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Lesson Checklist
Lessons 1–2
Segment and delete syllables from multisyllable
Say long vowel sounds for: a, e, i, o, u.
Identify open syllables.
Identify stressed syllables.
Lesson 1
Date: _______________
Lesson 2
Date: _______________
Review: Syllables
Introduction: Open
Syllable Awareness:
Exercise 1: Spelling
Pretest 1
Memorize It
Read and spell words with open syllables.
Read and spell the Essential Words: good, great,
right, though, through, year.
Read and spell words with prefixes: pre-, re-,
Read and spell contractions with have.
Add -es to words that end in a consonant followed
by o (e.g., goes).
Identify present participles that act as adjectives.
Identify antonyms, synonyms, and word
Use the meaning of prefixes to define words.
Unit Vocabulary
Explore It (T)
Expression of the Day
Identify nouns and adjectives.
Identify prepositions and prepositional phrases.
Identify and use have as a main or helping verb.
Identify and write sentences with a compound
direct object.
Use context-based strategies to define words.
Identify signal words for comprehension: use,
generalize, infer, show.
Identify main idea and details.
Identify transition words in informational text
organized by time sequence and classification.
Answer comprehension questions in complete
Organize main ideas and details for writing.
Apply outline to writing a summary paragraph.
Use transition words for time sequence and
classification paragraphs.
Review: Noun or
Exercise 2: Identify It:
Noun, Adjective, or
Exercise 3: Phrase It
Independent Text:
“Mythical Heroes”
Sentences: Stages 1–3
Sentence Types: Fact
or Opinion?
Syllable Awareness:
Review: Conditions
for a Long Vowel
Sound in an Open
Exercise 1: Listening
for Sounds in Words
Review: Syllable
Exercise 2: Sort It:
Syllable Types
Word Fluency 1
Memorize It
Handwriting Practice
Tense Timeline:
Ongoing Action (T)
Exercise 3: Sort It:
Tense Timeline
Present Participle:
Suffix -ing
Exercise 4: Find It:
Present Participles
Expression of the Day
Review: Prepositions
and Prepositional
Phrases (T)
Exercise 5: Identify It:
Prepositional Phrases
Exercise 6: Find It:
Open Syllables
Passage Fluency 1
Exercise 7: Use the
Exercise 8: Rewrite It:
(T) = Template or Transparency. Exercises listed in the Lesson Planner are part of the activity and appear in the Interactive Text.
© 2005 Jane Fell Greene, Ed.D. All rights reserved.
Published by Sopris West Educational Services.
Lesson Checklist
Lessons 3–5
Lesson 3
Date: _________________
Lesson 4
Date: _________________
Lesson 5
Date: _________________
Syllable Awareness: Deletion
Exercise 1: Syllable Awareness:
Content Mastery: Syllable
Exercise 2: Divide It
Two-Syllable Words
Word Fluency 2
Type It: Essential Words
Content Mastery: Spelling
Posttest 1
Exercise 1: Sort It: Syllable Types
Exercise 2: Find It: Essential
Word Fluency 1
Exercise 3: Define It
Draw It: Idioms
Expression of the Day
Review: Function of -ing
Exercise 3: Identify It: Function of
Expression of the Day
Review: Antonyms, Synonyms, and
Review: Reading Word Pairs
Exercise 1: Word Networks:
Antonyms, Synonyms, and
Draw It: Idioms
Expression of the Day
Introduction: The Verb Have
Exercise 4: Identify It: Have—
Main Verb or Helping Verb
Exercise 5: Identify It: Have—Verb
Instructional Text: “Legendary
Exercise 6: Use the Clues
Exercise 7: Answer It
Review: The Verb Have
Exercise 4: Find It: Forms of Have
Review: Irregular Verbs
Exercise 5: Identify It: Irregular
Verb Forms
Exercise 6: Find It: Irregular Verbs
Instructional Text: “Legendary
Exercise 7: Blueprint for Reading:
Main Ideas, Details, Transition
Words (T)
Explore It (T)
Write It: Topic Sentence
Exercise 8: Blueprint for Writing:
Outline (T)
Write It: Summary (T)
Challenge Text: “Navajo Code
Challenge Text: “Navajo Code
Review: Complete Subject and
Complete Predicate
Masterpiece Sentences: All Stages
Identify It: Complete Subject and
Complete Predicate
(T) = Template or Transparency. Exercises listed in the Lesson Planner are part of the activity and appear in the Interactive Text.
