was the purpose of the Truman Doctrine?
8. What was the purpose of the Marshall Plan?
9. What was the name of the foreign policy that the U.S. followed in regards to locations where
communism was trying to grow (i.e. Cuba, Korea and Vietnam)?
10. What caused the uprisings in Hungary (1956) and Czechoslovakia (1968)?
11. What was the Soviet response to these uprisings?
12. Formation of military alliances (NATO and Warsaw Pact) were examples of which foreign
13. The Warsaw Pact was created in response to what event?
14. The U.S. Canada and 10 Western European nations joined which military alliance?
15. Why was it necessary to establish the Berlin Airlift?
16. What was the purpose of the Berlin Wall?
17. How were the boundaries of Berlin and Germany redrawn immediately after WWII?
18. What is the purpose of the United Nations?
19. What was the purpose of the Einstein letter?
20. How did the atomic age help shape the actions taken by America and the Soviet Union
during the Cold War?