Download Chapter 6 Worksheet “The World of Islam” Section 1 (pp. 188 – 191

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Chapter 6 Worksheet
“The World of Islam”
Section 1 (pp. 188 – 191)
“The Rise of Islam”
Most early Arabs were “polytheistic”. What does this mean?
Who was the supreme God of the Arabs?
What was the Black Stone?
What was so significant about the city of Mecca?
Why did the communities on the Arabian Peninsula prosper?
Who was Muhammad?
What is the Quran?
What are the followers of Islam called? What does Islam mean, literally?
*It is written in our text: “submission to the will of Allah means submission to his
prophet.” (P.190) Thus, Muhammad became a religious, political, and military
leader. How does this differ from Christ?
10. What is a “hajj”? What is its significance?
11. How does Muhammad differ from Christ in his divinity?
12. What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
13. What is “shari’ah” law?
14. In addition to the five pillars, what other rules must Muslims follow?
Section 2 (pp. 192 – 199)
“The Arab Empire and Its Successors”
What is “jihad”?
Who are “People of the Book”?
What was required of those who did not convert to Islam? (2)
What was the Umayyad Dynasty?
Who was involved in the Battle of Tours? What was the outcome?
What other cultures interacted and sometimes clashed with that of the Muslims
at the end of Umayyad expansion in 750? (2)
7. What factors led to a split in the Umayyad Empire? (3)
8. What were two factions of Islam that resulted from this split? Which holds the
majority in the Muslim world?
9. What changes did the Abbasid rulers bring to the world of Islam?
10. How did the Seljuk Turks affect Southwest Asia?
11. What lasting effect did the Crusades have on Southwest Asia?
12. Who were the Mongols? What religion did they practice?
13. What type of lifestyle did the Mongols lead? What characteristics did they
demonstrate as they moved from place to place?
Section 3 (pp. 200 – 203)
“Islamic Civilization”
Who were some of the main trade partners with the Arab Empire?
What were some of the main items traded across Africa and the Middle East?
Name the three main cities of the Arab Empire up to our era of study.
Describe how life in the Arab Empire did and did not reflect the principle of
equality for the following groups:
a. Women
b. Non-Muslims
5. Describe the following:
a. Hijab
b. Chador
c. Burka