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The Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Vol. 60
March 2011
With the growth rate of 14 percent per year, the Indian pharmaceutical industry is well established for
rapid expansion. Indian
Industry has made phenomenal progress over the years and made
the Issue
its impact in the global market. It has been recognized as a reliable source for drugs and drug
intermediates and pharmaceutical formulations. With the strengthening of the IPR scenario in the
31, 2005 witnessed major changes in the Indian pharmaceutical
in ended
industry like the foreign MNCs increasing their presence in India through expansions and collaborations;
companies competing with them through new product launches and gaining more number of
Many multinational companies have penetrated into India with an objective to
Product Focus
– Augmentin
marketing drugs and conducting clinical trials. Thus, Indian pharmaceutical research, manufacturing and
Scan have received an impetus, thereby creating an image of a potential Pharma market and land
of opportunities in the pharmaceutical division. Moreover the new Draft Drug Policy’ 2006 was released
during this quarter.
In Focus: Cancer in Indian Population
Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by out-of-control cell growth. There are over 100 different
types of cancer, and each is classified by the type of cell that is initially affected. Cancer harms the body
when damaged cells divide uncontrollably to form lumps or masses of tissue called tumours. Tumours
can grow and interfere with the digestive, nervous, and circulatory systems and they can release hormones
that alter body function. Tumours that stay in one spot and demonstrate limited growth are generally
considered to be benign.
Classification of Cancer:
There are five broad groups that are used to classify cancer.
 Carcinomas are characterized by cells that cover internal and external parts of the body such as
lung, breast, and colon cancer.
 Sarcomas are characterized by cells that are located in bone, cartilage, fat, connective tissue,
muscle, and other supportive tissues.
 Lymphomas are cancers that begin in the lymph nodes and immune system tissues.
 Leukemias are cancers that begin in the bone marrow and often accumulate in the bloodstream.
 Adenomas are cancers that arise in the thyroid, the pituitary gland, the adrenal gland, and other
glandular tissues.
Treatment of cancer:
Cancer treatment depends on the type of cancer, the stage of the cancer, age, health status, and additional
personal characteristics. There is no single treatment for cancer, and patients often receive a combination
of therapies and palliative care. Treatments usually fall into one of the following categories
Surgery is the oldest known treatment for cancer. If a cancer has not metastasized, it is possible to
completely cure a patient by surgically removing the cancer from the body. This is often seen in the
removal of the prostate or a breast or testicle.
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-05, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
Radiation treatment, also known as radiotherapy, destroys cancer by focusing high-energy rays on the
cancer cells. This causes damage to the molecules that make up the cancer cells and leads them to commit
suicide. Radiotherapy utilizes high-energy gamma-rays that are emitted from metals such as radium or
high-energy x-rays that are created in a special machine.
Chemotherapy utilizes chemicals that interfere with the cell division process - damaging proteins or DNA
so that cancer cells will commit suicide. These treatments target any rapidly dividing cells, but normal cells
usually can recover from any chemical-induced damage while cancer cells.
Prevention of Cancer:
Cancer prevention is action taken to lower the chance of getting cancer. By preventing cancer, the
number of new cases of cancer in a group or population is lowered. Hopefully, this will lower the number
of deaths caused by cancer. Cancer is not a single disease but a group of related diseases. Many things in
our genes, our lifestyle, and the environment around us may increase or decrease our risk of getting
cancer. There are many different ways to help prevent cancer, including the following:
 Ways to avoid or control things known to cause cancer.
 Changes in diet and lifestyle.
 Finding precancerous conditions early. Precancerous conditions are conditions that may become
cancer and Chemoprevention (medicines to treat a precancerous condition or to keep cancer
from starting).
Cancer in India:
In India cancer is quite alarming with nearly 25 lakh patients in the country currently suffering from the
deadly disease is not very comfortable and every year there is an increment of 10,000 new cancer patients
In India is very different from the cancer problem from other parts of the world in terms of its challenges
and magnitude. Nearly 1 million new cancer cases are reported every year in India. Around 80% of cancer
patients have late stage incurable
disease when first diagnosed. This not
Breast cancer In India
only complicates the treatment options,
Bangabut also makes palliation difficult.
Procurement of oral morphine for the
treatment of pain in terminal cancer
patients is another problem because of
Ahemdacumbersome legislation. Treatment and
palliative care resources are limited in
our country. Moreover, patients who
can afford conventional treatment are
subjected to expensive treatment
procedures that have severe side
effects. The biggest challenge before
the clinicians now concerns the
C hennai,
management of the rising incidence of
cancer in developing countries, with
little prospect of more resources
becoming available to fight the disease.
About 50% of the world's cancer Source; Cygnus Market Resources
burden is carried by the developing
world. The death rate from cancer in the developing countries is set to raise at least 3-folds by the year
2025 largely due to the increased life expectancy, containment of infectious diseases and changing life
style. Cancer prevalence in India is estimated to be around 2.5 million, with over 8,00,000 new cases and
5,50,000 deaths occurring each year due to this disease. More than 70% of the cases report for diagnostic
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
and treatment services in the advanced stages of the disease, which has led to a poor survival and high
mortality rate. Cancer prevalence in India is estimated to be around 2.5 million, with over 8,00,000 new
cases and 5,50,000 deaths occurring each year due to this disease. More than 70% of the cases report for
diagnostic and treatment services in the advanced stages of the disease, which has led to a poor survival
and high mortality rate.
Control of Cancer:
India is one of the first few developing countries where nation-wide cancer control programs were
launched. The Government of India took its first initiative in 1971. The National Cancer Control
Programme for India was formulated in 1984 with four major goals:
 Primary prevention of tobacco related cancer
 Early detection of the cancers of easily accessible sites
 Augmentation of treatment facilities
 Establishment of equitable, pain control and palliative care network throughout the country.
Educating people regarding the disease will help to drive away the fears and stigma associated with the
disease. It is important to involve all levels of the population in the educational process.
 Involvement of school children and youth and NSS students from University Colleges
 Involvement of NGO’s, particularly those working in the area of women’s health.
 Involvement of the Municipal, district and State Health Administration, Medical Colleges,
particularly Departments of Community Medicine.
Due to constant change in the life style and working nature particularly in urban people, diseases like
cancer are increasing very rapidly. The Pharmaceutical companies are spending huge amounts on
developing new drugs for controlling the diseases. Latest technologies like stem cell research, nano
technology application and constant advice from physicians about the changing habits will definitely
control the disease in future. More and more super speciality hospitals having oncology divisions are
constantly developing different technologies to treat the patients. All these efforts will definitely control
cancer in coming years.
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
News Briefs
USA: ForteBio Launches New Octet RED96 System and Dip Protein L Biosensor
ForteBio is a leading supplier of label-free technology that accelerates the development of biotherapeutic
and pharmaceutical products, has announced the launch of its Octet RED96 System, as well as its new
Dip and Read Protein L Biosensor for use on the company's Octet platform. The product introductions
further widen the scope and utility of the company's flagship instrumentation system, which provides
real-time, label-free analysis of biomolecular interactions, with unprecedented ease of use and costefficiency. The Octet RED96 system can rapidly measure protein and other biomolecule concentrations,
as well as determine kinetics, affinity and specificity of protein-protein and protein-small molecule
interactions and Octet RED platform by featuring biosensor re-racking, which enables more efficient
workflow, reduced amounts of capture molecule use and lower assay-running costs.
USA: Multi-Tasking Protein Provides New Approaches for Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs
Tuberculosis remains one of the largest threats to human health worldwide, and one of the most frequent
causes of death in HIV patients. With the increasing emergence of strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
that are hyper-resistant to drugs, it becomes ever more urgent that novel treatments be developed, and
the search for novel strategies for drug development is an important step in this process. EMBL
identified a multi-tasking enzyme from Mycobacterium tuberculosis that catalyses reactions on two
different molecules, or substrates. In most organisms, cells need two specific enzymes, known as HisA
and TrpF, in order to produce two essential amino acids histidine and tryptophan.
USA: Overabundance of Protein Expands Breast Cancer Stem Cells
An essential protein for normal stem cell renewal also promotes the growth of breast cancer stem cells
when it's overproduced in those cells. In mouse and lab experiments, the team also discovered that two
drugs block the cascade of molecular events that they describe in the paper, thwarting formation of breast
tumour-initiating cells. The Over expression of the EZH2 protein has been linked to breast cancer
progression, but the molecular details of that connection were unknown Tumour-initiating cancer cells
that arise from the primary cancer stem cells also are thought to drive cancer progression. This research
connects EZH2 to the growth of breast tumour-initiating cells. The molecular chain of events that
improves self-renewal, survival and growth of these breast cancer stem cells can be initiated by oxygenstarved portions of a tumour; hypoxia stimulates a protein that in turn causes over expression of EZH2.
