Download Mitosis Lab - Depoali Middle School

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Mitosis Lab
Class #:____________________________
Pre-Lab Questions
Please complete these questions before using a microscope.
What is mitosis?
Which type of reproduction uses mitosis and which two kingdoms reproduce mostly this way?
How do multicellular organisms use mitosis? Which three kingdoms use mitosis in this way?
Please draw, name, and briefly describe each phase of mitosis. The name and description for the first phase
are done for you.
1. Interphase
Normal cell life where DNA spread out in nucleus
Lab Procedures
Low Power Observations
View the onion root under low power and spend a few minutes drawing what you see. Then fill in the blanks
and answer the questions to the right.
Most of the cells in this root are “brick”
shaped. This is because onions are members
of the kingdom ___________________. All
members of this kingdom have ____________
____________ that help give the cell structure.
Roots don’t move because members of this
kingdom are ___________ not motile. They
grow through the soil as their cells undergo
division called ____________________.
Where on the root do you expect to see the
most mitosis? In the middle? At the ends?
High Power Observations
Zoom to high power on two different cells that are in phases of mitosis other than Interphase. Draw and label
the phases below. Please find two different cells in different phases.
Follow-Up Questions
1. When you looked at the cells in the onion root, which phase of mitosis were most of them
in? Why?
2. The process of mitosis we have been writing about is what happens in eukaryotes. What
do you think might be different in prokaryotes? (Hint: What don’t prokaryotes have?)
3. During mitosis each “daughter” cell has all the same genetic information the “parent”
cell had. How is this accomplished?
4. In sexual reproduction the offspring gets some genetic information from the mother and
some from the father. If each parent gave all the genetic information to its child, the kid
would have two times the genetic information it needs. There is a special type of cell
division called meiosis for sexual reproduction. We will learn about it more later. How do
you expect this to be similar to mitosis? How do you expect it to be different? Why?