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The Teslar Watch
Dr. Valerie Hunt
Computers, cellular phones, television, hair dryers, electric blankets, high tension wires … all
create 60-cycle magnetic energy that upsets your brain and nervous system and destabilizes
your electromagnetic field.
Most of the electromagnetic contamination is low frequency, small amplitude magnetic energy
that may not immediately affect the body. But over time, a continuously disturbed electronic
pool, even small amounts of 60-cycle frequency and other anti-coherent energies, will
profoundly upset the body when the bioelectric field - aura - is already weakened from
emotional stress, nutritional inadequacies, fatigue or chronic poor health (as it is in most
people). Then these destructive energies enter the body through the acupuncture points, flow
through the piezo-electric connective tissue and affect each cell negatively. When the biovibrational field is strong and coherent with a full frequency spectrum, it acts like a ‘shield’ to
the environmental electrical contamination. The ideal biofield is then an active deterrent, not
an artificial mechanical or electrical barrier. My research shows that a strong biofield will not
transact with the anticoherent pool of environmental fields.
The Teslar watch with its scalar module is an outstanding, useful, everyday instrument that
magnifies the strength of the biofield, thus protecting the body from destructive
electromagnetism. The Teslar watch works through the field.
All material substances are both observable matter and, at the deepest level, organized energy
with subtle field patterns. The deeper we probe into physical substances, the more we
encounter the underlying electromagnetic electrical fields. Trees, dishes, and animals all have
fields because they are composed of particles, atoms, molecules and cells operating
electrically. Each field is in constant dynamic equilibrium, but with many foci. The tissue
biofield, the brain and nervous system, is primarily driven by the magnetic part of the
electromagnetic spectrum. So the contaminated electromagnetic field of the environment, as it
enters through a weakened biofield, has major effects upon tissue, brain and the mind.
1) The Nervous Control
The brain and nervous system is the basic controller of all tissues, organs and systems. It has
built-in patterns to maintain life with homeostasis. The nervous system has simple non-linear
electrical patterns that are incredibly sensitive to simple non-linear magnetic frequencies of the
This command structure becomes disoriented with 60-cycle bombardment from electrical
equipment throwing off the body'
s equilibrium and adaptability. Without a stabilizing
frequency, the total bodily functions are threatened and physiological and emotional abortions
The Teslar watch puts out a 7 to 9-cycle wave through the electromagnetic chip inside the
watch. This is the stable natural earth resonance. The body has grown up in and lives in this
magnetic frequency. Actually it is the biocosmic connection to life on this planet. It
constitutes the most important frequency milieu for living tissues to remain functional and to
communicate back and forth from DNA to genes, tissues, cells, organs and systems. The 7 to
9-cycles / sec of the Teslar watch maintains this stability.
2) The Biofield Improvement
Here is the second brilliant contribution of the Teslar watch: the electromagnetic chip is the
power that drives the watch gears, multiplying the electromagnetic energy generated by the
watch. The watch is also equipped with a scalar module, which is a small mobius coil encased
in a copper foil. This module collapses the electromagnetic frequencies generated by the watch
into a standing wave - a scalar wave. This scalar energy is multidirectional, expansive and like
a "cocoon" protects the body.
It also strengthens the normal biofield, even improving it to be more selective and not to
transact with unsatisfactory energies. When ELF Teslar first developed the Teslar watch, this
positive health effect of the scalar module was not understood. Yet while studying the
universal phenomenon of entropy (progressive deterioration of all matter overtime into its
essential structure), physicists found that when energy is added to matter, entropy is slowed or
temporarily reversed. In the human body, so-called "normal" tissue deterioration is offset with
improvement and complexity from the scalar energy - an anti-aging factor.
From my research we have learned that the biofield is also sensitive to very high frequencies of
the environment. We have discovered that this high frequency part of the field is the ultimate
active controller of the body, behavior and emotions. It is the highest level of the mind, and we
would not find it in the brain.
The mind then not only has a higher control of the body, it is the ultimate commander of life
where complexity causes informational exchange on many levels. Wearing the Teslar watch
makes the mind-field more dynamic and more coherent, so that its transactions with the world
are not just reactionary, but also selective.
3) Improved Circulation
Here is a dramatic third effect of the scalar module, brought to light by the Max Planck
Institute of Germany 50 years ago. The "cocoon-like” energy from the scalar wave both
improves the biofield radiating outside the body, and through the acupuncture system
permeates all inside tissue. As the amount of scalar energy increases overtime it causes the
tissue to relax, expand and lose compression.
Particularly changed is the circulatory system where red and white cells become unclamped,
allowing the fluid to flow rapidly, delivering nutrients and immune and healing cells.
This also removes cellular destruction from irritation, injury and disease. The body'
s own
natural healing is improved by stimulating the immune system to conquer bacteria, viruses,
fungus and allergies to toxic electrochemical contamination. By lowering tissue compression,
swelling and pain subside and strain to senses is lessened.
The literature states that the scalar energy is created when two common electromagnetic waves
come together from two opposite converging vectors. When the energy vectors meet, the equal
frequencies cancel each other leaving a standing or stationary energy. The space the scalar
occupies is not a vacuum but alive with checked and balanced energies. The literature
describes that electromagnetic generators can create it or it can occur naturally when similar
frequency waves in the environment meet from two different vectors. Therefore, small random
scalar energies are always present in the environment.
Nikola Tesla used the term scalar at the end of the last century as a part of powerful nonHertzian energy (without frequencies) which he referred to as standing energy or cosmic
waves. Einstein gave reference to the scalar energies in the 1920'
s. Yet even today modern
physics textbooks and scholarly publications rarely mention scalar energies. This is
understandable. The electromagnetism that we know so much about has frequencies, wave
action and motion that we can measure. Scalar energy is described to have zero frequencies, to
be static, a stationary energy that therefore cannot be evaluated by our current frequency
instruments. We do know how to create this energy, but only its effects tell us that it exists in
space and has power.