© 2005 Jane Fell Greene, Ed.D. All rights reserved.
Published by Sopris West Educational Services.
Lesson Checklist
Lessons 6–7
Segment and delete syllables from multisyllable
Say long vowel sounds for: a, e, i, o, u.
Identify open syllables.
Identify stressed syllables.
Lesson 6
Date: ________________
Lesson 7
Date: ________________
Review: Stressed
Exercise 1: Listening
for Stressed Syllables
Exercise 2: Spelling
Pretest 2
Word Fluency 3
Read and spell words with open syllables.
Read and spell the Essential Words: good, great,
right, though, through, year.
Read and spell words with prefixes: pre-, re-,
Read and spell contractions with have.
Add -es to words that end in a consonant followed
by o (e.g., goes).
Identify present participles that act as adjectives.
Identify antonyms, synonyms, and word
Use the meaning of prefixes to define words.
Identify nouns and adjectives.
Identify prepositions and prepositional phrases.
Identify and use have as a main or helping verb.
Identify and write sentences with a compound
direct object.
Use context-based strategies to define words.
Identify signal words for comprehension: use,
generalize, infer, show.
Identify main idea and details.
Identify transition words in informational text
organized by time sequence and classification.
Answer comprehension questions in complete
Organize main ideas and details for writing.
Apply outline to writing a summary paragraph.
Use transition words for time sequence and
classification paragraphs.
Review: Shifting
Syllable Stress
Exercise 1: Listening
for Stressed Syllables
Exercise 2: Divide It
Exercise 3: Find It:
Exercise 4: Build It:
Prefixed Words
Unit Vocabulary
Review: Antonyms,
Synonyms, and
Exercise 3: Word
Networks: Antonyms,
Synonyms, and
Expression of the Day
Review: Conjunctions,
Compound Subjects,
Compound Predicates
Exercise 4: Combine
It: Compound Direct
Exercise 5: Phrase It
Independent Text:
“Unsung Heroes”
Exercise 6: Use the
Passage Fluency 2
Exercise 7: Use the
Exercise 7: Rewrite It:
Exercise 8: Rewrite It:
Review: Prefixes
Introduction: Prefixes
pre-, re-, superExercise 5: Define It:
Expression of the Day
Review: Compound
Direct Objects (T)
Exercise 6: Diagram
It: Compound Direct
Objects (T)
(T) = Template or Transparency. Exercises listed in the Lesson Planner are part of the activity and appear in the Interactive Text.
© 2005 Jane Fell Greene, Ed.D. All rights reserved.
Published by Sopris West Educational Services.
Lesson Checklist
Lessons 8–10
Lesson 8
Date: _________________
Lesson 9
Date: _________________
Lesson 10
Date: _________________
Exercise 1: Listening for Word
Exercise 1: Listening for Stressed
Exercise 1: Listening for Stressed
Exercise 2: Sort It: Words Ending
in o
Word Fluency 4
Content Mastery: Spelling
Posttest 2
Review Spelling Rule: Words
Ending in o
Exercise 2: Find It: Words Ending
in o
Exercise 3: Build It
Content Mastery: Word
Content Mastery: Morphology
Prefixes: pre-, re-, superExercise 4: Define It: Prefixes
Expression of the Day
Review: Prefixes
Exercise 2: Find It: Prefixed Words
Exercise 3: Sort It: Prefixed Words
Draw It: Idioms
Expression of the Day
Exercise 3: Sentence Dictation
Masterpiece Sentences: Stage 2 (T)
Review: Compound Direct Objects
Exercise 5: Revise It: Compound
Direct Objects
Content Mastery: Have—Main
Verb or Helping Verb
Content Mastery: Prepositions
Content Mastery: Compound Direct
Instructional Text: “These Shoes of
Spotlight on Characters: Act It
Exercise 6: Answer It
Exercise 4: Reflect and Respond
Challenge Text: “The Ride of Her
Challenge Text: “The Ride of Her
Instructional Text: “These Shoes of
Exercise 4: Answer It
Content Mastery: Answering
Spotlight on Characters: Character
(T) = Template or Transparency. Exercises listed in the Lesson Planner are part of the activity and appear in the Interactive Text.
© 2005 Jane Fell Greene, Ed.D. All rights reserved.
Published by Sopris West Educational Services.