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Minerals occur in very small quantities in the body
and are essential to certain metabolic processes;
they help to draw chemical substances into and out of
cells; they control the amount of water necessary for
the life process; they influence the secretion of
glands; they affect muscle responses; and they are
important in transmitting messages through the
nervous system.
Minerals are not manufactured by plants and therefore
have to be extracted from the earth. Once in the
body, when their work is done, they are excreted in
the urine and sweat glands and must be regularly
replaced. They often activate enzymes and are
catalysts in he utilization of other minerals and
vitamins. For example, magnesium activates more
enzymes in the body than any other mineral, calcium
needs it and Vitamin C is useless without it.
Another group of elements, known as halogens, is
closely related to minerals and the human body uses
them in a similar manner with the added benefit of
stimulating the natural repair processes of the body.
An electrical charge is carried by both minerals and
halogens, positive for minerals and negative for
halogens, and this property is used extensively in
Mineral Skin Therapy.
The more important minerals and halogens with their
functions are listed below:
Deficiency Results
Daily Need
Important for cell metabolism,
activation of enzymes and as an agent in utilization
of other minerals and vitamins. Necessary for nerve
and muscle function.
Muscular weakness, heart &
circulatory diseases, nervousness and depression,
dizziness, diarrhea, convulsions. Alcoholics and
diabetics often short of magnesium. 300 mg.
Activate enzymes and helps maintain
reproductive processes.
Unlikely, but causes poor
equilibrium & bad coordination, sterility, reduction
of sexual drive, abnormal body growth, still births.
Sulphur Help in formation of body tissue, necessary
for proper function of the vitamins’ thiamin &
biotin, acts as a detoxicant.
Rare, but same
effect as lack of protein. No fixed amount, widely
available through protein.
Associated with iron in production of red
blood cells, aids formation of hair pigment,
catalyses enzymes connected with muscle and nerve
fibers. Rare, but can lead to anaemia, graying and
loss of hair, heart trouble and nervousness. 2.5 mg.
Proper functioning of red blood cells and
Vitamin B-12.
Dry, scaly skin; pernicious
Trace. Chromium Improve the body’s utilization of
glucose and helps to regulate blood sugar levels.
Believed to keep cholesterol low.
Hardening of the
Phosphorus Present in all cells, important for
growth, maintenance & repair of cells, energy and
nerve transmissions, genetic and hereditary patterns.
Poor teeth and bones, disturbances in cell
regulation, stunted growth.
1 gm.
Selenium Exact function not known bur thought to be
anti-oxidant and may prevent certain types of cancer.
May be important in vision.
Difficulty in
absorbing and utilizing Vitamin E.
Assists in elimination of carbon dioxide,
helps formation of enzymes and proteins. Delayed
sexual maturity & retarded growth.
Chlorine Important in cell metabolism, helps
regulate the balance of acid and alkali in the blood.
Arteriosclerosis, poor water retention.
Bromine Necessary for cell metabolism and
stimulation of the body’s natural repair process.
Nervous tension, drying of skin, possibly
proliferation of skin cells.
Vital to cell metabolism and necessary for
production of thyroxin that chiefly regulates
metabolic energy. Thyroid problems leading to weight
gain, nervous tension, lethargy, hair loss and drying
of skin. Trace.
Fluorine Helps deposit calcium thus strengthens
teeth and bone. Hinder tooth decay by fighting acid
forming bacteria. Poor bones and teeth, tooth decay.
1 mg.
Alternative energy; alternative health: There is a
new companion to Einstein's E=mc2. Can you say "E
equals delta-tee-cee-squared?" The "tee" is time and
delta-tee is change in time. "Bearden for Beginners"
article which explains some of the basic concepts of
the current state of scalar technology. What is
Scalar Energy? Also see: Bioscalar Energy. The
literature states that the scalar energy is created
when two common electromagnetic waves come together
from two opposite converging vectors. When the energy
vectors meet, the equal frequencies cancel each other
leaving a standing or stationary energy. The space
the scalar occupies is not a vacuum but alive with
checked and balanced energies. The literature
describes that it can be created by electromagnetic
generators or naturally when similar frequency waves
in the environment meet from two different vectors.
Therefore, small random scalar energies are always
present in the environment. The term scalar was used
by Nikola Tesla at the end of the last century as a
part of powerful non-Hertzian energy (without
frequencies) which he referred to as standing energy
or cosmic waves. Einstein gave reference to the
scalar energies in the 1920s. Yet even today modern
physics textbooks and scholarly publications rarely
mention scalar energies. This is understandable. The
electromagnetism that we know so much about has
frequencies, wave action and motion that we can
measure. Scalar energy is described to have zero
frequencies, to be static, a stationary energy that
therefore cannot be evaluated by our current
frequency instruments. We do know how to create this
energy but only its effects tell us that it exists in
space and has power.
