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U.S. History and Government
Student Study Guide
Unit 1
The Geography
I. Map – United States – Physical Features
Lake Superior
Columbia R.
Adirondack Mts.
Mohawk R.
Lake Ontario
White Mts.
Cascade Range
Connecticut R.
Hudson R.
Catskill Mts.
Rocky Mts.
Missouri R.
Lake Erie
Delaware R.
Susquehanna R.
Ohio R.
.... ...
Mississippi R.
Potomac R.
James R.
Appalachian Mts.
Colorado R.
Arkansas R.
Rio Grande R.
Tennessee R.
II. Map – United States-Regions
New England
High Plains
III. Map – United States – The 50 States
Unit 2
Founding of America
Map of the War
Map of Colonies
Founding of America
Settlement of
Colonial Political
The American
Colonial Period
The European
Causes of the
The American
Map of American Colonial Situation
Map of American Revolutionary War
Ft. Ticonderoga
Lexington and Concord
Valley Forge
III. Timeline of the Founding of America
A Bill of
Rights is
created in
Declaration of
French and
Indian War
Articles of
on approved
IV. American Colonial Period
Settling America
The Native Americans
Relations with European Settlers:
- Relations with Europeans varied from place to place – sometimes coexisting and sometimes
in conflict
- Differing cultural values led to many conflicts
- Europeans depended on trade with Native peoples for survival initially
- Some native tribes, such as the Iroquois, came to dominate areas of trade with the Europeans
-various alliances between native people and European powers existed, failed, and became
created again and again over time
- Iroquois alliances helped them dominate the fur trade in the northeast
- The Powhatan Confederacy influenced the initial survival of the Jamestown Colony
- Early fighting lessoned the threat of the Powhatan Confederacy in the Virginia area
- King Philip’s War: New England tribes fought against growing European expansion
o French and Indian War:
- Between France and England
(French and Native Americans against the English colonist)
- In Europe (called the Seven Years War there) and America
- Fought for control of the Ohio River Valley area mostly
 Free Blacks:
- early Africans were considered “indentured servants” – freed when their contract ended
Enslaved Blacks
- Large plantation farms in the south required many workers
- Africans were brought to work on these farms as enslaved workers
- smaller farms and a more diverse economy required less slaves in the northern colonies
The Europeans
- many different European cultures were represented in the colonies
- the English dominated though, and came to influence the development of the 13 different
colonies the most of any of the European peoples
- They came for religious, economic, and political reasons
The Colonial Political Experience
Experiments of Democracy:
Mayflower Compact:
- 1620 – Pilgrims signed contract before landing at Plymouth to consent to be governed by a
body that they created themselves
- this established the precedent of self-government in the colonies
Virginia House of Burgesses:
- prototype for colonial legislative bodies – based on the two-house system similar to the
English Parliament
- This further established the tradition of republican government in America
Northeast Town Meetings:
- In New England – the “Town” was the local center of government
- Citizens would hold “Town Meetings” and vote directly on issues
Albany Plan of Union:
- representatives from the colonies gathered to create a common “union” governmental body
- initially designed to help protect the colonies against the French
- was a plan to share governmental responsibilities between the colonies on a central level
- was rejected by the colonies because the feared losing local control
- became a model for later centralized governmental ideas such as the US Constitution
John Peter Zenger – Freedom of the press
- Zenger was arrested for accusing the governor of NY of doing things he
want supposed to be doing
- his lawyer argued that it was a crime – if what he printed was accurate
- the jury freed Zenger – establishing the case of freedom of the press
The American Revolution
European Democratic Traditions
Much of what later became a part of the American experience of democracy, came from
ideas and events that took place in Europe before and during the American Colonial Period
 Magna Carta
- document signed in 1215 – limited the powers of the monarchy for the first time
English Bill of Rights
- Late 1600’s – England – established representative government in England and the idea that
the “rule of law” was more important than the powers of a monarch
Enlightenment Connection: the ideas of these political thinkers greatly influenced American politics
John Locke
- people have certain rights (life-liberty-property)
- if the government fails to protect people’s rights – people can overthrow that government
Barron de Montesquieu:
- separation of powers was a good idea (Legislative – Judicial – Executive)
Jean Jacques Rousseau:
- “Social Contract” – people can choose their government – but must agree to follow its rules
- the idea that the “majority rules”
Causes of the Revolutionary War
- the idea that colonies exist to support the economy of the “Mother
- the colonies were used to provide raw materials and markets for English goods
Salutary Neglect:
- the British government did not pay much attention to the day-to-day political activities of the
colonists, allowing them to rule themselves as they saw fit
- was seen as both a negative (the British didn’t care about them) and a positive (the colonists
learned how to do things on their own)
Proclamation of 1763:
- British rule that prohibited colonists from moving west into lands won from France after the
French and Indian War
(Causes of Rev. War cont.)
Taxation Issues: several new taxes caused increasing resentment in the colonies
British Act
Colonial Response
Sugar Act: tax on imported sugar
- smuggling, reduced consumption
Stamp Act: tax on all written
documents, newspapers, letters, legal
papers, playing cards
- boycott of products, Stamp Act Congress
Townsend Acts: variety of taxes
(lead, glass, tea) Provides for the firs
search warrants against colonists
- continued boycott of products
Tea Act: tax on non-British Tea
- gave a monopoly to the British East
India Company for sale of tea in colonies
- Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Acts: Response to Boston
Tea party, closure of Boston Harbor,
Suspension of self-government (New
England town meeting) Also called the
“Coercive Acts”
- continued protests, prelude to war
Natural Rights: the basic tenants of the Enlightenment caused the colonists to eventually
decide to make a political break from Great Britain
Common Sense:
- written by Thomas Paine
- appealed to rational thought
- propaganda for action by the common man in the colonies
- increased support for the fight for independence
Declaration of Independence
- Delegates from all colonies met in Philadelphia in June, 1776
- This document stated the colonies’ intention to declare their
independence from Britain, and then gave the reasons why they
did so
- Agreed to by the representatives on July 4th – marking the
beginning of the United States of America
- written by Thomas Jefferson
- most of the document was based on the ideas of the Enlightenment (natural rights, consent of
the governed, etc.)
VI. Essential Questions
1. In what ways, was the social make-up of the colonies in America significantly different from
the culture in Great Britain?
Though dominated by the English culture, the colonists were also made up of Scottish, Irish,
German, Dutch, French, and many other European cultures
The experiences and relationships the colonists had with the Native Americans was
significantly different than anything Europeans ever dealt with.
The reliance on Africans for labor, created a unique economic environment in the colonies, in
addition to the social and cultural effects on the community
2. In what ways did aspects of European culture contribute to a desire by colonists to claim their
The documents of the Magna Carta and English Bill of Rights had established a tradition of
questioning and limiting the powers of a monarchy
The ideas of the European Enlightenment thinkers greatly influenced the minds of the colonists
and the creators of the new political system in the Americas
3. What part of the colonial experience in America helped colonists feel confident in both their
ability and right to declare their independence from Great Britain?
The mixing of different cultures created a new culture that was not entirely similar to the
“home culture” – a feeling of cultural independence existed
The effects of “salutatory neglect” gave colonist motivation and confidence to establish a
government that would look after their own interests
Unit 3
The Constitution
The Constitution
Articles of Confederation
Events of the Critical Period
The Critical Period
New Jersey
The Delegates
The Purpose
The Constitutional
The Great
(Connecticut Plan)
Principles of the
The Constitution
Articles of the
Ratification of the
Timeline of the U.S. Constitution
Articles of
(10 of them)
added to
Called the
Bill of Rights
Convention held
in Philadelphia
Ratified by the
States 1788
The Critical Period
The Articles of Confederation
Confederation (confederacy): a union of states into one organization
Examples of other historical confederations:
Iroquois Confederation: Separate Iroquois tribes united in the 1500’s-1700’s
Confederate States of America: Southern U.S. states broke away from the Union and formed
their own nation, sparking the U.S. Civil War
Confederation of Independent States: After the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1989, several of
the former republics united together
Articles of Confederation
 What it was:
- first written constitution of the United States
- protected states rights more than it strengthened the federal government
How it began: created by the Second Continental Congress – created 1777, ratified 1781
* was able to direct the military and make
war or peace
* no Executive branch
* no Federal Judicial branch
* could enter into treaties or alliances
* no power to regulate interstate commerce
* could coin money
* had to be a unanimous vote to change the
* 9 of 13 states needed to make a law
Events of the Critical Period (reasons leading for a call to revise the Articles of Confederation)
 Annapolis Convention: Hamilton calls for conference on trade and navigation (few show up)
Shay’s Rebellion: farmers in Massachusetts rebelled against state
- indicated a need for revising the constitution
Continental Dollars:
Poor Foreign Relations:
 France: US couldn’t pay back loans – government didn’t have ability to raise required
worthless money against each state’s own money – unstable currency
Spain: “Right of Deposit” Spain threatened to cut off access to the Gulf of Mexico at New
Orleans – would inhibit trade between the West and coastal cities
Britain: Britain was not following terms of Treaty of Paris (ended Revolutionary War)
III. The Constitutional Convention
- create a new government that would be better able to deal
with foreign powers as well as regulate interstate commercial
Much of the U.S. Constitution was
borrowed from other previously
created state constitutions
From the NY State Constitution:
_ three branches: executive, judicial,
The Delegates: 12 of the 13 states were represented
(Not Rhode Island)
_ legislative branch would have two
55 men: - Lawyers, merchants, wealthy farmers
_ executive branch had some veto
powers of legislative branch
- no women, Native Americans, African-Americans or poor
_ Judges appointed for judicial
_ has a Bill of Rights
Famous delegates:
Washington: appointed President of the Convention – only spoke twice
Franklin: oldest member
Madison: became known as the “Father of the Constitution”
Hamilton: argued for a vision of America as a “new Europe”
Not there:
Jefferson and Adams: Serving overseas as U.S. Representatives in Europe
Henry: Disagreed strongly with the idea of a stronger central government
The compromises: the delegates did not agree on how the new government would look
(representation), the slave issue, or interstate commerce. Various proposals were created, and
compromises needed to be achieved for final agreements:
A. The “Great Compromise” (Connecticut Plan)
Concerning state representation in the government
New Jersey Plan
Virginia Plan
One house in the
All states elect the
same number of
Two houses in Legislative branch
Both houses based on population
of states
Great Compromise (Connecticut Plan)
Two housed in the Legislative branch
States represented equally in Senate
House representation determined by state
B. The Three-Fifths Compromise
Do slaves count as population?
Slaves should not be
counted for
representation in
Congress because they
could not vote
Slaves should be counted
for representation but not
for taxes
Three-Fifths Compromise
C. Commerce Compromise
Three-Fifths of the slaves in a state
would be counted for both
representation in Congress and for
Congress has power to regulate foreign and interstate trade?
Southern (Agricultural)
Northern (Industrial)
Congress could
regulate aspects of
trade – foreign or
no taxes on state exports
no regulation of the slave
Commerce Compromise
Congress could impose duties(taxes) on imports
No taxes on state exports
No regulation on slave trade for at least 20 years
IV. The Constitution
About it:
Principles of the Constitution
- the relationship between the “federal” government (think ‘national”) and
the various state governments
Separation of powers
- the federal powers are separated between a Legislative (law making) branch
Executive (law enforcing) branch, and a Judicial (law interpreting) branch
- the Constitution can be changed. The Elastic Clause, Amendment process,
And Judicial interpretation can make “necessary and proper” changes
Bill of Rights:
- assurances of the protection of individual rights was guaranteed
Articles of the Constitution
- Preamble: explains the intent and purpose of the document
1. Legislative: explains the make-up of Congress and the
procedure for the making of a law
2. Executive: explains the duties and responsibilities of the
President, as well as the procedure for the choosing of a President
3. Judicial: explains the make-up of the Federal Court system
and its duties and responsibilities and rights
4. State Relations: outlines the responsibilities that belong to the
federal government and those of the states
5. Amendments: describes the process for amending, or
changing the Constitution
6. Supremacy Clause: explains that federal laws are the
“supreme law of the land” and have power over state laws
7. Ratification: explains how the constitution would become
Ratification of the Constitution
Ratification: the process of making the Constitution official – getting permission from the people
Constitutional requirement: 9 of the 13 states needed to approve it
Arguments for or against:
Types of People
- northern
- urban
- southern
- interior U.S.
Famous Leaders
- James
- Alexander
- John Jay
- Wanted a strong national government
to provide order and protect people’s
NY Governor
- Wanted a weak national government
to protect the rights of the states
- wanted to add a Bill of Rights to
protect the rights of the people
The Federalist Papers:
#2 The Dangers from Foreign Force and Influence
John Jay
#8 Consequences of Hostility Between the States
Alexander Hamilton
#10 The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection
James Madison
#52 The House of Representatives
James Madison
Results of Ratification
the Constitution becomes the Supreme law of the United States
a stronger central government has been established
resentment by some states builds (southern states loose influence)
VI. Essential Questions
1. Why were the years during the time of the Articles of Confederation known as the “Critical
the “nation” was actually a collection of “states” – not a unified nation yet
it was an experimental stage with a brand new nation
there was no real written plan in place to direct the new government
the nation’s survival was a real issue
2. What were the main issues that states disagreed over and ended up having to make
compromises on in order to complete the Constitution?
whether to tax – how to tax
influence of Federal government against the “sovereign” states
state representation in the Federal government
separation of powers
Unit 4
The New Nation
The New Nation
The Washington Administration
Case Study
The Marshall Court
The Federalist Era
The Adams Administration
The Madison Administration
The Jefferson Administration
The Monroe Administration
The Jacksonian Democracy
The Jackson Era
The Nullification Crisis
The Bank Wars
Map: The New Nation
War of 1812 British try to
control the Great Lakes. Lose
to Commodore Perry
Seneca Falls
War of 1812
Louisiana Purchase
British capture
Washington, DC
Ft. McHenry
inspires “Star
Spangled Banner”
War of 1812 British try to
take the Mississippi but lose
to Jackson at New Orleans
Timeline: The New Nation
War of 1812
1st Bank
of the
Seneca Falls
doubles the
size of
III. The Federalists Era
The Washington Administration
The Unwritten Constitution: during the nations first years, policies and procedures for running the
government efficiently came about. These have become traditions, and are referred to as the
“unwritten constitution”
The Cabinet: - The President appoints individuals to run certain parts of the Executive Branch
- the first 3 were the Secretaries of State, Treasury, and War
- together, these positions are known as the President’s “Cabinet”
The Two Term Tradition: Based on Washington’s precedent, the office of the President was
informally limited to two terms only
Foreign Relations
 Jay Treaty: A U.S. agreement with Great Britain – U.S. agreed Britain could stop U.S.
shipments to France, in return for a “most-favored nation” status in trading with Britain
Proclamation of Neutrality: Washington’s precedent of having the U.S. try to stay out of
alliances with foreign powers – he urged the nation to remain as independent as it could
Economic Stability
Hamilton Financial Plan
Why: the nation needed economic stability and an ability to
raise funds and pay debt
Bank of the United States (B.U.S.):
- to act as the central bank of the United States
- dominated by New Englanders
- its creation was an example of “implied powers”
Whiskey Rebellion
- in western Pennsylvania
- farmers rebelled against
an excise tax on corn
- Washington sent troops as
a show of force
- showed Federal govt.
could pass laws that state
citizens had to follow
Excise Taxes:
- a tax on certain products
- Hamilton wanted a tax on Whiskey
- Hamilton urged the new government to pay off all debt from the Revolutionary
Political Parties
- he said this would give the nation a good credit and status with
both Americans and foreign nations
- our current “Two party
Washington’s Farewell Address
 In leaving office, President Washington warned Americans
about the following issues:
- getting too involved with other counties’ issues
- the states sectionalizing and dividing the “nation”
- political parties becoming too important and divisive
system” began at this time
- over the struggle for
ratification of the
- started with Federalists v.
The Adams Administration
Alien and Sedition Acts
- attempts by the Federalist party to strengthen themselves and weaken the
Republican party
- laws were passed making it harder for foreigners to become Americans
- also made it against the law to print anything against the U.S. government
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions:
- these two resolutions were reactions against the Alien and Sedition Acts
- they basically said that states could declare federal laws invalid if the were unconstitutional
Election of…
What about them: each of these two elections were important in establishing the early direction
that the new U.S. government would go in – and if it would even survive or not
- Won by the Federalists (John Adams-President)
- allowed the policies of Washington and Hamilton to continue and strengthen the nation
- The “Jeffersonian” Republicans won – bringing the possibility of huge changes to the
government and possible challenges to the U.S. Constitution
- This election marked the first peaceful transition of power between two opposing groups in
the history of the world. It set a precedent for the future of our civilized government.
Case Study: The Marshall Court
What about it: As Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, John C. Marshall presided
over some very important cases that established the Court as being equal in power to the other
two branches of federal government and granted it the ability to interpret Constitutional law.
Marbury v. Madison: important because it gave the U.S. Supreme Court the right of
“ judicial review”
Judicial review  the power to decide whether laws passed by Congress were
constitutional or not, and to nullify laws that were not.
McCullach v. Maryland: extended the policy of “loose interpretation” of the constitution –
strengthening the federal government over the states
Gibbons v. Ogden: similar to McCullach v. Maryland’s results on interpretation – this time
about the federal governments ability to regulate interstate commerce
IV. Democratic-Republicans
Democratic-Republicans: often called “Jeffersonian” Republicans at first
- opposed most of the policies and philosophy of the Federalists
The Jefferson Administration
Louisiana Purchase:
 Why: to create lands for expansion westward and gain control of the
Mississippi River
 The purchase: $15 million
 Lewis and Clark: sent to explore the new territory and search for a passage to the Pacific
 Results: - the size of the U.S. doubled
- more precedents and controversies over powers of the federal government
- starts the theory of manifest destiny – the idea that the United States should expand
from coast to coast
Embargo Act - in retaliation for British acts against U.S. shipping, Jefferson proposed and Congress
Congress passed the Embargo Act of 1807
- this banned trade with other countries
- ended up hurting the U.S. more than it punished Britain – repealed in 1809
strict vs. loose interpretation: the argument over whether the constitution should be
interpreted strictly (do only what the document says) or loosely (allows for “implied”
interpretation of powers)
The Madison Administration
War of 1812
 Causes:
- continued British harassment of U.S. shipping on the seas and the practice of impressmentthe capture of US citizens and forcing them to serve in the British military
- trade restrictions between Britain and the U.S.
