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A Universal-Equivalent Proof of
the Riemann Hypothesis
(Primes Theorem)
It is a truth very certain that when it is not in our power to
determine what is true, we ought to follow what is most
probable. DESCARTES
The Riemann hypothesis, discovered by a member of the
famous (illuminated, mason) stationeryfamily [Wikipedia],
states that the roots of the zeta (Zee-Ta = Zee-Ra >>>
ZERO??) function correspond exactly with the prime
I have discovered a remarkably simple proof of the
Riemann hypothesis, using a theory I have developed:
Universal Equivalence Theory.
“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of
giants” – Pythagoras
Plan of the Proof
- Compact roots of zeta function-tree to unique
(canonical) trunk
- Geometric argument placing zeta-truth-trunk in
centre of unknown-circle.
- Auxiliary propositions
- Compress circle, reducing undesired 0 (Evil) state to
single (1, Good) point, equivalating primes with zetasingularity
- The QED
Zeta and primes
Currently, the truth of the Riemann hypothesis is
In mathematics, it is conventional to use the letter X to
represent the unknown.
Catherine ZETA JONES. Illuminati??!
Many, including my jealous detractors, fear the unknown.
They associate the unknown with evil, or sin.
x = sin(x)
Sin can only produce numbers (values, time-events) between zero (0)
and 1. The Cathars, whom I have studied for many years at great
personal cost, and whose secrets I believe I am the only living person
to fully understand, were suppressed for their belief in the real (noncomplex, planar) opposition between the primary (prime) elements of
Good and Evil, or 0 and one (unity).
0, the circle, has infinitely many sides. Since there are uncountably many
primes (e.g Euclid, see my e-book Greek Secrets: Mysteries Revealed)
there is one prime for each side of the circle.
The circle has
many sides but we can control them with mechanical (celestial)v systems
All roots of the zeta are connected by a “binary”
roots naturally assemble into
(good/evil, pro/anti)
tree. All
opposing pairs of Good and Evil
elements, joined by a ``node`` (c.f. Intro Graph Theory). Following this
process to its end--limit, all roots descend from a a “God particle” [CERN
2012] which is (knows) both Good and Evil.
Geometric argument
Let no one ignorant of geometry enter my door.
The God Particle was present at the beginning of time (t=0, p<0.005).
There was both nothing (0) and a prime motive (God; 1 = zeta-trunk), from
which all stems [Sagan et Al, Cosmos].
As I showwed earlier, by following the HARMONIC
SERIESof the Templars we can arrange all primes on the
infinite sides of the circle. Each side has an opposite, at an
angle of pi (= tau **) degrees [see degrees of Freemasonry].
Since pi is irrational, it is NP-hard (“nOT pOSSIBLE”) to
decode whether this prime is greater, equal to or less than the
first. So we have
This equation, like the circle itself, has rotational symmetry. Symmetry is
a universal sign of
Beauty (= Good = Desire). Both of the primes
under consideration are Good, i.e. linear (1).
Remark: this “linear” solution to an NP-hard problem implies P =/= NP.
It is the embarrassment of metaphysics that it is
able to accomplish so little with the many things
that mathematics offers her
Kant, E.
Closing remarks
Proposition 1
For any choice of x,y. xy = XY =
is finite.
Proposition 2
Let x be an arrangement of Platonic solids. X tessellates
(configures) the plane.
Clearly follows from the Parallel Postulate, proved to be
independent from all other fact-axioms.
Compacting the 0-circle
The 0 has radius e (rho < robot). Compactification reduces
this radius by a canonical open set f.
Following from the axioms of group theory (see
“Monstrous Moonshine”), each time this is done, one
and/or less groups of diametric element-primes are
correlated (harmonise) to a single point as the circumference
of 0 decreases (entropy).
In the limit, this process reduced the 0-sin to a single
point, which I showed earlier on is exactly the binary root
of Zeta. So the RIEMANN hYPOTHESIS is
I have verified this result by computer (Apple Mac. Apple
Quod Errat Demonstrandum (Greek,
“I have
proved it”)
From mechanical folding trajectories to intrinsic energy
landscapes of biopolymers
Harmonic Series
v Local Geometric Phase and Quantum State Tomography in
a Superconducting Qubit
The Music of the Primes: Why an unsolved
problem in mathematics matters