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Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University
Syllabus for Session 2006-07 and onwards
BCA Second Year
Computer Architecture
Unit – I
Digital Logic Circuits, Digital Computers, Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra, Complement of a
Function, Map Simplification, Product-of-Sum Simplification, Don't-Care Conditions,
Combinational Circuits, Half-Adder, Full-Adder, Flip-Flops, SR Flip-Flop, D Flip-Flop, JK
Flip-Flop, T Flip-Flop, Edge-Triggered Flip-Flops, Excitation Tables, Sequential Circuits,
Flip-Flop Input Equations, State Table, State Diagram, Design Example, Design Procedure.
Unit – II
Digital Component, Integrated Circuits, Decoders, NAND Gate Decoder, Decoder,
Expansion, Encoders, Multiplexers, Registers, Register with Parallel Load, Shift Registers,
Bidirectional Shift Register with Parallel Load, Binary Counters, Binary Counter with
Parallel Load, Memory Unit, Random-Access Memory, Read-Only Memory, Types of
Unit – III
Data Representation, Data Types, Number Systems, Octal and Hexadecimal, Numbers,
Decimal Representation, Alphanumeric Representation, Complements, (r-1)'s Complement,
(r's) Complement, Subtraction of Unsigned Numbers, Fixed-Point Representation, Integer
Representation, Arithmetic-Addition, Arithmetic Subtraction, Overflow, Decimal FixedPoint Representation, Floating- Point Representation, Other Binary Codes, Gray Code, Other
Decimal Codes, Other Alphanumeric Codes, Error Detection Codes.
Unit – IV
Basic Computer Organization and Design, Instruction Codes, Stored Program,
Organization, Indirect Address, Computer Registers, Common Bus System, Computer
Instructions, Instruction Set Completeness, Timing and Control, Instruction Cycle.
Input-Output and Interrupt, Input-Output Configuration, Input-Output Instructions, Program
Unit – V
Interrupt, Interrupt Cycle, Complete Computer Description, Design of Basic Computer,
Control Logic Gates, Control of Registers and Memory, Control of Single Flip-Flops,
Control of Common Bus, Design of Accumulator Logic, Control of AC Register, Adder and
Logic Circuit, Programming the Basic Computer, Introduction, Machine Language,
Assembly Language, Rules of the Language, An Example, Translation to Binary, The
Assembler, Representation of Symbolic Program in Memory, First Pass, Second Pass.
Multimedia Systems
Unit – I
Introduction to multimedia, Definitions, CD-ROM and the Multimedia Highway, CDROM, DVD, and Multimedia, the Multimedia Highway, Where to use Multimedia,
Multimedia in Business, Multimedia in Schools, Multimedia at Home, Multimedia in Public
Places, Virtual Reality. Text, The Power of Meaning, About Fonts and Faces, Cases, Serif
Versus Sans Serif, Using Text in Multimedia, Designing with Text, Choosing Text Fonts,
Menus for Navigation, Buttons for Interaction, Fields for Reading, TML Documents,
Symbols and Icons, Animating Text, Computers and Text, The Font Wars, Font Foundries,
Managing Your Fonts, Character Sets and Alphabets, Mapping Text Across Platforms, Font
Editing and Design Tools, Fontographer, Making Pretty Text, Hypermedia and Hypertext,
The Power of Hypertext, Using Hypertext, Searching for Words, Hypermedia Structures,
Hypertext Tools, Sound, The Power of Sound, Multimedia System Sounds, Digital Audio,
Preparing Digital Audio Files, Making MIDI Audio, Audio File Formats, MIDI Versus
Digital Audio, Choosing Between MIDI and Digital Audio, Sound for the World Wide Web,
Adding Sound to Your Multimedia Project, Toward Professional Sound: The Red Book
Standard, Space Considerations, Production Tips, Audio Recording, Keeping Track of Your
Sounds, Testing and Evaluation, Copyright Issues,
Unit - II
Images Before You Start to Create, Plan Your Approach, Organize Your Tools, Multiple
Monitors, Making Still Images, Bitmaps, Vector Drawing, 3-D Drawing and Rendering,
Color, Understanding Natural Light and Color, Computerized Color, Color Palettes, Image
File Formats, Macintosh Formats, Windows Formats, Cross-Platform Formats, Animation,
The Power of Motion, Principles of Animation, Animation by Computer, Animation
Techniques, Animation File Formats, Making Animations That Work, A Rolling Ball, A
Bouncing Ball, Creating an Animated Scene.
