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³1. If a pro basketball player has a vertical leap of about 30 inches. What is his hang time? Use
the hang time function V = 48T².
2. Solve
Ans is 2,3.Find the greatest common factor.
-18a², 3a^5
4. Factor
5. Multiply
= 18x^3+30x^2+26x+6
6. Factor
7. Multiply
8. Express using a positive exponent
9. If the sides are lengthened bz 5cm, the area becomes 144cm². Find the length of a side of the
original square.
(x+5)^2 = 144
Taking square root, x+5=12
=> x= 12 cm
10.Use the quadratic formula to solve the equation.
=> 2x²-3x+4=0
D = b2-4ac = 9-32 = -21
So x = (3+i√21)/4 , (3-i√21)/4
11. Use rational exponents to write x^1/3 * y^1/7 * z^1/5 as a single radical expression.
12. Identify the degree of each term of the polynomial and the degree of the polynomial.
Degree of polynomial = 3
Degree of 1st term =3
Degree of 2nd term =2
Degree of 3rd term = 1
Degree of 4th term =0
13. Factor Completely
14. Divide and Simplify
15. Rewrite with positive exponents.
16. Subtract the polynomials.
17. Use rational exponents to simplify.
Not clear
18. Finde the following
19. Find the x-intercept for;
x-intercept are (3,0) and (-1,0)
20. Factor the trinomial
21. Multiply and simplify
y^16 * y^0
22. What does it mean to refer to a 20-inch TV Set or a 25-inch TV set? Such units refer to the
diagonal of the screen. A 20-inch TV set also has a width of 16 inches. What is its height?
Height2 = 400-256 =144
So height = 12 inch
23. Add
s^5 – 3s^4+4s3+11s2+5s-10
24. Solve
So r=-5,10
25. Casey usually mows his lawn in 6 hrs. Jackie can mow the same lawn in 3 hrs. How much
time would it take for them to mow the lawn together?
2 hrs
x-intercept of 5x²-15
x-intercept are (√3,0) and (-√3,0)
27. Multiply
28. Solve
D = 196+16 =212=4*53
a = -7+2√53,-7-2√53
29. Solve for b
4b^2-4b-5b^2 = 3
=> b^2+4b+3 = 0
D = 16-12 = 4
b = -1,-3
30. Multiply
(2√7 - 4√6)(3√7 + 6√6)
= 6 (7-24) = -102
31. Factor Completely
= 25c²-45c-45c+81
= 5c(5c-9)-9(5c-9)
32. Subtract. Simplify by collecting like radical terms if possible.
4√12 - 5√3
=8√3-- 5√3
= 3√3
33. Use the FOIL method to find the product.
34. State the value of the discriminant
D = 81-260 = -179
35. Find the following
Not clear
36.Factor out the greatest common factor.
The factorization is= ??
3 x^4(x^2-4x+7)
3 x^4 is GCF.
37. Convert to decimal notation
8.44 * 10^7
38.Multiply and simplify
³√x^4 ³√81x^5
= 3x^2³√3x
39. Simplify by removing factor of 1
40. In a right triangle find the length of the side not given.
c= √10
ans. h=3
41. Write a quadratic equation in the variable x having the given numbers as solutions. Type the
equation in standard for ax²+bx+c=0.
Solution= 1, only solution.
The equation is ??
Ans. x2-2x+1 = 0
42. Rewrite with a rational exponent
&sup7; √21
43. Multiply
(b +½)(b+¼)
44. Divide
25a³+5a²+39a+29) / (5a+3)
=5a2-2a+9+ (2/5a+3)
45. Add
= -3x2-14xy-8y2
46. Perform the indicated operations & simplify.
z-8 _ z+1 _ z-27
z-9 z+9 z²-81
Not clear
47.Evaluate the polinomial for x =1
48.Find the variation constant and an equation of variation where y varies directly as x and y =
27 when x =9
Variation constant is k =
the equation of variation is y =
y=kx => k = 27/9=3
eqn is y=3x
49. Subtract and simplify if possible
6-x _ 7x-9
x-9 9-x
= (6-x+7x-9)/(x-9)
=(6x-3)/(x-9) = 3(2x-1)/(x-9)
50. Factor Completely
= 7(2x+7y)2
51. Simplify
Not clear
52. Solve
(x+10)(x-9)(x+8) > 0
solution set is =??
{x| x> 9 or -10<x<-8}
53. Solve
15y^4-19y²+6= 0
Solution is y =??
y = -√(2/3), √(2/3), √(3/5), -√(3/5)
54. Find all numbers for which the rational expression is undefined
55. Simplify
Not clear
56. Multiply and simplify
9d² * 2d-2
2d²-4d+2 3d
Not clear
57. f(x) = -2x²+2x+4
The x-coordinate of the vertex is ??
The y-coordinate of the vertex is ??
The equation of the line symmetry is x =??
The maximum/minimum of f(x) is ??
The value f(½)= 9/2 is; a. minimum or b. maximum
f(x) = -2x²+2x+4 = -2(x2-x-2) = -2((x-1/2)2-9/4) = -2((x-1/2)2 + 9/2
The x-coordinate of the vertex is 1/2
The y-coordinate of the vertex is 9/2
The equation of the line symmetry is x = ½
The maximum value is -9/4
58. Solve
not clear
59. Solve
√7x+36 = x+4
=> 7x+36 = x2+8x+16
=> x2 + x – 20 = 0
60. Rationalize the denominator
= (√c-√d)2/(c+d)
61. Add and simplify if possible.
4t + t
t²-16 t-4
= t/(t-4)[ 4/(t+4) +1]
=t(t+8)/( t²-16)
63. Divide and simplify
7y-14 ÷ y-2
6 14y
Not clear
64. f(x) ½(x+8)² +5
Vertex = (-8,5)
Line of symmetry is x = -8
Maximume/minimum value of f(x) = 5
f(-8) = 5 is minimum