What is Bioscalar Energy? Electromagnetic energy is
the most plentiful constant energy of our universe.
It is a part of all structures living and dead, and
the atmosphere. We create electromagnetic energies in
the atoms of our living cells, which we enhance by
the reaction with the atmospheric energy field. We
know this expanded energy field as the human aura.
Without this biofield life would not exist and there
would be only an inner biochemical mix. To summarize,
the bioenergy field is composed of electrical and
mechanical energy (frequencies). It comes from the
body, passes through the body as waves of energy
(frequencies). In its free form it is high in
frequencies because its source is atoms. The
neurological system is also electromagnetic but the
source is neurons, not atoms, giving a much lower
frequency spectrum. Whereas the nerve
electromagnetism activates muscles, brain, heart and
breathing with frequencies from 0 to 25Hz (cycles per
second), the human energy field from atoms is
measured at about 500Hz (cycles per second) to the
frequency of light. Recently we have discovered
another form of electromagnetism that is organized
into a different pattern. It is no longer a wave but
is changed to a standing or stationary energy.
In physics this is called a scalar wave. When it
exists inside the body I call it the bioscalar wave.
This scalar energy does not flow like waves but it
does occupy space and increases in spatial mass. When
the space it occupies is sufficient (this varies with
people), the energy expands outward in circles of
energy. This energy expanding in circles directly
influences the body?s fluid systems, blood and
lymphatic. Lab tests have indicated that red and
white cells tend to stick together when there is
illness, injury or poor health. According to the
famous Max Planck Institute in Germany the scalar
energy ?unsticksî the cells. Circulation is
remarkably improved in lymphatic and blood systems to
flow smoothly. Good flow of bodily fluid systems
hastens healing. I believe the creation of the
bioscalar wave is the essential electromagnetic
healing phenomena of all healing procedures. -Thanks to Bio Energy Fields Foundation.
Also see: Neutriceuticals for Cleansing and
Rejuvenation. These products are enhanced with Scalar
Energy. The you can learn about these amazing
neutriceuticals. You can also download a free book;
Scientists have finally discovered the way to embed
selected beneficial energy into nutritional
supplements. And see: Scalar - Alternative Energy
Free Energy Plasma Energy and Healing Reciprocal
System of Theory - The theory is based on scalar
motion, a simple inverse relationship between space
and time, and can explain phenomena from sub-atomic
to super galaxies; Educate-Yourself The Freedom of
Knowledge, The Power of Thought. Balancing Free
Energy (devices) re: Gravity. While the word "scalar"
doesn't appear in this article, the word "gravity"
does. Now what has gravity to do with anything? Just
ask Newton. No, forget Newton. The question is, what
does gravity have to do with the processing and
harvesting of natural nutritional substances in
health and well being? First learn gravity. See:
Electric Scalar potential. (See "Shedding Light on
Lymphatic Health," Alternative Medicine magazine,
May, 2000). Named after Nikola Tesla, the inventor of
alternating current and "father" of the technology it
employs, the Teslar Watch produces its own energy
field in the form of a "scalar wave," which has been
shown to screen other ELF signals. At the same time
the Teslar Watch radiates its own 8 Hz signal similar
to the earth's natural resonance of 7 to 9 Hz, thus
enabling the body to operate within its own natural
frequency range. According to Valerie Hunt, Ph.D.,
and Professor Emeritus at UCLA, a renowned researcher
of the human bioenergy field, scalar energy is
created when two identical frequencies meet head on
from opposite directions, canceling each other out to
leave a stationary energy. "Currently, energy
instruments only measure frequencies and wave
lengths, not stationary energy," Dr. Hunt says,
explaining why scalar energy is not widely discussed
by most scientists. "However, studies at the Max
Planck Institute showed that the scalar wave, like
that created by the Teslar Watch, caused the
unclumping of lymph and blood cells. Then the smooth
flowing circulatory systems brought nutrients to
cells and tissues, and removed chemical and cellular
wastes, resulting in improved healing and immune
capacity." While it might seem hard to believe that a
tiny signal emitted from a watch could produce such
health benefits, the Teslar Watch has been endorsed
by a variety of leading doctors, including Doris
Rapp, M.D., a specialist in the field of
environmental medicine, and John Upledger, D.O.,
developer of craniosacral therapy. See: Tools For
Wellness and Potential Energy and Fields. A Tentative
Mechanism for Healing by Toni Bunnell PhD
Introduction A criticism often levelled at healing,
hands-on healing, bioenergy therapy, therapeutic
touch, or whatever you choose to call it, is that
there is little irrefutable proof that healing per se
is effective; Also, that of the few scientific
studies conducted, most could not be considered due
to poor experimental design, making them invalid.
