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The Chinese dynasties:
Zhou (“Joe”)
Qin (“chin”)
( ------------------- 400 years of Disunity ------------------)
Sui (“sway” without “w”)
Yuan ------ Mongol
Qing (“ching”) --------Manchu
Republic of China
Mao Zedong ---------People’s Republic of China / Communist China
China, which literally means “middle kingdom” was once simply a collection of warring
tribes. The Shang was the first tribe to rule the middle Kingdom. When the Zhou tribe
overthrew the last Shang king, they had to convince the people, especially the nobles, that
they had the right to rule. The Zhou told people that the gods in heaven had told them that
they were to rule. This was called "The Mandate of Heaven", heaven's orders.
The Zhou added that the gods had warned them that they would only rule as long as they
were good rulers. If they became selfish, and thought of themselves first, before the
people, that heaven would appoint another ruling family.
No one knows if the nobles in ancient China believed this fairy tale, but they most
probably thought that the Mandate of Heaven sounded like a good idea.
The nobles were tired of war between the Shang and the Zhou. Most of the nobles would
have the same life under Shang or Zhou rule, and they knew it. As for the peasants, it did
not matter to them which family ruled.
The Mandate of Heaven is based on four principles:
The right to rule is granted by Heaven.
There is only one Heaven therefore there can be only one ruler.
The right to rule is based on the virtue of the ruler.
The right to rule is not limited to one dynasty, or ruling family.
Here are some of the ways these principles converted into action and justification:
1. It gives the ruler prestige and religious importance.
2. It gives the ruler supreme power.
3. It allows a new ruler to gain power quickly if the people believe he has the
'Mandate of Heaven'.
4. A ruler's power must be kept in check by virtue.
5. The Mandate of Heaven justifies rebellion as long as the rebellion is successful.
Simply because it was successful, obviously then, the new ruler had to have had a
Mandate from Heaven. This causes a new dynasty to come to power, continuing
the dynastic cycle of one ruling family following the next.
1. Using the secondary source above, define the following vocabulary terms:
DynastyMandate of HeavenDynastic CycleMiddle Kingdom-
2. Who grants the right to rule?
3. How did the Zhou family justify their rule?
4. What is actually meant by “heaven?”
5. Does “heaven” as used here match to your idea of heaven? Explain.
The following is a primary source written by the Confucian philosopher Mencius which
further explains this idea.
The Primary Source
Wan Chang said, 'Was it the
case that Yâo gave the throne
to Shun?' Mencius said, 'No.
The sovereign cannot give the
throne to another.' 'Yes;-- but
Shun had the throne. Who
gave it to him?' 'Heaven gave
it to him,' was the answer.
Your Translation
You illustration
'" Heaven gave it to him:"-did Heaven confer its
appointment on him with
specific injunctions?'
Mencius replied, 'No. Heaven
does not speak. It simply
showed its will by his
personal conduct and his
conduct of affairs.'
'"It showed its will by his
personal conduct and his
conduct of affairs:"-- how was
this?' Mencius's answer was,
'The sovereign can present a
man to Heaven, but he cannot
make Heaven give that man
the throne. … Therefore I say,
"Heaven does not speak. It
simply indicated its will by
his personal conduct and his
conduct of affairs."'
Chang said, 'I presume to ask
how it was that Yâo presented
Shun to Heaven, and Heaven
accepted him; and that he
exhibited him to the people,
and the people accepted him.'
Mencius replied, 'He caused
him to preside over the
sacrifices, and all the spirits
were well pleased with them;- thus Heaven accepted him.
He caused him to preside over
the conduct of affairs, and
affairs were well
administered, so that the
people reposed under him;-thus the people accepted him.
Heaven gave the throne to
him. The people gave it to
Therefore I said, "The
sovereign cannot give the
throne to another."….'This
sentiment is expressed in the
words of The Great
Declaration,-- "Heaven sees
according as my people see;
Heaven hears according as my
people hear."'
Meng Zi.
Translated by Muller, Charles (2003/05/24). Mencius (Selections). Retrieved from
1. Describe the type of Government that Meng Zi(Mencius) is describing
2. In your opinion, is this a good type of government? Explain your answer
Chinese Dynasty Song
(Tune ---- Frère Jacques / Are You Sleeping / Where is Thumbkin.)
Zhou (“Joe”)
Qin (“chin”)
( ------------------- 400 years of Disunity ------------------)
Sui (“sway” without “w”)
Yuan ------ Mongol
Qing (“ching”) --------Manchu
Republic -------- Republic of China
Mao Zedong ---------People’s Republic of China / Communist China