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Cumulative Review Ch. 1-4
You are responsible for everything studied this semester.
The following is meant to assist you in your studying.
Ch. 1 Measurement
Vocabulary: imperial units, unit analysis, SI system of measures, apex, right pyramid, right cone, slant
height, lateral area, sphere.
1.1 Imperial Measures of Length
- Developing relationships between Imperial units
- Converting between Imperial Units
1.2 Math Lab: Measuring Length and Distance
1.3 Relating SI and Imperial Units
- Developing relationships between Imperial and SI units
- Converting between Imperial and SI Units
1.4 Surface Area of Right Pyramids and Right Cones
- Determining surface areas
- Using surface area formulas to determine other unknown measurements (e.g. height, slant
1.5 Volumes of Right Pyramids and Right Cones
- Determining volumes
- Using volume formulas to determine other unknown measurements (e.g. height, radius)
1.6 Surface Area and Volume of a Sphere
- Determining surface area and volumes of spheres and hemispheres
- Using surface area and volume formulas to determine the radius
1.7 Solving Problems Involving Objects
- Determining surface area and volumes of composites
Ch. 2 Trigonometry
New Vocabulary: angle of inclination, tangent ratio, indirect measurement, sine ratio, cosine ratio, angle
of elevation, angle of depression.
2.1 The Tangent Ratio
- Use the tangent ratio to find angles
2.2 Using the Tangent Ratio to calculate lengths
2.3 Measuring an Inaccessible Height
- Using a clinometer to help find angles to be used to find heights (e.g. of trees or buildings)
2.4 The Sine and Cosine Ratios
- Use the sine and cosine ratios to find angles
2.5 Using the Sine and Cosine Ratios to Calculate Lengths
2.6 Applying the Trigonometric Ratios
- Using the trigonometric ratios to solve problems
2.7 Solving Problems Involving More than One Right Triangle
- Using all the tools of this chapter and the Pythagorean Theorem to solve problems, including
problems involving triangles in two different planes (e.g., fire tower problem)
Ch. 3 Factors and Products
New Vocabulary: prime factorization, greatest common factor, least common multiple, perfect cube,
cube root, radicand, radical, index, factoring by decomposition, perfect square trinomial,
difference of squares
3.1 Factors and Multiples of Whole Numbers
- Used methods such as prime factorization to find prime factors, GCFs, and LCMs.
- Solving problems involving GCFs and LCMs
3.2 Perfect Squares, Perfect Cubes, and Their Roots
- Finding perfect squares and perfect cubes using prime factorization
- Using prime factorization to show values aren’t perfect squares or perfect cubes
3.3 Common Factors of a Polynomial
- Common factoring with algebra tiles (making a rectangle or making groups) and without
algebra tiles
3.5 Polynomials of the Form x2  bx  c
- Multiplying binomials to equal x 2  bx  c with and without algebra tiles and rectangle
- Factoring x2  bx  c with binomial factors, with and without tiles
- Factoring x2  bx  c with a common factor and binomial factors, with and without tiles
3.6 Polynomials of the form ax2  bx  c
- Multiplying binomials to equal ax2  bx  c with and without algebra tiles and rectangle
- Factoring ax2  bx  c with binomial factors, with and without tiles
- Factoring ax2  bx  c with a common factor and binomial factors, with and without tiles
- Factoring using decomposition
3.7 Multiplying Polynomials
- Multiplying different combinations of polynomials (e.g., binomial×trinomial,
trinomial×trinomial, binomial×binomial×binomial)
- Simplifying sums and differences of polynomial products
3.8 Factoring Special Polynomials
- Difference of Squares
- Perfect Square Trinomials
- Polynomials with more than one variable
Ch. 4 Roots and Powers
New Vocabulary: irrational number, real number, entire radical, mixed radical
4.1 Estimating Roots
- Estimating a root and displaying its approximate location on a number line
4.2 Irrational Numbers
- Determining if numbers are irrational or rational
- Understanding the relationship between number sets (natural, whole, rational, irrational, real)
- Order a set of irrational numbers from greatest to least (or least to greatest)
4.3 Mixed and Entire Radicals
- Write an entire radical as a mixed radical
- Write a mixed radical as an entire radical
4.4 Fractional Exponents and Radicals
- Understanding how fractional exponents are related to radicals
4.5 Negative Exponents and Reciprocals
- Understanding how negative exponents are related to reciprocals
4.6 Applying the Exponent Laws
- Use all the exponent laws together to simplify expressions involving exponents
Preparation Hints
Review quizzes and tests (and redo questions)
Review previous homework assignments (and redo questions)
Read the introductions, summaries and study features in each section of your textbook
Read the examples and try the “Check your Understanding” questions from each section of your
Read the checkpoints / review pages / study guide in each chapter of your textbook
Do the review and practice test for each chapter of your textbook, and the cumulative review
Use the table of contents to refresh your memory on the topics