Sound research into healing have been documented by
Daniel Benor. Nature of the Healing Energy John
Zimmerman at the University of Colorado has adapted a
machine to measure the brain's magnetic field to
monitor the entire body. When a trained healer
attempts to heal, Zimmerman observes distinct changes
in the body's fields. Signals up to several hundred
times larger than background noise appear while the
healer works. Some seem to be associated with
frequencies in the range of alpha and theta waves as
seen in the brain. As the signals' frequencies
decrease in cycles per second, their amplitudes
increase. Also, William Tiller at Stanford
University, CA, reported in 1986 that he had
constructed a device that released bursts of
electrons in response to focused healing energy from
a healer's hands. The device was in a Faraday cage
which shields it from any form of electromagnetic
energy such as radio, microwave, infrared, visible
light, UV, X-rays or Gamma rays. 70 volt pulses of
electricity were produced at will by healers' hands
and recorded. Professor Fritz-Albert Popp, a wellknown biophysicist at Kaiserslautern University,
Germany, states that: "All living organisms emit
certain electromagnetic waves. If they are in a
healthy condition, they emit more. If not, they emit
less. This electromagnetic emission is called
biophotons." Glen Rein, a biophysicist at the
Institute of HeartMath, CA, has been doing some work
on detecting subtle energies. He calls this energy
non-Herzian or scalar energy (after maverick
scientist Thomas Bearden's theories). He found that
exposing neurons (nerve cells), cultured in a petri
dish, to healing energy, caused them to fire in their
synapses (gaps between the neurons); that is,
impulses passed along the nerves, and from one nerve
to another, when they were exposed to the scalar
energy. A survey of the literature suggests that
'scalar' energy is the most appropriate description
of healing energy up-to-date, as it allows for the
fact that healing energy has been shown to be not
part of the electromagnetic spectrum as we understand
it. According to Robert Jacobs, scalar waves are
capable of acting on living organisms at a sub-atomic
level, and certain frequencies of scalar have been
shown to destroy viruses and bacteria. The most
efficient use of scalar waves appears to be when the
body is exposed en masse to a sweeping range of
beneficial frequencies (similar to those delivered by
a healer), which enhances its own healthy resonance
and helps to restore energetic order. Experiments
involving the Canadian healer Olga Worrell showed her
hand temperature, during healing, to remain normal
and constant. The absence of thermal transfer led
Clyde Ford, one of the researchers, to speculate that
biological microwaves or an organising field might be
transferred from the healer. The absence of a
temperature rise in the air surrounding a healer's
hands has also been recorded using a thermistor.
Jochen Edrich of the University of Colorado reported
that "Since microwave emissions can be detected at
depths well below the surface of the skin, we felt
this would be the best region for diagnostic
monitoring of biological radiation." Tissue under
stress emits increased levels of microwave radiation.
Although the difference is small, it can be detected
by a radiometer. Edrich used this technique to detect
areas where tumour growth had caused tissue stress.
Microwaves may help to account for reports from
healers that they can sense/feel problem areas in the
body, during scanning of the body during healing.
They may also explain sensations of heat reported by
healees during healing. Fire and electricity convey
heat to a substance, but microwaves induce heat
within a substance by altering its molecular motion.
This altered molecular motion might be the mechanism
of unconventional healing. Internal sensations of
heat generated by microwaves would not necessarily be
detected on the surface. As James Oschman so ably
recounts in his excellent series of articles on
healing energy, Zimmerman, observing biofields
produced by a healer's hand, recorded a pulsed signal
of variable frequency ranging from 0.3 to 30Hz, with
most of the activity in the range of 7-8 Hz. The
signal emitted is not steady or constant, but rather
sweeps through a range of frequencies. This range
covers the low frequency pulses produced by some
pieces of physiotherapy equipment used for soft
tissue regeneration etc. Only healers were able to
produce the biomagnetic pulses, Tools for Wellness.
Also see: New Energy, Free Energy, Alternative
Health, Files on Scalar Electromagnetics, Subtle
energies, How crystals and gemstones work, Altered
States, WS5 --- The Co-Creation Process in Motion by
James Oschman, Ph.D. , The Human Energy Field by Dr.
Valerie Hunt The Human Energy Field - Regression of
Disease, Instantaneous Healing, Health ... Each cell
has an independent scalar control system... The
Regression of Disease, Biofields, Advocates for
(Health) Democracy and Justice, Mindbending
Possibilities, Harmonics International, Report on
Sandra Michael's MetaMatrix Scalar Enhanced
Technology Jon Barron has been a leading authority in
the health industry for over 30 years.