- Southern and Western “War Hawks” encouraged war to allow for expansion westward
- concerns over Native-American activities on the western borders
 Burning of Washington D.C.: British troops entered and burned the White House and Capitol
 Star Spangled Banner: written during the attacks on Baltimore by Francis Scott Key
 New Orleans: General Andrew Jackson defeated larger British Army, became a national hero
- the U.S. won the war but it did not change many existing conditions
- the victory gave the country more prestige overseas
- caused an increase in U.S. national pride and patriotic feelings (nationalism)
The Monroe Administration
Era of Good Feelings name given to the time after the War of 1812 when there were few
political conflicts and the new nation had much support
 Nationalism (War of 1812):
- victory over Britain caused new feelings of national pride and support for the
new country by Americans
One Party:
- by opposing the War of 1812, the Federalists lost power and then ceased to exist as a party
- the Republicans had, for a time-being, little competition for their policies
The American System: Henry Clay’s plan to strengthen America:
- creation of the Second Bank of the United States
- passage of tariffs to protect U.S. industry and businesses
- improve internal transportation routes to connect the nation together better
(Erie Canal, National Road, development of Railroads)
Monroe Doctrine - the U.S. bravely declared that the Western Hemisphere was off-limits to European
powers. In return, the U.S. promised to stay out of European colonial affairs.
The Jackson Era
Jacksonian Democracy
 National conventions: instead of members of Congress choosing Presidential
candidates (caucus system), national nominating conventions began –opening up
the process to more of the common citizens
Secret ballot: early forms of today’s secret ballots began under Jackson’s Presidency
No property requirement: by the mid-1820’s, most states had eliminated the ownership of
property as a requirement for voting, many more Americans could then participate
Spoils system: - Jackson supported the idea of appointing loyal party supporters to office
Veto Power – Jackson used the checks and balance’s power to veto more than all previous
presidents combined
The Bank War
 Background: most southern and western states opposed the idea of a national bank. Jackson
felt he had a responsibility to the people to bring an end to it
What happened: when the issue came up to extend the provisions of the national bank for
another 20 years, Jackson vetoed it and pulled federal money from it – ending it!
Pet Banks
(Wildcat Banks) Jackson took deposits from the B.U.S. (Federal banks) and placed them in
state banks – thus killing the Bank of the United States
The Nullification Crisis - a battle of a state’s right to not obey a federal law
Tariff of 1828: - a tariff was placed on all imports into the country
- this cause an increase in the price of manufactured products
- states hurt most by this called it the “Tariff of Abominations” (South Carolina)
States rights argument: - led by John Calhoun, South Carolina argued that a state had the
right to “nullify” (make void) any federal law that they saw as unconstitutional
- they said that since they originally agreed to form a nation, they also then had a right
to break away from or ignore the nation’s laws.
The Force Bill: Congress gave Jackson power to use any means necessary to enforce South
Carolina to pay the tariffs.
resolution: - Jackson eventually lowered the amount of the tariff
- South Carolina withdrew its nullification of the tariff
VI. Social/Economic Issues
With the stability, and expansion of a new nation, and the beginnings of the Industrial
Revolution, many socio-economic changes came about in the U.S. and new issues arose.
Women’s Rights
- the 1830’s marked an increase in women actively speaking out
about the inequality of men and women.
Seneca Falls, NY:
- led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, this convention
held here marks the beginning of the Women’s Rights Movement
- They created a document declaring that all men AND women are
considered equal
Public Schools
- the first public schools were created at this time
- the idea of having an educated population was seen as good for the nation
- these were paid for by taxes and became mandatory in most places
Horace Mann
- his model was followed in many places around the nation: teachers would be trained,
students divided up into grade levels, usually about 10 months of the year
Mentally Ill/Prison Reform
- mentally ill patients were often just cast into prisons
Dorthea Dix
- she led the movement to create state run hospitals for the mentally ill
The issue of slavery became very important at this time. Abolition = to get rid of
Underground Railroad:
- a series of safe houses to hide escaped slaves as the fled North to free states of Canada
Harriet Tubman:
- she led 19 trips along the Underground Railroad to free slaves
William Lloyd Garrison
- white abolitionist leader that was influential in the development of the abolition movement
o The Liberator - Boston based newspaper started by William Lloyd Garrison
o The North Star – another abolitionist newspaper – started by former slave Frederick
Case Study – Native Americans
- by the early 1800’s, white settlers were moving westward and coming into contact with Native
American tribal lands
- the natives tried various methods to deal with the stress of cultural conflict
Ways Native Americans tried to survive:
 cultural adaptation: some, like the Cherokee, tried to survive by combining European cultural
elements with their own traditional cultural ways.
- this was not very effective
cultural revitalization: - Handsome Lake urged the Iroquois to adopt a better lifestyle: education,
temperance, farming and peaceful living were encouraged.
Pan-Indian movement: - an attempt to unite the natives of the Old Northwest Territory, it died
with their defeats in the War of 1812
Resistance: - Creeks resisted and attacked settlers in Georgia and Alabama
- there were defeated at Horseshoe Bend in Alabama, opening up the South to
settlement by whites
Indian Removal Policy
- in the 1830’s, President Jackson began the forced movement of native populations to the Great
Plains area.
- in the South, many natives died along the “Trail of Tears” on their way west
Worcester vs. Georgia: the Cherokee went to the Supreme Court to prevent the state of Georgia
from taking their land. They won the case – but Presidents Jackson and Van Buren ignored the
VII. Essential Questions
1. How were each of the 3 Presidential Eras, The Federalist Era – The Democratic Republicans
– and the Jackson Era, each different from the others?
Federalist: A time of precedent setting and enhancing the power of the Federal (centralized)
government. The rulings of the Marshall Court and actions of the Washington Administration
Democratic Republicans: Establishing an international relationship and geographic expansion
Jackson Era: Increasing the power of the Presidency. Expanded democracy?
2. Why were the first few presidential terms so important to the development of the United
To establish important precedents that would shape the American political future
3. In one sentence, tell what is the most meaningful aspect of each of these Presidencies:
Washington’s: establishing a firm footing for the new nation.
Adam’s: The attempt to silence political opposition (Alien and Sedition Acts)
Jefferson’s: expanding the nation’s geographic size
Madison’s: Victory in war of 1812
Monroe’s: Establishing dominance in Western Hemisphere (Monroe Doctrine)
Jackson’s: Strengthening the power of the Presidency
Unit 5
Civil War Era
Map – Before
the War
Map – During
the War
Map – Manifest
Civil War Era
Before the War
Manifest Destiny
Causes of the War
The War
Major Battles
Role of
On the Home front
Maps – Civil War Era Map#1 Manifest Destiny
Michigan Territory.
New Spain
Arkansas Terr.
States admitted by
Missouri Compromise
Slave states and Territories
Map #2 Before the War
New Mexico
Slave States and Territories
Territories to vote on slavery
Map #3 During the War
Manassas (Bull Run)
Washington, D.C.
Monitor and Merrimack
Sherman’s “March to the Sea”
Timeline – Civil War Era
Westward expansion
“Manifest Destiny”
of 1850
Mexican –
Kansas –
North wins
Civil War
Ft. Sumter
fired on
Civil War
III. Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny: the concept, believed by most Americans, that the
United States had the right to any lands from the Appalachian
Mountains to the Pacific Ocean
Reasons for wanting to expand west
- many Americans were looking for increased religious freedoms from persecution or
NYS Connection
- Brigham Young led the Mormons (see box) along the
The Missionaries
Mormon Trail to Utah
Expansion of cotton culture:
- the expansion of cotton into the west meant the
expansion of slavery too – the question of balance
between “slave states” and “free states” would be
a huge issue in the coming years before the Civil War
- the chance for a better economic situation, or personal
freedoms, encouraged many people to move west for
a new, and hopefully better life.
- the “Gold Rush” of the late 1840’s brought many
people to the west coast
Disputes over expansion
Marcus Whitman
- Missionary to Oregon
territory. Group
massacred by Native
Americans – this led to the
demand for annexation of
Oregon country
The Mormons – begun by
Joseph Smith in Palmyra,
- after he was killed, his
supporters moved
westward and established
the Mormon Church in
Oregon Dispute:
- both the U.S. and Great Britain claimed the area that is now the American Northwest
- a settlement was made dividing the lands at the 49th parallel
- Great Britain got the lands north of the line (What is today Canada)
Texas/Mexican War
- Texas was first its own nation – it had won independence from Mexico in 1836
- over time, many Texans began to have economic and cultural connections with the U.S
- the U.S. annexed Texas into the Union in 1845
- a boundary dispute led to the Mexican-American War the next year
- the U.S. won and took over additional lands from Mexico – including California
Settlement of the West
 Homestead Act:
- 1862 – The Federal Government, in an attempt to encourage more
settlement in the west, offered 160 acres to any adult citizen for just $10
- the settler agreed to live on and improve the land for 5 years before acquiring ownership
- millions of Americans, along with millions of foreign-born immigrants moved west
Transcontinental Railroad:
- the federal government sponsored the building of a railroad to cross the
United States
- the first was completed in 1869
- new markets in the west were opened up to eastern products
- western products could now reach the eastern markets easier
- migration of people increased significantly
Clash with Native Americans:
o Indian Wars
- the late 1800’s saw increased conflict between Native-American tribes and Americans
- led by Sitting Bull, the Sioux had many conflicts, including the Battle of Little Big
- the Massacre at Wounded Knee is considered the end of the Indian Wars
- most native people were now located on lands called “reservations”
The Genocide question:
- events such as the Massacre at Wounded knee, in which many unarmed
innocent natives were killed by American soldiers, along with the harsh
reservation system, have led to questions about the governments role in trying to
get rid of the Native-Americans.
o Dawes Act:
- 1887, Congress passed legislation to attempt to “Americanize” native people
- they offered individual natives American citizenship and land ownership if they would
each leave the reservations and their tribes and live like other Americans
- few natives took this offer
o The Reservation
- lands set aside by the Federal government for Native-American tribes to live on in
- these lands often became hash areas to live and much poverty existed there
IV. Sectionalism
Sectionalism: as the years went by, areas of the nation, mainly the northern and southern
sections, each began to develop separate identities, as well as varying wants and needs. This
“sectionalism”, would prove to be the biggest test to the survival of the still young nation.
Divided America
The Industrial North
o Trade:
- While trading with other nations, the northern states industrial centers traded
products across the entire nation
o Factories:
- the northern states dominated the industrial revolution in America
- their factories produced as much vital products as any nation in the
- their culture was centered around the industrial workplace
o Urban Centers:
- industrialization drew rural people to the new urban centers
- most northerners lived in industrial cities
- the north’s population was the largest of any section of the nation
o Transportation:
- again, because of industry, the north dominated the development or transportation
systems including canals, roadways, and especially the newer railroads.
Agrarian South
o Plantation System:
- Large, slave worked cash crop farms dominated the economy of southern states
- most southerners lived a rural life in small towns
o Cash Crop:
- the economy of the south was based on the sale of cash crops – notably cotton
- southern states depended on trade not only with northern states, but with industrial
centers of Europe as well
o Slavery:
- dependent on slave labor, southern states had to base their
political interests along lines that would ensure the existence
of slavery
Sectional Disputes
Northern View
Southern View
Western View
- anti bank
- viewed bank as
another infringement
on southern
- pro bank
Bank of the
United States
- pro bank
- controlled majority
of ownership in the
- located in Phil. PA
- for federally
funded internal
- due to increased
output in the North,
wanted to sell their
products out west.
- against internal
- used existing
waterways to move
- for internal
-people and
products could
move west cheaper
and easier
- increasingly
- favored
- more potential
“Southern” states
would emerge from
new territories
- the issue divided
- opposed
- might upset the
balance between
free and slave states
- favored
- many new
territories would
likely include
- favored cheap
- encouraged
migration to west
- favored tariffs to
protect infant
developing in the
north (protective
- opposed
- would raise the
price on southern
- while having little
effect on southern
exports (cotton)
- opposed
- would raise the
price of goods
reaching the
Expansion of
(New Territories)
Cheap western lands
Compromises on the Expansion of Slavery Issue
Compromises on the Expansion of Slavery
- Could Congress
prohibit slavery in
new territories?
- Could Congress
place conditions on
new states entering
the Union?
- The admittance of
California as a free
state threatened the
balance of power in
Congress between
free and slave states
Compromise of
- Missouri would be
added as a slave
state (at the same
time as Maine is
added as a free
- No slavery in the
rest of the old
Louisiana Territory
above the 36 *30’
line of latitude
- California was
admitted a free state
- Fugitive Slave Act
required escaped
slaves to be
returned to owners
- Popular
citizens in each
territory would vote
to be entered as a
slave or free state
- People in Kansas
and Nebraska wanted
to vote to decide
whether or not to
become slave states –
not follow the
- The
Act overturned the
Compromise in the
new territories of
Kansas and
Nebraska allowing
for popular
sovereignty to
- Gave a formal
boundary to slavery
- future states along
boundary would lead
to major questions
-never really dealt
with the legal issue of
- postponed the
inevitable: war
- Kept southern states
from leaving the
Union for the time
- Northern states
often ignored the
Fugitive Slave Act
- Popular
Sovereignty was
confusing to many
- Violence erupted in
“Bleeding Kansas”
between pro and anti
slavery supporters
- The Whig party
weakened and died
out and a new party,
the Republican Party,
Case Study – The Dred Scott Case
Dred Scott vs. Sanford (1857)
Scott, an African American, had lived for awhile with his owner in free Illinois
Later, his owner moved to Missouri, a slave state
He sued for his freedom claiming he was free because of his time in Illinois
Constitutional Issue: the issue of slavery in the territories
Court Decision:
The Supreme Court said Scott was not free because he was not a citizen – and could
not be protected by the U.S. Constitution – he was property
Because slaves were now considered property, the Missouri Compromise was
considered to now be unconstitutional – the Federal government could not restrict
people from owning property
Northerners opposed the ruling
Southern states threatened to leave the Union if Northerners did not obey it
Causes of the Civil War
Sectional Polarization:
- By the mid-1800’s, the nation was divided up politically
over the slavery issue mostly
- Some supported slavery everywhere
- Some opposed slavery everywhere
- Some favored popular sovereignty
Radical Abolitionism:
- Some opponents of slavery, including John Brown, used
violence against slavery supporters. Many slave owners
became convinced some abolitionists wanted to murder
slave owners
Rise of Republican Party (North):
- born after the Kansas/Nebraska Act
- created in opposition to slavery
- Most Republicans were in the North
- Their motto: “Free soil – Free Labor – Free Men”
Disunion of Democratic Party:
- Southern Democrats wanted to protect slave owners rights
- Northern Democrats supported popular sovereignty
- divided, they were weaker
Election of Lincoln:
- The divided Democrats could not defeat the Republican
candidate Abraham Lincoln
- fearing a loss of southern power, southern states began to
seriously talk of breaking away from the Union
Failure to Resolve
The Slavery Issue
Of Political Parties
 Secession: Seven southern states eventually voted to break
Away from the Union (secede)
- South Carolina was the first
Lincoln’s election
Ft. Sumter: South Carolina troops took over the
federally owned fort in Charleston harbor
- Lincoln called up more federal troops
- more southern states reacted by seceding too
VI. The War
Military strategy of each side
- use superior resources, technologies, and manpower
- divide the Confederacy – capture and control the Mississippi River
- blockade the southern ports – don’t let supplies into the Confederacy
- capture the capital - Richmond
- attack, again and again, hoping to wear down the north’s will to win
- gain support from Great Britain and France, each dependent on southern cotton
Major Battles
Ft. Sumter: South Carolina troops took over the federal fort.
1st Manassas (Bull Run):
- the north thought it would be an easy victory and an end to a short war
- the southern victory proved it would be a tougher fight, and longer war than expected
Monitor vs. Merrimack:
- strategically unimportant, the first battle between iron clad gunboats
- the first significant Northern victory – kept Great Britain and France from helping the South
- had the most one-day casualties in the history of the United States
- the turning point of the war – until this time, the South had, in general, been wining the war
- the northern victory bolstered morale, and weakened the southern army
Appomattox: scene of the final moments of the war; Lee surrendered to Grant here.
On the Home front
Civil Liberties:
- citizens in Washington, D.C. area were arrested and held without habeas corpus rights (not
being told charges against them)
- Lincoln felt threatened for potential espionage, and the courts were overwhelmed with cases
o ex parte milligan: Supreme Court case – determines unlawful to hold persons without
formal charges
Role of Women
- in both then North and South, women took the place of men in factories and on farms
many served as nurses in hospitals and near the battlefields
o Clara Barton:
- pioneering woman in the nursing field
- founder of the American Red Cross
Role of African Americans:
- in the north, many took the place of white workers in the factories
- after the Emancipation Proclamation, many in rushed to enlist and serve in the U.S. Army
Role of Lincoln
Emancipation Proclamation:
- Lincoln’s decision to free all persons in states that were still rebelling in January of 1863
- it changed the purpose of the war – from just about preserving the Union – to ending slavery
as well
Gettysburg Address:
- Lincoln’s short, but meaningful speech outlined the meaning and
significance of the war
VII. Essential Questions
1. How did expansion in the West contribute to the ongoing sectional conflicts that would
ultimately lead to a civil war in America?
The issue of admission of states as either being free or slave states cause great conflict and
strengthened sectional rivalries
The balance of power in Congress was at stake
2. In what ways was the treatment of Native Americans in the West contrary to the principles of
the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution?
The fundamental principles of the early American documents was rarely applied to the lives of
Native Americans in early American history.
3. In what ways were the reasons given by southern states for secession similar or different than
the founding father’s reasons for breaking away from Great Britain?
In both cases, each rebelling area felt that their fundamental rights were not being protected by
their government
Economic concerns were important issues in each situation
The issue of representation in government:
o Colonies – no representation in Parliament
o South – the balance of power was such that their representation in Congress was often
minimal at best
4. How can it be argued that the U.S. Civil War was a “total war” – a war against an entire
society, not just a war against an army?
