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Hamilton Secondary Numeracy Project
Term 2
Name ___________________________
Week 1 Fractions
Order fractions at Scroll through the fractions and drag
them in order onto the wall. If you are unsure use the testing room to
compare pairs of fractions.
Play the Lowest terms game at Click on a card. If the
fraction on it can be reduced, click on ‘Not lowest terms’ and enter the
fraction (using the forwards slash key). If correct you’ll win three
cards! If the fraction can’t be reduced click on ‘Lowest terms’. Play
until you make three mistakes to lose, or all cards are turned over to
win. Record the fractions you reduced and their simplest forms.
Shuffle a pack of playing cards, take two to form an improper fraction.
Write the equivalent mixed number. Repeat nine more times. Jacks
count as 11, Queens as 12 and Kings as 13.
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Simmering Term 2
Week 2 Addition of fractions
Write as many pairs of fractions with different denominators with a
total of 1 as you can in two minutes!
Take the Jacks, Queens, Kings and Jokers out of a deck of playing cards.
Shuffle what’s left. Take two and make a fraction less than one. Repeat
to make another fraction. Find the total using ‘smile and kiss’. Repeat
until you have eight additions.
Play Fruit shoot fractions additions at
ractionsAddition.htm. Chose level 3 and relaxed mode. Add the pair of
given fractions and click on the fruit with the answer. Record the
addition and answer in your homework book. What was your score out
of 10?
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Simmering Term 2
Week 3 Subtraction of fractions
Subtract 1/6 from the following fractions:
1/2, 2/3, 5/12.
Remember, you need to convert both fractions in each subtraction to
the same denominator.
Play Fruit shoot fractions subtractions at
ractionsSubtraction.htm. Choose level 2 and relaxed mode. Add the
pair of given fractions and click on the fruit with the answer. Record
the addition and answer in your homework book. What was your score
out of 10? If you get on well, try level 3!
Roll two dice (or roll one twice) to generate a fraction less than one.
Use ‘smile and kiss’ to subtract this fraction from 7/8. How many can
you do in five minutes?
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Simmering Term 2
Week 4 Multiplication
Play Are you a Math Magician? at Choose ‘mixed’. Can you
answer 20 multiplication tables questions in one minute?
Play Factor feeder at
Use the arrow keys to ‘eat’ factors of the given number. You must
avoid numbers which aren’t a factor, and the chasing monster! Can
you play more than three games before you lose all your lives?
Roll a 0-9 dice twice to create a fraction (if you roll 0, roll again).
Multiply the fraction by ¾.
□ × 3
How many can you do in two minutes?
Repeat, this time multiplying each fraction by 2/3.
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Simmering Term 2
Week 5 Division
Copy and complete the following table:
Play the Chicken coop estimation game at Choose ‘proper
fractions of numbers (easy)’. Drag the nest to the answer on the
number line. You need to be quite quick! How many eggs hatched?
Play again and see if you can beat your score. If you found this easy,
have a go at ‘proper fractions of numbers (hard)’. You will probably
need to ‘eggstimate’ some answers!
Solve the following by thinking of how many halves are in 10 for
10 ÷ 1/2
3 ÷ 1/4
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2 ÷ 1/8
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4 ÷ 1/6
5 ÷ 1/5
Simmering Term 2
Week 6 Decimals
Play Pop the balloons at
Decimals1.htm. Click on the balloons in ascending order. Can you
reach level 6 before time runs out? More balloons appear each time!
Roll a dice three times and use the digits to write different numbers
less than 1 with three decimal places. Write them in ascending order.
Play Number balls at Click on the balls in ascending order. Can you
get to level 8? What was your score?
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Simmering Term 2
Week 7 Addition
Play Circle 3 at
structions. Drag decimals into the circles so that the total of the three
numbers in each circle is 3. Write five trios of numbers with a total of 3
in your homework book.
Play Soccer maths at Click on the letter by the
answer to the decimal addition. If correct click on the ball to choose
where to short from and on the bar to determine the strength of shot.
Tip: use estimation to help you choose the correct answer.
