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European Middle Ages
Rome Falls to Invaders
 Romans _________________ Europe spreading of classical ideas, language and religion to distant European territories
 The decline of the Roman Empire brought about the Middle Ages
 Germanic invaders
the western half of the Roman Empire (Rome was divided into West and East about 285 A.D.)
 cities were
and people moved to the countryside
 The Roman Empire was carved into several
kingdoms whose borders often changed due to war
Which empire unified Europe spreading of classical ideas, language and religion to distant European territories?
What caused trade and learning to collapse and cities to be abandoned?
What happened to The Roman Empire after being overrun and carved up by Germanic invaders?
The Dark Ages
What empire was conquered by the Visigoths, heathens from Europe’s
northeastern frontier, around 410 A.D?
The city of Rome was under siege for the first time in over ____ years
A. 100
B. 200
C. 400
D. 800
What happened to the city of Rome while attacked by the Visogoths?
A. City is burned to the ground
B. Germanic slaves rise up and enslave their Roman masters
C. City streets run red with the blood of their own people
Who was left to protect the people in Rome?
___ was a former Roman soldier who led the Visigoths siege of Rome.
A. Alaric
B. Clovis
C. Charlemagne
Alaric surrounded Rome for 2 years before attacking, resulting in ____
in Rome.
A. starvation
B. cannibalism
C. prosperity
While many Romans starved to death the chariot races and gladiator
A. continued
B. were stopped
As early as 3rd century A.D. the Roman empire had ___
A. inept emperors
B. clever emperors
Over a 50-year period near the end of the Roman empire, ___
A. nearly all emperors were slain by rivals, rebels and subjects
B. faced constant civil wars
In addition to inept emperors and civil wars, Rome faced ___
A. disease
B. growing population
As Rome’s population decreased, Rome hired ___ to protect their
A. citizen-soldiers
B. mercenaries
The Goths came into the empire as refugees, where they were
treated ___ by the Romans.
A. poorly
B. well
What did Romans exchange with the Goths for their children as
During the 5th century, waves of ___ invaded Rome
A. Goths
D. Britains
B. Vandals
E. Saxons
C. Franks
What age began after the fall of Rome?
In the centuries between the fall of Rome and the 1st Crusade…
A. urban populations grew
B. violence was common
C. disease was widespread
D. education improved
What happened to the great monuments of Rome after the fall of
After the fall of Rome, engineering…
A. Improved
B. Got worse
What happened to cutting edge technology, access to education,
employment, and medicine after the fall of Rome?
What brought unity to Europe the “Dark Ages”?
Viking Quest
1. Google search—Viking Quest BBC
2. Click on the first option
1. Did you decide to take money as a loan?
2. Which settlement did you chose to set sail from?
A. Froya
B. Standebaum
C. Kaupang
3. Describe the population of that town.
4. What resources made you choose this town?
5. Which longship did you choose?
A. Strider
B. Dragon
C. Serpent
6. How long is this ship?
7. What is the construction time for this ship?
8. How many crew members does this ship carry?
9. What are the five steps of building your ship?
3. Complete this worksheet
10. Circle the crew members you chose?
A. Carpenter
B. Sail-maker
C. Berserker
D. Navigator
11. Which route did you choose?
A. Route One
B. Route Two
12. How would you summarize your casting of runes?
A. Good
B. Fair
C. Bad
13. Where did you land?
A. Location One
B. Location Two
C. Location Three
14. Why did you choose this location?
15. How many monks did your crew kill?
16. How many warriors were killed?
17. Silver Coins: ______ of _______
18. Artifacts:
______ of _______
19. Monks:
______ of _______
20. Did you choose to burn the monastery?
Final Score
Common Thread of Christianity
 Christianity was outlawed (illegal) in the Roman Empire early on and Christians were persecuted (arrested and tortured)
 Emperor Constantine made Christianity
in 313 AD
 By 381 AD, Christianity had become the official religion of Rome
The Church’s power
over time and the Church became the main
group in Europe
Throughout the Middle Ages, the Christian Church played a huge role in Europe
Kings started wars in the name of Christianity and missionaries spread their faith across Europe
The Christian Church began to have influence over
in Europe, from political events to the daily lives of peasants
Clovis, king of the Franks, renounced his pagan religion and converted to... What modern day country did Clovis take over?
