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Accelerated Algebra I
Lesson 2.5 Distributive Property
Distributive Property (of multiplication with respect to addition):
a(b  c)  ab  ac
(b  c)a  ba  ca
Distributive Property (of multiplication with respect to subtraction):
a(b  c)  ab  ac
(b  c)a  ba  ca
I. Mental Math using distributive property
1. 6 48
2. 4(3.25)
3. 6( 4 )
II. For each expression write an equivalent expression without parentheses.
1. 5( x  3)
2. (2 y  6)8
3. 2(3x  4 y )
1. 5(a  7)
2. (b  x)4
3. 2(6m  7n)
4. (9h  4b)5
5. 12(3x  8 y)
6. 3(4l  5c  2)
Try it!
III. Simplify by combining like terms.
1. 2a  b  5a  3b
2. 4x  6  9x
3. 3s  5t  t  2s
4. 3(n  1)  4
5. 8  3(4  y)
6. 8(k  m)  15(2k  5m)
7. 4(n  7)  5(n  3)  2n
8. 9[7(3a  2b  4)  12(a  2)]  3(5a  8b)
Try it!
1. 5d  3e  4e  d
4. 4(5 x  3 y  6)  14(2 y  1)
2. 2(n  8)  9
3. ( y  5)6  15
5.  24  3[4 y  2(5 y  8)]  9 y
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