The war time strategies of both sides was often directed at the citizenry
o Armies living off the land – destruction of crops and capital facilities – instilling
general fear among the public
Unit 6
The Reconstruction
Lincoln’s Plan
The Assassination
Various Plans to Reconstruct America
Johnson’s Plan
Republican’s Plan
The New South
End of Reconstruction
Timeline – Reconstruction Period
15th Amendment
guarantees voting rights
to African Americans
Plessy v. Ferguson
Supreme Court Case
The election of
Rutherford B.
Hayes as President
ends the
Reconstruction Era
14th Amendment
extends citizenship to
African Americans
13th Amendment
abolishes slavery
Acts passed
III. The Plans for Reconstructing America
After the Civil War – the United States needed to be rebuilt – and heeled, especially in the South.
But – how to do it?
Lincoln’s Plan
His view: Do not punish the South
Pardons to southerners if they swore loyalty to the U.S.
If a state got 10% to swear loyalty, they could form a new state government with a constitution.
The new constitution had to ban slavery in the state
The Assassination
John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Lincoln right after the war ended – making his plan weak
President Johnson’s Plan
His plan:
- Supported most of Lincoln’s plan
- no provisions for protecting the rights
of African-Americans
- High ranking Confederate officials
had to apply for amnesty
Johnson’s Impeachment Issue:
- Johnson angered many Congressmen
by firing many officials – a violation of
the Tenure of Office Act
The trial:
- Lasted three months
The verdict:
- The vote in the Senate was one short
of the 2/3 needed to impeach
- Johnson’s political power was lost
and the way was open for more radical
Republicans to lead Reconstruction
Radical Republican’s Reconstruction Plan
13th Amendment (1865)
- abolished slavery in the
United States
14th Amendment (1866)
- anyone born in the U.S. was a
- states could not deprive a citizen
of rights without due process of law
- limited the rights of former
Confederate officials
- took care of debts from the war
15th Amendment (1869)
- The right to vote could not be
denied to any citizen because
or race
Freedmen’s Bureau
- created by Congress soon after
the war to aid former slaves:
- provided food and clothing
- medical services
- set up early schools for AfricanAmericans
Military Districts
5 districts created
Southern Response
- all states, except Mississippi,
ratified the amendment
- “Black Codes” were created
that limited the rights of African
- ten of the Confederate States
refused to ratify the 14th
- Grandfather clause, literacy
tests, poll tax,
- use of terror tactics,
re-emergence of Ku Klux Klan
and Knights of the White
- Local state laws often got
around the requirements of the
Freedmen’s Bureau
IV. The New South
End of the Plantation System
-many plantations were ruined during the war
- the end of slavery ended that plantation system as it existed before the war
- the plantation system was the main basis of wealth in the old south – now it was gone
- sharecroppers and tenant farmers, as well as established farms, tried to restart in a new
economic environment
- carpetbaggers: northerners who took advantage of southern economic ruin to profit for
Growth of Industry
- envisioning a “New South”, some southerners saw the value of industry in a new economy
- at first: railroads, textile mills, steel production
- later: oil and coal
- scalawags (“scoundrels”) Southern whites that sided with northern reconstruction
- some African Americans elected to office (Hiram Revels)
- Democrats returned to power in the South
“Jim Crow” laws: laws passed in southern states that established social segregation – the
separation of people based on race. African Americans could not use the same facilities as
white people
Case Study – Plessy v. Ferguson
- Jim Crow laws had created a social segregation in the south.
- Louisiana passed a law requiring segregation on public transportation
- the law was challenged by a 1/8 black blooded man named Homer Plessy
Constitutional issue:
- Plessy argued that the Louisiana law violated the 13th and 14th amendments
- also that it labeled African Americans with a “badge of inferiority”
- Segregation was legal as long as African Americans had access to “equal but separate”
- the decision reinforced segregation in the south and became the basis for legal segregation
for the next half century
- though not intended, the decision was applied to schools as well after this
End of Reconstruction
Disputed Election of 1876:
- A dispute in the Electoral College results for the 1876 Presidential race
- a commission was set up to settle the dispute
- Mostly Republican members of the committee ruled in favor of the Republican candidate –
Rutherford B. Hayes
o Compromise of 1877
- Democrats agreed to go along with the ruling as long as President Hayes:
- withdrew federal troops from the south
- appointed a southerner to his cabinet
- supported federal spending to improve conditions in the South
o End of military occupation:
- The withdraw of federal troops virtually ended any advances by African Americans
since the end of the Civil War
- white control and the creation of Black Codes and Jim Crowe laws became the norm
Restoration of white control in the South:
- the removal of federal troops allowed whites to gain control over southern states again
- Secret societies: organizations like the Ku Klux Klan tried to frighten
African Americans and supporters out of taking part in Reconstruction gains
- Poll Taxes: those too poor to pay the tax, including most African Americans, could not
- Literacy tests: some states required citizens to be able to read and write to vote. This
also limited many African Americans
- Grandfather Clauses: these allowed anyone that could vote before 1867, or their
sons or grandsons, to vote even if they could not pay the poll tax or read and write.
Of course, this was mostly whites only.
VI. Essential Questions
1. In what ways did Congress attempt to regain powers that seemed have been lost to a strong
President in Lincoln?
o Radical Republicans took charge of Reconstruction policies after Lincoln’s
o The impeachment of President Johnson resulted in a weakened Presidency and a
stronger Congress
2. What was the effect of Congress passing new Amendments to the Constitution, but failing to
provide Federal support to enforce them?
o The passage of Jim Crow laws in southern states allowed the states to get around the intentions
of the amendments
o The formation of reactionary groups (KKK, etc) came about
3. After learning about the events and actions of the Reconstruction period, how can it be
argued that the North did not gain a victory in the Civil War?
Despite the legal ending of slavery, it continued to operate on an informal basis in many
southern areas
The issue of states rights vs. federal rights was still an issue during and after the
Reconstruction period
Despite gaining the fundamental rights of individual freedom, the basic lives of many African
Americans often faced a more intensely prejudicial environment with Jim Crow laws and
reactionary groups
Long Term Effects of the Civil War
and Reconstruction on America
The end of slavery in America:
- 13th Amendment ended slaver in America
- began the migration of African Americans west and north
Racism – Segregation
- South tries to maintain pre-Civil War status of subservience of African
- Black Codes and Jim Crow laws further divide the South racially
A changed economy:
- beginnings of the industrial age
- North emerges as industrial/economic center of U.S.
The “Solid South”:
- begins a history of the South voting as a bloc for the Democratic party
(southern blacks are discouraged for voting for the party of Lincoln –
- Southern politicians emerge with one voice – supporting legal
Growth of the Federal Government:
- support for growth of the Federal Government
- control over conquered territory (south)
- disappearance of states rights (option to federal control)
“Before the Civil War, people said “the United States are…’. After the war,
they said ‘the United States is…’.”
- Shelby Foote
Unit 7
The Industrial Movement
The Industrial Movement
The Rise of Big Business
Important Business Leaders
The Impact of Big Business
America Responds to Big Business
Essential Questions
Timeline – Industrial Movement
Munn v.
Civil War ends
period begins
is founded
Commerce Act
organize the
Populist Party
III. The Rise of Big Business in America
Factors promoting big business in America
1) Abundant Natural Resources:
iron ore
2) New Technologies:
factory system
steam engine
railroads and steamships
new machines and tools
interchangeable parts
3) Transportation
canals, steamships, and especially railroads
greatly improved the ability to transport both raw materials and finished products
4) Cheap Labor
large families and the arrival of immigrants meant a huge population that needed work
the high demand for jobs kept the cost of labor down for businesses
Economic Environment:
Investment Capital:  Local and International investors saw a bright future for
American Industry (many investors had made their money through the old Triangle
Laissez-Faire:  The government did not get involved in setting prices and wages –
the market was allowed to control this through “supply and demand” forces
Federal Government Support FOR BIG BUSINESS
High tariffs kept foreign goods out of U.S. markets
Gave away lands to railroad companies to promote railroad development
Sold lands to mining companies for less than real value
Stayed out of most of the affairs of business – allowed “free enterprise” to take
Social Attitudes
Social Darwinism:
- The ideas of “survival of the fittest” as applied to the business community
- The strongest should survive and the weakest businesses will fail
- Social Darwinism was used as justification for many actions
- Also applied against government thoughts to help the poor – was seen as “against the
laws of nature”
Horatio Alger Myth:
- Based on books by the author Horatio Alger
- His characters often embodied the ‘Puritan Ethic” – hard work brings success
- Often featured the dream of a poor boy rising to become a wealthy businessman
Characteristics of big business  New ways began at this time to organize business
- corporations are businesses that have many investors owning shares of the business
- shareholders hope to receive a share of the profits at a future time
- losses are spread out to only what a shareholder owns
- this increased capital investment in American industry
- a group of corporations in a related field, such as oil, or railroads
- they were later made illegal
department stores:
- putting several small stores together under one roof – more efficient shopping
mail order catalogs:
- Sears and Montgomery Ward opened up department store shopping to rural areas
IV. Case Study – Important Business Leaders
Andrew Carnegie
John D. Rockefeller
- Immigrant from Scotland
- Born and Raised in NY State
- Worked in textile mill at age 12
- Focused on accounting from an
early age
- Worked for Pennsylvania
- Moved to Cleveland, got involved
in oil business at its beginnings
- Familiarized himself with
Bessemer’s process of steel making
- Merged oil businesses together
(horizontal integration)
- steel
- oil refining (controlled 90% worldwide)
- Vertical integration – merging
steps of production to cut cost of
- Acquired coal mines, iron
ore fields, limestone quarries
- His prices were lower
than any other competitor
- Horizontal integration – merging
companies that produce the same
- Sold his company for a quarter of a
billion dollars
- His son, John Jr., tried to change his
father’s image into a lovable
billionaire (handed out Rockefeller
Early Life
Big Break
Reasons for
Methods used
Later Life
- Believed the wealthy had an
obligation to society and gave away
millions of dollars - philanthropy
- Underwrote many public libraries
across the United States
- Single minded, goal oriented focus
- Able to adapt to changing
government policies
- Formed trusts in response to
anti-monopoly legislation
Other important business leaders:
Cornelius Vanderbilt:
- Began as a ship captain and ended up owning large railroad companies
- Owned the New York Central and dominated railroad business between New York City and
J.P. Morgan
- Began as a banker – made money making loans to growing businesses
- Took over many bankrupt railroads and merged them into larger profitable ones
- Later bought Carnegie Steel and merged it with others to form U.S. Steel
Henry Ford
- Revolutionized auto making by using the assembly line to produce more affordable cars
V. Impact of Big Business
Urban Growth
Why people came to cities:
- for jobs and better housing.
- immigrants settled in ethnic neighbor hoods of cities they landed in
- visions of improved opportunities and prosperity
Where they went:
- the urban industrial centers of the north mostly
- immigrants tended to settle in the port city of where their boat landed
Influx of foreign immigrants
- “Old” Immigration: Early 1800’s – mostly from northern and western Europe
- “New” Immigration: Late 1800’s – mostly from southern and eastern Europe and also from
- Crowded tenement apartment buildings were unsafe and unpleasing living conditions
- Crime was prevalent – especially in the poorer areas
- Corruption in political sectors was rampant and did not improve most peoples daily lives
Work and the workers
Factory working conditions
- long hours (12-16 hour days)
- low pay
- unsafe conditions – machines, factories, mines
- replaceable workers
Child labor
- kids were used when possible because business owners could pay them less
- conditions were more dangerous to kids that often had difficulties operating machines and
working the long hours
Two wage earners
- new opportunities for women to work came about at this time
- women took jobs our of economic necessity – or to take a greater role in society
- paid less than men were paid for similar jobs
New job opportunities for women
o Factories (textile factories):
- factory work for women was usually limited to textiles
o Domestic:
- jobs as house cleaners, cooks, and nannies were prevalent
- usually done in homes of the wealthy, and sometimes the new middle class homes
o Clerical:
- new inventions, such as the typewriter and telephone opened up new job opportunities
for women
Abuses of Railroad Industry
Abuses of Big Business
Monopolies: Attempts by companies to eliminate
competition and “corner the market” for a certain
business sector
Influence on government: Contributions to campaigns
and candidates at a state and federal level in hopes to gain
favorable legislation
Long and short haul abuses:
charging higher rates for short hauls
than long ones
Unfair storage fees: charged small
farmers higher rates (especially in
grain industry)
Rebates: industrialists given
refunds as incentive to use specific
Anti-organized labor: Government sided with
management against unions at this time
Unsafe products: Companies often took advantage of lack of regulations on products
VI. America Responds to Big Business
Populist Movement
The populist movement originated with farmers that wanted changes in national politics that
would make their situation easier. It was a real threat to Democrats in the South, but eventually died
out as economic conditions changed.
The Grange
- originally organized as a social organization for farming families
- eventually turned into a powerful lobbying organization for pro-farmer legislation
- developed into a co-op for agricultural communities to help regulate farm product prices
The Granger Movement  Pushed For ‘Granger Laws’
- pressed Congress to pass laws to regulate the railroads and the prices they charged farmers
- developed co-ops to store and distribute agricultural products in order to better control prices
of farm products
The Government Responds
o Munn vs. Illinois (1877)
- First of the famous “Granger Cases” – reactions against railroads charging unfair prices
to farming industry
- The issue was whether or not a state could regulate prices of railroad activities
- Did the U.S. Constitution permit a state to regulate privately owned businesses?
- 7-2 decision in favor of the state – gave states powers to regulate local businesses
o Interstate Commerce Act (1887)
- First federal government regulation of big business
- Marks and end to the established concept of unquestioned “laissez-faire”
- Created the Interstate Commerce Commission – monitor and regulate interstate
businesses – especially railroads – and began to end the abuses in this industry
The Growth of Labor Unions
Early National Labor Unions
o Knights of Labor
- led for many general reforms: 8 hour days, end to child labor, equal pay for women
- declined in power after a few unsuccessful strikes and competition from the A.F. of L.
o A.F. of L.  American Federation of Labor
- American Federation of Labor – led first by Samuel Gompers
- fought hard for basic rights and conditions for workers
- became very popular – but did not welcome women, immigrants, or African-Americans
Objectives of Labor unions
- Better wages for workers
- Better working conditions: less hours and safer conditions
- better associated benefits like health care, sick days, vacation time
Important Leaders of Labor
o Samuel Gompers: early leader of the A.F. of L.
o Terrence Powderly: Early leader of the Knights of Labor
o Eugene Debbs: leader of the American Railway Union – organizer of the Pullman Strike
Conflict and Struggle
o Tools of Management
Yellow-dog contracts: owners required workers to sign oaths to not join a union
Detectives were often hired to search our union organizers – then fire them
Lock-outs prevented workers from working – and getting paid!
Owners often hired replacement workers (scabs) during a strike
Black lists: owners often shared names of troublemakers – wouldn’t hire them
o Tools of Unions
Collective bargaining – third party representatives used to negotiate contracts
Strikes – organized action of not reporting for work by employees
Picket – standing near business with signs to call attention to unfair conditions
Boycott – organized action of not buying products of a business
o Major Strikes
Homestead Strike:
- Workers at a Carnegie Steel Plant in Homestead, PA went on strike to protest a
large wage cut
- Management brought in security to protect the plant and continue work
- Violence erupted and some people were killed and many wounded
- Workers gave in and only a few of them got their jobs back
- A major setback for unions – especially in the steel industry
Pullman Strike:
- Striking workers of railway-car makers clogged up the railways in much of the
- President Cleveland sent in federal troops to keep the trains moving because
they carried U.S. mail
- The Supreme Court case of U.S. v. Debs decided the federal government had a
right to support the “general welfare” of the American people
Other Labor Unions (Mid-1900’s)
CIO: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- organized skilled and unskilled laborers in various industries
- American Railway Union, United Mine Workers
AFL-CIO merger:
- 1955 – two largest labor unions in America merged to form an
even more powerful labor organization – became largest in the world
VII. Essential Questions – The Industrial Movement
1. In what way can it be said that America was destined to have “Big Business”?
Natural transportation systems
Plenty of raw materials and resources
Government policies that were favorable to business (laissez-faire)
A base of capital investors (American and Foreign)
A strong labor force was available
The “rugged individualism” of the American character
2. How did industrial growth and the rise of business in America produce both positive and
negative results?
o Dramatic increases in industrial production – becoming the world leader
o Improvement in quality and availability of affordable goods for consumers
o Set the stage for an increased role as a world power
o Harsh working and living conditions prevailed during early stages of industrial and
urban growth
o Workers had little rights at first to improve wages or working conditions
o Growth of monopolies limited economic competition in many sectors of business
o Big business had too much influence over government
3. What were some of the actions that began to break away at the pure theory of laissez-faire in
Passage of government regulation of railroads (Interstate Commerce Act)
“Trust busting” – passage of antitrust legislation
Consumer protection legislation
4. What were the principle situations that led to the rise of labor unions?
Low wages – child labor – unsafe working conditions – long hours
Early labor unions were developing and gaining membership
Events such as the Triangle factory fire and early strikes drew national attention
Unit 8
“Old” Immigration
“New” Immigration
Periods of
NOA Period
Recent Immigration
Important Terms
Essential Questions
Map – Immigration
from Asia
Timeline – Immigration
“old migration”
“new migration
NOA Period
opens on
Ellis Island
III. Different Periods of Immigration in America
“The Great
Who Came?
Reasons why?
- dominated by the
- most came for religious or
political freedoms
- other “English”
speaking people:
Scotch, Irish
- many came to improve
economic situation
- opportunities of a new land
- Western and
Europeans: Dutch,
Reactions by U.S.
- these people became the U.S.
- they generally worked together and
supported one another as newcomers
in a new land
- they often had common enough
cultural traditions to reduce significant
conflicts from occurring
- Africans as
forced labor
- More from
Eastern and
Southern Europe
Late 1800’s
Early 1900’s
- Asians: from
Japan and China
- better economic
opportunities in the
industrial centers of America
- religious freedom (Russian
- some for political freedoms
- a significant increase in antiimmigrant feelings or “Nativism”
- the first wave of immigrants
considered themselves to be the true or
“native” Americans and resented the
new immigrants from other areas of
the world
- significant cultural differences often
created prejudice and bigotry
- many feared the erosion of their
original “American” way of life
Who Came?
