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Civil War/Reconstruction Test
1. What was the major characteristic of the Southern economy in the mid-1800s?
A. commerce
B. agriculture C. industry
D. ranching
2. Which statement best describes Lincoln’s sentiment as expressed in his “House Divided” speech?
A. There would be a civil war between the North and South B. Congress would continue to compromise about
slavery C. The issue of slavery was weakening the United States D. Slavery would be outlawed in Illinois
3. Which of the following was not an issue leading to the start of the Civil War?
A. Slavery
B. Tariffs
C. States’ Rights D. Emancipation Proclamation
4. Which of the following individuals was not an abolitionist?
A. John Brown
B. Harriet Tubman
C. Stephen Douglas
D. Fredrick Douglass
5. Which of the following best describes the border states?
A. They remained neutral throughout the war
B. They opposed slavery and stayed in the Union C. They
supported slavery and stayed in the Union D. They supported slavery and left the Union
6. The South’s economic success depended on ____________ and _______________.
A. Slavery, Industry
B. Immigrants, Agriculture
C. Agriculture, Slavery
D. Immigrants, Industry
7. The Compromise of 1850 admitted which state as a free state?
A. California
B. Utah
C. Maine
D. Texas
E. Missouri
8. Which amendment officially ended slavery in the United States?
A. 13th B. 14th C. 15th D. 19th
9. The Capital of the Confederate States of America was located in _________, _____________.
A. Richmond, Virginia
B. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
C. Washington, D.C.
D. Atlanta, Georgia
E. Appomattox Court House, Virginia
10. In the case of Dred Scott, the Supreme Court decided that
A. Scott should be allowed to go free
B. Scott was not a citizen of the United States
C. Slavery was illegal north of the Missouri Compromise line
D. slavery should not
be allowed in the South
11. The doctrine of nullification came in response to
A. the Civil War B. Total War C. the Tariff of Abominations D. the Emancipation Proclamation
12. How did the Civil War affect the lives of women?
A. They were forced to spend the war in hiding B. They were forbidden to do factory work C. They had to do jobs
they had not done before
D. They refused to support the war effort
13. One reason Robert E. Lee declined command of the Union army is because he
A. did not support the idea of the Union
B. served in the Confederate government instead.
to fight people from his home state
D. was too busy running his plantation.
C. refused
14. What was the main purpose of the Reconstruction?
A. To unite the states and rebuild the South.
B. To give African Americans equal rights.
C. To pardon former Confederate generals.
D. To take land away from plantation owners.
15. What battle was the turning point of the war? It was also the deadliest battle of the Civil War.
A. Antietam B. Vicksburg C. Bull Run D. Gettysburg
16. What is the system of secret paths and safe houses that led the slaves to freedom, and left the South angry and
A. Conductors B. Underground Railroad
C. Abolitionists
D. Secession
17. Who was the author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a book that showed the true side of slavery?
A. Harriet Beecher Stowe
B. William Lloyd Garrison
C. Harriet Tubman
D. Frederick Douglass
18. The war tactic employed by William T. Sherman that led to the eventual burning of Atlanta is the complete
destruction of all life and property. This is known as
A. ironclad ships B. total war C. nullification
D. emancipation
19. Ulysses. S. Grant’s major role in the Civil War was to _____________.
A. Lead a regiment of black soldiers.
B. Be Vice President of the Confederacy.
C. Defeat Robert E. Lee at Gettysburg.
D. Lead the Union army to final victory.
20. The siege of Vicksburg ended with the
A. surrender of General Lee.
B. Grant taking control of the Union army.
C. Union control of the Mississippi River and the splitting of the South.
D. total destruction of the South.
21. What was the purpose, or reason, of the 15th Amendment
A. All former enslaved people became citizens B. White Southerners found ways of preventing African Americans
from voting
C. Women finally acquired the same political rights as men D. Slavery finally came to an end
22. John Brown launched an attack on an arsenal in hopes that he could arm himself and slaves in Virginia. This
failed uprising took place at__________________.
