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Visit to York County Parks Astronomical Observatory
In this laboratory activity you will visit the York County Parks Astronomical
Observatory at John Rudy Park. The objective of this lab is to give you an opportunity to
visit a local observatory and experience the multiple facets of activities at the site, which
is manned by very capable veteran, amateur astronomers.
Complete the following:
1. The observatory’s primary purpose is to provide and promote enjoyable education
in astronomy. List briefly three ways this is accomplished.
A. ________________________________________________________
B. ________________________________________________________
C. ________________________________________________________
2. Diagram and explain a refractor and reflector telescope. Label all parts in your
A. A reflector telescope is an optical telescope which___________________
Reflector telescope showing the path of light in red.
B. A refractor telescope is an optical telescope which____________________
Refractor telescope showing the path of light in red.
3. Looking into the end of the Brooks telescope, describe briefly what you observed.
4. Radio astronomy is done at the observatory. The discovery of radio astronomy in
the 1930’s, astronomical objects give off radio waves, has greatly advanced our
understanding of the universe. Briefly list any radio astronomy done at John Rudy
Astronomical Observatory.
a. _______________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________
5. Amateurs contribute much to the science of astronomy and to the education of this
Science. In addition to education, were there any other studies mentioned during your
visit or by the instructor? Please list…
6. Mirrors are pieces of glass with a thin coat of silver or aluminum on the back. The
mirror is polished to provide a curved surface. How large are the mirrors used in
the observatory’s two major telescopes?
__________________ Inches and __________________________ Inches
7. Did you look at the photographs and diagram in the classroom area of the
Observatory? Yes or No (circle one). Which interested you the most?
8. Telescopes working at night have to collect a lot of light. Solar telescopes
working during the day have too much light. What is done to reduce light during
daytime solar viewing?
9. Name one type of telescope used to study the outside the visible spectrum below
10. List objects you viewed through a telescope at the parks’ observatory.
A. _______________________________
B. ___________________________
C. _______________________________
D. ___________________________
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