USA: UC San Diego Biologists Gain New Insights into Brain Circuit Wiring
The Cell provides a critical piece of understanding to the longstanding puzzle of how the human brain
wires itself into the complex networks that underlie our behaviour. The discovery concerns the
movements of a highly sensitive and motile structure at the tips of growing nerves called a growth cone.
For more than a century, biologists have known that growth cones find their targets by detecting chemical
cues in the developing nervous system. They do that by responding to gradients of chemical
concentration and steering nerve cells either up or down the gradient to eventually find the right targets to
make the proper nerve connections that then establish neuronal networks.
USA: Thermo Fisher Introduces New Tools for Studying GTPases Large G-Protein Subunits
Thermo Fisher Scientific has introduced the Thermo Scientific Pierce GTPase Enrichment Kit for
profiling small GTPases and large G-protein subunits. The kit provides the reagents for the broad
enrichment of GTP-binding proteins from tissues, cells and sub cellular proteomes. The Pierce GTPase
Enrichment Kit expands on the use of novel desthiobiotin-nucleotide probes that are also found in the
new Thermo Scientific Pierce Kinase Enrichment Kits. The nucleotide is attached to desthiobiotin, a
biotin analog developed by ActivX Biosciences. The nucleotide binds to the active site of the
GTP-binding protein, and the desthiobiotin tag allows for capture and enrichment of the bound protein.
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
The desthiobiotin tag binds less tightly to biotin-binding proteins, making the capture bond easily
reversible by biotin displacement, low pH or heat. The isolated proteins then can be further studied by
Western blot analysis or mass spectrometry.
USA: New Explanation for Heart-Healthy Benefits of Chocolate
The main ingredient in chocolate appears to reduce the risk of heart disease by boosting levels of HDL,
or good cholesterol, and decreasing levels of low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol. The heart-healthy
effects go to a cadre of antioxidant compounds in cocoa called polyphenols, which are particularly
abundant in dark chocolate. The scientists analyzed the effects of cocoa polyphenols on cholesterol using
cultures of human liver and intestinal cells. the production of apolipoprotein A1, a protein that is the
major component of good cholesterol, and apolipoprotein B (ApoB), the main component of bad
cholesterol and turns out that cocoa polyphenols increased ApoA1 levels and decreased ApoB levels in
both the liver and intestine. The scientists discovered that the polyphenols seem to work by enhancing
the activity of so-called sterol regulatory element binding proteins
USA: New Recombinant Antibody Fragments from Randox Life Sciences
Single Chain Fv’s are recombinant antibody fragments, which commonly consist of a full variable region
of an immunoglobulin heavy chain covalently linked to the corresponding variable region of an
immunoglobulin light chain. These regions are usually expressed as a single continuous sequence, which
may or may not be separated by a short linking amino acid sequence. ScFv fragment is that it is essentially
a minimal version of an IgG molecule. Despite its reduced size, the fragment still retains full activity,
specificity and stability. Additionally, due to the removal of the entire immunoglobulin Fc region there is
reduced likelihood of observing interference from secondary antibodies or from the well known
phenomenon of Human Anti-Mouse Antibody (HAMA) interference which can occur in assays testing
serum samples.
USA: Tumour Protein Indicates Chances Cancer Will Spread in patients
The protein’s genetic material in tumours that had been surgically removed from patients, along with
measuring the genetic material from surrounding tissue, the researchers will predict at least 90% of the
time whether a cancer would spread within two years. The findings raise the long term possibilities of new
tests to gauge the likelihood that a cancer will spread and, ultimately, of a treatment that could prevent
cancer from spreading. The protein, known as CPE-delta N, is a form of carboxypeptidase E (CPE).
Ordinarily, CPE is involved in processing insulin and other hormones. CPE-delta N, a variant of CPE,
was present in high amounts in tumours that had spread and, to a much lesser degree, in surrounding
tissues. Cancer cells can break away from a primary tumour and spread, or metastasize, to other parts of
the body, where they form new tumours. Metastatic cancer is often fatal, and health care practitioners
seek to contain cancer early, before it can metastasize.
USA: OriGene Releases Bioactive Full-Length Human MTOR Protein
OriGene Technologies releases the first commercially available full length human MTOR protein with
superior biological activity. MTOR is a serine, threonine protein kinase which regulates cell growth, cell
proliferation, cell motility, cell survival, protein synthesis, and transcription. Purified, functional MTOR is
highly desirable in high throughput functional screening assays and drug target discovery. Produced in
mammalian cells, OriGene MTOR protein maintains the most authentic protein structure compared to
truncated forms of the protein produced in bacterial or insect cells. When tested in a homogeneous timeresolved fluorescent assay, OriGene full-length MTOR demonstrated a high level of serine/threonine
kinase activity.
USA: Key Protein That Suppresses Prostate Cancer Growth in the Laboratory
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in the UK, with 37,500 men diagnosed with the
disease every year. Many prostate cancers are slow growing, but in some cases the cancer is aggressive and
spreads to other parts of the body, such as the bone. These cases are much more likely to be fatal. The
researchers also looked for the FUS protein in samples from prostate cancer patients. They found that in
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
patients with high levels of FUS, the cancer was less aggressive and was less likely to spread to the bone.
Higher levels of FUS also correlated with longer survival. The results suggest that FUS might be a useful
marker that can give doctors an indication of how aggressive a tumour.
USA: The Production of Plant Pollen Is Regulated By Several Signalling Pathways
Plants producing flower pollen must not leave anything to chance. The model plant thale cress for
instance, uses three signalling pathways in concert with partially overlapping functions. The yield becomes
the greatest when all three processes are active; however, two are sufficient to form an acceptable quantity
of flower pollen. Flowers are no ornamental luxury to plants; after all, they hold the male and female
reproductive organs. The male pollen is produced in the stamens and the carpel bears the female ovule.
The fusion of the two produces a germinable embryo that ensures the reproduction of the plant. Plants
can only bloom if a radical transition occurs during their development.
USA: New Method for Rapidly Producing Protein-Polymers
These novel sequences of recombinant DNA are used to produce repetitive proteins to create new types
of drugs and bioengineered tissues. Current methods for producing these DNA sequences are slow or not
robust, the researches which has hindered the development of these increasingly important new classes of
protein-based polymers. Researchers have already demonstrated that when a large protective
macromolecule – known as a polymer is attached to a protein, it greatly improves effectiveness and allows
the protein to remain active in the bloodstream longer. There are many protein-polymer based
medications in use today, such as human growth hormones, drugs to stimulate blood cell formation in
cancer patients and anti-viral agents.
USA: Instrumental in growth of Indian chemical industry
McKinsey and Company, the specialty chemicals industry in India is projected to grow at 15-17% per year
to reach US$80-100 billion by 2020. This will be driven by steady growth in end user industries and
increase consumption. This generate employment for around 0.8 million people. India could be well
poised to capture this opportunity. In order to evaluate the challenges and opportunities ahead,
Confederation of Indian Industries hosted a summit on special chemicals, of which the leading specialty
chemicals player. McKinsey suggests that the increase in global demand for specialty chemicals would be
impacted by factors like population growth, shifting centers of economic activity, increasing upstream
resource constraints and climate change.
USA: SA chemicals industry meets to discuss compliance with new global standards
The Chemical and Allied Industries Association held the 2011 Responsible Care and Product Stewardship
Workshop last week at the University. CAIA responsible care manager Louise Lindeque explained that,
because of the global chemical industry’s health, environmental and safety impacts, there is a need to
focus on responsible business practice. The objectives of the workshop were to supply information to
companies on responsible care and how this voluntary initiative can add value to the global chemicals
sector as well as to assist chemical producers in Africa to design and implement product stewardship
programmes built on a management system.
USA: CMAI & Intratec Announce New Offering in Technology Intelligence Program
Chemical Market Associates along with alliance partner Intratec Solutions LLC is pleased to announce the
launch of an exciting new offering in their Technology Intelligence Program the TIP Economic
Simulator, which complements TIP Technology Reports. TIP Technology Reports provide a
comprehensive review and evaluation of process technology, capital and production costs, market
overviews and profitability analysis for production technologies of interest to the chemical industry. The
TIP Economic Simulator is a spreadsheet-like tool with a user-friendly interface where input parameters
can be edited by the user to generate a tailored economic analysis under specific conditions and scenarios.