- mostly Europeans
 England
 Italy
 Germany
Reasons why?
- World War II
Reactions by U.S.
- strict government regulation of
immigration during this period
- maximum numbers were established to
be allowed into America each year
- severally restricted “new” immigrants
- favored northern and western Europeans
over eastern and southern Europeans
- Latin Americans
 Many Mexicans
crossing illegally over
southern U.S. border
- Economic opportunities
Government passed new immigration
- Political oppression
- Caribbean Islands
 Cuba, Haiti,
Dominican Republic
- Fleeing conflicts (war)
- Immigration Act-1965
- Abolished quota system
- Set maximum number allowed in U.S.
each year
- Set a fair system to determine who
would be allowed in
- Asians
 China, Philippines,
Vietnam, South Korea,
India, Pakistan
- Illegal Immigration Reform Act-1996
- more money for border patrols
- illegal immigrants ineligible for
public assistance
- punish employers that hire illegal
IV. Terms – Immigration
old immigrants: the fist wave of Europeans coming to the Americas (1700’s). Usually came
from Northern and Western parts of Europe. Usually came with money. Came for a more
independent life.
new immigrants: the second wave of Europeans coming to the United States (1800’s). Usually
from Eastern or Southern Europe. Usually came poor – looking for opportunities.
Nativists: Americans that rejected the new immigrants coming to America. They considered
themselves the true Americans and did not like the new wave of “foreigners” and their different
Know Nothing Party: also called the American Party, they opposed new immigrants in
America. They feared the lose of jobs, and as mostly Protestants, they feared a Catholic
influence and possible control of America by the Pope – and the loss of religious and political
The Yellow Peril: a term used to describe the influx of Asian, especially Chinese, immigrants
to the US. Also called the “Yellow Terror”
Ellis Island: Island in New York Harbor where immigrants first arrived to be registered
assimilation: the process of blending in to the dominant society – in this case the process of
becoming “Americanized”. Immigrants chose, or were sometimes forced, to learn English,
accept new foods, and adapt to other cultural differences.
naturalization: the formal process to become an American citizen
The Melting Pot: a metaphor to describe the old belief that immigrants blended easily into the
American culture – that the various cultures mixed to make a new cultural identity.
The Salad Bowl: a more accepted metaphor that describes how various cultural groups coexist
in America, living together but retaining their original cultural identity.
cultural pluralism: a term that is in line with the “Salad Bowl” metaphor above. The idea that
various cultural groups can exist within one larger cultural identity.
refugee: a person who flees one nation for another in search of a more peaceful situation
Essential Questions – Immigration
1. What are the significant differences between the periods of “Old Migration” and “New
Migration” in America?
The Old Migration period was earlier in time (colonial period) – where generally of northern
European descent (British, Scottish, etc.) and felt welcomed as much as anyone else that was
starting a new life in America
The New Migration was during the later 1800’s – where people from eastern and southern
Europe – and were often discriminated against by the “Nativists” that had come earlier
2. What is the main difference in the geographic origin of earlier immigrants and the more
recent immigrants to the U.S.?
earlier immigrants generally came from Europe
more recent immigrants are coming from Latin America and Asia
3. Why might the term “Salad Bowl” be a more accurate metaphor than “Melting Pot” to
describe the relationship between various ethnic groups in America today?
the term “melting pot” assumes that immigrants are coming to America and blending in easily
to become a new culture – American
the term “salad bowl” depicts immigrants coming and living amongst other Americans, but
keeping their distinct ethnic identity
Unit 9
The Progressive Movement
The Progressive
Roots of the Progressive
Aspects of the
II. Timeline – Progressive Movement
grants right to
vote to women
The Jungle
is published
18th Amendment
outlaws alcohol
IV. Roots of the Progressive Movement
Progressive Movement: Actually a collection of many movements, but generally a term that
described the years from 1890-1920, when many Americans tried to improve many of
America’s social problems. They were generally urban and middle class citizens, and they felt
that the government should do more to help fix America’s problems.
Muckraker: a journalist that investigated social conditions and exposed government corruption
- their articles often brought attention to social problems and put pressure on government
officials to make reforms
- magazines became popular at this time and some, like McClure’s, often supported the articles
of muckrakers
- some popular articles became a series of articles and eventually were turned into books
- Ida Tarbell’s History of the Standard Oil Company exposed how John D. Rockefeller
amassed his wealth
- Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle exposed the unsanitary conditions in the nation’s meat packing
- Jacob Riis wrote How the Other Half Lives, revealing the terrible living conditions of the
urban poor
- Lincoln Steffens wrote The Shame of the Cities, telling about political corruption in cities
Populist Connection
- Many of the ideas of the Progressive Movement were born in the old Populist Movement
- Both were “grass routes” (from the people) organizations
- Each optimistically believed that they could cause great changes to society through their
Aspects of the Progressive Movement
The Progressive Movement – Economic Issues
Monopolies and Trusts:
- Sherman Antitrust Act: 1890 – made trusts (like monopolies) illegal.
- also addressed price fixing and restraint of trade practices
- not well enforced at first – but is important because of the indication of government
regulation of businesses
Child Labor:
- At first, child labor was reduced – then eliminated. This happened by LAWS passed in
states across the country and by Congress.
- Marked the beginning of the creation of mandatory public schooling for children. We
took children OUT of factories and mines, and put them in schools!
Consumer Protection:
- Meat Inspection Act: Set standards for meat packing cleanliness and federal inspections
- Pure Food and Drug Act: Prohibited the manufacture, sale, or shipment of impure or
falsely labeled food and drugs. This required food labels.
Working Conditions:
- Progressives had mixed results in attempts to limit working hours at first:
- Lochner v. New York: Ruled against limiting hours in bakeries because it
violated the original contract between the employer and the employees
- Muller v. Oregon: Allowed women’s hours to be limited in order to protect the
health of the women. This often kept women out of higher paying jobs.
- In general though, the labor union movement did grow in importance during
this time
The Progressive Movement – Social Issues
The Urban poor:
The gap between the Rich and Poor grew wider during this time, especially in the cities
-- Jacob Riis – How The Other Half Lives
- Water and sewage systems began to be improved – to stop the spreading of diseases
- Building codes were written to create better housing conditions
- Settlement Houses: located in working class areas, offered child care, education, job search
help, and social activities – often for new immigrants
- Hull House was famous in Chicago (started by Jane Addams)
Women’s Rights
Suffrage (the right to vote) was the leading issue concerning women at this time, but others
- Education: More colleges and universities were accepting women
- Birth Control: led by Margaret Sanger, this controversial issue was intended to help
inform women about family planning options
Suffrage: the right to vote
- This was the big issue for women’s rights
- Begun in the mid-1800’s in Seneca Falls, NY (Seneca Falls Convention)
- Movement led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
- Fueled again in the early 1900’s by the Progressive Movement, women leaders changed
their attempt to win suffrage state-by-state – and pushed for an amendment to the U.S.
- The role of women in World War I helped change many people’s minds
- The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote in 1920
African Americans:
- Booker T. Washington: Promoted vocational training for African-Americans to support them
- W.E.B.Du Bois: Founded the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People) He advocated for better educational opportunities for African-Americans
- Ida B. Wells: Journalist that wrote against lynching of African-Americans
- Many social problems were seen as the result of alcohol consumption
- Reformers first tried to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed
- Later, a push for alcohol prohibition was begun. Prohibition happened in the 1920s!
Carrie Nation – Took a hatchet and bible and smashed bars/saloons. Arrested many times.
The Progressive Movement – Political Issues
Imperfect Democracy:
- A variety of reforms came about the make American more democratic that it had become in
reality – as compared with the ideal vision of a democratic institution
Solutions: Policies were enacted to more participation of citizens – in order to have more say in
their government’s activities
Initiative: Citizens can initiate legislation at the grass roots level
Referendum: Statewide public vote on a proposed legislation that originated through the
initiative of the public
Recall: State voters can “recall” an elected official based on a collective feeling of “no
Direct Primaries: Major political parties allow party members to actively participate in
the process by which candidates are selected to run for offices
VI. Progressive Presidents
Theodore Roosevelt
Trust Buster:
- President Roosevelt worked to end any kind of monopolies in business:
- Felt there were “good” trusts – which needed to be regulated
- and “bad” trusts – which needed to be dissolved
- Northern Securities Case: Roosevelt sued the Northern Securities
railroad company because it controlled too much of the railroads in the Northwest
and won a Supreme Court Case against the company
- Newlands Reclamation Act: Money from sale of public lands was used to pay for irrigation,
dams, and land development projects
- Tripled the amount of land set aside for public use as national forests, national parks, wildlife
refuges, and national monuments
- Pushed for the U.S. Forest Service to manage millions of acres of public lands
Woodrow Wilson
New Freedom: The name given to President Wilson’s progressive domestic policies
Armed with a mandate from the American people (Wilson won a huge Electoral College
majority), and a Democratically controlled Congress, with bi-partisan support for change,
Wilson was in a great position to make changes
Reduced the tariff on imported goods
Led reform of the inept national banking system
Strengthened the Sherman Act to combat trusts
Some changes were made, but much of what he wanted to change was not changed how he
would have wanted it to in the end
VII. Essential Questions – The Progressive Movement
1. Why was it necessary for the private sector to take the actions that ultimately began the
Progressive Movement?
The tradition of laissez-faire concerning government regulation of business had kept the
government from intervening in the actions of business that had led to abuses
The theory of “Social Darwinism” had allowed businesses to flourish free from governmental
2. In what ways did the Presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson define the
office for future Presidents?
They began the precedents of having the government intervene on in business affairs on behalf
of citizen protection
They enacted social policies for the protection of society at large
3. Give examples of the governments increased resistance to “laissez-faire” economics:
Railroad regulations were the first important moves to regulate private businesses “effected
with the public interests”
The “trust busting” acts: Clayton Antitrust and Sherman Antitrust
Child labor laws and consumer protection laws were passed
4. What was the legacy of the Progressive Movement?
Defining the role of the Federal government as a protector of the people and society at large
Unit 10
The U.S. As a World Power
The U.S. as a World Power
Reasons for Imperialism
Early Events
Spanish-American War
Overseas Territories
U.S. Imperialism
Latin America
Before the War
During the War
World War I
After the War
Map – U.S. Imperialism
from Russia
by U.S.
Canal built
Open Door
Policy and
Rebellion in
Matthew Perry
opens up
Japan to trade
Timeline – U.S. as a World Power
US defeats Spain in
Perry opens
Japan to
U.S. buys
Alaska from
Open Door
Policy keeps
China open
to trade with
all nations
begins in
Rebellion in
III. Imperialism
Imperialism: Powerful nations taking over weaker regions in order to create conditions that
benefit the powerful nations in some way – usually economically.
Reasons for U.S. Imperialism
o To get raw materials for industry
o To create new markets for new industrial products
o Naval bases were needed for an expanding navy – sent to protect U.S. trade interests
o Expansion of Manifest Destiny – many felt it was in America’s interest to continue
expanding past the western frontier – to include expansion across oceans as well
o Social Darwinism – many felt that Americans were obligated to bring the benefits of
American society to other people and that American society was superior to others, and
therefore had the right to dominate other societies.
o Missionary Spirit – the urge to spread Christianity to others, as well as a more
“civilized” society, especially in China, went along with the ideas of Manifest Destiny
and Social Darwinism.
Opposition to U.S. Imperialism
Many Americans, including prominent reformers, opposed U.S. imperialism
They felt it went against the American ideals of human equality and self-government
Early Events of U.S. Imperialism
Opening of Japan:
- Commodore Matthew Perry negotiated a treaty to with Japan to open two ports to U.S. ships
- Japan used this connection to expand industrially and militarily over the next decades
Open Door Policy /Boxer Rebellion:
- U.S. urged European nations to allow for an “open door” when considering outsiders trading
with China
- The influx of foreigners angered many Chinese
- Chinese citizens known as “Boxers” attacked foreigners in China
- Foreign armies, including American, came to the defense of their citizens and defeated the
- American missionaries first arrived – later others came to dominate the economy there
- the sugar boom really attracted more Americans in the 1880’s
- U.S. built a naval base at Pearl Harbor
- U.S. annexed Hawaii in 1898
- U.S. established a naval base there – which it split with Germany and Great Britain
- later, Germany and the U.S. divided the island
The Spanish American War (this took place in Cuba!)
Causes The U.S. became involved in Cuba for many reasons:
o Underlying Causes: Many Americans saw the Cuban situation as an opportunity to
continue expansion and also save Cubans from a Spanish control that seemed to deny
them appropriate economic and political advantages
o Immediate Causes:
- Yellow Journalism – newspapers at this time often wrote sensational articles, not
necessarily accurate, in order to sell more papers. The Cuban situation was at the
center of all of this
- Sinking of the Maine: the U.S. warship exploded and sank in Havana, Cuba. The
public blamed Spain, though this accusation was never proven.
The War
- U.S. won in just four months
- Cuban independence
- U.S. gained control of the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico
- U.S. became recognized as more of a world power
Government Overseas Territory Policies
Territories: gaining new lands was a controversial idea. Many Americans thought it was
America’s destiny – others wanted to focus attention on issues at home
Cuba – Platt Amendment:
- Gave the U.S. the right to approve Cuban treaties, have naval bases in Cuba, and to intervene
in Cuba in order to keep peace there
- Taken after the Spanish-American War, first had to stop a rebellion by Filipino people
- U.S. granted independence to the Philippines in 1946
Puerto Rico:
- acquired from Spain after the Spanish-American War
- the Foraker Act made it a U.S. territory
- governs itself independently still today
Latin America
The Monroe Doctrine:
- Policy since 1823 that warned outside nations from getting involved in the Western
- It was seldom an issue until the 20th Century
o The Roosevelt Corollary:
- an interpretation by President Theodore Roosevelt of the Monroe Doctrine
- he said the Monroe Doctrine required the U.S. to act as an “international police
power” in Latin America
- this was over issues in Venezuela and the Dominican Republic
o “Big Stick” Policy:
- From Roosevelt’s famous quotation that the U.S. would “Speak softly and carry a big
stick” when considering issues in Latin America
- this meant they would use diplomacy, but would consider military means to solve
issues if necessary
Great White Fleet: to demonstrate US naval capabilities to the nation and the
- Roosevelt sent 16 battleships and their escorts on a round the world trip
Panama Canal:
- U.S. negotiated the right to build a canal to shorten the sea route to the Pacific
- signed a 99 year lease with the nation of Panama to operate the canal
- the canal was turned over to Panama in 1999
IV. World War I
Europe’s War
Increased industrialization and militarism, raised feelings of nationalism and created a state of
tension between European nations
Military alliances between nations set up opposing sides for a facedown over the continent’s balance of power
The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria was the spark
that set in motion events that would lead to war
The “Central Powers”, led by Germany and Austria-Hungary vs. The “Allies”, led by Great
Britain and France.
America Stays Out
President Wilson:
- publicly presented the U.S. as a “neutral” nation
- privately supported the “Allies” – and also believed the U.S. needed to be involved in order
be able to participate as a significant player in post-war events
Anti-war movement:
- Many Americans supported “isolationism” – wanting the U.S. to stay out or the affairs of
- others, simply were against U.S. involvement in a war of any kind
Pressure from European-Americans:
- German-Americans wanted the U.S. to support the Central Powers
- The Anglo-Americans wanted the U.S. to support the Allies
America Joins The War
o Submarines/Lusitania:
- Germany’s “unrestricted” submarine warfare angered many Americans
- the sinking of the British ship the Lusitanian, with American citizens on board, really
angered Americans
- this was the main reason that the U.S. decided to go to war against Germany
o British (French) Tradition:
- the ties Americans had to the culture of Great Britain and the previous role of the
French in America’s history, had a strong influence on which side the U.S. would join
o Russian Revolution:
- the overthrow of the Czar in Russia looked like a democratic movement – making
Americans think they were joining an alliance of democratic nations
o Zimmerman Telegram
- the German foreign minister sent a telegram to Mexico, urging them to join Germany
against the U.S. in return for lands they had lost to the U.S.
- the telegram was intercepted by the U.S. and made public – this turned many
Americans against Germany because of the sneaky approach
America’s Role in the War
o Selective Service:
- The Selective Service Act provided for a military draft of men into the military
- all men between the ages of 18 and 45 had to register
- challenged – but upheld – by the Supreme Court
o Doughboys:
- nickname given to American soldiers in WWI
o Modernization of war:
- the industrial revolution had created military weapons that had outgrown the military
strategies of the time
- machine guns, U-Boats, artillery, poison gas, airplanes, and tanks
o Turning Point:
- Russia’s surrender seemed to help the Central Powers
- but America’s involvement helped the Allies
- the battle of the Argonne Forest marked the beginning of the end for Germany’s side
Wartime Constitutional Issues
Schenck v. United States (1914) - concerned freedom of speech
- Supreme Court ruled that freedom of speech could be restricted in times of war – if words
presented a danger to the society
Post World War I
Wilson’s Fourteen Points Peace Plan
- the name of President Wilson’s peace plan for after WWI
- His ideas included:
- Open diplomacy between nations, no more secret alliances
- Self-determination – let national groups make their own political decisions
- a control of the arms race
- Freedom of the seas and the removal of trade barriers
- his ideas were mostly ignored at the Treaty of Versailles
Treaty of Versailles
- against Wilson’s plan, other Allied nations wanted the losers of the war to pay for Allied
losses – nearly $56 Billion
League of Nations:
- though many of Wilson’s ideas were not implemented, he was happy that an organization of
nations was created to try to prevent another world war from ever taking place
- the Republican controlled Senate repeatedly defeated accepting the Treaty of Versailles,
including having the U.S. join the League of Nations
Return to Isolationism
Rejection of the League of Nations
- the rejection of the League of Nations by Congress was a sign that Americans wanted to
return to the policy of isolationism – to stay out of Europe’s affairs
Washington Naval Disarmament Conference
- The U.S., Great Britain, and Japan agreed to reduce their navies and stop construction of
more battleships
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928):
- U.S. and France agreed to renounce aggression and outlawed war
VI. Essential Questions
1. Why could this phase of US imperialism be labeled a 2nd stage of Manifest Destiny in
Because the US expanded past the established borders of the nation
o Alaska, Hawaii acquisitions
o Puerto Rico, Philippines, Guam – Spanish American War,
2. What ideals made Americans feel they had the right to take over and dominate other lands?
Social Darwinism and Missionary Spirit – Americans felt they needed to spread the ideals of
capitalism and Christian values
Manifest Destiny – the American tradition of expansion and adventure
3. How can it be argued that America’s involvement in WWI - had more of an impact on each
citizen’s home life in America - than on the fighting aspect of a war abroad?