A. Harper’s Ferry
B. Bleeding Kansas
C. Fort Sumter
D. Gettysburg
23. Which of the following was not a part of the Confederate States of America?
A. Virginia
B. Texas
C. Pennsylvania
D. North Carolina E. South Carolina
24. Labor unions give workers the power of
A. collective bargaining B. regulations C. factory ownership D. laissez-faire policies
25. During what decade did the Civil War take place?
A. The 1770’s B. The 1810’s C. The 1860’s D. The 1890’s
26. The Missouri Compromise did not allow slavery above the 36’ 30 degree line. In addition 2 new states were
admitted to the country. _________________ was admitted as a free state, while ___________________ became a
slave state in order to maintain a balance.
A. California, Maine B. Missouri, Kansas C. Maine, Missouri
D. Kansas, California E. Texas, Missouri
27. The strategy used by the Union to restrict the trade and importation of weapons into the South through the use
of a blockade was called ____________________.
A. Bleeding Kansas
B. Total War
C. the Anaconda Plan D. the March to the Sea
28. William Lloyd Garrison was an abolitionist who published a newspaper in an attempt to end slavery. It was
called __________________.
A. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
B. The North Star
C. The Liberator
D. The Black Codes
29. When Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, _____________________ took over as President. This man was
almost impeached by Congress for trying to rebuild the nation without much input from Congress.
A. Stephen Douglas
B. Andrew Johnson
C. Andrew Jackson
D. Fredrick Douglass
30. Most Civil War soldiers died of
A. disease and poor medical treatment.
B. food poisoning.
C. land mines.
D. nuclear weapons.
31. Which state was the first to challenge tariffs, the first to secede from the Union after the election of Abraham
Lincoln, and the last state to reenter the Union?
A. North Carolina
B. Virginia
C. Pennsylvania
D. South Carolina
32. How was the Confederacy able to extend the war for four years despite being at a disadvantage in most important
war time aspects?
A. Stronger military leaders.
B. Most of the fighting took place in the North.
C. Slaves were allowed to fight on the second half of the war.
D. More supplies and better manufacturing.
33. The statement made by Lincoln stating that all slaves held in Confederate land are to be considered free once the
Union troops conquered their area is called ________________.
A. the Emancipation Proclamation
B. the House Divided Speech
C. the Inaugural Address
D. the Gettysburg Address.
34. The President of the Confederate States of America was given a 6-year term. The war was over before
_________________ was able to fulfill his term.
A. Robert E. Lee
B. Abraham Lincoln C. Jefferson Davis
D. Thomas Jefferson
35. In 1858, while running for Senator of Illinois, Abraham Lincoln had a series of debates concerning the issue of
slavery and popular sovereignty. Who were these debates against?
A. Stephen Douglas B. Jefferson Davis C. Frederick Douglass D. Thomas Jefferson
36. Which amendment allowed African Americans to become citizens and states that all people born in the United
States are citizens?
A. 13th B. 14th C. 15th D. 19th
37. President Lincoln’s main objective in fighting the Civil War was to ________________________.
A. preserve the Union and democracy
B. end Slavery
C. destroy the South
D. make alliances with Europe
38. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address spoke of the “great task remaining before us.” This task was to
A. preserve the Union.
B. clean up the battlefield.
C. win a second term as president.
D. rebuild the South.
39. The Freedmen’s Bureau was known for _________________ after the Civil War.
A. helping former slaves and the South
B. punishing the secessionist
C. creating laws restricting the former slaves
D. sending slaves back to Africa
40. Popular sovereignty is the belief that _______________________.
A. slavery should be legalized.
B. slavery should be abolished in all states.
C. the people of the state should decide through election whether or not slavery will be permitted.
D. people of the state should decide through elections whether or not to secede from the Union.
41. Plessy vs. Ferguson was a Supreme Court decision that
A. stated slaves were property and had no rights because blacks were not citizens.
B. was the first Judicial Review was used declaring a law unconstitutional.
C. allowed for legal separation of the races.
D. overturned the Missouri Compromise.
42. The Emancipation Proclamation officially made __________________ another reason why the Union was
fighting the war?
