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INTRODUCTION TO ACCESS DATABASE WORKSHEET Directions: Save the document as Introduction_to_Access_Database_Worksheet in the appropriate place on the network. Use the Introduction to Access Database PowerPoint to find the answers to these questions. Please key your answers under each question. Answers should be Comic Sans font size 12, bold, and red. YOU MUST WRITE ALL ANSWERS IN COMPLETE SENTENCES. 1. What is a database? 2. What does database software allow you to create? 3. Give six examples of databases you work with every day. 4. List six ways a database is used at our school. 5. Many vehicles manufactured today include GPS Devices. What does GPS stand for? 6. How does a GPS Position System calculate the user’s position and altitude? 7. Who uses a GPS device? (List six) 8. How are people identified with biometric technology and list three examples? 9. During the summer of 2007, what local company used biometrics in order to identify members? 10. About how long would it take for the FBI to identify a person’s fingerprints without the use to technology? 11. Using a computer database, about how long does it take the FBI to identify fingerprints? 12. What are the advantages for using Access for database management? 13. How is a database like a file cabinet? 14. How are the tables of a database like the drawers of a file cabinet? 15. How are records like file folders? 16. How are fields like sheets of paper? Unit 5 – Database Applications 17. Define Tables. 18. What is one of the first steps in creating a database? 19. What are the two views tables are usually created in? 20. Every table has three things….what are they? 21. Each ____ Represents a “Record.” 22. Define Record. 23. In the example, the information or “record” is for Johnny Mitchell. What are the first and last names of the other records in this example? 24. What does each Column heading represents? 25. Define Field. 26. What are the other field names on this example? 27. How many close buttons does Access have? 28. Which close button closes out of Access? 29. Which close button closes only the table or other object? 30. When does Access automatically save new records and changes to existing data? 31. Define form. 32. What is an advantage of using forms? 33. Define a Query in Access. 34. What is a major benefit of working with data through a query? 35. List 5 examples of queries TMS might run using the school database program. Unit 5 – Database Applications