America came into the war at a late point
The fighting experience was a minimal influence on American society
The sacrifices and commitments of citizens at home affected society even after the war
Citizenship issues came to the surface and were dealt with
Unit 11
Boom and Bust in America
Boom and Bust in America
Social Issues
The Republican
Political Issues
Economic Issues
Characteristics of the
Great Depression
The Great
The 3 “R’s”
Election of 1932
New Deal
Timeline – Boom and Bust in America
Roosevelt wins
Wall Street
Stock Crash
women the
“New Deal”
------------Calvin Coolidge----------------- ------ Herbert Hoover-------- ---------------------Franklin Roosevelt------------------------------
The Republican Presidents
- an inexperienced politician, Harding’s Presidency is most noted for scandal
- the Teapot Dome Scandal is the most famous: government owned petroleum reserves were leased out to
private oil companies
- other officials of his administration committed illegal acts to make profits
- died in office
- he wanted a “return to normalcy” and set out to strengthen businesses in America
- appointed officials that would have the government assist businesses if possible
- high tariffs were created so that foreign products would not compete with American made products
- income taxes and corporate taxes were reduced – especially for the wealthiest Americans
- businesses boomed – the GNP rose 40% in the U.S.
- these times were known as “Coolidge Prosperity”
- but the prosperity was not for everyone – factory workers, farmers, and minorities didn’t enjoy the benefits
of the “Coolidge Prosperity”
- inherited the worsening economy and the beginnings of the Great Depression
- tried to instill positive thinking and beliefs that the economy would turn around very soon
- he reluctantly tried to increase government sponsored help – public works projects, bank protections, but
most if it came too late to do much good
- when WWI veterans protested for bonus payments, his use of troops to break them up angered many
Social and Political Issues
- the 1920’s marked the rise of a trend toward a national identity with popular
- the development of an urban society, and the growing idea of leisure time helped
generate new ways to entertain the public – movies, organized sporting events, and music
were popular
Scopes Trial:
- a battle of Christian values was waged over the teaching of the Theory of Evolution in schools
- the modern media made this case a national event – Science vs. Religion
- continuing the battle over moral values, the 18th Amendment banned the sale and
consumption of alcoholic beverages
- the law became unenforceable – organized crime, smuggling and bootlegging grew
- the 21st Amendment repealed the failed experiment
Red Scare:
- a reaction to the Communist victory in the Russian Revolution of 1917
- various conflicts, including labor strikes, urban riots, and unsolved bombings led to a
national hysteria against foreign born persons, and a mistrust of communism in general
Sacco and Vanzetti:
- tied to the Red Scare – these men were convicted of a murder from a bank robbery
- many believe they were unfairly convicted because of their personal beliefs and Italian
heritage – the evidence against them was weak in the case – they were executed
- a reaction to the rise in anti-foreign attitudes – the Klan reorganized in the 1920’s
- originally against African-Americans, became anti Catholic, Jew and Immigrants
- supported only white, Protestant, and American-born
Changing moral values:
- Urban vs. Rural
Religion vs. Science
- New wealth, obtaining possessions, having fun, sexual freedoms Lawbreaking
of the conflicting and new social values
Just some
- many of the new cultural values became expressed in the popular literature of the age
- some authors protested the growth of business, the conformity of the times, Americans
preoccupation with material possessions, and the devastation of war
The Great Migration:
- begun during WWI, African Americans moved from the south to the north in search of
industrial jobs – which paid more than sharecropping
- the trend continued after the war as African Americans populated the industrial centers of the
Midwest and Northeast
Harlem Renaissance:
- A growth in popularity of African American writers, musicians, and artists
- centered in the Harlem district of New York City
- W.E.B. DuBois, Langston Hughes, Zora Neal Hurston were just some of the influential
Jazz music:
- A blend of African, European, and American sounds
- began in New Orleans – then up to Chicago – the over to New York
- born in the African-American experience, it soon became popular with white audiences
- the 1920’s became know as the “Jazz Age”
Economic Issues
Mass consumption:
- large quantities of manufactured goods were available in the 1920’s
- many people had more buying power at this time
- assembly line production made goods cheaper and more available
Real Estate boom:
- suburban areas grew most
Installment buying:
- once embarrassing, going in debt to purchase consumer goods became acceptable as wages
and buying power increased
Bull Market:
- rising business optimism led to a rise in investment activity in the stock market as well
- many investors were so confident in a continues bull market that they even invested on
speculation – often at dangerous levels
Farmer’s plight:
- small farmers did not prosper like the rest of the American workers – earned 1/3 less than
- new machinery could produce more – but cost more as well – and earnings did not rise
- changing markets – in the U.S. and abroad – did not support the farm community
IV. The Depression
An overall weak American economy
o Overproduction in farm and industry led to low prices and poor profits
o An unequal distribution of wealth led to little money available to be spent
o Americans had built huge debt with easily available credit
Weak corporate and Banking structures
o Corporate holding companies were fundamentally weak
o Banks were closing in mass numbers in the 1920’s
Poor Government Policies
o Government did not regulate the stock market in any way
o Corporate mergers were not regulated or challenged
o Poor decisions by the Federal Reserve on the discount rate
Weak world economy
o Especially in Europe – still troubled by debt from WWI
o Other nations were buying few American goods
Characteristics of the Depression
Low production:
- the cycle of overproduction and low purchasing power led to shut downs of production
- which in turn led to…
High unemployment:
- layoffs were overwhelming – huge numbers of Americans lost their jobs
- African-Americans were hit hardest first
- men in manufacturing were hit very hard
- many were underemployed – paid for less hours instead of being totally laid off
Low prices:
- a surplus supply – and low demand – equals low prices and
profits – further complicating the economy
Bank failures:
- banks had made credit easy – and too many loans went unpaid
Symbols of the Great
- soup lines
- shantytowns
- many men – Fathers and Husbands – felt shamed that they
could not fulfill their duty as bread winners
- dust bowl
Family issues:
- there were many changes, families often had to move in with
relatives – or had to move to new areas to seek work
- hobos
- panhandling
Hoover’s Response
Rugged Individualism/Charity: Much of Hoover’s personal beliefs influenced how he handled
the problems of the depression.
o He believed that individuals should work hard and pull themselves up and not depend
on government relief – and the Puritan work-ethic: hard work brought its own rewards
o He believed volunteer agencies should help those in need instead of the government
o He had great faith that the economy would correct itself and issued statements such as
“prosperity is just around the corner”.
Reconstruction Finance:
o Hoover believed in the “trickle down” theory of economics
o He asked Congress to set up the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to make loans to
banks, railroads, and farming institutions.
o Hoover hoped the spread of new money would trickle down to the people through jobs
o It didn’t work well enough
Bonus Army: name given to the veterans of WWI that needed, and demanded their bonus pay
from service in WWI
o After Congress did not pass the payment, many of the protesters stayed and camped on
the Mall in Washington, DC
o Hoover sent in the army and the camps were destroyed. The publicity was very
negative for Hoover
Hoovervilles: name given to the make-shift shanty communities built by homeless people in city
parks – they became a symbol of the depression
The New Deal
Election of 1932:
 In response to the poor response of the Hoover administration to the nation’s problems,
American voters elected the Democratic Party’s candidate Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a
Governor from New York, as President
Roosevelt brought new energy, ideas and a confidence that made Americans feel more
The New Deal: Name given to the new ideas Roosevelt had to help end the problems of the Depression
During the Roosevelt administration’s first weeks, known as the “Hundred Days”, Congress
passed 15 major acts of legislation – together, they began Roosevelt’s “New Deal”
The focus of these acts were on three important areas:
o Relief for people that were suffering
o Recovery for the economy
o Reform to avoid future depressions
The 3 R’s of the New Deal:
- Congress
legislation to
help people
because of the
- Most of the
acts were
passed to
create jobs
for the
Emergency Banking Act: Roosevelt’s first act, closed nation’s banks in order
allow for examinations and only opened financially sound ones – restored
confidence in banks
Federal Emergency Relief Act: money given to states and cities for direct
relief and work for homeless and unemployed
Public Works Administration: (PWA) provided jobs in construction projects
such as new schools, bridges, housing, etc. Meant to revive economy and
Civilian Conservation Corp: (CCC) work for younger people (mostly men)
in the field of conserving the nation’s natural resources
Works Progress Administration: (WPA) Similar to the PWA, this program
gave temporary jobs to nearly 25% of Americans. More money spent on this
program than any of the others. It replaced direct relief money to poor.
Tennessee Valley Administration: (TVA) meant to provide jobs, cheap
electricity, and flood control to 7 southern states. Praised as a bold
experiment by some, criticized as “creeping socialism” by others
- in order to
help the
economy of
the nation
passed acts
that focused
on industry,
National Industrial Recovery Act: The National Recovery Administration
(NRA) was authorized to help businesses recover from the depression. It
was supposed to set “codes of fair competition:. Public was encouraged to
buy from companies that followed NRA Codes. Eventually declared
Congress also
legislation to
help make
sure another
Mostly aimed
at banks, the
and labor.
Glass-Steagall Act: Created the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation) guaranteed bank deposits up to $5000
Home Owners Loan Corporation: (HOLC) Created to help homeowners
keep their homes – provided new loans a lower interest rates
Federal Housing Administration: (FHA) created to insure bank mortgages
First Agricultural Adjustment Act: (AAA) Created to help raise farm prices
by helping farmers to NOT grow certain crops or raise certain animals. Did
raise prices for a while.
Second Agricultural Adjustment Act: Helped farmers store crops until
prices rose again
Securities Exchange Act: Created the SEC (Securities and Exchange
Commission) Regulates the Stock Exchange and investment advisors.
Social Security Act: Provided 3 main things”
- old-age insurance – funded by employees and employers
- unemployment insurance, funded by employers
- assistance to dependent children, elderly, ill, and handicapped
National Labor Relations Act: (Wagner Act) guaranteed workers the right
to form unions and to practice collective bargaining.
Fair Labor Standards Act: set a minimum wage and maximum work week
for employees and banned child labor in interstate commerce
Controversies of the New Deal:
Constitutional Issues:
 Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States (1935) The Supreme Court struck down the NRA,
saying it was unconstitutional for the Congress to regulate intrastate commerce and by
giving legislative powers to the Executive branch
Court packing: much of the New Deal legislation was struck down by the
Supreme Court. Roosevelt tried to change the balance of the court by adding
more judges (ones he would choose) in order to get more laws past the court. It
never happened and faced sharp criticism as a threat to separation of powers.
Third Term: In the election of 1940, Roosevelt ran for a 3rd term of office. He felt that a
change in leadership would not be in the nation’s best interest. He won easily.
- 22nd Amendment After Roosevelt’s
presidency, including a 4th term,
Congress passed the 22nd Amendment,
limiting a President to two terms in
“creeping” socialism: much of the criticism
directed at the New Deal was over the concern of
the growing involvement of the federal government
in business, and in the private sector. To many,
these activities were too similar to socialism
New Deal opposition:
 Huey Long: a candidate for the poor, the
Governor of Louisiana was a popular
opponent of the rich. He could take
votes away from Roosevelt in an election
Father Coughlin: a Priest from Detroit,
had a popular radio show, called for
heavy taxes for the rich, another threat
to Roosevelt’s votes in an election
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Communicator: a gifted speaker, he held
“fireside chats” with the American
people on the radio and was friendly with
the press corps
Eleanor Roosevelt: His wife was his
“eyes and ears” as she traveled the
country on his behalf. She came to have
great influence over much of his political
decisions and became an important
national figure herself
Provided hope: his easy style and
personality helped Americans feel more
confident and hopeful
Women in Government: Roosevelt’s
appointment of Francis Perkins as
Secretary of Labor put the first female in
the Cabinet of a President
4 Terms: Roosevelt ran, and won, 4
consecutive terms of office – a feat never
Dr. Townsend: proposed paying the elderly a monthly amount of money, which they would
be required to spend. He hoped to free up jobs for unemployed and increase spending in
the economy.
Impact of the New Deal
Power of the President expanded:
- Roosevelt demonstrated what a strong Executive could do in the nation’s Federal System
- the Executive branch became the leading power in the Federal government
System reform to prevent further economic break downs
- the government put many measures in place to help prevent future economic problems again
- the New Deal is credited with helping to save the “Free Enterprise” system from collapse
Strengthened the FED
FED: the Federal Reserve System – the central bank of the United States
- while many argue the FED helped make the Depression worse at first, the New Deal gave the
FED increased ability to prevent another depression from occurring
Securities and banking regulated
- the New Deal made the system of banking more regulated and safer
- most important, it eventually made Americans feel more safe about putting their money
in U.S. banks again
Size of the Federal Government grew
- Roosevelt expanded the system of agencies to protect groups of citizens and bring recovery
and reform – these represented a huge increase in the scope and authority of the Federal
- Welfare State: the idea that the government was responsible for well-being of citizens
Democrats in power
- Roosevelt’s administration made many Americans, many who had previously been inactive
in the voting process, become active and become supporters of the Democratic Party
- “New Deal” Democrats would later influence social issues of the next generation, such as the
“Great Society”
Support of African-Americans
- African-Americans did not benefit much from direct Roosevelt Administrative actions,
Roosevelt did not want to anger Southern Democrats that he needed to pass his New Deal
- but, African-Americans did benefit within New Deal activities often
- much of their support came from the influence of Eleanor Roosevelt
- many African-Americans switched their alliance from “Lincoln Republicans” to the
Democratic Party, especially in northern cities
VI. Essential Questions
1. The 1920’s in America are often portrayed as a time of better life and booming economy. But
it was not that way for everyone. What segments of the economy boomed, and what segments
Boomed: Consumer goods – manufacturing – entertainment industry – real estate – financial
institutions (stock market) – expansion of Middle Class
Suffered: farmers – urban poor
2. List some ways the economic policies of the 1920’s helped lead to the economic depression of
the next decade:
Calvin Coolidge’s return to laissez-faire government approach to businesses
Increase purchasing on credit
Increased stock market speculation and buying on margin
No significant governmental regulation of stock market and banking
3. In what ways could President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal programs be considered the first
steps towards socialism?
The providing of benefits to society at large
Increased governmental control over the economy
4. In what ways did President Roosevelt redefine the office of the President?
Defied the tradition of the “Two Term Presidency”
Actively and openly involved the government in the daily lives of citizens
Increased the power of the Executive Branch
Unit 12
World War II
European Theater
World War II
Isolation and
Before American
International Acts
of Aggression
War in Europe
Pearl Harbor
U.S. Responses
The Home front
America at War
War Strategies
The Atomic
I. Map – WWII – European Theater
Axis Powers
Allied Nations
Battle of
Battle of
the Bulge
II. Map – WWII – Pacific Theater
Iwo Jima
This line marks the
furthest extent of
Japanese control in Asia
III. Timeline – WWII
Roosevelt dies in office.
Truman becomes President
passes first
Neutrality Act
Japan attacks US
at Pearl Harbor
US declares War
US uses Atomic
Japan surrenders
Allies begin
push to win
war in
IV. Before American Involvement
Isolation and Neutrality
Why the US wanted to stay out of the war:
Tradition: since the days of Washington’s administration, America had usually tried to remain
out or alliances and out of the military affairs of other nations
World War I: Americans still remembered the involvement in World War I as a hugely negative
experience overall – and wanted no part of a World War II
Nye Committee Hearings: the Nye Committee revealed how arms manufacturers made huge
profits during WWI, and had even pressured the government to get involved – this infuriated
Neutrality Acts of 1935 (1935-1937)
Designed to prevent American arms manufacturers, banks, and merchants from making profits
from a foreign war – or from helping to stir-up interest in joining a war.
International Acts of Aggression
Germany: Invaded the Rhineland, against the Treaty of Versailles, and then invaded Austria,
the Sudetenland (Czechoslovakia) and eventually Poland
Japan: began by invading Manchuria, and then went into China
Italy: First invaded Ethiopia in Africa and then Albania
War begins in Europe
The German invasion of Poland in September, 1939 forced Great Britain and France to
declare war, beginning the European part of WWII
U.S. Responses
 Neutrality Act of 1939: “cash and carry” The U.S. decided it would sell supplies to Britain
and France, provided that they paid cash and transported the supplies themselves
This would keep American ships out of action, and eliminate loans from US banks
Lend-Lease: as the Allied ran out of cash, the Congress gave the president the right to “lend”
US war equipment to them as needed
Atlantic Charter: an agreement between the US and Great Britain, on a free and selfdetermining post war world
America at War
Pearl Harbor
December 7th, 1941 Japanese Naval forces led a surprise attack on the US naval base at Pearly
Harbor, Hawaii
- outraged, Congress declares war on Japan the next day
- because of Alliances, Germany and Italy declare war on the US, bringing American into
World War II in both Asia and Europe
The Home front
“Arsenal of Democracy”
- the power of American industrial output was put on display with the start of WWII
- military production boomed until America made as many supplies as the Axis powers did
- farm output doubled, despite a shortage of workers because of the war
Role of women
- During WWII, women provided vital service to American in two ways:
- At home: The number of women working doubled, many of them working in factories and
doing jobs previously only held my men
- In the Service: many women served, and risked their lives in the armed forces
- these duties greatly increased the visibility and justification for increased women’s rights
after the war
The draft
- In 1940, before the war had even stated, Congress had passed a “conscription” - a draft
- there were 1.5 million soldiers in the army when the war began
- in addition to funding the American effort, the US also helped supply our allies as much as it
- eventually, the nation was spending over $250 million a day
- taxes were raised, but that covered less than half the cost of the war
- War Bonds were sold – the government “borrowed” from the American people
- supplies, including food, were low at home, as items were needed for the war
- families had books of ration stamps, allowing them to only buy limited amounts of certain
items each month
War Strategies
Help the Soviet Union
- after France surrendered, and while Britain rested, the Soviet Union fought Germany alone
- the US needed to enter the war in western Europe to relieve pressure on the USSR
Europe first
- it was decided that the Allies would try to defeat Germany first
- the Allies began in North Africa, then Italy, and then D-Day: the invasion of western Europe
2 fronts
- for the Allies, there were two “Theaters” of the war
- in Europe – against Germany and Italy
- In the Pacific – against the Japanese
The Atomic Bomb
The Manhattan Project
- In the late 1930’s, scientists developed theories to use nuclear energy to make a super bomb
- the US decided that it was important to develop the bomb before the Germans did
- the Manhattan Project was the code name for the development of an Atomic Bomb
- one of the largest secret government projects in history, it was successful in developing the
world’s first Atomic Bombs
President Truman’s decision
- After a successful test of an Atomic Bomb, President Truman had a tough decision to make
- Not use it – and prolong the war for months or years, and sacrifice many more lives,
including many more American lives
- Use it on a Japanese city of military importance, but kill thousands of innocent Japanese
- August 6th, 1945, the first Atomic Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan
- August 9th, another was used on the city of Nagasaki
- August 14th, the Empire of Japan surrendered – World War II was over
U.S. Occupation of Japan
- the U.S. army occupied Japan for 7 years following the war – Gen. McArthur was in charge
- the U.S. helped rebuild Japan – America wanted Japan on its side in the coming Cold War
Korematsu v. United States 1944
- One of the darker aspects of the war on the home front was the US government’s decision to
place Japanese-Americans in concentration camps – as a security measure
- a challenge to the decision as unconstitutional was the case of Korematsu v. U.S. 1944
- at stake was the important constitutional issue of the security of the nation against the civil
rights of an individual citizen
- the court ruled 6-3 to uphold the decision
VI. Essential Questions
1. In what sense was the US “involved” in WWII before the attack on Pearl Harbor and
Congress’s declaration of war in 1941?