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
USA: Richman Chemical Expands its Custom Offerings Biotechnology Focused Capabilities
RCI has recognized an increasing biopharmaceutical development need from its life science clients. To
better serve its customers, RCI has expanded its service portfolio to include complementary
biotechnology services ranging from cell line development to media optimization and process
characterization. RCI can provide a GMP-compliant facility to assist clients with bioprocess optimization,
cell banking, in-house microbiology, and virus clearance safety testing requirements. Furthermore, as
biotechnology processing frequently offer greener attributes than their chemical counterparts, its utility in
drug development continues to expand. Biotechnology operations such as fermentation, cell culturing,
and genetic engineering may indeed translate to more environmentally-friendly and cost effective
USA: Rising Demand for Polymer and Plastics to Boost South African Chemicals Industry
Frost & Sullivan, Production and Investment Forecasts in the South African Chemicals Industry, finds
that the industry earned revenues of US$21.67 billion in 2009. Growth of the South African chemicals
industry has been sustained by the Government's drive to increase the nation's gross manufacturing
output. Development of the nation's mining, automotive, agricultural and construction industries has also
contributed to a steady rise in the demand for chemical commodities. Surging demand for polymer and
plastics between 2010 and 2014 will promote market prospects.
USA: Godrej's chemical division plans Rs25 billion capex to up capacity
Godrej Industries's Chemicals Division has planned a capex of over Rs25 billion to fuel its capacity
expansion plans and is eyeing a 20% growth in its sales in FY 11, a top company. The company has
earmarked a capex of Rs23 billion for setting up a new chemicals manufacturing unit at Ambarnath in
Thane and another Rs20-50 billion for expanding the capacity of its manufacturing plant at Valai, Gujarat.
The rise in commodity prices in the last few months has benefited our chemical business. Therefore, it is
seeing a 20% increase in our sales in this fiscal.
USA: Dance Pharma, Aerogen to develop inhaled insulin device
Dance Pharma and Aerogen are planning to develop Dance's inhaled insulin product in an aerosol device
based on Aerogen's proprietary OnQ Aerosol Generator technology. Dance has been granted exclusive
worldwide license to Aerogen's aerosol technology for insulin delivery and the other terms of the
agreement were not disclosed. Dance Pharma CEO announced Dance's team of inhaled insulin experts
considered all potential aerosol technologies worldwide and chose Aerogen's technology because they are
convinced it's the best, most patient-friendly technology for their first inhaled insulin product.
USA: Biolase introduces Waterlase iPlus System
Biolase Technology, a manufacturer and distributor of dental laser, has introduced Waterlase iPlus System
dual-wavelength all-tissue laser at the Yankee Dental Congress 36 held at the Boston Convention and
Exhibition Center. Biolase claims that Waterlase iPlus System is a user free dental laser which delivers
double the power and cutting speed with unparalleled control and versatility for all laser dentist users,
experienced or novice. Waterlase iPlus features an intuitive applications-based user interface with a large
high resolution touch screen programmed with over 50 factory-loaded procedure presets. Biolase
chairman and CEO stated Waterlase iPlus will be a significant contributor to their rapid sales growth in
2011 and a fundamental addition to our family of advanced laser products.
USA: New device to detect impending asthma attack
Researchers have developed a handheld sensor device that can detect impending asthma attacks hours in
advance, potentially allowing patients to take preventive measures. The Siemens device, which is the size
of a mobile-phone, works by analysing the patient's breath and measuring the amount of nitrogen
monoxide. High levels of nitrogen monoxide indicate that the asthma patient's air passages are about to
become inflamed. The prototype device uses a sensor which generates a voltage based on the nitrogen
monoxide levels, and on the basis of this value, the patient can decide the amount of anti-inflammatory
medicine to take. According to researchers, the system can give patients vital time to take
anti-inflammatory medications and prevent serious attacks which can lead to hospitalisation.
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
USA: RainDance Launches FFPE Solution for Discovery of Rare Cancer Mutations
RainDance Technologies, Inc., the leading provider of microdroplet-based single molecule and single cell
analysis solutions, announced the availability of the DeepSeq FFPE Solution, an end-to-end workflow for
the ultra-deep targeted sequencing of Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded and fresh frozen tissue
samples. The company is launching the DeepSeq Solution this week at the 12th annual Advances in
Genome Biology and Technology meeting in Marco Island, Florida. RainDance's DeepSeq FFPE
Solution enables researchers to discover common and rare cancer mutations that represent as little as one
percent of a heterogeneous tumour.
USA: Akonni Launches Kit for Ultra-Rapid Extraction of Human Genomic DNA
Akonni Biosystems, a molecular diagnostics company focused on providing rapid and highly scalable
solutions for infectious and genetic disease testing, announced the launch of a TruTip kit for extraction of
human genomic DNA from fresh or frozen whole blood. The patented TruTip approach uses a nucleic
acid binding matrix that easily inserts into either a Rainin EDP 3-Plus pipette or with an Eppendorf
epMotion system for extraction workflows that require a higher level of throughput. The TruTip
technology can be adapted to work with most other standard electronic pipettes and automated liquid
handling systems. By passing the sample back and forth across the binding matrix multiple times, TruTip
now delivers inhibitor-free, PCR-ready, human genomic DNA from both saliva and whole blood, faster
and more efficiently than other extraction kits on the market.
UK: New optical device to measure blood sugar levels
Researchers at UK based Lein applied Diagnostics are developing a diabetes device that can read blood
sugar levels by just scanning the eye. The mobile phone-sized device, which uses advances in optical
communications, shines light into the eye and interprets the optical changes rather than chemical changes.
The software then interprets the readings and displays blood sugar levels as well as the amount of insulin
needed to be injected. According to researchers, this optical device is intended to improve diabetes
control, eliminate the pain of finger pricking and reduce NHS costs. Lein director stated clinical trials of
the device are being conducted locally.
UK: Covidien introduces Puritan Bennett 520 Portable Ventilator in Europe
Covidien, a provider of healthcare products in mechanical ventilation and respiratory care devices, has
introduced Puritan Bennett 520 ventilator in the European Union. The Puritan Bennett 520 ventilator is
compact, lightweight (4.5 kg) and portable, which provides reliable mobile respiratory support for adult
and pediatric patients who require mechanical ventilation for portions of the day or night or need
transitional ventilator support. The Puritan Bennett 520 ventilator is designed to maximize freedom and
flexibility for patients and caregivers, with a lithium ion battery that provides up to five hours of power.
India: Diamines & Chemicals Ltd's Q3 profit up at Rs27m
Diamines & Chemicals Ltd has posted surge in the third quarter profits to Rs27m in 2010 as compared to
Rs3.10m in the corresponding quarter of last fiscal. The net sales from operations has increased from
Rs218m for the quarter ended December 31 2009 to Rs1137m for the quarter ended December 31st
2010.Diamines and Chemicals Limited is engaged in the manufacture and sale of ethyleneamines in India.
It is the only company manufacturing the entire range of Ethyleneamines (EAs) in India and is among the
select six to eight companies in the world, who have proprietary technology for its manufacturing. The
company’s products are used in various sectors like pharmaceuticals, agrochemical, lubricants, fuel
additives, and dyes and pigments.
India: 10 chemical units in Ahmedabad under municipal corporation scanner
The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation issued notices to 10 chemical units in Naroda GIDC in the last
two days. The health department of AMC's north zone initiated action against the chemical units after
Chinmay Chemicals. The civic body has sealed the chemical unit that was destroyed in the fire. The
chemical unit did not have a health licence and it had also failed to adhere to fire safety norms The
department served notices to Union Acid, Atul Intermediate, Pranav Chemical, Glochem Ltd and Sanjay
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
Industries while Roswell Industries, Abhinav Industries, Kinjal Chemicals, Chunikaka Industries and
Arun Dyestuff Industries The official says that all the units deal with hazardous materials, so they have
been asked to produce license issued by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board health licence, fire safety
certificate as well as proof of personal protective tools.
India: GSK Pharma to launch vaccine, cancer drugs in 2011
Drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals plans to launch pneumonia vaccine Synflorix and at least
two oncology drugs in 2011 as part of its strategy to drive sales in India. The two oncology drugs,
Revolade and Votrient, to be launched by end of first quarter or early second quarter senior executive
director, announced and also plans to introduce a couple of branded generics in cardio-vascular,
metabolic diseases and high-end antibiotic segments, which will drive the growth in the current year. The
Mumbai-based firm follows January-December fiscal and reported an 11.5% rise in December quarter net
profit to Rs1.16 billion on net sales of Rs4.91 billion.
India: OPPI seeks weighted deduction of R&D expenditure
The Organization of Pharmaceutical Producers of India has sought benefits for units engaged in the
business of R& D and contract manufacturing by way of deduction from profits linked to investments.
The only tax benefit available currently for Research and Development activities is in the form of
weighted deduction for in-house R&D. There are no specific tax benefits available to units engaged in the
business of R&D or contract manufacturing. Therefore, it has sought benefits for units engaged in the
business of R&D and contract manufacturing by way of deduction from profits linked to investments.