A. Christianity
A. Britain
B. Islam
B. France
C. Judaism
C. Russia
Which describes the people of the 6th century? (2 answers)
A. Disorder
B. Security
C. Peace
D. Warfare
What did Clovis have done to any relatives outside his immediate
A. They were given government positions
B. They were systematically eliminated
What was the common unifying factor for many living in Europe?
Clovis used a practice called “The Ordeal”. What was “The Ordeal”?
Before Constantine, what was the fate of most Christians living in Rome?
Clovis converted to Christianity for ___
A. religious reasons
B. political reasons
Clovis died in 511. His brutality was legendary. What defined his legacy?
A. United barbarian tribes in France under the rule of the Franks
B. Alliance with the Roman Catholic Church
C. Provided a stable force in a time of instability
After converting to Christianity, Clovis ___.
A. brought peace
B. conquered
The Franks
 The Franks became the largest and most powerful
_________ during this time
 Clovis I converted to Christianity at the age of 30 and gained control over much of Europe
 Charles Martel fought off invasions of
attackers and maintained unity throughout much of Europe
 The Frank kingdom reached its peak under Charlemagne
Reunited the Old Roman Empire
 The Franks reunited much of the Roman Empire, extending his
empire across France, Germany and part of Italy
 The Franks wanted a united
 Spread Christianity to conquered peoples on the fringes of his
 Charlemagne appointed powerful ____________________, called  Charlemagne attempted to revive
counts, to rule local regions
 Founded a
that taught grammar, rhetoric, logic,
 Missi dominici – Officials in charge of keeping control of counts
arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy
 Unable to ______________________________, kings and
emperors struck an ____________________ with nobles
 After the death of Charlemagne, invasions from Muslims, the
Magyars, and the Vikings tore apart the
of Europe  This settlement, which evolved into ____________________, was
based on a desperate need for ___________________
 The Magyars were plunderers, while the Vikings were destructive
What was the largest, most powerful kingdom after Rome collapsed?
Who was the leader when this kingdom reached its peak?
What religion did Charlemagne want to spread throughout Europe?
What happened to Charlemagne’s empire after his death?
Why did feudalism develop?
The Vikings
 The Vikings are responsible for _____________________ the last part of the Roman Empire.
 The Vikings are also credited as the first ___________________________________.
 Vikings were ___________________________, and their attacks helped bring about ___________________ because of the need for
How did the Vikings help the development of feudalism?
Vikings at Sea
 Vikings were daring masters of the sea. They traveled the seas in longships that were equipped with both ______________and__
 The common crew size was _______to_______men, but ships could hold up to _______men and packhorses and provisions if needed.
 Viking raids in single ships were frequent, and fleets were usually comprised of
ships early on and upwards of
ships are
recorded later on
 Viking battles at sea were _____________, and ___________________________ combat was used to capture enemy ships.
What was the importance of the longship to the Vikings?
Viking Weapons
 Common weapons for the Vikings included the sword, spear, and
, but bows and arrows were also used
 For defense, Vikings would carry round _______________ made of ____________
_ boards
 Armor such as chainmail helmets were ___________________, and were therefore usually only worn by
___________________________________ because they could afford them. Other Viking warriors may have worn helmets and armor
made of _____________________________
 Some special warriors, called berserks, wore only ________________ and were fearsome fighters, believing Odin, their god of war,
would protect them
What would a Viking warrior carry into battle?
What is chainmail?
Why were berserks different from other warriors?
Viking Explorations
 Vikings were more than just fearsome_______________________; they were also daring__________________________
 There is evidence to suggest that the Vikings traveled as far east as the Volga River in Russia, and as far west as Minnesota in the United
 Leif Erikson was likely the first European to set foot in _____________ _______
____, 500 years before Columbus
How far did the Vikings travel?
According to your notes, who was likely the first European to set foot in North America?
A Need for Protection
• The invasions by Germanic tribes, Vikings, and Muslims caused widespread ________________ and ________________.