The Neutrality Acts – especially the “Cash and Carry” act of 1939
Lend-Lease: America as the “Arsenal of Democracy”
Trade Embargoes against Japan
2. How were the domestic policies during WWII similar or different from those of WWI?
Rationing was similar – just to a much greater extent during WWII
The role of women in the workplace was greatly increased as more men went to war in WWII
was so much greater
Discriminations against German culture in WWI existed – but the discriminations against
Japanese Americans during WWII resulted in the interment of private citizens (War Relocation
Act )
3. How could it be argued that WWII created a huge opportunity for the advancement of the
status of women in America?
Increase roles in the workplace
Educational opportunities became more available
Women played more of an important role in the decision making process in the home
4. How could it be argued that President Truman’s decision to use the Atomic Bomb saved
it is generally believed that had the bomb not been used, the war would have continued for
many more months, if not years, killing many more people – including many more Japanese
5. In what way did WWII change the role of the US in world affairs?
the US became the most powerful nation in the world
possession of atomic weapons was an obvious reason – but other reasons existed:
o the role of the US in winning the war was very important
o the new industrial capacity drove a powerful economy
o the US was not terribly damaged by war, as other world nations were
Unit 13
The Cold War
The Cold War
of the
Cold War
Cold War
Cold War
At Home
I. Map – Cold War
Warsaw Pact
Iron Curtain
Chinese Revolution
Timeline – Cold War
Allied leaders
meet at Yalta
and Potsdam to
settle post war
launched by
Soviet Union
The Soviets Blockade
West Berlin. Truman
Orders Berlin Airlift
1948 – 1949
Truman Drops
Atomic Bomb
WWII ends
win control
of China
Takes Over
In Cuba,
Making It
Korean War
McCarthy Hearings
Spy trial of
Soviets Get
Their Own
U2 Spy
Plane Shot
Down and
U.S. Denies
We Were!
Vietnam War evolves to include the US
III. Background of the Cold War
End of WWII
- the end of the war turned one time allies into two different sides of a new conflict – the Cold War
- the USSR and the United States turned against each other in a political battle of trust
Two Different Ideologies
Soviet: the featured goal of the USSR was the spread of communism around the world
- the term given to this goal was “Marxist-Leninism”: the spreading of communism around the
world through revolution and imperial takeover
U.S.: to counter this, the U.S. enacted a policy known as “Containment”: the attempt to stop
the spread of communism in the world
Allied Conferences
Yalta: Early in the last year of WWII – the Allied leaders (Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin) met to
discuss the end of the war and what post-war Europe would look like
- The Soviet Union agreed to hold free elections in parts of Eastern Europe (they never did)
Potsdam in the final days of the war (Truman instead of Roosevelt)
- Divided up Germany - giving each of the 4 major allies a zone to run (Berlin too)
Soviet Expansion
Eastern Europe After liberating Eastern European nations from German control, the Soviets
were supposed to give them their freedom back
- however, the USSR established communist governments in the region
- this was against everything the other Allies wanted, setting up mistrust of the USSR
“Spheres of Influence” as the USSR began to dominate the eastern part of Europe, the U.S.
and Great Britain attempted to influence much of the rest of Europe
- eventually, these “spheres of influence” became identified
“Iron Curtain” during a speech in the U.S., British Prime Minister Winston Churchill noted
that an imaginary “Iron Curtain” had descended over the center of Europe, dividing the
communist East from the free West
- the term became a leading image to describe the Cold War boundary in central Europe
American reactions to Soviets
Truman Doctrine: both Turkey and Greece soon face an increased communist threat
- in order to help these nations, Truman asked Congress for funds to help them defend
themselves against communism
- In a speech to Congress, Truman announced the US plan to stop the spread of communism
around the world (containment) – this became know as the Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan: an economic plan proposed by US Secretary of State George Marshall
- The plan was to offer American economic aid to war torn European nations, to help them
rebuild their economy, and keep the threat of communism there at bay
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- 12 member nations, led by the US, agreed to support one another in a military alliance
- all nations would support another member if attacked by another nation
IV. Containment elsewhere in the world
Domino Theory: the belief, held by many US leaders, that if communism was not stopped
someplace, neighboring nations would fall to communism, and continue to fall, much like a line of
dominoes will fall if the first one is tipped over.
- used to defend the decision to get involved in conflicts against communism (Vietnam especially)
U.S. Occupation of Japan
- following WWII, the US Army “occupied” Japan and ran it for nearly 7 years
- the US helped Japan rebuild physically, and economically
- the US, needing allies in Asia, wanted a strong Japan on its side in the coming Cold War
Rise of Mao
- before WWII, a growing communist party in China challenged the Nationalist Party for
control there
- Following the war, the Communists under Mao Zedong took over China and made it a
communist nation (People’s Republic of China)
The Nationalists
- the political party that ran the Chinese Republic (1911)
- defeated by the Communists, they ran away to the Island of Formosa and began the nation of
V. Cold War Crisis
Berlin Airlift
 Communists tried to force the allies out of Berlin, East Germany
 They cut off all supply routes into Berlin
 The allies flew in supplies for almost a year
 The Communists finally ended the blockade
Korean War
 The Partition: after WW II – Korea was split up by the allies: North – communist,
South – democratic
 The war (1950’s)
 North invaded the South
 In order to make one communist Korea
 United Nations stopped the invasion
Arms Race a race between 2 “super powers” (U.S. vs. U.S.S.R.) to gather bigger, better and more weapons
U-2 Spy plane
 1958 A US spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union – its pilot was captured
 A huge embarrassment for the US that escalated tensions and mistrust between the two
Eisenhower Doctrine
 President Eisenhower announced the US would use the military if needed to support nations in
the Middle East that were threatened by communist aggression
Space Race
It began when the Soviets put the “Sputnik” satellite into orbit
A race for national pride mostly. Who had the better technology?
Sputnik: Soviet satellite sent into space in 1957 – caused an uproar in the US – the
government spent millions of dollars to increase education in sciences and math
VI. The Cold War at Home
Loyalty Issues
House on Un-American Activities (HUAC)
Established in the late 1930’s to investigate communist subversion in America
Often aided by the FBI, the committee sometimes violated individual’s rights and often ruined
people’s reputations un-necessarily
Alger Hiss
 A State department official that was accused of passing classified documents on to a communist
 Was convicted of perjury (lying under oath)
 A very sensational case, it set the scene for later trials of similar issue
 A sensational and controversial trial, accusing Julius and Ethel Rosenberg of transferring
secrets about the atomic bomb program to communists
 They were convicted – sentenced to die – and executed
Case Study – McCarthyism
McCarthyism: a word used to describe a controversial “witch hunt” based on little evidence,
rumors, lies, bullying, and many other unprofessional actions. Based on the McCarthy hearings of
the 1950’s – the civil rights of many Americans were denied in many cases
Joseph McCarthy was a Senator that made a name for himself by starting a sensational
series of hearings to search out and identify possible communists in the government
His tactics eventually proved to be the most controversial aspect of the investigations, as he
systematically bullied defendants and prayed on fears in the public to destroy reputations
and make individuals look guilty, even if they might not have been
Eventually, he was censured and discredited and the hearings finally ended
Watkins v. United States 1957
Issue: civil liberties – the rights of an individual against government security
The case: labor official John Watkins would not list names of possible communists to HUAC
Ruling: the Supreme Court said an individual’s civil rights were to be upheld even when
speaking to Congress
VII. Essential Questions
1. What role did the United States play in defining the post WWII world?
As new leader of the western world and NATO, the US became the leading defender of the
democratic way of living
It chose a policy of containment, to stop the spread of communism throughout the world
As a nuclear power, the US has had great influence in how the modern world would in a safe
and responsible manner
2. In what way was it inevitable that Soviet and American philosophies towards communism,
would lead to international incidents?
The Soviet foreign policy was to spread communism throughout the world through revolution
The US foreign policy was to stop the spread of communism in the world
3. How might the investigations into communism in America possibly lead to challenges to
fundamental constitutional issues?
Government involvement in the private lives of citizens
The basic First Amendment Rights of citizens were often at risk
o Freedoms of Speech, Press, Petition, and assembly
14th Amendment – Equal Protection Clause
Unit 14
America’s Golden Age
1950’s: America’s
Golden Age
after the war
Production of Goods
New Suburban
I. Timeline – 1950’s
“Baby Boom”
Cold War
G.I. Bill of
passed by
Act passed
Act passed.
demobilization: switching the nation’s focus from a military status to a civilian one.
Switching from military production in factories to production of consumer goods
But still had to balance the needs of a coming Cold War
Had to make sure the economy didn’t slip back into a depression also
After World War II, America faced several post war issues.
Economic Issues
inflation: kind of expected to occur after the war – sudden increase in prices of goods
o prices had been held in control during the war, and needed to rise a bit after
o people had money to spend, they had earned and saved during the war
o the availability of new consumer goods made people want to spend
new work force: returning soldiers needed jobs
G.I. Bill: the “G.I. Bill of Rights” or “The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act”
o Congress authorized billions of dollars to pay for benefits for veterans
o Used for college education, medical treatment, unemployment insurance and home and
business loans
o Helped the economy and changed the make-up of America
 More college degrees
 More homes built
strikes: workers wages did not keep up with the rise in prices from inflation
o many workers went on strike for higher wages
Taft/Hartley: passed by Congress over President Truman’s veto – set back for unions
- President could delay a strike that threatened the public or nation’s interests
- banned union contributions to political campaigns
- made it easier to be hired without belonging to a union
Truman’s Fair Deal:
o Truman believed all Americans should expect a “fair deal” from the government
o Congressed passed increases in the hourly wage, spending on housing projects, and the
number of people eligible for social security
o Did not pass Truman’s plans for Civil Rights, national health insurance, aid to schools,
farmer subsidies
Truman’s partisan problems with congress:
 Having a Republican controlled Congress certainly didn’t help Truman’s ability to pass
his legislative agenda
 But he was also apposed by various Democrat groups over certain issues
1948 Dewey vs. Truman:
 Truman almost didn’t even win his party’s nomination – he did – but the Democrats were
split by two other candidates in the national election
 The prediction was for a huge landslide win for Republican candidate Thomas Dewey
 Truman campaigned against the “Do-Nothing” Republicans
 Truman won – and got a Democratic controlled Congress also
III. Economic Changes of the 1950’s
The 1950’s brought new approaches, new ideas, and new problems as well – much of these influenced
to some degree by American’s varied experiences in WWII
Changes to Production
energy source:
o the development of nuclear science, and its use to develop nuclear energy, was an
entirely new way of thinking
o away from limited natural energy sources (wood, coal, oil) and towards a future of
cheaper, longer lasting energy sources
o The problem was the dangers that existed in its development.
o the science of chemistry allowed the production of materials that were man made,
instead of natural
o the two big ones: plastics and nylon
o the introduction of lighter metals was also important: aluminum, titanium, magnesium
o the advent of computer science began slowly, then exploded
o originally used in universities – and then in government and military fields
corporate structure
o the rise on a vast scale of multinational corporations ( businesses with branches in more
than one nation) became the trend following WWII
Growth of Output
consumer products:
o much of the industrial output of the 1950’s became directed toward products designed
to be used by consumers in their home: washing machines, T.V.’s, refrigerators, etc.
o because of the Cold War, keeping up with the Soviets caused a huge budget devoted to
military spending
o Before he left office, President Eisenhower warned of the growing power and influence
of the “military industrial complex”
production on an international level:
o American soldiers introduced American culture to many people around the world
o With the soldiers came American made products – beginning new markets for these
waste disposal:
o growing population, and growing manufacturing, created growing problems with what
to do with the waste products and garbage of the society
o early attempts at providing space to dump garbage often was done in ways that later
became harmful to the environment
air and water pollution:
o unregulated industrial facilities began a legacy of unrestricted discharge of waste
materials into local air and water spaces
o these actions would have a devastating effect and would not be looked into until the
growing energy dependence:
o More and more manufacturing, and more and more people, and especially
more and more automobiles, meant an ever increasing demand on
energy sources
o Coal and oil especially
depleting resources:
o the unrestricted development of the industrial sector often paid little attention to the
amount of natural resources being used
o many thought the world would always be able to provide what was needed
IV. The New Suburban America
Interstate Highway Act
This plan, developed in 1956, was meant to ensure roadways that would allow for quick
movement and easy access between most major cities of the US
The original purpose was to make sure the military could move about the nation quickly and
The growth of these highways changed the way Americans lived
o They allowed movement of homes away from inner cities ant to the suburban areas
o They allowed families to take extended vacations farther away from home, helping an
expanding tourism industry develop
Name given to the first “suburb” communities, after the developer of the first housing
developments outside and within commuting distance of the city workplace
City populations left inner cities in droves in the 1950’s for single family homes that were now
being made on a more affordable budget for more and more Americans
The shift in population caused many changes to American culture, influencing education,
shopping, and transportation sectors
Baby Boom
The post-war return of service men and women, away from family life for months or years, and
now having jobs and positive income, encouraged many couples to have children
Beginning in the late 1940’s, a significant increase in the birth rate led some to name this the
“Baby Boom”
It continued through the 1950’s, only to subside a bit in the early 1960’s
Wherever this generation of children went – especially schools – the earliest of them were
always crowded – the latter ones enjoyed new facilities often
The increase in job opportunities, college educations, and salaries, led to more and more
Americans having enough income to feel comfortable spending on consumer goods
Items that previously might have been considered “luxury” items, now were almost considered
necessary items by families
Appliances to make life easier, two cars in many driveways, convenience foods, and family
vacations became a part of the everyday life of many Americans
V. Essential Questions
1. How did post-war economic growth bring both positive and negative effects on American
Positive: economic growth on an international scale – increased consumer products made life
easier – Americans had disposable income – leisure time led to increased family activities –
increased college opportunities and enrollment
Negative: increased demands and pressures on the environment would ultimately lead to
increased pollution and dangerous conditions in America
2. In what ways had World War II, and the post-war years, brought geographic demographic
changes in America?
The “urban flight” caused suburbs to grow drastically as people moved away from
industrialized urban centers
A general migration to the western “sunbelt” states (American Southwest)
3. What new cultural values came about in America during this post-war time?
The advent of television brought an influence over family values and behaviors – particularly
the identity of the “nuclear family” – and the establishment of the “normal” life
The introduction of Rock & Roll energized the youth of America to establish their own identity
The concerns of the Cold War led to fears and anxieties of communist influence in society
Consumer spending and the growth of highways led to a mobile culture
Unit 15
The African American
Civil Rights Movement
African American
Civil Rights Movement
Evolution of the African American Civil Rights Movement
Emancipation Proclamation
Review of early Constitutional Amendments
Roots of the Movement
Presidential Initiatives
Milestone Events of the Movement
Civil Rights Organizations
Timeline – African American Civil Rights Movement
Lincoln signs
Emancipation Proclamation
Brown v. Board of Education
Supreme Court Case
13th Amendment ends slavery
Emmett Till
14th Amendment gives
citizenship to African Americans
Plessy v. Ferguson Case (1896)
Establishes ‘separate, but equal’
15th Amendment gives right to vote
to African Americans
Assassination of
Martin Luther
King Jr.
March On Washington
For Jobs and Freedom
Where Martin Luther
King Gives ‘I Have A
Dream Speech’ (1963)
bus boycott
------------- Jim Crow Laws-------------------
Integration of schools
in Little Rock, Ark.