Benefits in the form of research tax credits which can be used to offset future tax liability, similar to those
given in developed economies can be introduced.
India: Panacea Biotec to launch breast cancer drug
Panacea Biotec will soon launch a generic version of American drugmaker Abraxis Bioscience's breast
cancer medicine Abraxane at half the price of the original drug which costs about 16,000 per vial.
Panacea's drug will be under the brand PacliALL in both domestic and global markets. The market size
for the drug in India is estimated to be about US$1.8 billion and the Delhi-based firm expects to grab
10% market share within a year of launch of its brand. Panacea Biotec's share price closed at 177.85,
down 1.47% at the Bombay Stock Exchange on in a weak Mumbai market.
India: Natco Pharma files for USFDA nod for swine flu capsules
US-based Alvogen its Indian partner Natco Pharma Ltd has sought US FDA approval for the generic
version of oseltamivir phosphate capsules. This is the first filing for paragraph-IV certification and
expects to qualify for 180 days of marketing exclusivity upon final approval. Oseltamivir phosphate
capsules are used in the treatment of bird and swine flu infections and are generic equivalent of Tamiflu
manufactured by Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. The tablets had annual sales of above US$1 billion in the US.
India: Glenmark achieves positive results for anti-diarrhoea molecule
Drug firm Glenmark Pharmaceuticals has achieved positive results in human trials for its new drug
molecule Crofelemer, which is aimed at treating diarrhoea in adults. In a filing to the Bombay Stock
Exchange (BSE), the firm says resolution of diarrhoea was significantly higher in human subjects, who
were given Crofelemer compared to those who were not in a multi-centre trial. Crofelemer will potentially
be the first new chemical entity (NCE) to be launched by the organisation. Glenmark will accelerate the
development of Crofelemer in the acute indications, including pediatric diarrhoea where several million
individuals are affected in the geographies that operate the systems.
India: First long acting paracetamol pill launched
Lincoln Pharma has launched the long acting paracetamol pill of 1000 mg 'Pa12' for sustained relief from
fever and pain for 12 hours. Based on novel drug delivery system, two dosage of Pa 12 in a day are
sufficient for patients to control fever and pain instead of taking 3-4 tablets of conventional oral
paracetamol pills. This sustained release bi-layered tablet has been programmed in such a way that 300 mg
gets released in one shot, while remaining 700 mg is released in blood over 12 hours slowly maintaining
prescribed 3mcg/ml therapeutic levels for safer longer action.
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
India: Glenmark starts new manufacturing facility for US, UK markets
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals has started manufacturing samples at its new plant in Indore that will be
shipped for the approval of the US Food and Drug Administration before it can launch the products at
the world's largest drug market. The Mumbai-based company has invested Rs8-10 billion in the plant that
has initial capacity to manufacture a million tables per year solely for exports to the US and UK Glenmark
is hoping to get a USFDA approval for the plant within a year, which will be crucial for its revenue
growth from 2012, as the firm estimates it will run out of capacity in its existing manufacturing units
within a year. Glenmark has three plants in Goa-one for the manufacturing of solids, one for semi solids
and one for hormones. Its existing USFDA approved units cater to the US and UK markets currently.
India: Dr Reddy's launches generic Protonix drug in US
Dr Reddy's Laboratories Ltd has launched a generic version of Protonix, a drug used to control the
amount of acid in the stomach, in the United States. Hyderabad-based Dr Reddy's launched generic
pantoprazole sodium delayed-release tablets in 20- and 40-milligram strengths. The tablets had total US
sales of about US$1.8 billion for the twelve months
Mergers & Acquisitions
USA: Myriant, Davy Process Technology Sign MOU
Biochemical maker Myriant Technologies has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Davy
Process Technology (DPT; London), a Johnson Matthey subsidiary, covering the use of Myriant’s
biobased succinic acid in DPT’s butanediol, tetrahydrofuran, and gamma-butylolactone process
technology. The MOU covers the non-exclusive testing and approval of Myriant’s succinic acid as
feedstock for the DPT process and an exclusive joint development agreement to integrate Myriant’s
biobased succinic acid technology with Davy butanediol technology.
USA: New Milford, Danbury Companies Join Forces WEB FIRST
A Danbury-based company made its fourth acquisition of the last 10 months by buying a New Milfordbased firm, which both businesses say will be “a great strategic fit” and will, among other things, enable
them to ambitiously expand operations in China, the largest country in the world, and add employees at
their domestic operations. Odyssey Logistic & Technology Corp., which has its headquarters on
Danbury’s west side, announced its acquisition of Chemical Marketing Concepts on New Milford’s
Pickett District Road during a news conference.
USA: EyeSense partners Qiagen
EyeSense, a developer of ophthalmic self-diagnostic systems for glucose monitoring of diabetes patients,
has entered into a strategic partnership with Qiagen, to expand the range of applications for the growing
segment of point-of-need testing and individualized treatment of patients. The partners intend to develop
a new optical measurement technology for blood glucose monitoring in diabetes patients, based on
Qiagen's ESE fluorescence-based optical technology and on Eyesense's glucose sensing technology.
Qiagen acquired a minority equity stake in EyeSense, and attained royalty rights for future
commercialization. EyeSense's blood glucose monitoring approach marks an important step in diabetes
field and the company's painless device is based on a non-invasive ophthalmic diagnostic system.
UK: Aircraft Medical signs contracts for laryngoscope in Asia Pacific
Aircraft Medical has entered into multiple distribution contracts for its McGrath MAC video
laryngoscope in Asia Pacific. The agreements cover nine of Asia's key territories including China, India,
Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Hong Kong. Aircraft Medical
claims the McGrath MAC is a high-value, low cost portable video laryngoscope for the routine, general
intubations market and has been designed to complement the original premium McGrath Series 5.Aircraft
Medical says Asia Pacific is a significant market for the McGRATH MAC and these distribution
agreements mark an important step for the global commercialisation of the new product and are seeing
strong demand from anaesthetists and partners worldwide.
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
India: Ranbaxy inks cooperation MoU with Russia's Yaroslavl region
Ranbaxy Laboratories has signed a memorandum of understanding with the government of Yaroslavl
region in Russia for cooperation in the field of healthcare and medical science. They are delighted to
explore potential opportunities in Yaroslavl to build and strengthen the local pharmaceutical industry. As
per the MoU, both the parties will cooperate in development of healthcare system and new medical
technologies in the Yaroslavl region. This will include expansion of educational programmes for medical
and pharmaceutical community, collaboration in the field of clinical trials as well as improvement of drug
safety monitoring in medical practice.
India: Amrutanjan signs MoU with Austin Chemical to form JV
Amrutanjan, makers of traditional pharmaceutical products, has entered into an agreement with US-based
Austin Chemical firm to form a joint venture for strengthening its chemical business. The company has
approved entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with Austin Chemical Company for
strengthening and improving its chemical business. Under the agreement, both the companies will form a
joint venture named Amrutanjan Pharmaessence.
Iraq: Iraq seeks joint venture projects with India
Iraq is looking at increasing its crude oil and fertiliser exports to India, and will explore setting up joint
ventures worth US$2 billion by 2010-end, its industry and minerals The expansion of exports and
imports of goods with the minister, Iraq’s minister of Industry and Mineralsare particularly looking at
expanding our crude oil and fertiliser exports to India. The Iraq minister had invited India for high level
talks in his country to discuss setting up of joint venture companies.
USA: Zacks Investment Research Initiates Coverage on Viral Genetics
Zacks Investment Research is one of the largest independent investment research and consulting firms in
the United States. The company provides individual and institutional investors with analytical tools and
financial information necessary to the success of their investment process. Zacks' models continually
process stock reports issued by 3,000 analysts from 150 brokerage firms. Zacks Investment Research,
which provides independent investment research to individual and institutional investors, has just released
a comprehensive report that describes Viral Genetics in detail, along with its recommendations. This
includes information about two unique drug discovery platform technologies, Targeted Peptides
Therapies and Metabolic Disruption Technology, as well as other important company-related
South Korea: Petrochemical firms to invest US$5.2 billion in 2011
South Korea's petrochemical producers plan to spend W5.8 trillion on the upgrade and expansion of their
plants, the Korea Petrochemical Industry Association said. Thanks to the investment plan, the local
petrochemical producers could post record exports of US$39.9 billion in 2011. In 2010, the local
petrochemical industry spent W5.7 trillion in capital expenditures and recorded exports of US$35.7
billion. According to the prediction by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy and the state-run Korea
National Oil Corp., prices of petrochemical products such as naphtha are expected to rise in 2011, fuelled
by hikes in oil prices and a surge in demand from China.
