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Download East and Southeast Asia Religion Comparison Chart
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East and Southeast Asia Religion/Philosophy Comparison Chart Buddhism Confucianism Taoism Religion Philosophy (moral well-being) Philosophy (nature and the world Religion or Philosophy outside ourselves) Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) Confucius Lao Tsu Important Dalai Lama Person/Prophet Dharmachakra(Wheel of Life) Yin-Yang Yin-Yang Symbol Lotus Flower Dalai Lama is the closest link to the Leadership should come through Everything has a life force spiritual realm example not force Want to align oneself with the Karma People achieve peace by doing good spiritual and cosmic forces Reincarnation deeds (being kind to one another) Body ties to the 5 earthly elements: Meditations fire, earth, water, wood, metal Beliefs Ultimate goal is to reach Balance of life forces enlightenment(nirvana) Polytheism Rules to follow/ important teachings Importance in Society Darma (rules) Truth is found along the Middle Path Four Noble Truths: Metta Karuna Mudita Upekkha Noble Eightfold Path: views, aspirations, speech, conduct, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, meditation Defines both the religious and political climate of Tibet. Moral guidelines to restore harmony Happiness going with “the flow” Doing by not doing Humans are part of nature, not the masters of it Tao Te Ching Chinese base their ethical and philosophical system Best government was one that did the least Offered directions to people about how to live Might be considered a state religion because of the government promotion of Confucian ideas