Unit – III
Video, Using Video, Obtaining Video Clips, How Video Works, Broadcast Video Standards,
NTSC, PAL, SECAM, A TSC DTV, Analog Video, Overscan and the Safe Title Area, 183
Video Color, Interlacing Effects, Text and Titles for Television, Taking Care of Your Analog
Tapes, Digital Video, Digital Video Architectures, Digital Video Compression, Video
Recording and Tape Formats, Composite Analog Video, Component Analog Video,
Composite Digital, Component Digital, ATSC Digital TV, Comparing the Formats, Shooting
and Editing Video, Shooting Platform, Lighting, Chroma Keys, Composition, Optimizing
Video Files for CD-ROM..
Unit – IV
Hardware, Macintosh Versus Windows, The Macintosh Platform, The Windows Platform,
Networking Macintosh and Windows Computers, Connections, SCSI, IDE, EIDE, UltraIDE, ATA, Ultra-ATA, USE, Fire Wire (IEEE 1394), Memory and Storage Devices,
Random Access Memory (RAM), Read-Only Memory (ROM), Floppy and Hard Disks, Zip,
jaz, Syquest, and Optical Storage Devices, Digital Versatile Disc (DVD), CD-ROM Players,
CD Recorders, Input Devices, Keyboards, Mice, Trackballs, Touchscreens, Magnetic Card
Encoders and Readers, Graphics Tablets, Scanners, Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
Devices, Infrared Remotes, Voice Recognition Systems, Digital Cameras, Output Hardware,
Audio Devices, Amplifiers and Speakers, Monitors, Video Devices, Projectors, Printers,
Communications Devices, Modems, ISDN and DSL, Cable Modems.
Unit - V
Basic Software Tools, Text Editing and Word Processing Tools, OCR Software, Painting
and Drawing Tools, 3-D Modeling and Animation Tools, Image-Editing Tools, Plug-Ins,
Sound Editing Tools, Animation, Video, and Digital Movie Tools, Video Formats,
QuickTime for Windows and Macintosh, Microsoft Video for Windows, Movie Editors,
Compressing Movie Files, Helpful Accessories.
Communication Skills
Unit – I
Communication, Communication through Arbitrary Symbols, Human Interactions through
Communication, Communication Technology and Media, Communication in Managerial
Activities, Definitions, Some Definitions of Communication, Appraisal, Definition of
Communication, The Process of Communication, Some Models of Communication,
Communication Situation, The Model of Communication, Components of Communication
Cycle, The Process of Communication, The Significance of Communication in Business
Organization, Healthy Organisational Environment, Management-Employee Relations, The
External and Internal Communication Network, Functionalisation, Complexity of Business
Activities, Trade Unions: Labour Problems, Multinationals and the Language Problem,
Competition, Participation and Delegation.
