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The US in WW II
A. Selective Service Act – passed by one vote B. Dec. 8th 1941 – 5 million men enlisted but this wasn’t enough.
C. Another 10 Million were drafted.
D. Two fronts – EUR and Pacific
E. GI – “general issue” (stencil) used as a common name for US soldiers
F. Women in the Army – WAC, WAAC, WAV –
G. Minorities – US Army was segregated until Harry Truman stepped in.
Life on the Homefront
A. FEB 1942 – US automakers shut down production.
B. Now formulated to make trucks, tanks, planes, etc.
C. All US industries changed to produce for the War effort.
D. “Victory Gardens” –
E. 1941 = 6 M workers; 1944 18 M workers
F. FDR united science to aid the War efforts. O.S.R.D. –
G. Manhattan Project (offices were in NYC after Einstein’s letter)
H. GER splits the atom first. (jets, rockets, Holocaust, buildings, etc.)
I. US movies, cartoons, comics focus on hatred of the enemy.
J. Japanese Interment Camps –
K. Rationing, War Bonds, Propaganda The War for EUR and North Africa (p. 578)
A. Churchill goes to DC on 22 DEC 1941, stays 3 wks planning the War.
B. FDR – Hitler was the #1 enemy. (“madman” in 1939)
C. Demanded to accept only unconditional surrender.
D. FDR – “Its fun to be in the same decade as you” to Churchill
Battle of the Atlantic
A. 1942 – Nazi U-Boats sunk 681 Allied ships in 7 months.
B. MAY 1943 – U-Boat losses “reached an unbearable height” – Why?
C. Mid 1943 – Allies begin winning the Battle of the Atlantic
Eastern Front (p. 580)
A. Battle of Stalingrad – GER invades USSR in early 1942…
B. Hitler – wanted Soviet oil fields, granite, industrial center, etc.
C. GER reached outer Stalingrad in the summer.
D. Stalin – “not a step back” orders not to give up the town.
E. For 3 mos. the Germans bombed the city, take 9/10’s of the city.
F. Soviets counterattack, winter…., Hitler vows to fight to last man…
G. By 1943, 91,000 Germans surrendered from the 330,000 that began.
H. Soviets lost 1,250,000 men.
I. GER now lost the Eastern Front, Soviets then started to move west…
North Africa
A. Operation Torch – 1942, 107,000 Allied troops attack the German
Afrika Korps
B. Rommell vs. Patton (Western Force). GER surrenders in May 1943.
Italian Campaign
A. Allies invade island of Sicily in the Summer of 1943.
B. King strips Mussolini of power in July 1943.
C. Hitler seizes Italy, puts Mussolini back in power, Allies attack.
D. 18 months – Battle of Anzio – 4 mos. ending in May of 1944.
E. 25,000 Allied men and 30,000 Germans KIA.
F. 28 APR 1945 – Mussolini discovered by partisans disguised as a GER
soldier trying to escape in a truck.
G. Mussolini, his wife and mistress were executed and their bodies hung
up for show.
D-DAY (p. 582-583)
A. 6 JUNE 1944 – DDE – Supreme Allied Commander.
B. Gen. Montgomery (ENG) in command of Invasion.
C. Airborne drops in 5 June, Invasion starts at dawn.
D. Patton is in ENG across from Calais…. Why?
E. 5 beaches, 60 miles total – Map p. 582 – KNOW IT!
F. Over 600 war ships, 4,000 landing craft, 11,000 planes…
G. Largest amphibious landing in world history……Mexican War?
H. 25 July – Patton will return for the “breakout”
I. 79th Division lands on Utah Beach on D-Day +8 to advance on Cherbourg
to seal off the peninsula.
J. What if D-Day failed?
K. BG Teddy Roosevelt – first Allied General ashore, “We’ll start the War
from here”. He and his son, Quentin II, were the only father-and-son
to land at Normandy. His brother, Quentin killed in WW I (pilot).
Battle of the Bulge
A. OCT 1944 – US enters GER ( 24 OCT 1944 – My Uncle was KIA)
B. Hitler orders a massive offensive action surprising the Allies.
C. The GER attack results in an 80 mile wide “bulge” in the US
defenses. GER use 8 tank divisions to advance.
D. Bastogne, Belgium – US forces (101st Airborne Division) are
surrounded and GER demands a surrender or face “total annihilation”
E. BG McAuliffe – responds to the surrender demand – “Nuts!”
F. It took a month to push the Germans back.
G. GER lost 120,000 men, 600 tanks and heavy guns, 1,600 planes.
H. GER couldn’t replace their equipment like the US…
I. Piggyback Miracle – Dec. 31, 1944 – Two B-17 locked together….
Concentration Camps
A. US and Soviet troops start finding death camps.
B. Soviets liberate Majdanek – the largest creamatorium, 800,000 pairs
of shoes. US finds the German camps.
C. List names Unconditional Surrender
A. 25 April 1945 – The Soviets enter Berlin.
B. Hitler marries Eva Braun and commits suicide on 29 APR 1945.
C. Their corpses are burned outside the bunker….
D. Ike accepts the formal surrender of the Third Reich.
E. V-E Day – 8 May 1945. The War in EUR is over but….
War in the Pacific
A. American War – Pacific was an ocean, Atlantic was a lake.
B. EUR had Allies, Pacific was all USA.
C. Japanese advances –
D. Gen. MacArthur –
E. Doolittle’s Raid –
F. Battle of Midway –
G. Adm. Nimitz –
H. Island hopping –
I. Guadalcanal –
J. Mitchell Paige –
K. Kamikaze –
L. FDR dies 12 APR 1945, Harry Truman takes over…they had to
instruct him of the future arrival of the A-Bomb.
M. Battle for Okinawa – 4,000 Marines died.
N. Eddie Rickenbacker – While touring bases his B-17 ditched into the
Pacific. He was lost for 24 days at sea. He survived and continued to
tour bases all over the Pacific.
Truman’s Decision
A. warning –
B. reasons –
C. where –
D. American lives –
E. 6 AUG 1945 – Enola Gay
F. Paul Tibbets –
G. Hiroshima – “Little Boy” –
H. Nagasaki – “Fat Man” – “Bock’s Car” –
I. Hirohito –
J. Yalta Conference –
Nuremberg War Trials –
Occupation of Japan –
G.I. Bill of Rights – p. 598 –