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Name: _____________________________
Date: _________________
Period: _____________
Asexual Reproduction – Take Two
Chapter 4
1. How many parent cells are necessary for asexual reproduction? _____________
2. The daughter cells are which: identical or different? _________________
3. List the four phases of mitosis: __________________
4. What is the name of the time period between mitosis?
5. During which phase do the paired chromosomes line up in the center? _______________
6. During which phase does the nuclear membrane disappear? ___________________
7. Give an example of an organism that reproduces by budding. ___________________
8. When bacteria divides into 2 equal cells the type of reproduction is called _________________?
9. Structures seen in animal cell mitosis that are not present in plant cell mitosis are _____________
10. If a parent cell has 18 chromosomes how many are in each daughter cell? _______________
11. Bread mold and mushrooms are examples of which type of asexual reproduction? ____________?
12. Explain in complete sentences how animal mitosis and plant mitosis are different. _____________
13. Define sporulation: _______________________________________________________________
14. Compare and contrast binary fission and budding. ______________________________________
15. What is the name of the structure that attaches sister chromatids (chromosomes) together