Unit - II
OBJECTIVES OF COMMUNICATION : Information, Significance of Inforo1ation,
Types of Information, (a) The Internal Information (b) External Information How to Obtain
Inforo1ation? Order : What is an Order?, Types of Orders, (a) Written Orders, (b) Oral
Orders, How to Issue the Orders? Advice, Meaning and Importance ,Counselling, Advice and
Communication, Channels, Advice in Managerial Activities, Advice and Professionalism,
Essentials of Effective Advice, Suggestions, Importance of Constructive Suggestions,
Suggestion and Other Forms of Communication, Suggestion Schemes, Motivation, Meaning
and Importance of Motivation, Essentials of' Effective Motivation, Clarity of Purpose,
Objectives and Procedures, (b) Participation, (c) Employer-Employee Relations, (d) Primary
and Secondary Needs, Persuasion, Meaning and Importance of Persuasion, Essentials of
Effective Persuasion, Understanding the Needs and Interests of the Receiver , (b) Using
Gentle Touch at Subtle Suggestions, (c) Preparing the Receiver to be Open-minded, (d)
Selecting the Appealing Arguments, (e) Presenting the Message, (f) Motivating the Receiver
to Act, Warning, Meaning and Importance of Warning, How to Issue the Warning?,
Education, Meaning and Significance of Education, Education and Training for the:, (a)
Management, (b) Employees, (c) The: Outside Public, I. Raising Morale, Meaning and
Importance of High Morale , How to Keep the Morale High
Unit - III
THE CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATION : What are the Channels of Communication?,
Downward Channel of Communication, What is Downward Communication?, Media of
Downward Communication, Redundancy of Message, Objectives of Downward
Communication , Essentials of Effective Downward Communication, Limitations of
Downward Communications, Upward Channels of Communication, What is an Upward
Channel of Communication?, Methods and Policies of Upward Communication, Problems
of Upward Communication, Effective Upward Communication, Horizontal Channel of
Communication, What is Horizontal Channel of Communication?, Methods of Effective
Horizontal Communication. MEDIA OF COMMUNICATION, Oral Media, Meaning and
Importance of Oral Media , Effective Oral Communication, Advantages of Oral
Communication, Disadvantages of Oral Communication, Written Media, Increasing
Specialisation and the Need of Written Media, The Art of Written Communication,
Advantages of Written Media, Limitations of Written Media, Non-Verbal Media, Meaning
and Importance of Non-verbal Media, Kinesic Media, Proxemics, Chronemics, Paralanguage,
Unit – IV
BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION : Introduction, Language and Semantic Barriers,
Lack of Common Language, Semantic Barriers, Poor Vocabulary, Poor Knowhow of
Grammar and Punctuation, Roundabout Verbiage, Organisational Barriers, Hierarchical
Barriers, Specialisation of the Workforce, Wrong Choice of Medium, Communication Load,
Physical Barriers, Noise, Time, Distance, Age, Sex, Socio-Psychological Barriers, Status
Barriers, Attitudes and Values, Different Perceptions of Reality Inference, Abstracting,
Allness and Closed-mindedness, Distortion, Filtering and Editing, Past Experience, Bad
Listening, Emotions, Halo Effect, Inattentiveness, Resistance to Change, THE ESSENTIALS
OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION, Positive and Pleasant Approach, Appropriate Tone,
Pitch, Quality, Force and Intensity of Voice, Clarity of Purpose and Objective of
Communication, Clarity of Thought and Expression, Adequate Knowledge of the Subject,
Adequate Knowledge of Communication Receiver, The Objective and Realistic Approach,
Self-confidence and Conviction, Organisation of Message, Proper Selection and Use of the
Media, Proper Selection and Use of the Channel, Appropriate Formality, Patience in
Listening, Adaptibility, Attentiveness, 'You' Attitude, Courtesy, The Time Factor,
Conciseness and Relevance, Correctness, Completeness
Unit – V
Characteristics of Group Communication, Committees, Different Types of committees,
Executive Committee, Advisory Committee, Permanent and Temporary Committees, Line
and Staff Committees, Formal and Informal Committees, Advantages of Committee
Meetings, Disadvantages of Committee Meetings, Factors Responsible for the Failure of the
Committees, Essentials of Effective Committee Meetings, Conferences, Definition of a
Conference, Significance of the Conferences, Conference and Committee, Essentials of
Effective Conference Meeting, Essentials of Efficient and Effective Conference Leadership,
LISTENING, What is Listening?, Significance of Effective Listening in Business
Communication, Active Listening, Some Do's for listeners, Some Don'ts for Listeners
Obstacles to Effective Listening .
Computer Networking
Unit - I
Essentials of Networking: Essentials of Networking (H/W, S/W), USES OF COMPUTER
NETWORKS, Business Applications, Home Applications, Mobile Users, Social Issues,
NETWORK HARDWARE, Local Area Networks, Metropolitan Area Networks, Wide Area
Networks, Wireless Networks, Home Networks, Internet works, NETWORK SOFTWARE,
Protocol Hierarchies, Design Issues for the Layers, Connection-Oriented and Connectionless
Services, Service Primitives, The Relationship of Services to Protocols.