A. ending slavery
B. ending taxation
C. states’ rights D. popular sovereignty
43. ________________________ was a group formed for the purpose restoring Democratic control of the South and
to keep former slaves powerless.
A. The Freedman’s Bureau
B. The Ku Klux Klan
C. The Confederate Veteran’s Committee
D. The Union for Unity Society
44. The Black Codes were established to
A. help African Americans get jobs.
B. get cheap laborers for landowners.
C. make voting easier for African Americans.
D. limit the civil liberties of African Americans.
45. Jim Crow laws were meant to
A. keep whites and black segregated in the South..
B. bring unity to the South.
C. create better jobs for the former slaves.
D. end work on the plantations.
46. In the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln said that the country was based on the idea that “all men are created equal.”
He was echoing the words of
A. the Bill of Rights
B. the Declaration of Independence
C. the Constitution
D. the Emancipation Proclamation
47. What critical event in the Civil War happened at Appomattox?
A. Lee surrendered to Grant
B. The South broke through the Northern Blockade
C. Lee won a battle in the North
D. The first battle of the ironclads was fought
48. Which of these statements best summarizes how the war changed life in the North and the South?
A. Both regions suffered equal damage
B. The South’s way of life was almost destroyed
C. Life in the North was not changed at all by the war.
D. Slavery still supported the Southern economy
49. Reading tests and poll taxes made it harder for
A. People to cheat at the polls
B. Whites to take advantage of blacks
C. African Americans to vote
D. Politicians to trick voters
50. Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Leland Stanford, and J.P. Morgan were all
A. successful politicians
B. involved in the banking industry
C. powerful magnates
D. Military officers
51. What led newspapers to speak of “Bleeding Kansas” in 1856?
A. Fighting between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces
B. attacks on job-seeking Irish immigrants
C. conflict between cattle ranchers and farmers
D. Reaction to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling against Dred Scott
52. States’ rights played a major role in all of the following except the
A. Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
B. Monroe Doctrine
C. Nullification Crisis
D. Compromise of 1850
53. What was the first major goal of the President Lincoln’s administration?
A. to destroy the institution of slavery
B. to maintain the unity of the country
C. to expand the power of state governments
D. to industrialize the economy
54. What is one reason that the Union strategy for defeating the South included a naval blockade of Southern ports?
A. to cut the South off from its supply lines in the countries of Latin America
B. to stop Southern attempts to establish slave plantations in Cuba and Mexico
C. to prevent Southern efforts to sell cotton in Europe in exchange for war supplies
D. to deprive the South of fishing and whaling as a primary source of food
55. One goal of post-Civil War Congressional Reconstruction was to
A. repay Confederate war debts
B. ensure civil rights for former slaves
C. preserve the plantation system
D. rebuild the Southern naval system
56. During Reconstruction, the Freedmen’s Bureau
A. relocated many former slaves to the North
B. created a system for tenant farming
C. gave forty acres and a mule to former slaves
D. established schools for former slaves
57. A large percentage of the immigrants who came to the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries
settled in large cities because
A. most of them had lived in cities in their homelands
B. there were fewer and fewer farms in the United States
C. the growing industries were usually located in cities
D. the government encouraged immigrants to settle in big cities
58. What two-day convention launched the women’s rights movement in 1848?
A. Albany-Newark Convention
B. Grimke United Convention
C. Seneca Falls Convention
D. Philadelphia Suffrage Convention
59. The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Lincoln after the Union “victory” at
A. Fredericksburg
B. Antietam
C. Vicksburg
D. Gettysburg
60. When the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, they handled the issue of slavery by
A. legalizing it B. outlawing it C. passing the Great Compromise D. tolerating it