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Study Guide for Tissues, Membranes, Wounds
Obj. 1
Define the term tissue:__________________________________________
Obj. 2
Describe the basic types of tissue
Epithelial _____________________________________________________________
Connective ____________________________________________________________
Muscle _______________________________________________________________
Nerve ________________________________________________________________
Obj. 3
Match the basic types of tissue to their correct functions. Write your answers on the
blank lines provided.
1. Connective tissue
3. Muscle tissue
_____ a.
_____ b.
_____ c.
_____ d.
2. Epithelial tissue
4. Nerve tissue
allowing movement of the parts and organs of the body
one or more bundles of impulse-carrying fibers that conduct electrical signals
binds layers and tissues to other tissue structures
provides a protective barrier
Obj. 4
Define the types of epithelial tissues as classified by shape.
Obj. 5
Define the types of epithelial tissue as classified by tissue-layer arrangement
Obj. 6
Match the classes of epithelial tissue to their correct functions.
1. columnar tissue
2. cuboidal tissue
3. simple tissue
4. squamous tissue
______ lines glands such as the thyroid and salivary glands
______ forms the outer layer of the skin
______ lines the stomach and intestines
______ lines the blood vessels and the alveoli
______ forms the single-layer linings of the capillaries
5. stratified tissue
Obj. 7
Label connective tissue with their correct illustrations
Obj. 8
Match connective tissue to their correct functions.
1, Adipose
4. Bone
7. Fibrous
2. Areolar
5. Cartilage
8. Lymphatic
3. Blood
6. Elastic
9. Myeloid
10. Reticular
______ located in the skeleton; forms bones to support the body
______ located in tendons, ligaments, deep fascia, dermis; provides strong, flexible
______ located in the bone marrow; forms red and white blood cells and platelets
______ located in the spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow, filters harmful substances
from the blood and lymph
______ located under the skin; provides padding, insulation and a place to store fat
______ located in the lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils and thymus; forms certain types of
white blood cells
______ located along the walls of the large arteries and alveoli in the lungs; helps in
maintaining blood pressure
______ located throughout the blood system; transports materials, including oxygen
______ located in loose accumulations between tissues and organs; connects tissues
______ located in the nose, ears, trachea, and Eustachian tubes and at bone joints;
provides a firm-but-not-rigid structure and padding between bones.
Obj. 9.
Label the basic parts of a neuron.
Obj. 10
Label muscle tissue with illustrations.
Obj. 11
Label types of muscle contractions to their correct illustrations
Obj. 12
Match the types of contractions to their correct definitions.
_____ 1. abduction
a. movement of a part of the body toward the back
_____ 2. adduction
b. movement of a limb toward the midline of the body
_____ 3. dorsiflexion
c. rotating movement on an axis
______4. extension
d. rotating movement of the hand so the palm faces down
_____ 5. flexion
e. movement of a limb away from the midline
_____ 6. plantar flexion
f. movement that decreases the angle of a joint
_____ 7. pronation
g. movement that increases the angle of a joint
_____ 8. rotation
h. toe-down movement of the foot at the ankle
_____ 9. supination
i. rotating movement of the forearm and hand so the palm
faces upward
Obj. 13
Define neuromuscular excitability
Obj. 14
Afferent nerves are sensory neurons which carry signals from _________________
to the _______________________. Motor neurons which carry impulses from the
central nervous system to cause ____________ in the ___________ are efferent nerves.
Obj. 15
State the locations of the main types of membranes:
Mucous lines _______________ and ___________________ that open to the
____________________________. Serous membrane lines the _______________
cavities of the body. Synovial membrane lines the skeletal _______, _____________,
and _____________. Cutaneous membrane covers the ____________ as __________.
Obj. 16
State the functions of the main types of membranes;
Mucous membrane forms a selective _________ that allows some substances to enter the
Body while keeping ___________ out. Serous membrane provides the ______________
Layer that covers ______________ enclosed in cavities.
Synovial membrane secretes ________________ fluid to provide ___________________
and _______________________. Cutaneous membrane secretes _______________ and
__________________ to help maintain ______________________.
Obj. 17
Define organ _____________________________________________________________
Obj. 18
Match terms that describe abnormalities in organ development.
1. anaplasia
5. hyperplasia
2 aplasia
6. hypertrophy
3. atrophy
7. hypoplasia
4. dysplasia
_____ a. an increase in the number of cells of a body part
_____ b. an incomplete development which results in a decrease in the number of cells
_____ c. any abnormal development of tissues or organs
_____ d. a development failure resulting in the absence of an organ
_____ e. an increase in the size of an organ
_____ f. a wasting or diminution of size
_____ g. a change in the structure
Obj. 19
Match the types of traumatic wounds to their correct definitions:
1. abrasion
5. incised
2 avulsion
6. lacerated
3. contusion
7. perforated
4. crush
8. puncture
_____ a. a wound with irregular edges
_____ b. a wound caused by pressure that is sufficient to destroy tissue structure
_____ c. better know as a scrape
_____ d. a wound that has been made by a sharp, slender object
_____ e. a wound in which skin and tissue are partially torn away
_____ f. a wound with smooth edges caused by a sharp surface
_____ g. better known as a bruise
_____ h. a wound caused by an object passing through a body part.
Obj. 20
List the factors that affect the wound-healing process.
1. ______________
6. ___________________
2. ______________
7. ____________________
3. ______________
8. ____________________
4. ______________
9. ____________________
5. ______________
Obj. 21
Define the factors that present complications to wound-healing process:
1. hemorrhage_____________________________________________
2. sinus-tract infection ______________________________________
3. hematoma ______________________________________________
4. infection _______________________________________________
5. herniation ______________________________________________
6. wound disruption ________________________________________