Unit - II
REFERENCE MODELS, The OSI Reference Model, The TCP/IP Reference Model, A
Comparison of the OSI and TCP/IP Reference Models, A Critique of the OSI Model and
Protocols, A Critique of the TCP/IP Reference Model, EXAMPLE NETWORKS , The
Internet, Connection-Oriented Networks: X.25, Frame Relay, and ATM, Ethernet, Wireless
LANs: 802.11, NETWORK STANDARDIZATION, Who's Who in the Telecommunications
World, Who's Who in the International Standards World, Who's Who in the Internet
Standards World.
Unit - III
COMMUNICATION, Fourier Analysis, Bandwidth-Limited Signals, The Maximum Data
Rate of a Channel, GUIDED TRANSMISSION MEDIA, Magnetic Media, Twisted Pair,
Coaxial Cable, Fiber Optics, WIRELESS TRANSMISSION, The Electromagnetic
Spectrum., Radio Transmission, Microwave Transmission, Infrared and Millimeter Waves,
Light wave Transmission, COMMUNICATION SATELLITES, Geostationary Satellites,
Medium-Earth 0rbit Satellites, Low-Earth Orbit Satellites, Satellites versus Fiber.
Unit – IV
THE NETWORK LAYER IN THE INTERNET, The IP Protocol, IP Addresses, Internet
Control Protocols, OSPF- The Interior Gateway Routing Protocol, BGP- The Exterior
Gateway Routing Protocol, Internet Multicasting, Mobile IP, IPv6.
Unit – V
NETWORK SECURITY :CRYPTOGRAPHY, Introduction to Cryptography, Substitution
Ciphers, Transposition Ciphers, One-Time Fads, Two Fundamental Cryptographic principles,
SYMMETRIC-KEY ALGORITHMS, DES-The Data Encryption Standard, AES-The
Advanced Encryption Standard, Cipher Modes, Other Ciphers, Cryptanalysis, PUBLICKEY ALGORITHMS, RSA, Other Public-Key Algorithms, DIGITAL SIGNATURES,
Symmetric-Key Signatures, Public-Key Signatures, Message Digests, The Birthday Attack.
System Analysis and Design & MIS
System Analysis and Design : What is System Analysis and Design (SAD), What Does it
Take to do System Analysis?, The Role of a System Analyst, Change in System Analyst's
Responsibilities, Responsibilities of System Analysts, System Development Life Cycle:
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Waterfall Model for System Development,
Prototyping, The Spiral Model, Problem Identification – Preliminary Investigation
Feasibility Study : Objective of the Feasibility Study, Types of Feasibility, Steps in
Feasibility Study, Cost/Benefit Analysis, System Analysis : Need of Analysis,
Determination of Requirements, Need of Documenting the Existing System, Fact Finding
Techniques Documentation Tools and Techniques : Documenting the Existing System,
Organization Chart, Decision Tree, Decision Table, Structured English, System Flow Chart,
HIPO Chart, Warnier/Orr Diagram, Structure Chart, Programme Flow Chart, Data Flow
Diagrams (DFD), Data Dictionary, Entity Relationship Diagram
System Design : System Design Concept, Logical and Physical Design, Logical and Physical
DFDs, System Specifications. Output Design : Objective of Output, Types of Output, Key
Output Questions, Formats of Outputs, Designing Printed Output, Turnaround Documents,
Layout of a Printed Report, Guidelines for Designing Printed Output, Designing Visual
Display Output. Input Design : Objective of Input Design, Capturing Data for Input, Design
of the Source Document, Methods for Data Capture, Input Validation.
Modular Design and Database Organization : Modular Design, Principles that Guide
Software Design, Top-Down Structure of Modules, Bottom-up Structure, File Structure, File
Organization, Database and Its Objectives, Normalization. Quality Assurance, Testing and
Validation : System Testing Objectives, What Do We Test For, The Nature of Test Data,
The Test Plan, Types of System Tests, Quality Assurance.
Implementation and Maintenance : Conversion, Activity Network for Conversion, File
Conversion, User Training, Other Activities in Conversion, System Acceptance and
Combating Resistance to Change, Conversion Strategies, Post Implementation Review,
Software Maintenance, Type of Software Maintenance. System Security and Audit :
System Security, Threats to System Security, Risk Analysis, Control Measures, System udit,
Protection Against VIRUS.