Eisenhower Sends
Civil Rights Act passes
Voting Rights Act
III. Evolution of the African American Civil Rights Movement
Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation:
 January 1st, 1863 In the middle of the Civil War
 Declared all enslaved persons in states that were rebelling against the Union to be free
 Not so for border states of pro-Union states
 Very few slaves actually became free
 The significance of the precedent of the role of government in securing equality for citizens
can not be ignored
The Post Civil War Amendments
(Quick Review) (See page 58 of guide)
o abolished slavery in the United States
o defined a U.S. citizen and said states could not deny any citizen of its rights
o states could not deny the right to vote to any male US citizen over the age of 21
Roots of the African American Civil Rights Movement
Booker T. Washington:
o Born into slavery
o Began the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, a trade school for African-Americans
o Promoted education for African-Americans as the way to progress
W.E.B. Dubois/NAACP:
o Disagreed with Booker T. Washington’s approach – more in favor of pushing for civil
rights progress
o Formed the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) to
push for legal methods to end racial discrimination
Ida B. Wells:
o Wrote articles denouncing mob violence and lynching against African-Americans
o Early supporter of the Women’s Rights Movement
Marcus Garvey:
o Tried to support racial pride for African-Americans
o Promoted the idea of African-Americans moving back to Africa to start a new society
o Many supporters, but few to him up on the idea
Presidential Initiatives
FDR: Fair Employment Practices Commission:
o Required that all companies that contracted with the government not discriminate on
the basis of race or religion
o Worked to some degree in the North, was rarely enforced in the South
o Created the President’s Committee on Civil Rights to investigate the status of civil
rights in America
o Used the findings to submit a 10 Point civil rights agenda to congress. Opposed by
Milestones of the African American Civil Rights Movement
Brown v. Board of Education Topeka Kansas 1954
Background: A class action suit of 13 parents in Topeka, Kansas. Their argument was that the
separate educational facilities, were not in fact equal facilities
Constitutional Issue: that separate facilities were not offering “equal protection of the law” as
provided by earlier Supreme Court rulings
Decision: a unanimous (9-0) ruling in favor of the plaintiffs that separate educational facilities
were in fact not equal facilities – and therefore unconstitutional
o the ruling reversed the landmark Plessy v. Ferguson case
o many southern states passively resisted for weeks and months
o the case however did set in motion the modern African American civil rights movement
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks: African-American woman arrested in Montgomery, Alabama,
for violations a local ordinance by sitting in the front section of a public bus
Martin Luther King Jr.:
 Local minister in a Montgomery Baptist Church when Rosa Parks was arrested
 Urged local African Americans to use non-violent methods to fight segregation
 Organized a boycott against the bus system in Montgomery that lasted for over a year
 The boycott worked, the bus company ended its policy of segregation
 More important, it gained national attention to an African American victory
Crisis at Little Rock
What happened: Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus ordered National Guard troops to prevent
the admittance of African American students into Little Rock High School
Result: President Eisenhower ordered Federal Troops to escort the students into the schools
Civil Rights Act of 1957:
o Passed by Congress – intended to protect the right of African-Americans to vote
o Brought the Federal Government into the Civil Rights event
o After its passage, the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) began a
campaign to register 2 million African American voters
Greensboro Sit-ins:
o An extension of the Rosa Parks incident, were sit-ins, purposeful sitting of African
Americans at places of segregation: lunch counters, restaurants, and other segregated
o Though threatened and often physically abused, participants remained peaceful and
gained national attention to their cause
Freedom Rides:
o African-American and white Americans joined together to ride on public buses into the
south – promoted as “Freedom Rides”
o Buses were attacked in many southern cities
o After a particularly vicious attack in Birmingham, with the involvement of the KKK,
President Kennedy declared that he had to get involved
James Meredith:
o An African American – was denied entrance to the University of Mississippi by the
o President Kennedy sent federal marshals to escort him to class, for the rest of the year
Letter From A Birmingham Jail:
o After repeated violence in Birmingham, Alabama – Martin Luther King Jr. led protests
that led to more violence and was arrested
o From jail, her wrote an essay that’s now know as the “Letter From A Birmingham Jail”
o King eloquently reasoned why non-violent resistance to civil laws was justified and that
they need only obey a higher standard of moral laws
o Credited with helping to push President Kennedy to develop more civil rights action
March on Washington:
o A rally to support President Kennedy’s Civil Rights Bill
o Over 200.000 people marched on the Mall in Washington DC
o MLK gave his “I Have a Dream” speech
Civil Rights Act of 1964:
o Submitted by President Kennedy in 1963 – signed by President Johnson in 1964
o Strongest Civil Rights law ever passed by Congress
 Segregation outlawed by Congress in most public places
 Equal access to all public places for all citizens
 Set up EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) to oversee the ban
on job discrimination
- Heart of Atlanta Hotel, Inc v. United States 1964
 Hotel owner refused to give rooms to African Americans
 Owner claimed Congress did not have right to regulate an individual’s business
 Supreme Court overruled
o Equal protection clause
o Commerce clause – impeding Interstate travel
Freedom Summer:
o Campaign to register African American
voters in Mississippi in summer of 1964
o Noted for violence against the campaign,
especially the 3 volunteers killed in
Philadelphia, Mississippi
Voting Rights Act of 1965:
o Ordered Federal officials to register
qualified voters
o Eliminated literacy tests, etc.
24th Amendment prohibited Congress or states from
implementing conditions to vote – such as a pole tax
Black Power: frustrated with the non-violent
movement, some looked for increased black pride
and black nationalism through violence
o Malcolm X/Black Muslims: advocated
black nationalism – self-government for a
black society
 Later proposed an integrated
Muslim society
Civil Rights Organizations
NAACP: National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
- early focus was on court cases to
end discrimination and segregation
SNCC: Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee
- a student version of both African
American and white students
SCLC: Southern Christian
Leadership Conference
- southern ministers – to reduce
segregation and register voters
CORE: Congress of Racial Equality
- focused on nonviolent activities such
as sit-ins, freedom rides, boycotts
o Race Riots: eventually, built-up tensions exploded – usually in urban areas
 Over 100 race riots took place in American cities in the 1960’s
Watts: symbolic of the urban riots – Watts was a section of urban Los Angeles
 Weeklong riots in the “long hot summer” of 1965
 34 deaths and 100’s injured
Kerner Commission: President Johnson appointed the National Advisory
Commission on Civil Disorders – headed by Illinois Governor Otto Kerner
 The commission investigated the race riots in America
 Placed the blame on white society and white racism
 Recommended better urban housing and improved anti-segregation
attempts by the federal government
Fair Housing Act of 1968:
o Prohibited discrimination in the sale or rental of housing to African Americans
Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Memphis, Tennessee – 1968
o An emotional event on many levels
o Touched off riots in many American cities
o Ended the era of mostly unified civil rights actions and accomplishments
Affirmative Action: President Johnson signed an Executive Order requiring employers with
federal contracts to take “affirmative action” to hire more women, African Americans,
Hispanics, Native Americans and Asian Americans.
o Meant to correct past injustices by giving preferences to these groups in employment
opportunities, as well as college admissions
o White males saw this as “reverse discrimination”
- Bakke v. California Board of Regents:
 Allan Bakke, a white American, was denied admission to the University of
California at Davis medical school
 Because of the school quota to admit disadvantaged minorities, less qualified
candidates were admitted over Bakke
 US Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in favor of Bakke, saying the school acted
unconstitutionally, by denying admission to the more qualified student
IV. Essential Questions
1. How might the victory over integration in schools from Brown v. Board of Education of
Topeka have led to an increase in segregation on broader terms in America for awhile?
o as with the actions such as Jim Crow laws in the South following the Civil War, the reaction of
white Americans – whether through retaliation, resentment, or fear – was often more direct and
intrusive toward the everyday lives of many African Americans
2. How were the actions of a few brave individuals able to energize an entire movement towards
increased civil rights for all African Americans in the America?
Individuals like Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. and those that sat at lunch counters and
rode freedom buses were able to inspire Americans through the media of television
o African Americans were inspired to continue the fight locally
o white Americans often became empathetic to the cause from watching
3. How did the Civil Rights Movement in America change in the late 1960’s?
as with other social segments of America, a younger generation was becoming influential
the younger activist often felt that change was not coming fast enough
they often urged the use of violent actions to bring social change
4. Which did more to advance the push for civil rights for African Americans – the power of
television – or federal and state legislation?
it can be argued that the power of television made the civil rights issue an American issue,
which helped gain support from segments of American society that might not have supported it
had they not witness events on television
but real change comes from legislation – until laws were passed to regulate action, behaviors
would not have changed as quickly
Unit 16
Idealism of the New Frontier and
the Great Society
The New Frontier
And Great Society
The New Frontier
The Great Society
Early Involvement
Johnson’s War
Domestic Turmoil
Case Study
Nixon’s War
The Vietnam
Impact on America
Case Study
Case Study
The Warren
II. Timeline - New Frontier and Great Society
Johnson wins
Kennedy launches
“New Frontier”
race riots and
against the
Vietnam War
take place
Johnson launches
“Great Society”
1st US Astronaut
in space
decides not to
run again for
Bay of Pigs
disaster in
Richard Nixon
win Presidential
Cuban Missile
in Vietnam
III. The New Frontier – Kennedy’s Presidency
Kennedy’s Foreign Policy Issues
Bay of Pigs Invasion
o One of the United States’ greatest blunders – a CIA led invasion of Cuba by anti-Castro
o 1400 rebels were defeated by 14,000 Cuban soldiers
o Kennedy accepted responsibility – admitted it was a costly mistake for the US
Vienna Summit/Berlin Wall
o A summit meeting with Soviet Premier
Khrushchev about Berlin, Germany
o Khrushchev made threats
o Later, he built the Berlin Wall
Laos and Vietnam
o Begun in the 1950’s, Kennedy supported
continuation of the support for South
Vietnam against communist rebels
o Believing in the “domino theory” he
increased levels of US troops in the region
Latin America
o Kennedy attempted to make countries in Lat.
America more prosperous
o Alliance for Progress: proposed the US
spend $20 billion to help countries improve
their economy for its citizens
 the program was viewed skeptically
by the Latin American nations
 it failed because of no local support
Peace Corps
o Volunteers were sent to developing nations
go help with day-to-day activities in villages
o Helped change the impression in other
nations of the “ugly American”
Race to the moon
o Begun with Kennedy’s inaugural address
o He declared US desire to get to the moon by
the end of the decade (1960’s)
o Money and support poured into NASA
Case Study – Cuban Missile Crisis
Background: after turning
Communist – Cuba looked to the
Soviet Union for economic and
military assistance
Soviet Actions: seeing an
opportunity, USSR put nuclear
missiles in Cuba – they said to
defend Cuba from US invasion
U.S. Reactions: too close to US.
Kennedy told USSR to get them out
or else!
Significance: This crisis became
the closest that mankind has ever
come to destroying the planet. A
nuclear war was close
Results: the Soviets backed down.
- they removed the missiles
- US agreed to remove some
missiles in Turkey
- USSR was embarrassed over the
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
o Agreement between US, Great Britain, and USSR at first
o Agree not to test nuclear bombs above ground, in outer space, or under water
o Later signed by more than 100 countries
The Kennedy Assassination
 Dallas, Texas – November 1963.
 Traveling in a convertible, Kennedy was shot twice
 Died within the hour
 Lee Harvey Oswald arrested, shot that week by Jack Ruby
 An extremely emotional event in American History – seemed to shake the nation to its core
IV. The Great Society – Johnson’s Presidency
Expanding Kennedy’s Social Programs
War on Poverty/VISTA
o President Johnson began a war on poverty in America with the creation of the Office of
Economic Opportunity
o One program was VISTA: Volunteers in Service to America. Similar to the Peace
Corps, but working to help needy people in America
o Other programs included:
 Job Corps: helping school dropouts
 Operation Head Start: helping preschool children
Department of Housing and Urban Development was started
o Required states to provide financially aided health care programs for needy people
o Medicare was for the elderly
o Medicaid was for needy of all ages
Federal Aid to Education
o The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
o Federal aid directly to schools
o In order to receive funds, schools had to be able to prove they were desegregated
Environmental Issues and Concerns
o By the end of the 1960’s, the idea that humans could dispose of waste material in any
ways they saw fit, was catching up with them
o The land, air, and waters of America were becoming very polluted
o The use of pesticides and nuclear energy were becoming a deadly threat
o The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established in 1970 to set and enforce
pollution standards
End of the Great Society – Politics in 1968
o The end of the 1960’s were not as socially optimistic as the start of the decade
o Younger people were disillusioned with the established norms of society
o Pollution was taking its toll on the environment
o The Vietnam war was lingering on and becoming a social issue as well as political one
o The Democrats were divided over and lost to a united Republican Party
Case Study: The Vietnam War
Early U.S. involvement:
Containment: the U.S. Cold War policy of trying to stop the spread of Communism in the
o The U.S. made a commitment to stop the spread of Communism from North Vietnam
into South Vietnam
Domino theory: the belief that if South Vietnam fell to Communism – then neighboring nations
would also, and so on, and so on.
Johnson’s war:
Gulf of Tonkin
o The incident: US naval ships were reportedly fired on by North Vietnamese patrol boats
 President Johnson called the incidents “unprovoked attacks”
o Resolution: Johnson asked Congress for more authority to fight in Vietnam
 Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
 Authorized the President to take any necessary action to prevent aggression
 The US began to bomb North Vietnam and sent more and more troops
 US soldiers were no longer just “advisors” to the South, they were fighting the war
Americanization of the war:
o By the late 60’s, the US had taken over more and more responsibilities of fighting
o To the Communist supporters, the enemy was more the US than South Vietnam
The Tet Offensive:
o January 1968 – during the Vietnamese New Year Holiday known as Tet”
o Massive attack by N. Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops against US forces
o Even with great casualties, it showed the willingness of the enemy to keep fighting
o Turned many Americans against the war and changed the political scene in the US for
the upcoming 196 Presidential Election
Domestic Turmoil:
Case Study: Vietnam (cont.)
Draft protests:
o Demonstrations against the war increased heavily toward the end of the 1960’s
o Often led by the younger generation – many of these took place on college campuses
o The shock of what happened at Kent State and Jackson State, when student
demonstrators were killed by law enforcement officials, brought even more attention
o SDS: Students for a Democratic Society
 Concerned about social and political problems and injustices
 Called on citizens to stop letting the corporations and big government determine
political agendas
The Counter-Culture:
o Many young Americans made a choice to stop participating in the established society
o Turned off by what was considered “normal” rules of behavior, many turned to
alternative ways of life
o Drug use, rock music, psychedelic art, and communal life were
associated with the movement
Nixon’s War:
o After being elected President, Nixon announced his plan to switch the responsibility of
fighting the war to South Vietnam
o The US would honor its treaty commitments to aid them militarily when asked
o Slowly, US troops were being pulled out of Vietnam
Expansion of the war:
o As peace talks failed, Nixon ordered increased bombing raids
o His order to bomb parts of neighboring Cambodia caused a huge outcry, especially on
American college campuses, as many saw it as an expansion of the war
o Kent State:
 Student demonstrators were shot at by
National Guardsmen
 4 students were killed
 this event was a turning point for many
Americans – outraged at the incident
Pentagon Papers:
o Late in the war, the government ordered a study of the history of US involvement
o The report was top secret, but one of its writers, Daniel Ellsberg, leaked it to the press
o The report was very critical of US decision making and motivations
NY Times v. United States: the government tried to stop the printing of the
“Pentagon Papers” – as the secret report became known
 By a 6-3 vote, the Supreme Court ruled against the government – citing
the freedom of the press
Paris Peace Talks:
o The first negotiation talks began under President Johnson in 196
o Finally, a cease-fire agreement was reached in 1973
o US agreed to recognize the nation of Vietnam and withdraw all troops
o Vietnam agreed to release all POW’s (prisoners of war) and account for MIA’s
(missing in action)
o Though the US continued to recognize the government of South Vietnam, taking US
troops from the war meant the eventual end for that government
o By April of 1975, communist forces took over all of South Vietnam and the war was
o Today, there is one Vietnam
Impact on America:
The war in Vietnam is considered a turning point in modern American History
o American society is often described as being hopeful, optimistic, and booming before
the war and more disillusioned, pessimistic, and struggling after it.
Dividing opinions over the war mirrored many of the dividing opinions of social issues that
confronted Americans in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s
Much of American’s ideas of mistrust of government leadership and corporate America comes
from decisions made and actions taken because of the war
Returning American soldiers faced many types of challenges as they tried to live in a new
American society. Many still face health issues today.
The Vietnam Memorial contains the names of 58,156 Americans that died in activities
associated with the war and serves as a reminder of their service to America during a
challenging time in American history.
Case Study: Focus on Issues of Minorities
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
Shifting roles and images
Roe v. Wade
Meant to force states and cities to
change laws and end practices that
discriminated against women.
Passed by Congress, it never
received state ratification.
Stereotypes of the roles of woman
changed dramatically – from
homemaker to income producer.
Issues over child raising have
changed too.
The constitutional right for a woman
to have an abortion was recognized by
the Supreme Court. Though a divisive
issue, it acknowledged a woman’s
power of choice.
Labor Movement
Hispanic Americans are now the
largest racial minority in the US,
passing African Americans. Issues
over border security and labor are
becoming more important.
Led by Cesar Chavez, the United
Farm Workers of America
strengthened the cause of exploited
Mexican workers in America.
Though often labeled “Hispanic
Americans”, individuals seek to
separate themselves more. Terms
like Chicano, Latino, Hispanic are
accepted by some and not by others.
Indian Self-Determination and
Educational Assistance Act
Extreme levels of unemployment, a
low standard of living, and low life
expectancy have become a legacy
of social life for Native Americans
American Indian Movement: a
militant group trying to get more
rights. Occupied buildings and
communities demanding that treaties
be honored.
Individuals With Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA)
The movement to bring persons
with disabilities into the
mainstream of society. Especially
in the workplace and in education.
Established the right to a “free,
appropriate public education” for
those with disabilities. States that
failed to would not receive federal
funds for education.
Increased funds for education and
increased the role of Native
Americans in administrating
Federal Programs
Rehabilitation Act of 1973
(Section 504) and Americans With
Disabilities Act, 1990
Prohibited discrimination in
employment and required accessibility
to all public buildings and mass transit
for people with disabilities
Case Study: Chief Justice Warren
About him:
 As Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, he presided over a period of time in the court’s
history that saw dramatic changes in judicial power and philosophy – a time known now
as the “Warren Court” (1953-1969)
 His leadership of the court came at a time in American history of great social challenges
and changes
 In addition to the famous Brown v. Board of Education case, here are some of the other
important cases of the Warren Court:
Major Cases:
Mapp v. Ohio:
o A case involving the searching of a home without a warrant
o At question was whether or not evidence found could be used in court
o The Warren Court ruled that the evidence could not be used in court, as the
defendants 4th Amendment(Search and Seizure) and 14th Amendment(due process
and equal protection) rights were violated
Gideon v. Wainwright:
o Concerns the right of a defendant to have legal council
o The Supreme Court ruled that any defendant had a right to legal council, even if
they could not afford one.
o This created a huge need for Public Defenders – lawyers that would be
appointed to represent defendants on trial
Miranda v. Arizona:
o Involved a case in which a defendant did not know his legal rights before he was
questioned by authorities
o The court ruled that any person arrested must be informed by the police that they
have the right to remain silent and that they can have an attorney present during
o The warning statement is known as “Miranda Rights”
Baker v. Carr:
o The issue: the ability to redraw voting districts
o The argument: that the ability to redraw voting districts was a “political” issue,
and not one that could be decided by courts
o The ruling: Supreme Court ruled that the courts could review suck issues
V. Essential Questions
1. In the ongoing battle of the Cold War Superpowers, what victories could President Kennedy
claim – and what might be considered his defeats?
