Download Day 4 - Female Anatomy - STD Vignettes

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STD Diseases
- These Diseases are to be used by the students for Male Anatomy - Day 2 Vanessa’s Story
What a day! I got a call from my gynecologist this morning and it turns out that I have Chlamydia!!!
What the heck! I could not believe it. When I looked up the symptoms I read that I should have
vaginal bleeding, cramping and even a white discharge. But I did not have any of those symptoms.
The doctor explained that this is often a silent disease and that many women can have Chlamydia
and not show any symptoms. I was then told it was my responsibility to inform all of my previous
sexual partners that I have Chlamydia and that they should be tested. The whole experience was
humiliating! I thought I was going to die every time I had to pick up the phone! Fortunately the
antibiotics killed the bacteria. To think, if I had not gone to the doctor, the Chlamydia could have
ruined my chances of having a family. The worst thing was that one month later I got it again! My
boyfriend “swears” he was treated, but now I am not so sure!
Samantha’s Story
On Saturday I woke up with vaginal bleeding and was freaked out! I knew it was not period since I
am on birth control and I was not due for two more weeks. I hesitated going to the doctor until I
noticed cramping and more discharge that was not blood…gross. Upon examination by my doctor,
she asked me about my relationships. I explained that I am in a monogamous relationship with my
boyfriend. She then asked if I had intercourse and if we used protection. I explained I was on the pill,
but we did not think that we needed to use a condom. The doctor used the speculum to examine my
cervix and noticed that it was oozing white liquid. I threw up! The doctor took a swab and tested it for
diseases and called me the next day to say that I had Gonorrhea and prescribed me antibiotics. How
did I get this?
Jennifer’s Story
Last month I noticed during the Biology lecture that I could not hear very well. I got really worried
when I realized that I could not hear high pitched sounds like I used to. I went to my family doctor
and they conducted a basic hearing test and sent me to the Ear, Nose and Throat specialist. He
diagnosed me with audiometry, bilateral high-frequency hearing loss. But that did not tell me how I
got it. He did the whole work up (Blood tests, urine tests, mouth and ear swabs). The results
indicated that I had a bacterial disease called syphilis, a sexually transmitted bacterial disease. I was
shocked because I am a virgin! He then asked if I had ever engaged in oral sex…which I had to
admit to. He then asked me if I ever had any chancre sores in my mouth, I realized I had a few last
month. But disregarded them since they did not hurt, the doctor explained that they were probably
infectious. So it turns out the bacteria traveled up my Eustachian tube to my ears and infected my
inner ear, causing my partial deafness. I am glad I got the antibiotics when I did, because hearing
loss is better than dementia (crazy in brain disease).
Rebecca’s Story
Last week I went to my OBGYN (Obstetrician/Gynecologist) because I noticed a foul, fish-like, odor
and some weird gray discharge from my vagina after my husband and I had vaginal intercourse. This
alarmed me because I am six-months pregnant and I was scared to death for the health of our first
child – Nicole. The doctor examined me and concluded that I have Bacterial Vaginosis. He
immediately started me on a round of antibiotics because he warned me that BV can lead to
premature delivery and/or a low birth weight. He advised that my husband be checked for the
bacteria and that we either use a condom or refrain from sex for the duration of the pregnancy,
because he could keep passing the bacteria back to me. The most frustrating part is that there was
no identifiable source for this disease, just that it is transmitted sexually.
Lin’s Story
Recently I noticed that sexual intercourse has become painful and uncomfortable. I mentioned to my
boyfriend that I have been feeling rather itchy and irritated around my vagina. He mentioned an off
odor and redness around the same area. This concerned us both and we went to the doctor. The
doctor did the usual tests for most STDs, like Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Chlamydia, and Herpes. After
waiting a week, all of the tests came back negative – thank goodness! Unfortunately, the symptoms
are still present and sexual intercourse is becoming more painful. We went back to the doctor again
and she took a sample of my vaginal fluid. After a microscopic evaluation, it turns out that I have a
parasite! They call it Trichomoniasis, try to say that 10 times fast! I am freaked out by the idea that
thousands of microscopic protozoa are swimming and reproducing in my vagina. Luckily there was
an easy cure. I took one dose of antibiotics. My boyfriend had to take a dose as well to kill any
Trichomoniasis that he may re-infect me with