Digital Electronics
Unit - I
Digital Principles, NUMBER SYSTEMS AND CODES: Decimal Odometer, Binary
Odometer, Number Codes, Why Binary Numbers Are Used, Binary-to-Decimal Conversion,
Microprocessors, Decimal-to-Binary Conversion, Hexadecimal Numbers, HexadecimalBinary Conversions, Hexadecimal-to-Decimal Conversion, Decimal-to-Hexadecimal
Conversion, BCD Numbers, The ASCII Code. GATES : Inverters, OR Gates, Boolean
Algebra, AND Gates.
MORE LOGIC GATES : NOR Gates, De Morgan's First Theorem, NAND Gates 3-4. DeMorgan's Second Theorem, EXCLUSIVE-OR Gates, The Controlled Inverter, EXCLUSIVENOR Gates.
Unit - II
BOOLEAN ALGEBRA AND KARNAUGH MAPS : Boolean Relations, Sum-ofProducts Method, Algebraic Simplification, Karnaugh Maps, Pairs, Quads, and Octets,
Karnaugh Simplifications, Don't-Care Conditions.
Unit - III
ARITHMETIC-LOGIC UNITS, Binary Addition, Binary Subtraction, Half Adders, Full
Adders, Binary Adders, Signed Binary Numbers, 2's Complement, 2's-Complement AdderSubtracter.
Unit - IV
REGISTERS AND COUNTERS, Buffer Registers, Shift Registers, Controlled Shift
Registers, Ripple Counters, Synchronous Counters, Ring Counters, Other Counters, ThreeState Registers, Bus-Organized Computers.
Unit - V
MEMORIES, ROMs, PROMs and EPROMs, RAMs, A Small TTL Memory, Hexadecimal
Data Structures through Language C
Unit – I
Introduction to Data Structures: Information and Meaning, Binary and Decimal Integers,
Real Numbers, Character Strings, Hardware and Software, Concept of Implementation,
Example, Abstract Data Types, Sequences as Value Definitions, ADT for Varying-length
Character Strings. Data Types in C, Pointers in C, Data Structures and C, Exercises, Arrays
in C, The Array as an ADT, Using One-Dimensional Arrays, Implementing OneDimensional Arrays, Arrays as Parameters, Character Strings in C, Character String
Operations, Two-Dimensional Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays.
Unit – II
The Stack : Definition and Examples, Primitive Operations, Example, The Stock as an
Abstract Data Type, Exercises, Representing Stacks in C, Implementing the pop Operation,
Testing for Exceptional Conditions, Implementing the Push Operation, Infix, Postfix, and
Prefix , Basic Definitions and Examples, Evaluating a Postfix Expression, Program to
Evaluate a Postfix Expression, Limitations of the Program, Queues and Lists, The Queue
and Its Sequential Representation, The Queue as an Abstract Data Type, C Implementation
of Queues, insert Operation, Priority Queue, Array Implementation of a Priority Queue,
Exercises, Linked Lists, Inserting and Removing Nodes from a List, Linked Implementation
of Stacks, getnode and freenode Operations, Linked Implementation of Queues, Linked List
as a Data Structure, Examples of List Operations, List Implementation of Priority Queues,
Header Nodes, Exercises, Lists in C, Array Implementation of Lists, Limitations of the Array
Implementation, Allocating and Freeing Dynamic Variables, Linked Lists Using Dynamic
Variables, Queues as Lists in, Examples of List Operations in C, Noninteger and
Nonhomogeneous Lists, Comparing the Dynamic and Array Implementations of Lists,
Implementing Header Nodes, Exercises, Example: Simulation Using Linked Lists,
Simulation Process, Data Structures, Simulation Program, Exercises, Other List Structures ,
Circular Lists,Stack as a Circular List, Queue as a Circular List, Primitive Operations on
Circular Lists, The Josephus Problem, Header Nodes, Addition of Long Positive Integers
Using Circular Lists, Doubly Linked Lists, Addition of Long Integers Using Doubly Linked
Unit – III
Trees : Binary Trees, Operations on Binary Trees, Applications of Binary Trees, Exercises,
Binary Tree Representations, Node Representation of Binary Trees, Internal and External
Nodes, Implicit Array Representation of Binary Trees, Choosing a Binary Tree
Representation, Binary Tree Traversals in C, Threaded Binary Trees, Traversal Using a
father Field, Heterogeneous Binary Trees, Exercises, Example: The Huffman Algorithm, The
Huffman Algorithm, C Program, Exercises, Representing Lists as Binary Trees, Finding the
kth Element, Deleting an Element, Implementing Tree-Represented Lists in C, Constructing
a Tree-Represented List, The Josephus Problem Revisited, Exercises, Trees and Their
Applications, C Representations of Trees, Tree Traversals, General Expressions as Trees,
Evaluating an Expression Tree, Constructing a Tree, Exercises, Example: Game Trees.