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
USA: Caliper Life Sciences Launches Microfluidic LabChip
Caliper Life Sciences that Caliper and Trinean, NV have agreed to a long-term, exclusive arrangement
under which Caliper will distribute Trinean's DropSense platform under the name LabChip DS in North
America. With the LabChip DS, an automated spectral analysis platform, users can easily and accurately
analyze the concentration levels of up to 96 nucleic acid and protein samples within a few minutes. The
LabChip DS complements Caliper's existing LabChip GX which provides fluorescent, electrophoretic
analysis of fragments of nucleic acids and proteins. Caliper is investing significant resources into
developing new products, applications on our existing products, and third party collaborations, comarketing and distribution agreements to further augment our aggressive move into the biotherapeutics
and genomics markets.
USA: Cell Death Pathway Linked To Mitochondrial Fusion
Mitochondria constantly split and fuse. The proteins that control the splitting of mitochondria also
promote a process called apoptosis, or programmed cell death. In contrast, the proteins that control
mitochondrial fusion help protect against cell death. Cell death can happen when cells are starved of
oxygen, for example during a heart attack or stroke. Yeast has a single protein that controls outer
membrane fusion, but both human and mouse cells have two proteins, called MFN1 and MFN2, which
control outer membrane fusion. Using mitochondria from cells derived from genetically modified
knockout mice. The research team discovered that these proteins combine with themselves or each other
to form a tether between two mitochondria, leading to fusion.
USA: Eliminating arsenic from drinking water
Arsenic is notoriously toxic, proving fatal to the majority of living organisms in high doses. Elevated
levels of arsenic in groundwater in countries such as Bangladesh pose a serious threat to human health.
But traditional methods to remove the arsenic struggle to eliminate the more dominant arsenic ion,
arsenite. Arsenite from water samples using ferrihydrite a low cost, natural mineral found on the Earth's
surface. Already known to absorb arsenic, its efficiency is usually hindered by its low surface area. The
team overcame this by combining two layers of ferrihydrite, increasing its surface area and loading
capacity. Arsenite was selectively removed from water, even in the presence of other anions with similar
molecular structures.
USA: Global Flow Meters Market to reach US$4.6 billion by 2015
With most end-use industries, such as, chemicals, steel, clean water and wastewater, oil and gas, energy
generation, mineral processing and automotives, officially in the ensuing industry downsizing and period
of cost cutting, hurt the world flow meter market during the period 2008 through 2010. Reduced
consumer demand for commodities/products and services, largely attributable to recession induced cost
cutting by households faced with shrinking disposable incomes, and the ensuing demand weakness in
end-use industries, represented indirect economic variables that eroded the financial health of flow meter
manufacturers. Slowing levels of economic activity, complete collapse of global production & trade, fall in
industrial production, manufacturing activity, commercial activity, plant closures, capacity idling, scaling
back of operating capacity and the resultant sputtering investments in industrial production resulted in
broad based declines in production logging tools, including flow meters, fluid density devices, and noise
loggers, among others.
USA: Magnesium Sulfate May Offer Protection from Cerebral Palsy
Magnesium sulfate is sometimes used during preterm labor to reduce the risk of neonatal brain injury.
The available evidence suggests that magnesium sulfate given before anticipated preterm birth reduces the
risk of cerebral palsy in surviving infants. The indications from other studies that magnesium sulfate
might protect a preterm fetus from cerebral palsy to demonstrate direct and conclusive protective effect
on the offspring brain in cases of maternal inflammation and wanted to learn more about the protective
effects of Mg in cases where maternal inflammation causes preterm birth, so we used the very sensitive
diffusion tensor imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging to study how Mg works.
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
USA: Breast Cancer Screening With MRI Benefits Women with Radiation Therapy
Women who receive radiation therapy as children and young adults for diseases like Hodgkin's lymphoma
face a significantly greater risk of breast cancer later in life. The incidence of breast cancer increases
approximately eight years after chest irradiation, and 13-20% of women treated with moderate- to highdose chest irradiation for a pediatric cancer will be diagnosed with breast cancer by age 40 to 45. In
comparison, the cumulative incidence of invasive breast cancer by age 45 among women in the general
population is only 1%. MRI's efficacy as an adjunct to mammography in screening women at high risk
because of genetic mutation or family history has been established.
USA: Experts Urge Even Greater Caution in Use of X-Rays during Pregnancy and Infancy
The study is consistent with what doctors have long suspected, and why women of childbearing age are
always asked about the possibility of pregnancy before being x- rayed. A UK-US collaborative study
found small increases in risk of cancer for children who had x-rays at ages less than three months and in
children whose mothers had undergone an x-ray while pregnant. These increases were not statistically
significant. The researchers report no increased risk from ultrasound scans. Researchers studied the
childhood cancer risk associated with exposure to radiation and ultrasound scans during gestation and in
early infancy. When radiation doses were likely to be higher, found in utero x-ray exposure to be
associated with an increased risk of childhood cancer, particularly leukaemia.
USA: PET Scans May Allow Early Prediction of Response to Therapy of Thyroid Cancer
The medullary thyroid cancer cells were used to create an in vitro model. After cultivation, the cells were
treated with vandetanib, and changes in the metabolic profile of the cells were successfully monitored by
transcriptional profiling and by radiotracer uptake studies. Using the same untreated cells, the researchers
then created an in vivo model by injecting mice with the cancerous cells and treating them with
vandetanib. Small animal PET/computed tomography imaging was performed and was found to
reproduce the in vitro findings of metabolic activity after three days. PET scans taken at 12 and 24 weeks
after treatment were able to detect metabolic response to vandetanib, consistent with the in vitro and in
vivo samples.
USA: Smart Lasers Could Make Cancer Biopsies Painless, Help Speed New Drugs to Market
To test for skin cancer, patients must endure doctors cutting away a sliver of skin, sending the biopsy to a
lab and anxiously awaiting the results. Using laser microscopes that deploy rapid, ultra-short pulses to
identify molecules, doctors may soon have the tools to painlessly scan a patient's troublesome mole and
review the results on the spot. The results touting this new molecule-selective technology can be found in
the current issue of Nature Photonics. Smart lasers allow us to selectively excite compounds even ones
with small spectroscopic differences and can shape the pulse of the lasers, excite one compound or
another based on their vibrational signatures, and this gives us excellent contrast.
USA: Imaging Procedure Can Identify Biomarker Associated With Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer disease is hampered by the lack of noninvasive biomarkers of the underlying pathology.
Between 10% and 20% of patients clinically diagnosed with AD lack AD pathology at autopsy, and
community physicians may not diagnose AD in 33% of patients with mild signs and symptoms. The
ability to identify and quantify brain beta-amyloid could increase the accuracy of a clinical diagnosis of
Alzheimer disease. Several types of positron emission tomographic imaging tests are under study, with
florbetapir F 18 (a diagnostic chemical that binds with beta-amyloid). PET imaging was performed an
average of 99 days before death for the 29 individuals in the primary analysis group.
India: FIEO for extension of weighted deduction to expenditure incurred on clinical trials
FIEO in its pre-budget recommendation to the Finance Minister has demanded weighted deduction
under section 35 be extended to the expenditure incurred outside the approved R&D facility by pharma
companies i.e. clinical trials, bioequivalence studies conducted in overseas CROs and regulatory and
patent approvals, which are directly related to the R&D. A weighted deduction on in-house research &
development expenditure is allowed to pharma, drugs, automobiles and telecommunication companies.
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
However, the expenditure incurred outside the approved R&D facility by pharma companies clinical
trials, bioequivalence studies conducted in overseas CROs and regulatory and patent approvals, which are
directly related to the R&D, are currently not covered.
India: ASSOCHAM recommends customs duty exemption for notified life saving drugs
ASSOCHAM has recommended customs duty exemption for notified life saving drugs. As regards the
medical devices, customs duty on all medical, surgical, dental and veterinary equipments etc was reduced
from 7.5-5% in the last Budget. Customs duty on all parts and accessories of medical, surgical, dental and
veterinary equipments etc was also reduced from 7.5-5%. These goods were also exempted from special
CVD. The basic customs duty on formulations is 10% (other than specified drugs, life saving drugs,
vaccines and bulk drugs for which the Basic customs duty rate is 5%). The suggestion is in line with the
Chelliah Committee?s long-term fiscal policy recommendation.
