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Body Systems Independent Practice
Created by Patrick Haney
I created these worksheets to introduce and review my students to body systems and how they
interact. Students are given the Body Systems Reference Sheet and allowed to work through
these sheets in order to develop their own understanding of these systems. By the end of the
unit, the students find that they no longer need to use their reference sheets. These sheets can
be used during any body systems unit as in-class reviews or homework assignments.
Body Systems Reference Sheet
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Name: ________________________________ Date: ___________________ Period: _______
For each of the following situations, name 3 body systems that would be important for
completing the task and give a short explanation of how each system would contribute.
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
Name: ________________________________ Date: ___________________ Period: _______
Decide which organ systems these organs belong to based on the information provided.
1. The brain sends, receives, and stores information along with making hormones that are sent
throughout the body.
The brain belongs to the _______________________ & _______________________ systems.
2. The heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the entire body.
The heart belongs to the _______________________ & _______________________ systems.
3. Skin prevents your body from losing water and helps it maintain its proper temperature. It
also secretes the hormone calcidiol.
The skin belongs to the _______________________ & _______________________ systems.
4. The kidneys remove wastes and extra water from the body secretes hormones to regulate
the body and maintain homeostasis.
The kidneys belong to the ______________________ & _______________________ systems.
5. In males, the testes produce the male gamete cells known as sperm as well as hormones
such as testosterone.
The testes belong to the _______________________ & _______________________ systems.
6. The diaphragm is a sheet of muscle that is responsible for expanding the lungs while a
person breathes in.
The diaphragm belongs to the _____________________ & _____________________ systems.
7. The colon absorbs water, an essential nutrient, and stores solid fecal matter until it is
expelled from the body.
The colon belongs to the _______________________ & _______________________ systems.
8. The stomach breaks down food so that the nutrients can be absorbed and releases vital
The stomach belongs to the ______________________ & ______________________ systems.
9. The tongue is a muscular organ that is also able to detect 4 different distinct tastes.
The tongue belongs to the _______________________ & _______________________ systems.
10. The pancreas creates digestive enzymes that are secreted into the small intestines along
with several hormones including insulin.
The pancreas belongs to the ______________________ & ______________________ systems.
Fill in the correct body system that completes the statements below.
1. The hormone adrenaline is produced by the _______________________ system.
2. Blood cells are produced by marrow from the ________________________ system.
3. H.I.V. attacks Helper T cells which are a part of the ______________________ system.
4. Skin is the body’s largest organ and a part of the _______________________ system.
5. Your spinal cord is an organ in the central _____________________ system.
6. Hemoglobin is the molecule that carries oxygen through the____________________ system.
7. The rib cage protects the lungs and heart and is a part of the ___________________ system.
8. Extra water is stored in the bladder which is a part of the _____________________ system.
For each of the statements below decide which two body systems are interacting.
1. The spinal cord causes the knee to jerk upward
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
2. Nutrients are delivered from the intestines directly to your blood
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
3. Hormones trigger facial hair growth in a maturing male
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
4. Muscles cause the stomach to churn
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
5. The brain sends a signal to the lungs to inhale oxygen
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
6. Unused nutrients pass through the intestines and are removed from the body
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
7. Red blood cells are produced by marrow
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
8. Extra water is filtered from the blood by the kidneys
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
9. Helper T cells travel through the blood stream
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
Name: ________________________________ Date: ___________________ Period: _______
For each of the statements below decide which two body systems are interacting.
1. Testosterone increases the muscle mass of an adult male
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
2. Muscles in the bladder contract to expel urine from the body.
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
3. An asthma attack is triggered by hormones
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
4. The diaphragm muscle pulls air into the lungs
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
4. A female’s ovaries are signaled to release an egg cell by hormones
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
5. Ciliary muscles cause light to be focused through the eye onto light sensitive cells
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
6. Langerhans cells in the skin fight off a bacterial infection
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
7. Hormones reduce the amount of pain felt by a person during an animal attack
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
8. Muscles constrict blood vessels to increase blood pressure
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
9. Your spinal cord sends a signal to your hand to move
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
10. A sphincter muscle relaxes allowing urine to be expelled from the body
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
11. Oxygen gas (O2) travels directly from the lungs into red blood cells.
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
12. The hormone adrenaline suppresses activity in the gastrointestinal tract
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
13. White blood cells travel through the blood stream to reach an infected organ
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
14. Nutrients are absorbed by the intestines and distributed through the blood stream
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
Select the best answer to the following questions:
1. Which two systems below are responsible for protecting tender internal organs?
A skeletal and circulatory systems
C integumentary and skeletal systems
B respiratory and excretory systems
D muscular and nervous systems
2. Which two systems below work together to fight a viral infection?
A skeletal and circulatory systems
C muscular and nervous systems
B respiratory and integumentary systems D circulatory and immune systems
3. Which two systems below are most important when an animal jumps over a fence?
A skeletal and circulatory systems
C integumentary and skeletal systems
B respiratory and excretory systems
D muscular and nervous systems
4. Which two systems below are most important for smelling a rose?
A skeletal and respiratory systems
C muscular and reproductive systems
B respiratory and nervous systems
D nervous and immune systems
5. Which two systems below are most important when a person throws a dart?
A skeletal and circulatory systems
C integumentary and skeletal systems
B respiratory and excretory systems
D muscular and nervous systems
6. Which two systems below are most important for feeling the roughness of this paper?
A skeletal and respiratory systems
C muscular and reproductive systems
B circulatory and nervous systems
D nervous and integumentary systems
Answer the following questions about body systems.
1. Which body system absorbs nutrients? ____________________________________
2. Which body system distributes nutrients? ____________________________________
3. Which body system absorbs oxygen? ____________________________________
4. Which body system distributes oxygen? ____________________________________
5. In which body system would you find marrow? _______________________________
6. In which body system would you find hemoglobin? ____________________________
7. Which body system is in charge of hormones? ________________________________
8. What organism aids your body with digestion? ________________________________
9. What body system does your spinal cord belong to? ____________________________
Name: ________________________________ Date: ___________________ Period: _______
For each of the statements below decide which two body systems are interacting.
1. Hormones increase the heart rate of an animal in danger
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
2. Oxygen is delivered from the lungs directly to your blood stream
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
3. Extra salt is removed from the body through sweat glands in the skin
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
4. Bone marrow produces red blood cells
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
5. The pulmonary vein brings blood from the lungs back to the heart
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
6. The hormone testosterone increases the bone density of a growing male
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
7. Muscles around blood vessels relax to reduce blood pressure
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
8. Antibodies travel through the blood stream to attack an invading virus
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
9. Muscles in the leg cause the tibia and fibula bones to move upward
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
10. Muscles force food through the gastrointestinal tract
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
11. Pain is felt when a person’s skin is cut by a cooking knife
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
12. Cardiac muscles pump blood throughout the body.
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
13. Marrow produces red blood cells.
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
14. Hormones cause the growth of facial hair in an adolescent boy.
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
15. Oxygen gas leaves the lungs and attaches to hemoglobin molecules.
____________________________ & _____________________________ systems
Select the answer that will best complete the following analogies.
1. The digestive system is to absorbing nutrients as the circulatory system is to
A removing nutrients
C distributing nutrients
B attracting nutrients
D fighting infections
2. The immune system is to antibodies as the endocrine system is to
A white blood cells B nerve cells
C marrow
D hormones
3. The muscular system is to movement as the respiratory system is to
A breathing
B consumption
C circulation
D infections
4. The circulatory system is to distributing nutrients as the digestive system is to
A removing nutrients
C absorbing nutrients
B synthesizing nutrients
D fighting infections
5. The endocrine system is to hormones as the immune system is to
A marrow
B nerve cells
C red blood cells
D antibodies
6. The nervous system is to information as the excretory system is to
A oxygen
B waste
C blood
D hormones
7. The immune system is to B cell as the circulatory system is to
A red blood cells
C antibodies
B helper T cells
D epithelial cells
8. The muscular system is to muscles as the circulatory system is to
A hormones
B marrow
C blood
D bones
There are 3 body systems which primarily responsible for the protection of the human body:
the skeletal, integumentary and immune systems. Decide which of the following systems is
responsible for protecting the body in the ways described below:
1. The brain is protected by a strong rigid skull. ___________________________
2. Skin protects the body from drying out. ___________________________
3. Antibodies neutralize viruses by attaching to them. ___________________________
4. The rib cage provides protection for the heart and lungs. ___________________________
5. Germs are prevented from entering the body by the skin. ___________________________
6. White blood cells engulf and digest bacteria. ___________________________
7. The spinal cord is encased and protected by the spine. ___________________________
8. Helper T cells attract other white blood cells to an infection. _________________________