Unit – IV
Sorting, General Background, Efficiency Consideration, 0 Notation, 350 Efficiency of
Sorting, Exercises, Exchange Sorts, Bubble Sort, Quicksort, Efficiency of Quicksort,
Exercises, Selection and Tree Sorting, Straight Selection Sort, Binary Tree Sorts, Heapsort,
Heap as a Priority Queue, Sorting Using a Heap, Heapsort Procedure, Exercises, Insertion
Sorts, Simple Insertion, Shell Sort, Address Calculation Sort, Exercises, Merge and Radix
Sorts, Merge Sorts, The Cook-Kim Algorithm, Radix Sort.
Unit – V
Graphs and Their Applications, Applications of Graphs, C Representation of Graphs,
Transitive Closure, Warshall's Algorithm, Shortest-Path Algorithm, Exercises, A Flow
Problem, Improving a Flow Function, Example, Algorithm and Program, Exercises,
Linked Representation of Graphs, Dijkstra's Algorithm Revisited, Organizing the set of
Graph Nodes, Application to Scheduling, C Program, Exercises, Graph Traversal and
Spanning Forests, Traversal Methods for Graphs, Spanning Forests, Undirected Graphs and
Their Traversals, Depth-First Traversal, Applications of Depth-First Traversal, Efficiency of
Depth-First Traversal, Breadth-First Traversal, Minimum Spanning Trees.
Database Management Systems
Unit – I
DBMS: An Introduction : Data Base Management System-Basic Concepts, Data and
Database, Database System: Concept and Meaning, Disadvantages of File Systems,
Advantage of Database Approach, Disadvantages of Using a DBMS, Database Languages,
Database Administrator, Database Designers, Database Users. Database Manager, Data Base
Management System-Architectures and Features, Data Abstraction, DBMS Architecture,
Data Independence, System Architecture, Data Model.
Unit - II
Entity Relationship Model : Entities and Relations: Entities and Entity Sets, Attributes,
Relationships, Design Choice, Key, ER-diagram, The Entity Relationship Diagram, Types of
Attributes, Role, Attribute of Relationships, Participation, Cardinality Constraints, Multiple
Relationships, Keys, Weak Entity Sets, EER- model, Specialization and Generalization,
Constraints on Specialization and Generalization, Aggregation, Simplification, Constraints
beyond the ER Model.
Unit - III
Relational Data Model
Relations: What is Relation?, Different Features of a Relation, Relation Scheme,
Constraints, Entity Integrity Constraints, Referential Integrity,Relational Algebra-I, Operands
of Relational Algebra, The Selection Operator, The Projection Operator, Union, Intersection
and Set- Difference, Cartesian Product, The Renaming Operator, Completeness of Relational
Algebra, Relational Algebra-II, The Join Operator, Division Operator, Database
/V10dification, Relational Operations are Closed, Outer Join, Generalized Projections,
Aggregate Functions, Implementing Relational Algebra Operations.
Unit- IV
Relational Database Design : Functional Dependencies, Anomalies in Databases,
Functional Dependencies, Inference Rules fur FDs, Attribute Closure, Normal Forms, First
Normal Form, Second Normal Form, Third Normal Form, Boyce-Codd Normal Form,
Decomposition and Other Dependencies, Attribute Preservation, Loss-Less Join
Decomposition, Dependency Preservation, Multi-Valued Dependency, Join Dependencies,
The Process of Normalization.
Unit – V
SQL: A Query Language : Data Definition With SQL, SQL Schema Definition, Table
Definition, Column Definition, Data Types in SQL, Domain Definition, Table Constraints,
Modification, Catalog, Basic SQL Queries, Basic SQL Query, Union, Intersect, Nested
Queries, Aggregate Operators, GROUP BY and HAVING Clause, Joined Relations, Joined