India: Indian cos eye US$4 billion generic opportunity
Domestic generic companies have more reasons to smile this year. Around US$3-4 billion worth
opportunity will be up for grabs in the wake of blockbuster drugs going off patent in the US over 20112012. Around US$30-40 billion worth drugs, including top selling drugs like Lipitor, Nexium and Plavix
are facing patent expirations, starting this year. Once a patent of the original developer innovator expires,
it allows a generic version to be sold in the US market. Industry experts feel that after allowing 90% price
erosion once generic drug versions appear in the market, and due to intense competition the actual pie
will be around US$3-4 billion. When generic products become available, market competition often leads
to substantially lower prices for both the original brand and me-too versions.
FDA Approvals
India: Sun Pharma gets US FDA nod to sell generic Alzheimer's disease drug
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries has received an approval from the US health regulator to sell generic drug
galantamine hydrobromide used in treating mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease, in the American
market. The US Food and Drug Administration has granted its subsidiary an approval for an abbreviated
new drug application to market a generic version of Razadyne ER, galantamine hydrobromide extendedrelease capsules. Razadyne ER is a registered trademark of Ortho-McNeil Janssen Pharmaceuticals and
has an annual sale of around US$50m in the US. The approvals are for multiple strengths of extendedrelease capsules, 8 mg, 16 mg and 24 mg the company added.
India: Aurobindo gets USFDA nod for generic anti-herpes tablets
Drug firm Aurobindo Pharma has received tentative approval from the US health regulator to
manufacture and market generic Famciclovir tablets for treatment of herpes virus infections. The
approval was granted by the United States Food and Drug Administration for Famciclovir tablets in
strengths of 125 mg, 250 mg and 500 mg, Aurobindo Pharma stated in a filing to the Bombay Stock
Exchange. Famciclovir tablets are generic versions of Novartis Pharmaceuticals' Famvir tablets, which are
sold in strengths of 125 mg, 250 mg and 500 mg, it added. IMS Health is an international company
providing sales data and consultancy services to the pharmaceutical industry.
India: Wockhardt gets USFDA approval to market generic Protonix
Wockhardt has received final approval from the US health regulator US Food and Drug Administration
to market generic pantoprazole tablets, used for treating ulcers and hyperacidity, in the American market.
The company has launched the tablets in the strengths of 20 mg and 40 mg in the US market as the
patent covering the product expired The Company’s pantoprazole tablets are generic equivalent of
Protonix, which is marketed by Pfizer in the US market. The ability to launch products on the date of
patent expiry is a critical requirement to create maximum value and over the years.
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
Product Focus – Augmentin
Augmentin is a penicillin antibiotic and contains a combination of
amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium. Amoxicillin is an antibiotic in a
group of drugs called penicillins. Amoxicillin fights bacteria in the body.
Augmentin is used to treat many different infections caused by bacteria,
such as sinusitis, pneumonia, ear infections, bronchitis, urinary tract
infections, and infections of the skin. Augmentin is not expected to be
harmful to an unborn baby. Augmentin can make birth control pills less
effective. Augmentin is an oral antibacterial combination consisting of the semisynthetic
antibioticamoxicillin and the β-lactamase inhibitor, clavulanate potassium (the potassium salt ofclavulanic
acid). Amoxicillin is an analog of ampicillin, derived from the basic penicillinnucleus, 6-aminopenicillanic
Augmentin is effective against susceptible bacteria
causing infections of the middle ear, tonsillitis,
throat infections, laryngitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, and
pneumonia. It is also used in treating urinary tract
infections, skin infections, and gonorrhea.
Drug Information
Brand Name
Major Manufacturer
Drug Name
Amoxicillin and
Clavulanate potassium
Therapeutic segment
Dosage and Administration
Both the 250-mg and 500-mg tablets of Augmentin contain the same amount of clavulanic acid (125 mg,
as the potassium salt), two 250-mg tablets of Augmentin are not equivalent to one 500-mg tablet of
Augmentin; therefore, two 250-mg tablets of Augmentin should not be substituted for one 500-mg tablet
of Augmentin.
Side effects of Augmentin:
These signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.
Stop using this medication.
 Diarrhoea that is watery or has blood in it;
 Pale or yellowed skin, dark colored urine, fever, confusion or weakness; easy bruising or bleeding;
 Skin rash, bruising, severe tingling, numbness, pain, muscle weakness; agitation, confusion,
unusual thoughts or behaviour, seizure (convulsions)
 Nausea, stomach pain, low fever, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-coloured stools, jaundice
(yellowing of the skin or eyes); or fever, sore throat, and headache with severe blistering, peeling,
or red skin rash
Drug Interactions:
Augmentin is avoided by patients with an allergy to penicillin and other related antibiotics. Serious and
occasionally fatal allergic reactions have been observed insensitive individuals. Treatment with Augmentin
and other antibiotics can alter the normal bacteria flora of the colon and permit overgrowth. Difficult,
bacteria is responsible for pseudomembranous colitis. Patients who develop pseudomembranous colitis as
a result of antibiotic treatment can experience diarrhoea, abdominal pain, fever, and sometimes even
shock. Co-administration of probenecid, a drug used for treating gout, prevents the normal elimination of
amoxicillin by the kidneys and can cause high, toxic blood levels of amoxicillin. Augmentin can decrease
the effectiveness of birth control pills, resulting in unexpected pregnancies. Augmentin and allopurinol
together can cause skin rash.
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
Interactions of Augmentin with other Drugs
 Allopurinol: Combining allopurinol with antibiotics similar to Augmentin increases the risk of
skin rashes.
 Methotrexate: Penicillin-type antibiotics may decrease the body's ability to remove
methotrexate, leading to high blood levels of methotrexate in the blood.
 Oral Contraceptives: Despite the longstanding belief that antibiotics interact with birth control
pills, several studies have shown that almost all antibiotics do not increase the risk of pregnancy
in women taking birth control pills.
Storage: The drug can be Store at or below room temperature (77º F or 25ºC) away from light and
moisture. Do not store in the bathroom. The medicines should be kept away from children and pets.
 Before you should not take Augmentin if you are allergic to penicillin. The healthcare provider
know immediately any signs of an allergic reaction, such as a rash, itching, hives, wheezing,
swelling of the mouth or lips, or difficulty breathing. An allergic reaction to the medication can
be dangerous.
 Before using this medicine, consult the Physician if the Person has ever ekidney is hemodialysis
requirements, or a history of liver problems (e.g., cholestatic jaundice) associated with prior use
of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid.
 Sometimes, antibiotics (including Augmentin) can cause yeast infections. Let your healthcare
provider know if you develop a vaginal yeast infection or thrush (a yeast infection of the mouth)
while taking the drug.
 Augmentin should not be used to treat viruses, such as the common cold and is completely
ineffective for treating viruses, and such use can lead to bacterial resistance to Augmentin.
 Augmentin is considered a pregnancy Category B medication. This means that it is probably safe
for use during pregnancy, although the full risks are not known.
Sales Scenario
Augmentin is the principal product from GSK. The drug, now widely used for clinical purposes, has seen
rapid sales growth, with worldwide sales increasing from US$276m in 1987 to US$1.2 billion in 2008.
Soon after North China Pharmaceutical introduced Augmentin into China in 1988, more than 80
drugmakers in the country began to produce generics for the drug. Sales of Augmentin reached £587m in
2008 from £570m in 2007.
Even though the number of doses of antibacterials used has continued to increase annually, the market
size has remained flat; predictions of market growth to US$32 billion by 2011 not withstanding.
Augmentin is estimated to show 7-8% growth by the end of 2011. There are clear market pressures that
are likely to result in lower revenues. These include the availability of generic forms of two of the largest
selling or most widely used antibiotics: amoxacillin/clavulanate (Augmentin) and ciprofloxacin (Cipro). In
addition, there has been increasing pressure brought to bear on the health care community to curtail the’
unnecessary use' of antibacterial agents.
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
Stock Scan
Relative Market Cap Performance
BSE Sensex
C ipla
Relative Market Cap Performance
BSE Sensex
Source: BSE India; Cygnus Research
BSE (Points)
BSE (Points)
1st Week (17-24 Jan 2011)
Opening Closing Var(%)
18882.25 19151.28
2nd Week (25th Jan - 1st Feb 2011)
3rd Week (02-Feb 2011)
Opening Closing Var(%)
18,090.62 17,775.70
4th Week (9-15 Feb, 2011)
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
Upcoming Events
Mar 01-04, 2011
Expocentre Fairgrounds
It have received recognition from domestic and world-famous foreign companies
for their contribution to the development of cooperation between leading foreign
and Russian companies, specialists and theoretical scientists and for the
demonstration of the latest achievements of chemical industry and their use in
various industry branches.
Maxima Inc.,Office 219, 3 Profsoyuznaya Street, Moscow, Russia
Tel:+(7)-(495)-1247760; Fax:+(7)-(495)-1247060
Infarma Expo
Mar 01-03, 2011
Fira de Barcelona Gran Via
It showcases the rapidly progressing scenario of the pharmaceutical industry of
Spain. It aims at bringing together world renowned companies as well as newly
launched companies on one platform.
