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CQ: describe the preparedness of both the Union and the Confederacy for the Civil War.
How did each side raise an army? How did the war affect the economy of both sides?
MobilizationMOBILIZATION - Is the shift in society from peacetime to wartime production. *Every
war requires a mobilization process.
Before war, we do not produce artillery such as bombs, guns.
Before war, the goods, necessary to fight a war, must be produced.
Factories in the US make less consumer goods and more wartime goods.
Mobilization begins with identifying needs then satisfying the needs…
o Soldiers - standing soldiers, draft, volunteers
o Ammunition - manufacture
Volunteersduring the Civil War, many soldiers volunteered to fight
Conscription –
CONSCRIPTION - forced military service - (a draft). During the Civil war, at some
point, both sides used Conscription. It was the CONFEDERACY that first instituted the
 There are exemptions (released from obligation) to the conscriptions in the
o Pay the govt. $300. (allows the rich to be exempt)
 There are exemptions to the conscriptions in the CONFEDERACY
o If you own 20 or mores slaves and a pre-determined amount of land.
****Therefore, we are fighting over slavery, yet the slave owners in the
CONFEDERACY did not have to fight! AMAZING BRAINWASHING!!!!!
Preparedness for War
o Both the UNION & the CONFEDERACY were not prepared for war.
o Both held out hope that war would not erupt
o Neither side had the necessary tax structure. They didn’t have a way of taking tax
revenue and applying it to war. Most tax revenue today comes from income tax, back
then, there was no income tax, therefore little tax revenue.
o The UNION doubted the leadership of Abraham Lincoln.
o The CONFEDERACY had very limited railroads and virtually no navy- couldn’t
transport goods
o The standing UNION army was reduced greatly when war was declared because 1/3
of UNION officers joined the CONFEDERACY when war was declared.
The Economy
o The economy of the US was destroyed.
o Normally, a war will boost the economy because production increases
o In this case, because we were fighting ourselves, the economy suffered during the
Civil war.
o The Civil War crippled the economy in the US.
o Inflation – when the purchasing power of the dollar (or any currency) decreases.
o Inflation – skyrocketed during the Civil War!
o 80% in the UNION…what cost 20cents , now cost $1.00…unheard of!
o 9,000% in the CONFEDERACY …what cost $1.00 now cost
$9,000…unheard of!!!!!