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Chapter 4 Study Guide
1. Innovation – creation or invention of a new system to fulfill a societal need.
2. Diffusion – spread of ideas, inventions, or patterns of behavior between and among
3. Acculturation – a society’s acceptance and adoption of a custom or innovation created by
another society
4. Population density – average number of people who live in a measurable area, such as a
square mile
5. Carrying capacity – number of organisms a piece of land can support
6. Market economy – economic system in which production of goods and services is
determined by demand from consumers
7. Command economy – economic system in which the government plans and determines
the production of goods and services
8. GNP – a measure of the total annual income of all goods and services produced by a
nation’s businesses and industries
9. GDP – measure of the total annual value of all goods and services produced within the
boundaries of a nation
10. Infrastructure – basic support systems that a nation needs to keep its economy running
11. Identify all ABCs of culture
12. All __humans__ have a culture.
13. __Size, shape & location__ influence political geography.
14. The economy requires the __infrastructure__ to make it work.
15. Culture and societies are always __changing__.
16. In a __democracy__ citizens vote for representatives to serve them in the central
17. Every __nation__ is territory inhabited by a specific and unified group of people
18. A metropolitan area is made up of a __city, suburbs, and exurbs__.
19. A population is most likely to grow if its __birthrate__ is greater than its __mortality__
20. The __CBD__ is the central core of a city where its commercial activity takes place.
21. The __per capita__ is the average amount of money earned by each person in a nation
or state.
22. __Culture__ provides individuals with guidelines for values, behavior, and knowledge.
23. __Urbanization__ is the growth in the number and size of a city.
24. __Language__ reflects all aspects of a culture and allows people to communicate with
one another.
25. __Landforms, climate, access to water, and altitude__ influence where people live.
26. __Population geography__ is the rate of natural increase and population density.
27. Culture changes through __acculturation__, diffusion, & __innovation__.
28. __English__ is an example of a global language.
29. Religion answers the following questions:
a. Why are we here?
b. How did we get here?
c. What happens after we die?
30. A group that shares a geographic region and culture is called a __society__.
31. What are 5 major religions?
a. Islam
b. Christianity
c. Judaism
d. Hinduism
e. Buddhism
32. Material on or in the earth that have value are called __natural resources__.
33. Gathering raw material for the making of finished products is a __primary__ activity.
34. Iron, gold, and gemstones are examples of __nonrenewable__ resources.
35. In a monarchy, the __king/queen__ holds the power and it is usually inherited.
36. A __boundary__ sets the limit of a territory.
37. Freedom and power to decide on politics and actions is called __sovereignty__
38. What are 3 characteristics of a state?
a. Size
b. Shape
c. Location