Interalia Ferias Profesionales Y Congresos S.A.Avda. Diagonal,
474-7, Barcelona, Spain; Tel:+(34)-(93)-4161466; Fax:+(34)-(93)-4150095
Mar 02-05, 2011
Atakent International Exhibition Centre
It will be to bring together the manufacturers and suppliers of Base and nonorganic chemicals, Agrochemistry, Oil processing and petrochemistry Fuel,
lubricants, plastics, processing of plastics and others, for this growing industry, all
under one roof. More than 15,000 representatives from 6 different sectors:
chemistry, oil & gas, construction, mining, metallurgy and transport.
ITE Group Plc, 105, Salusbury Road, London, United Kingdom
Tel: +(44)-(207)-5965000; Fax:+(44)-(207)-75965111
Mar 04-07, 2011
Surat International Exhibition & Convention Centre Surat, India
It is a highly specialized show which will become hub of large number of exhibitors
from the fields of Chemicals and Dyes industry. It will prove to be an eminent
platform for showcasing various Oil & Gas Companies.
CL Events & Promotions, No. 7/A, Jaldarshan Appartments, Opposite Civil Court,
Nanpura, Athwgate, Surat, India; Tel: +(91)-9429510327
Mar 05-07, 2011
Targi w Krakowie Exhibition Centre Krakow, Poland
It is the premier exhibition in Poland for Dental and Pharmaceutical industry. This
is the 19th edition of the event. The will provide the opportunity to meet all the
Dental and Pharmaceutical industry's professional under one roof. This is the only
platform where exhibitor and visitor can meet and exchange their ideas.
Targi w Krakowie Ltd., 31-586, Centralna 41-A Street, Krakow, Poland
Tel:+(48)-(12)-6445932; Fax:+(48)-(12)-6446141
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
Pharma Asia
Mar 12-14, 2011
Karachi Expo Center, Karachi, Pakistan.
Pharma Asia is being organized at the most opportune time when the Government
is looking forward to expand the developing industries of the Country, which have
shown tremendous growth in the past few years. The Exhibition would serve as a
comprehensive showcase of the latest in technology, equipment and machinery as
well as allied services, while providing investors with a definite outlook of the
regional Pharmaceutical industry.
E-Commerce Gateway Pakistan Private Limited, C-17, KDA Scheme - I Off:,
Pakistan. Tel:+(92)-(21)-111222444; Fax:+(92)-(21)-34536330
Korea International Medical & Hospital Equipment Show
Mar 17-20, 2010
COEX Korea Exhibition Center Seoul, Korea
It is the crucial platform for the Korea medical industry and public health service. It
is the only show in Korea where you will see a complete range of new and
innovative products and services in medical technology and IT equipment,
diagnostics, rehabilitation, nursing and consumer medicine.
Korea E & Ex, Inc., Room 2002, WTC 159-1 Samsung-Dong,
Kangnam-Ku, Korea; Tel:+(82)-(2)-5510102; Fax:+(82)-(2)-5510103
Chem Bio Finland
Mar 22-24, 2011
Helsinki Exhibition & Convention Centre Helsinki, Finland
It combines the traditional KEMIA exhibition for chemistry and the fascinating
BioTech Helsinki Bringing our the best form this synergy. The Chemical Congress
and other expert seminars bring added value to the visitors and attract key figures
of the industry to the event.
The Finnish Fair Corporation, Messuaukio 1, FIN-00521, Helsinki, Finland
Tel: +(358)-(9)-150910; Fax: +(358)-(9)-142358
Pharmaceutical & Technologies Exhibition
Mar 22-24, 2011
Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre Dubai, United Arab Emirates
It is recognized as an eminent pharmaceutical event which is held every year. The
DUPHAT is 16th edition which provides an insight into the pharma world. It
proves to be highly vital in emerging out as an ideal meeting point for various
pharmacists, physicians, medical representatives and others.
INDEX Conferences & Exhibitions Organisation Est. (A Member of INDEX
Holding), Dubai Health Care City, Block B Office 203, 2nd Floor, Dubai, United
Arab Emirates; Tel:+(971)-(4)-3624717; Fax:+(971)-(4)-3624718
Medical Fair India
Mar 25-27, 2011
Pragati Maidan New Delhi, Delhi, India
For tapping emerging opportunities of medical sector. It is an international
exhibition which acts as an ideal podium for displaying radiology and imaging
equipment, physiotherapy equipment, Critical care/Emergency Equipment,
Disinfection & Waste Management Systems and others. The event is arranged along
with conferences, seminars for showcasing the various aspects of pharma world and
is attended by medical professionals of all over world.
Messe Duesseldorf India Pvt. Ltd., 1, Commercial Complex, 2nd Floor, Pocket H
& J, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi - 110 076., India.
Tel: +(91)-(11)-26971056; Fax: +(91)-(11)-26971746
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
Bio Pharma Asia Convention
Mar 28-31, 2011
Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
It is uniquely positioned as Asia's only exhibition that showcases leading
technocrats, solution and service suppliers across the entire value chain of the bio
Pharma industry in Asia.
Terrapinn Pte Limited, Wren House, 43 Hatton Garden,
London, United Kingdom; Tel:+(44)-(20)-70921000; Fax:+(44)-(20)-72421548
Biologic Manufacturing World Asia
Mar 29-30, 2011
Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
It will focus on topics like best upstream and downstream processing to gain
operational excellence, manufacturing advancements of biosimilar and vaccine
production, future of biologic manufacturing facility designs and others. Be a part
of this biopharma conference and get to know about the latest trends in pharma
Terrapinn Pte Limited, Wren House, 43 Hatton Garden,
London, United Kingdom; Tel:+(44)-(20)-70921000; Fax:+(44)-(20)-72421548
China Medicine & Healthcare Products - Guangzhou
Mar 29-31, 2011
Guangzhou Jinhan Exhibition Centre
It is the largest and the most efficient and most popular industry pageant in the
medicine and healthcare industry in China. It will provide a best platform to meet
all the professionals under one roof at the Guangzhou Jinhan Exhibition Centre.
Guangzhou Yifan Exhibition Service Co. Limited, Room 201, Yinyan Building, No.
25 Yanling Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China
Tel:+(86)-(20)-61089279; Fax:+(86)-(20)-61089459
Logi Pharma
Mar 29-31, 2011
President Wilson Hotel Geneva, United States Of America
it is the annual gathering of senior-level pharmaceutical supply chain executives in
Geneva, where over 120 Global Heads and VPs of supply chain, logistics and
procurement gather to share best practice and identify solutions to the most
prevalent challenges affecting pharmaceutical logistics.
Worldwide Business Research, 535, Fifth Avenue, 8th, New York,
United States Of America; Tel:+(1)-(888)-4826012; Fax:+(1)-(212)-8852798
BIOMEDevice Boston
Apr 06-07, 2011
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (BCEC)
It will be held at Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (BCEC) and will become
a major hub of pioneers of Medical & Pharmaceutical sector and will therefore is
expected to be attend by leading companies representatives worldwide.
Canon Communications Llc. 11444 W. Olympic BLVD., Ste. 900, Los Angeles,
United States Of America. Tel: +(1)-(310)-4454200; Fax: +(1)-(310)-4454299
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
SouthEast Asian Healthcare & Pharma Show
Apr 06-08, 2011
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
It is a landmark event which is characterized as South East Asia's only dedicated
event. The B2B event is said to connect various professionals from international
medical fraternity. Various distributors, importers and others glance over latest
dental equipment, surgical products, wellness equipment and others enter into
trading deals.
ABC Exhibitions, No.8, 16/6C, 46350, Petailing Jaya, Malaysia.
Tel: +(60)-(3)-79546588; Fax: +(60)-(3)-79542352
Saudi Medicare
Apr 10-13, 2011
Riyadh Exhibition Centre
It will enable exhibitors to launch new products in a forum consisting of potential
clients drawn from all over the world. It will afford the exhibitors an opportunity to
network with a cross section of invited health sector/industry professionals on the
important subject of medical equipment, scientific instruments and pharmaceutical
Riyadh Exhibitions Co. Limited P.O.Box,, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Tel:+(966)-(1)-4541448; Fax:+(966)-(1)-4544846
ChemProTech India
Apr 14-15, 2011
Bombay Exhibition Centre(BEC) Mumbai, India
It is a leading exhibition, which is focusing on Chemical Process Technology,
Equipments and Supplies. The exhibition provides a huge platform to all the
exhibitors and visitors to create the business networking.