• Most Europeans lived in constant ________________ and ________________ could not effectively ________________ their lands from
• As a result, people no longer looked to a central ruler for security.
• Instead, many turned to ________________________ who had their own _______________ and
What were three groups of invaders that caused widespread disorder and suffering?
Where did many turn for protection during these attacks?
Feudal ranking
Feudalism Emerges
• As a response to these constant invasions, ___________________ emerged in Europe.
• Feudalism – a political system in which nobles were granted the use of land from the king. In return, the nobles agreed to give their
loyalty and military services to the king.
• Feudal contract – In exchange for protection, the ___________________, called a lord, was granted ____________ called a fief
• The person receiving a fief was called a vassal
• Vassal – A person who held land from a feudal lord and received protection in return for homage and allegiance
• Homage – formal public acknowledgment of feudal allegiance
What caused feudalism to develop?
Describe a feudal contract?
What is a fief? What must the lord promise the king in order to be given a fief?
What was a vassal?
The Feudal System
• The structure of feudal society was much like a __________________.
• At the top was the monarch, such as the ____________ and ________________.
• Directly beneath the monarch were the most powerful _______________—wealthy land owners such as nobles and bishops.
What group was atop the feudal pyramid?
What group was directly beneath the monarch on the feudal pyramid?
Feudal Lords
• A man who held land directly from the king was called a lord (around one percent of the population)
• Lords were
with a good standard of living.
• They wore clothes made of the finest cloth and entertained friends with dinner parties of expensive meats and spices
• Lords were expected to provide the
with military service in exchange for their land, raising a private
consisting of knights that were often recruited from the local manor
• The
controlled the daily lives on most people under feudalism
Who held land directly from the king?
What were lord’s expected to provide the king in exchange for the land?
Who controlled the daily lives of most people under feudalism?
• The lord’s estate was called a manor
• A manor was usually about the size of a
and part of the lord's lands granted by the king.
• Often built of stone, the manor house or castle was home to the lord and his family, and the size of the manor house was a sign of a lord's
• Most manor houses included a Great Hall that was used for meetings, dining and entertaining. Many manor houses also had a chapel or
prayer room for worship
• A manor also included a ________________ and workshops
• Fields, pastures and woodlands surrounded the village
• A stream generally passed through the village providing _________________ and _______________
What was a manor?
What did a manor typically include?
Beneath the vassals were ________________
Knights—mounted horsemen and skilled __________________ who pledged to defend their lord’s lands in exchange for fiefs
As the lord’s vassal, a knight’s main obligation was to ______________________________, typically 40 days of combat a year
Knights were expected to display ___________________ in battle and ___________________ to their lord
Knights were expected to follow a code of conduct, known as chivalry
• Devoted to feudal lord, the heavenly lord and his chosen
• Protect the ______________ and the ________________
• Be ________________, brave, and courteous
• Knights often competed in ________________________, called tournaments, to prepare for war
• One of the most popular competitions during these tournaments was the joust
Describe knights.
What were at three expectations knights were expected to follow according to the code of chivalry?
Describe the joust.
• At the bottom were ___________________ peasants, mostly serfs
• Serfs—people who could not legally leave the place where they were born and their labor belonged to the lord
• The lord provided the serfs with housing, ___________________, and ___________________ from bandits
• In return, serfs worked for the lord by ____________________ and taking care of the ___________________
• Peasants lived a short life that consisted mainly of working
• Serfs lived in ___________________________, close to their neighbors
• Peasants warmed their floors by bringing _________ inside
• At night, the family huddled on a pile of ________________ that often crawled with _______________
What group was at the bottom of the feudal pyramid?
Describe the life of a serf.
