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Units 9 and 10 Connections Across Land and Water
The Battle for Tenochtitlán: An Aztec Perspective
Name: ________________________________________________________ Date: _________________ Period: ____________
You will need to use your assigned copy of The Human Record – Vol. I to complete the following:
Instructions: Start by reading the introduction to Chapter 13, Transoceanic Encounters 1500-1700; Europeans in the Americas (pp.
457 – 459), Then read the introduction to the following source document and the document itself: The Battle for Tenochtitlán: An
Aztec Perspective (pp. 460-465). DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME – YOU MUST FINISH THIS IN CLASS TODAY. Answer the
following questions FULLY --- however, it is not required that you answer in complete sentences. Before answering questions about
the source document itself, answer the following questions (info found in the introductions).
1. According to the introduction, what became the single most
important factor in the breakdown of regional isolation around
the world and the creation of a true global community in the
years after 1500?
River Basin (southeastern Canada)
Europe’s push across wide expanses of ocean
9. According to the introduction, historians do not believe that
the Europeans who traveled to the Americas had the intent of
decimating the native population there – what reason(s) is
given in support of this claim?
2. Where were Westerns Europeans “gaining ground” in the
world (1500-1700)?
the Americas
It was inconsistent with the world view and aims of the
European colonizers who sought to convert these people to
3. Where were Western Europeans “losing ground” in the
world (1500-1700)?
Ottoman (Turkish) controlled territory
East Asia
10. Even if the Europeans did not intend to decimate the
native American population– they did—explain how (general
info will suffice—more specific info should be related for
questions 11, 12).
They passed on diseases to them – smallpox, measles,
diphtheria, chicken pox, whooping cough, influenza,
malaria, yellow fever and in doing so, killed off millions of
native Americans (due to their isolation in the Western
Hemisphere – the native Americans had not encountered
these diseases before which made them more susceptible to
4. Who was the Western European’s strongest “threat” during
this period (1500-1700)—and how much of a threat were
The Ottoman Turks – who had destroyed the Hungarian
army (Hungary was Christian) and besieged Vienna,
Austria which did eventually fail.
5. Why was China considered a “threat” to the Western
Europeans bent on expanding their influence around the
China was expanding its own territory and had established
friendly border relations with Russia.
6. What (vast) country began to be regarded along with many
Western Europeans as being intent on expanding its frontiers
during this period?
7. When did various Western European nations begin to
explore (and later exploit) the Americas?
15th and 16th centuries
8. What were the two major Western European countries that
explored (and exploited) the Americas? -- and what particular
areas did they come to control in the Americas?
Spain and Portugal -- Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and
South America, and the southern portions of North
11. How were the Tainos affected by Columbus’s visit to their
Their population went from 1 million in 1492 to a few
thousand by 1530.
12. How was Mexico affected by Cortés and other Spaniards?
Mexico pre-conquest: 21.5 million (1519)
Mexico post-conquest: 16 million (1532) AND 2.5 million
after the epidemic of 1545-1548.
13. How were the Mississippians (mound builders) of North
America affected?
They seem to have disappeared by the mid-16th century
due to European diseases spread along the native trade
routes (Europeans never had contact with these people).
England, France, the Netherlands--northern portions of
North America’s Atlantic coast and the St. Lawrence
Units 9 and 10 Connections Across Land and Water
Bernardino de Sahagún, General History of Things of New
Spain – pp. 460-465 and answer FULLY the following
questions (be prepared to discuss them in class tomorrow).
14. What does the source reveal about the motives of the
Spaniards and their allies for their attack on the Aztecs?
15. What was Moctezuma’s strategy to deal with the
Spaniards, and why did it fail?
to welcome them and offer them riches them in hopes of
keeping them friendly
they also hoped to create conditions whereby the
Spaniards would return from where they came
(rainmakers – witches – priests….. to cast spells on them to
prevent them from attacking them as they had done the
other Indian tribes).
The strategy failed because the Spaniards were intent on
conquering the Aztecs.
16. What impression did Spanish firearms and cannons have
on the Aztecs?
they didn’t seem to be terribly impressed or frightened by
The Battle for Tenochtitlán: An Aztec Perspective
21. How did the Aztec view of war differ from that of the
war was “defensive” for the Aztecs in this case --- war for the
Aztecs was almost a religious experience – the Aztec people
seemed unified in their desire to protect their nation from the
war for the Spanish was “offensive” -- a way of obtaining
their goals – acquiring riches and converting people to
22. What does the source reveal about Aztec religious beliefs,
values, and practices?
they implored the gods to assist them – believed that they
would decide their fate—they tried to appease their gods
and to act in their behalf
23. Who was Bernardino de Sahagún, and why was his
writings about Mexican culture confiscated by royal decree in
A member of the Franciscan Order – “priest”/missionary
who arrived in Mexico in 1529 who developed a keen
interest in the culture of the Mexican native – he wrote
about their culture to preserve memory of it. Spanish
rulers opposed his work because it threatened their policy
of exploiting and Christianizing the natives.
17. What evidence is there that the Aztecs adjusted their
strategy to counter the Spanish weapons?
they quickly learned to adapt -they “bunched” together after having been outfitted with
shields and arrows (barbed darts, spears, and tridents)—
also, they used their knowledge of the canals in the city to
out-smart the Spaniards
Consider these questions…….
How reliable to do you think this account of this
event is?
18. Aside from their firearms, what other military advantages
did the Spaniards have over their opponents?
If you do believe it is reliable, what makes you
think it is so?
metal shields, swords, horses, and disease (smallpox)
ALSO, the fact that they had allied themselves with some
of the Aztecs’ enemies
If you don’t, what makes you doubt it relates the
“true” story?
19. How decisive do these other advantages (q. 5) seem to
have been?
disease and the alliances with the Aztec enemies
How do you think the Spanish account of this
event would differ?
20. On several occasions, the Aztecs routed the Spaniards.
What explains these Aztec victories?
the element of surprise – perhaps inexperience of the
Spanish commander (when Cortes was away), and – the
Aztecs had a larger army and …. luck