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1. What are the generally accepted dates of the American puritan period and
2. Who are the puritans? What was their mission?
Note this quote from K. T. Erikson’s The Wayward Puritans: “The main purpose
of the puritan experiment in those early days was to show that men could
themselves in a political state exactly as they governed themselves in a
congregation—that the Bible could serve as a competent instrument of law,
sainthood could provide a feasible basis for citizenship, and that the
could act as the final moral authority in civil as well as spiritual matters”
3. What was the role of the church and minister in puritan culture?
4. Note the five basic points of orthodox puritan belief:
(1) Total depravity: All people are born in original sin, and can do nothing
about their condition. They are depraved since Adam’s fall. Humankind
has a sinful nature and creates disharmony; they are a source of
wickedness and evil.
(2) Unconditional election: God saves (or elects) some, and damns others.
Election is predestined. “The elect” are guaranteed salvation.
Predestination of foreknowledge is based on God’s divine purpose and
(3) Limited atonement: Christ did not die for us, but rather for only those
who God has chosen to be saved (or “elected”).
(4) Irresistible grace (or “covenant of grace”) God gives grace (unmerited
favor and mercy) freely (therefore “free grace”). It is irresistible; it
be earned. Grace is a gift, not a reward for behavior. No outward proof is
necessary to earn God’s grace. (The puritan Anne Hutchinson believed in
the covenant of irresistible grace.)
(5) Perseverance: The elect remained saved or will “persevere” because God
has promised. The elect can never be “lost” since salvation is by the will
of an omnipotent God. One cannot get “unsaved” by his or her sins or
rejection of faith.
5. Note other terms and concepts:
(1) Visible saint: A person who knows that he or she is elected to salvation
because of a conversion experience when the saving grace of God entered
their hearts. Visible saints showed by their behavior that their whole way
of living was based on serving God. Church membership was limited to
visible saints.
(2) Justified person: One chosen (or “elected”) for salvation by God.
(3) Sanctification: Proof that one is justified (or “elected” by God). Proof
exhibited by living a life of good works and outward proper moral
conduct. One might also receive a “sign” of sanctification (such as wealth)
that would signify one’s election. One’s minister, in private counsel, could
help a puritan determine a sign.
(4) Covenant of works: Belief that good works and outward moral conduct
and conformity will earn one his or her justification (opposed to the view
of covenant of free grace).
(5) Covenant of free grace: A belief that extolled salvation gained by faith
and the intuitive revelation of God’s freely given grace—not salvation
gained through good works. (Good works are not an indication of
(6) Antinomianism: Antinomianism is an extreme form of the covenant of
grace: since the elect are guaranteed salvation, the church’s role (and
minister’s role) is obsolete. The puritan Ann Hutchinson was an
6. What kinds of literature did the puritans produce?
7. Characterize the puritan writing style. Also note the following quotes
(1) “[I will] manifest a plain style; with singular regard unto the simple
in all things.” (William Bradford, History of Plymouth)
(2) “Plainness for matter and manner of expression is the thing that I
consciously endeavor.” (Thomas Hooker)
(3) “God’s altar needs no polishing.” (Cotton Mather, sermon)
8. What was the puritan’s view of fiction, poetry, and drama? Note the
quotes from puritan ministers:
(1) A man may be said to commitith sin when he imagineth, deviseth, and
plotish sin as a Poet in his fictions.” (John Cotton, sermon)
(2) “Engross all your application. Beware of boundless and sickly appetite
the reading of poems . . . but especially preserve your souls from the
dangers that may incur with the Muses that are no better than harlots.”
(Cotton Mather, sermon)
9. What was the puritan view of women writers? Note in particular the passage
John Winthrop’s History of New England on Anne Yale Hopkins (? – 1698),
whom we assume to be a writer (perhaps a poet). No works of hers survive.
“[April 13, 1645] Mr. Hopkins, the governor of Hartford upon Connecticut,
to Boston, and brought his wife with him, (a godly young woman of special
who was fallen into a sad infirmity, the loss of her understanding and
which had growing upon her diverse years, by occasion of her giving herself
wholly to reading and writing, and had written many books. Her husband, being
very loving and tender to her, was loath to grieve her; but he saw his error,
it was too late. For if she had attended her household affairs, and such
things as
belong to women, and not gone out of her way and calling to meddle in such
things as are proper for men, whose minds are stronger, she had kept her wits
might have improved them usefully and honorably in the place God had set her.
He brought her to Boston, and left her with her brother, one Mr. Yale, a
to try what means might be had here for her. But no help could be had.”
10. Who are our major puritan writers and what were their contributions?
11. What causes, as expressed in the literature read in this unit, caused
puritanism to decline?
12. What is the “Great Awakening” (1700-1743)?
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