Advances in the Middle Ages
The Black Death
Advances in farming made more food available to people, so people ___.
a. raised larger families
b. lived longer
c. resisted disease better
d. all of the above
The bubonic plague is spread by ___.
a. flies on horses
b. ticks on dogs
c. breathing infected air
d. fleas on rats
Most trade happened ____.
a. on manors
b. on farms
c. on ships
d. in towns
As many as ___ Europeans died of the Black Death.
a. 2,500
b. 250,000
c. 2 million
d. 25 million
The most commonly traded item was ___.
a. wine
b. leather
c. cloth
d. spices
A new epidemic of bubonic plague started in __ in the 1200s.
a. Italy
b. England
c. China
d. Scandinavia
If a serf lived in a town for __, he or she was free.
a. 30 days
b. 6 months
c. a year
d. a year and a day
One out of every ___ people in Europe was killed by the bubonic plague.
a. two
a. three
b. four
c. five
Towns were ____.
a. dirty, noisy, and crowded
b. clean, quiet, and spacious
c. carefully planned out
d. all of the above
Some people thought the __ caused the plague by poisoning town wells.
a. merchants
b. Jews
c. nobles
d. Christians
The Black Death
• In the mid-1300s the Bubonic Plague spread across Europe
• This outbreak became known as the Black Death
• The disease spread in many ways
– _______________ and fleas
– Sailors and _________________
– Conquest
Effects of the Bubonic Plague
• _______ to
of the European population died due to the Black Death
• It would take over
years for the population of Europe to recover
• It would take even longer for Europe to recover socially and
• Thousands moved out of the
to the
• Trade
and prices rose
were blamed for bringing on the plague.
o Jews were driven from their homes or massacred
• The Church lost prestige because its
failed to stop the plague
Europe’s Bubonic Plague
About how many people died during the first outbreak of the plague?
A. 2,500
B. 25,000
C. 250,000
D. 25 million
What were some of the symptoms of the plague?
What was a major cause of the Black Death?
Why did thousands of people leave the cities?
How did the deadly bacteria spread from the rats to the humans?
What were two other problems that Europe faced aside from the plague?
Church in upheaval
The First Crusade
The Hundred Years War
How did the Mongols defeat Caffa?
How did the Plague eventually come to an end?
How did Italian sailors help spread the plague after leaving Caffa?
European Middle Ages Study Guide
Rome Falls to Invaders
_________________________ The ___ united Europe spreading classical ideas, language and religion
_________________________ The decline of the ___ brought about the Middle Ages
_________________________ Due to invasions, ___ and ___ stopped
_________________________ Former Roman soldier who led the Visigoths siege of Rome
Roman Empire
Roman Empire
_________________________ ___ were abandoned and people moved to the countryside
_________________________ Rome was carved into several ___ and ___ kingdoms whose borders changed due to war
_________________________ Largest and most powerful kingdom after Rome collapsed, reached its peak under
_________________________ ___ made Christianity legal in 313 AD
_________________________ By 381 AD, ___ became the official religion of Rome
_________________________ United much of Europe after the fall of Rome, but also became more involved in war and
_________________________ King of the Franks who renounced his pagan religion and converted to Christianity
_________________________ Clovis, king of the Franks, renounced his pagan religion and converted to being
_________________________ Charles Martel fought off invasions of ___ attackers and maintained unity in much of Europe
_________________________ Charlemagne spread ___ and helped revived ___
_________________________ Powerful landowners that ruled local regions
_________________________ Officials in charge of keeping control of counts
Missi dominici
Describe the state of Rome in the two years before the siege by the Visigoths.
Describe the state of Rome, over a 50-year period near the end of the Roman Empire.
What was happening to Rome’s population near the end of the empire? What impact did this have on their army?
What age began after the fall of Rome? Describe this period. Be specific.
What was the main motivation of Clovis converting to Christianity? Describe the actions of Clovis after converting to Christianity.
Clovis used a practice called “The Ordeal”. What was “The Ordeal”?
Clovis died in 511. His brutality was legendary. What defined his legacy?
United barbarian tribes in France under the rule of the Franks, formed alliance with the Catholic Church, provided stability in a time of instability
_________________________ Fearsome invaders, traders and explorers who destroyed the last part of the Roman
_________________________ empire
_________________________ Fearsome warriors that joined Vikings. Believed the god Odin would protect them in
Viking ships that could travel long distances and carry many people
_________________________ Longships were equipped with both ___ and ___
_________________________ For defense, Vikings would carry round ___, often made out of wooden boards
_________________________ Expensive armor made out of metal links, usually only worn by Viking leaders
_________________________ Most Vikings wore armor and helmets made of ___
_________________________ Frequent target of the Vikings during raids. Protected by monks
_________________________ Believed to be the first European person to set foot in North America
_________________________ Historians believe that Vikings may have traveled to ___ over 500 years before Columbus
Describe a Viking raid.