Victories: Berlin Airlift – Cuban Missile Crisis – Race to the moon
Defeats: Vietnam decision – Bay of Pigs Invasion
2. In what ways was President Johnson’s “Great Society” an extension of President Kennedy’s
“New Frontier”?
Johnson tried to continue Kennedy’s domestic programs such as
o The war on Poverty and the role of VISTA
o Improving health care for all Americans with Medicaid/Medicare
o Improving public schools
o Looking into protecting the environment
3. How might it be argued, that the 1960’s in America, was the wrong time to choose to take a
stand against the spread of communism in a place such as Vietnam?
The generation that would fight there had differing values than their parents of the WWII
generation – there was a feeling that questioning the motives of government was not
necessarily un-American
The African American Civil Rights movement had shown how organized protesting could draw
attention to a cause – and that standing up for what you believed was right, was important
Television brought the cold realities of war into the homes of Americans every evening. Color
television showed solders with red blood – this was a powerful image to many Americans.
4. How was America different after the Vietnam War than before?
Before: An image of an all powerful, patriotic, and righteous nation
After: Many questioned the motivations of the government. Some felt that the US wasn’t
necessarily on the “right” side of the moral issue. And of course – the US lost the war.
5. How might the African American Civil Rights movement have been a predecessor to the
gaining of civil rights for other minorities in America?
Other racial minorities, as well as handicapped people, became determined and motivated to
seek out justice in order to make themselves have the same rights as other Americans.
Unit 17
Trend Towards Conservatism
Trend Towards
Case Study
Domestic Issues
Nixon Era
Foreign Issues
The Ford Years
Domestic Issues
The Carter
Domestic Issues
Foreign Issues
Foreign Issues
Domestic Issues
Foreign Issues
Timeline – Trend Towards Conservatism
Nixon travels to Soviet
Union and China
treaty signed
Camp David
becomes 1st
US President
to resign.
US puts 1st
man on the
US boycotts
V.P. Ford
into Watergate
break-in reveals
White House
Richard Nixon
Operation Desert
Jimmy Carter
in Europe
begins to fall
Iran Hostage
Gerald Ford
Ronald Reagan
George HW Bush
II. The Nixon Era
Nixon’s Domestic Issues
OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
o Prevention of work related illnesses and injuries
DEA: Drug Enforcement Agency
o Worked to eliminate the sale and trafficking of illegal drugs
EPA: created to set and enforce pollution standards
o Clean Air Act (1970) and Clean Water Act (1972) established standards for discharge
of waste into the nation’s air and waterways
o Endangered Species Act (1973) attempted to save threatened animal species
Nixon’s Foreign Policy Issues
Nixon Doctrine: Nixon wanted Asian allies to provide more for their own defense – especially
manpower for fighting
Détente: a relaxation of tension with communist nations
o China: Nixon overturned nearly 20 years of US policy by recognizing the People’s
Republic of China as the true China, and not Taiwan. His visit to China was a huge
news story
o USSR: Nixon became the first US President to visit the USSR. They agreed to increase
trade, share scientific discoveries, and talk about reducing nuclear weapons
S.A.L.T.: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks – agreements between the US and USSR to
limit, and even reduce the number of nuclear missiles in their arsenals
Case Study: Watergate
Nixon’s second term in office was dominated by negative news for the administration
Resignation of Vice President Agnew:
o was discovered he had taken bribes as Governor of Maryland
o he resigned as VP
o Gerald Ford was named VP by Nixon
o The break-in: five Nixon supporters broke into the Democratic National
Headquarters at the Watergate Hotel complex to steal files – they got
o The cover-up: members of Nixon’s staff began to try to hide any
involvement by the President’s office – which was illegal. People began to
question the President’s involvement
U.S. v. Nixon, 1974:
o special prosecutors ordered Nixon to turn over tape recordings of his
office conversations
o he refused citing “executive privilege”
o Supreme Court ruled the President was not above the law
Impeachment Process: evidence from the tapes proved Nixon tried to stop the
investigation. The House of Representatives was on the verge of impeaching
Nixon’s resignation: Instead of waiting to be impeached, Nixon resigned the
o Vice President Gerald Ford became President
The Ford Years
The Pardon of Nixon: President Ford granted former President Nixon a full pardon of offenses
o the pardon was meant to “end the nightmare” of the Watergate scandal
o many Americans were upset at Nixon receiving a pardon
The Oil Crisis: part of a overall economic crisis in America in the mid-70’s
o OPEC began an embargo (halt of shipping) to nations that supported Israel
o OPEC also raised the price of oil dramatically – the oil shortage and price increase
had a dramatic effect on the overall economy of the US in the 1970’s
III. The Carter Presidency
Carter’s Domestic Issues:
Oil Crisis Continued: President Carter waged a “war” against energy consumption, urging
Americans to reduce energy use – it was largely ignored
- he created the Department of Energy to try to solve Americans dependence on foreign oil
Environmental Concerns:
o Three Mile Island: a malfunction at a nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania nearly
turned into a disaster. The incident scared Americans and changed the governments
use of nuclear power.
o Acid Rain: levels of acidic pollution reached alarming numbers – forests and the
species of animals living in them were dying off in areas downwind of major industrial
o Toxic Waste: information about the illegal and irresponsible dumping of waste
materials, some of it poisonous, came to light often in the late 1970’s
Love Canal: famous case involving the Hooker Chemical Co. in Niagara Falls,
 Dangerous chemicals were dumped in an old drained canal for years –
then buried.
 Homes were then built on the land. People began to get diseases and
 The Federal government was called in – national attention was brought
to the issue
Carter’s Foreign Policy Issues:
Camp David Accords:
o Carter invited the leaders of Israel and Egypt to his private retreat in Maryland, know
as Camp David – for high level peace talks
o Israel agreed to give back lands to Egypt – Egypt agreed to recognize Israel’s right to
o Egypt became first Arab nation to recognize Israel – other Arab nations were not happy
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan:
o Carter protested the invasion by boycotting the Summer Olympics in 1980 and putting
an embargo on grain to the Soviet Union
Iran Hostage Crisis:
o For years, the US had supported a leader in Iran know as the Shah of Iran
o When he was forced to leave, the new government distrusted the US
o The new religious government, encouraged students to take over the US Embassy there
o They held 52 Americans hostage for 444 days – they were released the day Carter left
IV. Reagan/Bush Years
Reagan Domestic Issues:
“Supply Side” economics: the belief that the cutting of taxes would lead to
more investment in the economy
o the hope was that there would be a “trickle down” effect – money spent by the wealthy
would lead to more jobs and lower prices for the rest of the public
o Tax policy and deficit: in order to attempt to reduce national debt, and provide for a
balanced budget – huge cuts were made in Federal programs – but not in the Defense
o The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act was designed to require a balanced budget by 1991
Environmental Issues: budget cuts for environmental enforcement agencies reduced their
ability to protect the environment
o Laws and regulations were not enforced very much
o Public lands in the west were often sold to private or corporate buyers
o Depletion of the ozone, increased waste disposal, and the Greenhouse Effect all grew in
significance during this time
Civil Rights Issues: the conservative approach of Reagan was more concerned with the rights
of society, than with the rights of an individual
o Issues such as abortion, property searches in schools, and drug testing gained attention
Supreme Court: During Reagan’s two terms in office, he appointed 3 new Supreme Court
Judges, including the position of Chief Justice, setting a Conservative tone over the court
o One of his appointments, Sandra Day O’Connor, was the first female on the court
o Reagan also appointed 50% of the Federal Judges across the country
Reagan Foreign Policy Issues:
Renewed image of power: A main agenda of Reagan was to re-strengthen America’s image as
a world power
o In the wake of trying to balance a budget, he more than doubled the Defense budget
Iran/Contra Connection: in order to support anti-communist groups in Nicaragua and El
Salvador, the Reagan Administration did two things considered to be illegal
o It sold weapons to the nation of Iran in violation of federal law
o It took the profits and gave them to anti-communists in those Central American nations
Trade: Imbalance with Japan: the 1980’s saw America’s trade relationship switch to an
imbalance with Japan – the US was buying more from Japan than Japan was buying from the
South Africa – Apartheid: the US led international economic pressure on the nation of South
o Trade embargoes and restrictions on investing in companies there
o In retaliation for South Africa’s policy of Apartheid
Soviet Union: Reagan truly distrusted the USSR and denounced previously created Arms
limitation treaties created by the Carter Administration
SDI: Strategic Defense Initiative – Reagan supported a weapons system that could possibly
defend the US against a Soviet nuclear attack
o “Star Wars”: nickname of the SDI system – missiles could be shot down or
intercepted from weapons in outer space
Gorbachev: new, younger leader of the USSR – realized the Soviet Union had to change in
order to survive. Knew he could not get into an arms race with the United States
- Fall of Soviet Union: economic pressures, and political changes, led to a popular, though
mostly peaceful, revolt against Communism in the USSR. It was successful.
Domestic Issues of George Bush (Sr.)
Immigration: the 1990 census indicated dramatic shifts in minority population statistics
o The “white majority” was soon to become less than 50% for the first time
o The old immigration identity of “European” immigrants was being replaced with a
newer face of Hispanic and Asian immigration
o The Hispanic minority was growing at a very rapid rate – becoming equal with the
“black” minority’s numbers
Savings and Loan Scandal The Reagan Administration changed decades of policy by allowing
Savings and Loan banks to raise interest rates and take part in commercial lending
o Many S&L’s took risky positions in the real estate market
o Following the recession in the late 80’s, many S&L’s got into financial trouble
o The Bush Administration was left to clean up the mess, eventually costing the taxpayers
billions of dollars
Social concerns:
o Cruzan v. Director; Missouri Dep. Of Health, 1990
 Parents of a woman on life support said their daughter would not want to be left
alive on machines – the hospital would not end the treatment
 Supreme Court ruled an individual had the right to refuse treatment – but that
there must be “clear and convincing evidence” of the person’s desires
o Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania;et al. v. Casey, 1992
 Pennsylvania enacted new regulations regarding abortions
 Supreme Court reaffirmed a woman’s basic right to an abortion, but upheld
most of the new regulations because they were not a “substantial obstacle” in
the abortion process.
Foreign Issues of George Bush (Sr.)
New World Order: Following the fall of the Cold War – Bush declared there was a “new world
order” - an unpredictable environment of changing balance of power
Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe popular challenges to communist control over “Eastern
Bloc” nations grew and were weakly defended by the USSR
o Once one nation (Poland) held free elections – the chain of events spun quickly to end
the decades old communist domination of Eastern Europe
o Berlin Wall: the symbolic representation of the Cold War came crashing down, as
private citizens took hammers and bulldozers to it – allowing the mixing of East with
o Soviet Union: under pressures of a failing economy and political freedoms in fellow
communist nations, the Soviet government buckled and fell – allowing for free elections
and the creation of a new Republic.
Crisis in Bosnia: unrest after the fall of communism in Yugoslavia led to a civil war between
religious minority groups
o The Christian Serbs, attempted a policy of “ethnic cleansing” by moving, or sometimes
killing, Bosnian Muslims
o The US led NATO allies in attacking Serbs, then defending Bosnians
Persian Gulf Crisis: begun when Iraq invaded and took over neighboring Kuwait
o US led a coalition of international nations to demand Iraq leave Kuwait
o Iraq’s leader, Saddam Hussein, refused
o The coalition attacked in a massive air and ground assault
o Within days, Kuwait was liberated
o When all was over, Saddam Hussein remained in power
V. Essential Questions
1. In what way might some historians be able to label President Nixon a “Progressive
President”, in the mold of Teddy Roosevelt?
Nixon took initiatives to improve the safety of Americans – often from the forces of big business
– by creating governmental agencies to oversee certain issues:
o OSHA – improved safety conditions in the work place
o DEA – cut down on illegal drugs coming into America
o EPA – stop the abuses of businesses in polluting the nation
2. Nixon became famous as a Congressman that was very anti-communist. In what ways did he
differ from his staunch views about Communist nations during his Presidency?
He asked Asian nations to do the fighting themselves in the ongoing battle of containment
He became the first US President to visit both the USSR and the People’s Republic of China
He took initiatives with détente and weapons limitations talks
3. How might the Watergate scandal transformed many American’s image of leadership in
government for America?
Many Americans felt betrayed by the office of the Presidency
A general distrust of both government, and political officials began
Many of the ideals of what Americans thought America was supposed to be all about, became
tarnished in many ways
4. What were the defining actions of the new conservatism that arose during the Reagan/Bush
A renewed image of American power – especially abroad
A pattern of having Americans fed for themselves – less dependence on government assistance
A relaxing of government restrictions on business – less regulations
o Less protection of the environment
o Less protection of minority rights
In general – more support for growth of business and national security - than individual rights
and security
Unit 18
Approaching the 21st Century
21st Century
The Clinton
Domestic Issues
Foreign Policy Issues
I. Map - The World
Balkan Mtn. Region
(old “Yugoslavia”)
II. Timeline
Sept. 11, 2001
Terrorists attack
the United States
Reform Act
A new era begins.
III. The Clinton Presidency
Clinton’s Domestic Issues
Family Leave Bill
o gave workers up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave from a job in order to take care of family
need – such as child birth of parent illness
o The worker would not lose any seniority
Brady Bill
o required background checks and imposed a waiting period in order to buy an handgun
Crime Bill
o provided funds for states to build more modern prisons
o to put more police officers on the streets
Health Care
o tried to pass laws to provide for universal health care for all Americans
o it was opposed by private companies and Republicans and failed to become a reality
Welfare Reform Act
o Limited people to two consecutive years on welfare
o Required them to work to receive benefits
Balanced Budget
o Clinton and Republicans battled over how to establish a balanced budget requirement
o At one point, Clinton shut down the government when they could not decide
Campaign finance reform
o Clinton and Congress agreed on measures to improve the way political campaigns were
paid for
o “soft money” contributions were eliminated
o money for “issue” advertisements were eliminated also
Impeachment Issue:
o Clinton faced a number of scandals, tarnishing his image
o His association when he was governor of Arkansas with a real estate firm cause an
investigation into his role of arranging illegal loans – no evidence of wrongdoing was
o A sexual harassment lawsuit was filed against him by Paula Jones – the case was
settled with a payment to her
o Investigations charged that he had an inappropriate relationship with a White House
intern. Part of the issue surrounded his testimony in the case – and his honesty
o Though impeachment proceedings were brought against him, the necessary votes to
remove him from office were not reached.
Clinton’s Foreign Issues:
The Middle East
o Israel/PLO Agreement:
- various meetings between representatives of these two groups led to some long
awaited compromises – beginning a process of coexistence that continues today
- PLO leader Yasir Arafat recognized Israel’s right to exist
- Israeli leader Rabin recognized the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian
- after the agreements were signed with the help of President Clinton, Rabin was
assassinated in his own country
U.S. intervention in conflict areas:
o Somalia:
- in support of the United Nations, the US had a strong presence to help maintain relief
shipments to the famine stricken nation
- in one incident, 24 US soldiers were killed by an ambush of rebel soldiers
o Haiti:
- after a democratically elected President was forced from office by the military, chaos
prevailed and many Haitians tried to flee the nation
- with many Americans living in Haiti, President Clinton threatened military action if
the military government did not step down
- Father Jean-Bertrand Aristide was put back in power
- US troops went to Haiti to watch over the transition of power
o Yugoslavia:
- After the fall of communism in Eastern Europe, the nation of Yugoslavia broke up
- in Bosnia, a huge civil war erupted between ethnic groups
- Serbian Christians began a policy of “Ethnic cleansing” against other minority
groups, most Bosnian Muslims
- The US lead NATO forces in attacking Serb armies to stop the violence and then to
stay and maintain peace
- the same story happened again in 1998 between Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo
U.S. - Russian Relations:
o After the fall of communist Soviet Union – two main concerns have arisen in “Russia”
 The economy suffers greatly – the US has attempted from time to time to help
Russians gain a foothold on developing a new “capitalist” economy
 It’s nuclear weapons arsenal – the US has helped to make sure that the old
weapons do not fall into the wrong hands
U.S. - European Relations:
o The US continues to work closely with its old NATO allies
o NATO is expanding, now accepting one time cold war enemies from Eastern Europe
o The development of the European Union is a big issue
o One time “hot spots” such as Northern Ireland and Bosnia are still monitored
Global Economy:
o NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement
 Meant to spur trade and opportunities for business development between
Canada, the US, and Mexico
o GATT: General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
 Created the World Trade Organization (WTO)
 Watches over trade agreements and settles disputes between member nations
 There are over 140 member nations
o Economic Aid to Russia:
 Provided to Russia to help reduce its nuclear stockpile of weapons
 And to secure active weapons and nuclear materials
o Trade with:
China: the fastest growing economy in the world today
o American companies seek sales in China’s huge market
o American consumers buy many products made in China
Japan: a long time trading partner with the US
o The US has been seeking a more favorable balance of trade with Japan than
it had in the 1980’s and ‘90’s
Latin America: previous economic plans with this area have had mixed results
o Many are watching Mexico to see if NAFTA will have a meaningful effect on
the Mexican economy
IV. Essential Questions
1. How was President Clinton a reaction against the political philosophy of his predecessors,
Reagan and Bush Sr.?
o His domestic agenda seemed more directed to assist individual citizens and families
2. Was Clinton’s foreign policy actions a reflection of his fundamental goals or a reaction to an
ever-changing international arena?
o The end of the 20th century saw a change of international threats to peace – from the broad
Cold War conflicts to smaller scaled localized tensions – and terrorism.
o Much of the events required US cooperation with international allies through NATO
and the United Nations
 Somalia
 Rwanda
 Bosnia
 Haiti