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Section 7.2 The Standard Normal Distribution
Find the area under the standard normal curve; find Z-scores for
a given area.
In order to compare data values with different centers and/or spreads, we
convert the data values to standard scores, called z-scores.
A z-score represents how many standard deviations a measurement lies from
the mean.
Population z-Score
z 
x  
Sample z-Score
z 
x  x
The z-score is unitless. It has mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
Z-scores measure the number of standard deviations an observation is above
or below the mean.
 If a data value is larger than the mean, the z-score will be positive.
 If a data value is smaller than the mean, the z-score will be negative.
1. The amount of time it takes for a pizza delivery is approximately normally
distributed with a mean of 25 minutes and a standard deviation of 2
minutes. Convert 21 minutes to a z score.
2. The average 20- to 29 year old man is 69.6 inches tall, with a standard
deviation of 2.7 inches, while the average 20- to 29 year-old-women is 64.1
inches tall, with a standard deviation of 2.6 inches. Who is relatively taller,
a 75-inch man or a 70-inch woman?
7.2 - 2
Properties of the Standard Normal Distribution:
Standard Normal Distribution:
Values are converted to z scores
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The mean of the original distribution is always zero, in standard units.
The standard deviation is 1.
The area under the curve is 1.
An x value in the original distribution that is above the mean  has a
positive z score.
 An x value below the mean has a negative z value.
Find the Area under the Standard Normal Curve
To find the area under the standard normal curve, first draw a standard
normal curve and shade the area that is to be found, then follow the calculator
directions below.
Using the TI-83/84 for Finding Areas under the Standard Normal Curve:
Press 2nd DISTR
2:normalcdf( lowerbound, upperbound, 0, 1)
* If there is no lowerbound, use 1E99
If there is no upperbound, use 1E99
 To find the area of the left z0: 2:normalcdf 1E99, UB, 0, 1
 To find the area of the right z0: 2:normalcdf LB, 1E99, 0, 1
 To find the area between z0 and z1:
2:normalcdf LB, UB, 0, 1
7.2 - 3
3. Determine the area under the standard normal curve in each of the
following (round to four decimal places):
a. To the left of Z = 0.55
b. To the right of Z = 2.23
c. Between Z = 3.03 and Z = 1.98
Finding a Z-Score from a Specified Area to the Left
Using the TI-83/84 to Find Z-Scores Corresponding to an Area:
Press 2nd DISTR
3: invNorm (area left, 0, 1)
 To find a Z-Score from a specified area to the right, you must first
determine the area to the left then use invNorm on calculator:
area left   1  area right 
 To find the Z-Score from an area in the middle, we use the fact that the
standard normal curve is symmetric about its mean:
area left    1  middle area  , then use invNorm to find  z
4. Find the indicated Z-scores. Round to two decimal places.
a. Area under the standard normal curve to the left is 0.2.
b. Area under the standard normal curve to the right is 0.35 __________
c. Find the Z-scores that separate the middle 70% of the
distribution from the area in the tails of the standard
normal distribution.
7.2 - 4
The notation z is the Z-score such that the area under the standard normal
curve to the right of z is .
5. Find the value of z .
a. z 0.35
b. z 0.02
Remember, the area under a normal curve can be interpreted as a probability.
The following inequalities are equivalent for the area under the standard
normal curve:  and  ,  and 
6. Find the indicated probability of the standard normal random variable Z.
Round to four decimal places.
a. P (z < 0.61) =
b. P (z  0.92) =
c. P (1.23 < z  1.56) =
d. P (z  0.38 or z > 1.93) = __________