What were at least 4 weapons commonly used by the Vikings?
What were at least 3 defenses that the Vikings carried or wore for protection?
What was the primary reason Vikings might hesitate before burning down a monastery?
Aside from being invaders, what other duties did Vikings undertake?
Animal hide
Leif Erikson
North America
_________________________ Backbone of feudal society. Ranked at the bottom of the social hierarchy
_________________________ Land that was granted to a person in exchange for loyalty under the feudal system
_________________________ Person who received a grant of land under the feudal system
_________________________ Kings and emperors. Officially set on top of the feudal system hierarchy
_________________________ Government developed for protection and order, agreement between kings and nobles
_________________________ Lord’s estate, including a house, church, workshops, fields and pastures
_________________________ Feudalism developed based on the need for ___ and order
_________________________ Main source of protection during the Middle Ages
_________________________ Controlled the daily lives of people under feudalism
_________________________ Code of conduct that knights were expected to follow
_________________________ Knights often competed in mock battles to prepare for war, including melees and jousts
_________________________ Mounted, armored soldiers who pledged to defend their lord’s land in exchange for land
_________________________ Peasants that were tied to the land
_________________________ Teams of knights tried to knock their opponent’s flags off using clubs and blunt swords.
_________________________ Knights rode at each other, separated by a fence, to knock the other knight off his horse
_________________________ Long pole used for jousting
_________________________ Used to break down the gate of a castle, some were covered to protect attackers
Battering rams
_________________________ Used to climb over castle walls, left attackers open to arrow fire and could be pushed over
Siege towers
_________________________ Provided protection to attackers climbing over the castle walls but weren’t very mobile
_________________________ Launched objects, such as rocks or dead bodies, over the castle walls
_________________________ Outside the castle, castle’s first line of defense. Often filled with water or wooden spikes
_________________________ Higher outer wall, placed on the side of the castle most vulnerable to siege weapons
_________________________ Wide open space inside the castle, exposes enemies to arrow fire
_________________________ Secure area inside the castle which housed prisoners
_________________________ Narrow slits or openings in the walls from which archers could fire arrows
Why did feudalism develop?
In a feudal contract, what must the lord promise the king in order to be given a fief? What is meant by homage?
What were three expectations knights were expected to follow according to the Code of Chivalry?
What was a manor? What did a manor typically include?
What did feudalism offer during a violent and uncertain age?
Place the following in order from highest to lowest rank on the feudal pyramid... Knights, Monarchs, Nobles, Peasants
What was the main purpose of castles during the Middle Ages?
Contrast the lives of lords and peasants (serfs) during the Middle Ages.
Where would peasants and lords go during an attack?
What did a peasant receive in return farming the land and taking care of the animals?
Arrow loops
Shield wall
Black Death
_________________________ An epidemic of bubonic plague started in ___ in the 1200s and eventually spread
_________________________ Much of Europe died due to the spread of disease
_________________________ Disease that caused much of Europe to died beginning in the mid-1300s
_________________________ Catapulted diseased bodies over the city walls of Caffa and spread the plague to Europe
_________________________ ___ and ___ helped spread the Bubonic Plague
Black Death
Bubonic Plague
Before the plague, advancements in farming made food more available. What were some of the results of the advancements in farming?
Before the plague, advancements were made during the Middle Ages. What was happening to towns and trade during this time?
Describe how the Bubonic Plague to spread across Europe, in detail.
Approximately what percentage of the population of Europe died from the Black Death in Europe?
Describe how the Mongols and Italian sailors led to the spread of the Bubonic Plague.
Due to the Bubonic Plague, many people moved...
A. Moved out of the city to the countryside
B. Moved out of the countryside into the city
What happened to trade as an effect of the Bubonic Plague?
What religious group was wrongfully blamed by many for causing the Black Death, and driven from their homes or massacred?
What happened to the power of the Church as a result of the Black Death? Explain.
What were some other problems that Europe faced leading up to and during the Black Death?