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Chapter 5 Ancient India & Ancient China
Section 1 The Indus River Valley
Check your Reading p. 113
1) What mountains form the northern borders of the Indus River Valley?
Himalayas and Hindu Kush
2) Why do historians think the Indus River Valley was the site of an ancient civilization?
Archaeologists have found and studied artifacts there that show signs of civilization.
3) Based on what you have learned about Mohenjo – Daro, draw a map of the city.
<Map should have included a grid like pattern with a citadel in the middle of the city.>
Section 2 Ancient China
Check Your Reading p. 118
1) What are ancestors?
Family from whom you descended.
2) How does Chinese writing differ from our writing?
It has thousands (50,000) of characters compared to our 26 (alphabet letters)
3) Why is the Huang River known as “China’s Sorrow”?
Approximately every 25 years, it brought a terrible destructive flood.
Building Skills p. 119
Read the Paragraph below. Then write a summary in two or three sentences.
<Summaries should include that in Chinese legend, the world was created from the
physical features of one man.>
Chapter Review
Ideas to Remember p. 120
Civilization also flourished in the Indus River Valley. The Indus people were busy traders and
highly skilled artisans. The cities of Mohenjo – Daro and Harappa were among the most
“modern” cities in ancient times.
Chinese civilization was born along the Huang River. China is the oldest continuous civilization in
the world. In about 1700 B.C. the Shang family united the people of the Huang River Valley and
founded a dynasty that lasted nearly 600 years.
Chapter 3 Ancient Egypt
Reviewing Vocabulary p. 120
1) (Citadel) An area surrounded by massive walls, used to protect people during an attack.
2) (Tributary) A small river or stream that flows into a main river.
3) (Subcontinent) A large land mass that resembles a peninsula.
4) (Dynasty) A line of rulers who pass their power from one generation to the next within the same
5) (Migration) The movement of a large group of people from one place to another.
Reviewing Facts p. 121
1) What three bodies of water surround the Indian subcontinent?
Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean
2) How was the civilization of the Indus River Valley discovered?
In the 1870s, rail workers found the ruins of an ancient city.
3) In what present – day nation was most of the Indus River Valley discovered?
4) Which two mountain ranges mark the northern boundary of the Indus River Valley?
Himalayas and Hindu Kush
5) What were the names of the two major Indus River Valley cities?
Mohenjo – Daro and Harappas
6) Name three ways in which the large cities of the ancient Indus River Valley civilization were
“ahead of their time.”
Large population, indoor plumbing connected to sewers, square city blocks
7) What group of invaders destroyed the civilization of the Indus River Valley around 1500 B.C.?
8) In what region did the first civilization appear in China? What does its name mean in English?
The Huang River Valley; China’s Sorrow
9) What was the first major dynasty to unite large areas of China? When did this occur?
Shang; about 1700 B.C.
10) Name two ways in which the Chinese way of writing is different from English.
English has an alphabet of 26 letters for building words. With no alphabet, Chinese has
50,000 characters that stand for words or parts of words.