Koelnmesse YA Tradefair Pvt Ltd, B-501-502, Kemp Plazaa, Mind Space Chincholi
Bunder Extn., Off. Link Road, Malad (West), Mumbai, India
Tel: +(91)-(22)-42107802; Fax: +(91)-(22)-40034433
Apr 18-20, 2011
Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) Tokyo, Japan
It is the abbreviation of Pharmaceutical Machinery & Equipment Convention,
which is the exhibition of machine and equipment for pharmaceutical studies
development and manufacturing.
CMP InformationIndustrieweg 54, P.O. Box 200, 3600 AE, Maarsen,
The Netherlands. Tel:+(31)-(346)-559444; Fax:+(31)-(346)-573811
Medtec Japan
Apr 20-21, 2011
Yokohama Pacifico Convention Plaza
Medtec Japan 2011 is the exclusive trade fair dedicated to second-largest medical
device manufacturing economy in the world that is Japan. Its exhibitors provide raw
materials, components, technology and outsourcing.
Canon Communications Llc., 11444 W. Olympic BLVD., Ste. 900, Los Angeles,
United States Of America. Tel:+(1)-(310)-4454200; Fax:+(1)-(310)-4454299
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
PharmaTech Expo
Apr 22-24, 2011
Lalbagh Palace Ground
It is a KNS group of company jointly organised with Indian Drug Manufacturers'
Association(IDMA). The main objectives of organizing this event are, to project the
latest technological developments in Pharma Industry, the Brand value, Facilities
and services, Quality control, Govt. Regulations and controls, Rules and procedures
supply of plant, Machinery, Process control equipment, project and services.
Pharmatechnologyindex Dot Com, No. 702, Corporate House, Opposite Dinesh
Hall, Income Tax, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad, India.Tel:+(91)-(79)-27540493
Rehatech Expo
Apr 25-28, 2011
Sokolniki Culture & Exhibition Centre
It is the International specialized exhibition of equipment and new technologies for
complex rehabilitation. It is an International Trade Fair for Those with Special
Needs and Those Requiring Care.
MVK International Exhibition Company, JSC., 1 Sokolnichesky Val, Pavilion 4,
Moscow, Russia; Tel:+(7)-(95)-9950595; Fax:+(7)-(95)-1057260
Rehamed Expo
Apr 25-28, 2011
Sokolniki Culture & Exhibition Centre
It is the International specialized exhibition for modern rehabilitation technologies
of remedial treatment. This is the only show in where you will see a complete range
of new and innovative products and services in medical technology and IT
equipment, diagnostics, rehabilitation, nursing and consumer medicine.
MVK International Exhibition Company, JSC., 1 Sokolnichesky Val, Pavilion 4,
Moscow, Russia; Tel:+(7)-(95)-9950595; Fax:+(7)-(95)-1057260
Bangalore Bio
May 04-06, 2011
TBA Bengaluru, India
It will offer an unrivalled opportunity in Asia Pacific region to meet with the who's
who of the Biotech world in one place at one time, nearly over 600 delegates, 72
speakers, 150 exhibitors participated in this event.
M. M. Activ, Bangalore, UNI Building, Thimmaiah Road,
Millers Tank Bund, Bengaluru, India
Tel: +(91)-(80)-41131912; Fax: +(91)-(80)-41131914
International Pharmaceutical Exhibition
May 10-12, 2011
Charlotte Convention Center
It will provide an excellent platform for service providers to showcase their
products and services to decision makers from leading Pharmaceutical
manufacturers. It will offers pharmaceutical and biotechnology scientists and
practitioners the opportunity to interact, network and exchange ideas for the
betterment of the profession and bring themselves and their organization to the
forefront of the discipline.
Arosa Exhibitions Limited 12019 Belmont Walk Way, Charlotte, USA
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
May 16-17, 2011
Centro Congressi Torino Incontra
It is the only event which focused on helping companies forge partnerships across
the entire medtech value-chain. The event builds on the success of its predecessor,
BioDevice Partnering, to enable executives to efficiently identify and meet with
strategic partners that spur innovation and drive future profits.
E.B.D. Group, Inc., 2032 Corte del Nogal, Suite, Carlsbad, United States Of
AmericaTel: +(1)-(760)-9300500; Fax: +(1)-(760)-9300520
Chemspec Europe
Jun 15-16, 2011
Geneva Palexpo Geneva, Switzerland
It goes from strength to strength as the only dedicated event targeted at and
delivering high quality custom, fine and speciality chemicals professionals.
Chemspec continues to grow, welcoming more visitors and exhibitors from
Europe, Asia, USA, North Africa and the Middle East, ensuring our exhibitors
receive the widest possible exposure.
Quartz Business Media Limited, Kevin Lloyd, Westgate House, 120/130 Station
Road, Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom; Tel: +(44)-(310)-7064150
Aug 05-07, 2011
Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC) Bengaluru, India
It is an International exhibition focusing on Hospital, Medical and Surgical
Equipment, Materials, Supplies and Allied services. The show presents a complete
range of equipment, materials, services, processes, systems, components,
consumables which find wide use in medical surgeries, hospitals, clinics, and
diagnostic centres from across the world.
Confederation of Indian Industry, Plot No. 249-F, Sector-18, Udyog Vihar,
Phase-IV, Gurgaon, India; Tel:+(91)-(124)-4014060; Fax:+(91)-(124)-4014088
Aug 12-14, 2011
Chennai Trade & Convention Centre Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
It is a concurrent event which proves to a gamut of more than 200 exhibitors and is
displaying products and services. Exhibited products and services can be
categorized as Hospital Information System, solutions, surgical and examination
furnitures, rescue and emergency equipment, medical disposables, cleaning
equipment, rescue and emergency equipments etc. The show proves to be a highly
successful point in attracting affluent producers, dealers, suppliers
Medexpert Business Consultants Pvt. Ltd., C-3, Shree Vidya Apartments, 14,
Balakrishna Street, West Mambalam, Chennai - 600 033., India.
Tel: +(91)-(44)-24718987
Aug 05-07, 2011
Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC) Bengaluru, India
It is an International exhibition focusing on Hospital, Medical and Surgical
Equipment, Materials, Supplies and Allied services. The show presents a complete
range of equipment, materials, services, processes, systems, components,
consumables which find wide use in medical surgeries, hospitals, clinics, and
diagnostic centres from across the world.
Confederation of Indian Industry, Plot No. 249-F, Sector-18, Udyog Vihar, PhaseIV, Gurgaon, India; Tel:+(91)-(124)-4014060; Fax:+(91)-(124)-4014088
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website:
Pharma Professional
March 2011
Aug 12-14, 2011
Chennai Trade & Convention Centre Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
It is a concurrent event which proves to a gamut of more than 200 exhibitors and is
displaying products and services. Exhibited products and services can be
categorized as Hospital Information System, solutions, surgical and examination
furnitures, rescue and emergency equipment, medical disposables, cleaning
equipment, rescue and emergency equipments etc. The show proves to be a highly
successful point in attracting affluent producers, dealers, suppliers
Medexpert Business Consultants Pvt. Ltd., C-3, Shree Vidya Apartments, 14,
Balakrishna Street, West Mambalam, Chennai - 600 033., India.
Tel: +(91)-(44)-24718987
Pharmac India
Sep 17-19, 2011
Gujarat University Exhibition Hall
It is recognized as a focused exhibition for Pharma & Health care industry. It is 3
days exhibition which is aiming towards highlighting varied related medical
products. It will prove to be a large hub of reputed professionals from
pharmaceutical formulation, herbal products, veterinary drug, medical & disposal,
pharmaceutical machinery and many other sectors.
Orbitz Exhibitions Private Limited, 202, Navyug Industrial Estate, T. J. Road,
Sewree, Mumbai, India; Tel:+(91)-(22)-24102801; Fax:+(91)-(22)-24102805
Hospital Infrastructure India
Oct 21-23, 2011
Bombay Exhibition Centre (BEC) Mumbai, India
It is an India's premier international exhibition on hospital infrastructure, planning,
supplies and health care development sector. This exhibition will be the sole
platform where Investors, Planners, Builders, Contractors, Architects and
Designers will meet senior managers and commissioners of healthcare facilities in
IIR Exhibition India, 751, 5th Floor, Bldg 7, Solitaire Corporate Park, Andheri
East, Mumbai, India; Tel:+(91)-(22)-40203329
A joint Initiative by IPA and Cygnus to enable Pharma Professionals to be more
Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Tel: 91-22-26671072; Fax: 91-22-26670744,
Email:[email protected]::
Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
Plot No: 8-3-948/949, 1st Floor, Solitaire Plaza,
Behind Image Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500 073.
Tel: +91-40-23430203-07, Fax: +91-40-23430201,
Email: [email protected]; Website: