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December 2002
Charles City Community Schools
Physical Science - Grades 9
I = Introduce, D= Develop, A=Assess, M=Maintain
MC/GF = Multicultual Gender Fair Approaches; CE=Career Education; GE=Global Education
Standard 1: Understands the nature of scientific inquiry
Knows that scientific explanations must meet certain criteria;
they must be consistent with experimental and observational
evidence about nature; and they must include a logical
structure, rules of evidence, openness to criticism, reporting
methods and procedures, and a commitment to making
knowledge public
Knows that because all scientific idea depend on experimental
and observational confirmation, all scientific knowledge is, in
principle, subject to change as a new evidence becomes
available; in areas where data, information, or understanding is
incomplete, it is normal for scientific ideas to be incomplete
Knows that in science, the testing, revising, and occasional
discarding of theories, new and old, never ends; this ongoing
process leads to an increasingly better understanding of how
things work in the world, but not to absolute truth
Knows that hypotheses are widely used in science for choosing
what data to pay attention to and what additional data to seek,
and for guiding the interpretation of the data (both new and
previously available)
Formulates a testable hypothesis
Knows that scientists conduct investigations for variety of
reasons, such as exploration of new area, discovery of new
aspects of the natural world, confirmation of prior
investigations require the contributions of individuals from
different disciplines (including engineering) and new
disciplines of science often emerge at the interface of two older
Knows that results of scientific inquiry—new knowledge and
methods—emerge from different types of investigations and
public communication among scientists; the nature of
communicating and defending the results of scientific inquiry
is guided by criteria of being logical and empirical and by
connections between natural phenomena, investigations, and
the historical body of scientific knowledge
Knows that progress is science and technology can relate to
social issues and challenges
Knows that individuals and teams have contributed and will
continue to contribute to all scientific enterprise; doing science
or engineering can be as simple as a individual conducting
December 2002
field studies or as complex as hundreds of people working on a
major scientific question or technological problem
Knows that scientists have ethical traditions, including
commitment to peer review, truthful reporting of the methods
and outcomes of investigations, and publication of the results
of work; violations of ethical traditions such as these rarely
occur, but if violations do occur, the scientists responsible are
strongly condemned
Knows that scientists in different disciplines ask different
questions, use different methods of investigation, and accept
different types of evidence to support their explanations; many
scientific investigations require the contributions of individuals
from different disciplines(including engineering)and new
disciplines of science often emerge at the interface of two older
disciplines (e.g.geophysics, biochemistry)
Knows that creativity, imagination, and a good knowledge
base are all required in the work of science and engineering
Standard 2: Understands features and processes of the Earth/Universe
Standard 3: Understands diversity and unity that characterize life
Standard 4: Understands basic concepts about the structure and properties of matter
Knows that an element is composed of single type of atom; when
elements are listed in order according to the number of protons
(called the atomic number); repeating patterns of physical and
chemical properties identify families of elements with similar
properties (as seen in the periodic table)
Knows that atoms interact with one another by transferring or
sharing electrons that are furthest from the nucleus; these outer
electrons govern the chemical properties of the element
Knows that atoms may be bonded together into molecules or
crystalline solids; when two or more kinds of atoms bind together
chemically, a compound is formed
Knows that atoms consist of negative electrons, which occupy most
of the space in the atom, any very tiny nuclei consisting of neutrons
and positive protons, each almost two thousand times heavier than
and electron; the electric force between the nucleus and electrons
hold the atom together
Knows that the number of electrons usually will equal the number
of protons, and the neutron has no electric charge, so the atom,
overall, is electrically neutral; but an atom may acquire an
unbalanced charge by gaining or losing electrons
Knows that when an element has atoms that differ in the number of
neutrons, these atoms are called different isotopes of the element;
December 2002
although neutrons have little effect on how an atom interacts with
others, they do affect the mass and stability of the nucleus
Knows that a large number of important reactions involve the
transfer of either electrons (oxidation/reduction reactions) or
hydrogen ions (acid/base reactions) between reacting ions,
molecules or atoms; in other reactions, chemical bonds are broken
by heat or light to form very reactive radicals with electrons ready
to form new bonds
Standard 5: Understands energy, motion and forces
Knows that heat energy consists of random motion and the
vibrations of atom, molecules, and ion; the higher temperature, the
greater the atomic or molecular motion
Knows that materials contain almost exactly equal proportions of
positive and negative charges, making the materials as a whole
electrically neutral; a very small excess or deficit of negative
charges in a material produces noticeable electric forces
Knows that at the atomic level, electric forces between oppositely
charges electrons and protons hold atoms and molecules together
and thus are involved in a chemical reactions; on a larger scale,
electric forces hold solid and liquid materials together and act
between objects when they are in contact
Knows that gravity is a universal force that each mass exerts on
any other mass; the strength of the gravitational attractive force
between two masses is proportional to the masses and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between them
Standard 6: Understands the relationships of science, technology, and social perspectives
Knows that science and technology are pursued for different
purposes; scientific inquiry is driven by the desire to understand the
natural world and seeks to answer questions that may or may not
directly influence humans; technological design is driven by the
need to meet human needs and solve human problems and has a
more direct effect on society than science because its purpose is to
solve human problems, help humans adapt, and fulfill human