Roll a 0 to 9 dice and flip a coin to determine whether the number is
positive (heads) or negative (tails). Repeat, then add the two numbers.
Record five additions.
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Simmering Term 2
Week 8 Subtraction
Play Ghostblasters 3 at Either play against
another person, or just click begin to start. Play until one score is 10
Choose four of these subtractions to work out by counting up or back
and four to work out using a written method (decomposition).
403 – 299
748 – 236
512 – 483
845 – 321
5284 – 4999
8473 – 3637
8546 – 4005
5052 – 4978
7431 – 2321
7386 – 1998
4007 – 3597
4239 – 3976
Roll a 0 to 9 dice and flip a coin to determine whether the number is
positive (heads) or negative (tails). Repeat, then find the difference
between the two numbers. Draw a number line jotting if it helps.
Record five subtractions.
4 – (-7) = 11
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Simmering Term 2
Week 9 Multiplication
Choose the 11, then 12 times tables from the Times table challenge at Your
character is a pink rhino. Enter the answers as quickly as you can to
beat a character from somewhere else in the world. How many did you
get right and wrong? Practise the facts you still need to work on.
Use rounding to approximate the answers to each of the following.
Write the letters in order. Now work them out.
A 3782 × 6
B 1287 × 9
C 4298 × 5
D 2178 × 3
E 986 × 8
F 473 × 7
Multiply each of these numbers by a number between 1 and 10. Try to
get an answer as close to 200 as you can. Which answer was closest?
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Simmering Term 2
Week 10 Division
Play Are you a Math Magician? at Choose ‘mixed’. Can you
answer 20 questions in less than one minute? Write down your time.
Take the 10s, Jacks, Queens and Kings out from a set of playing cards
and shuffle the remaining cards. Take four and try to use them to
make a three-digit by single digit division, □□□ ÷ □ with an answer
between 20 and 30. Write the divisions and answers with remainders
where necessary.
Repeat until you have six divisions with answers between 20 and 30.
Roll a 0 to 9 dice and divide 134 by the number on it. If you roll 0 or 1,
roll again. Work out the exact answer, so convert the remainder to a
fraction where necessary, and simplify when possible.
Repeat until you have six divisions.
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Simmering Term 2
Optional week 1 Percentages
Copy and complete the following:
10% of £250 is ___
10% of 185m is ___
10% of 45km is ___
1% of £340 is ___
1% of 1500ml is ___
1% of 3750g is ___
10% of ____ is £45
10% of ____ is 7.6cm
10% of ____ is 32cm
1% of ____ is £6.30
1% of ____ is 6cm
1% of ____ is 38cm
What is 10% of 450m? 1%? 50%? Use these key percentages to work
out at least ten other percentages of 450m. Join them to make a
percentage chain.
21% of
1% of
50% of
10% of
5% of
25% of
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20% of
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Simmering Term 2
Optional week 2 Proportion
A class of 30 pupils were asked to choose their favourite sport from
swimming, football, cycling and gymnastics. Here are the results:
Favourite sport
Number of pupils
What proportion of the class like each? Record your answers as
fractions. How do you think the results would differ for your tutor
What proportion of a normal week are school days?
Which month do you think has the highest proportion of school days?
Use the term dates on the school website and a calendar to help.
What proportion of a school day is spent in school? Asleep? Travelling?
Doing homework?!
30 pupils were asked which flavour of crisps they preferred. 12
preferred salt and vinegar and the rest preferred cheese and onion.
They were also asked what hot drink they preferred. 20 preferred hot
chocolate, the rest preferred tea.
What proportion like each flavour of crisp and each hot drink? What is
the ratio of pupils preferring salt and vinegar crisps to cheese and
onion crisps? What is the ratio of the number who preferred hot
chocolate to tea?
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Simmering Term 2
Optional week 3 Inverse operations
Mark the following pupil’s work using inverse operations, i.e. use
addition to check subtraction and multiplication to check division.
Write the correct answers by the side.
7925 – 3746 = 4221
8652 – 5637 = 3015
292 ÷ 6 = 48
457 ÷ 8 = 57 r 1
Write the missing numbers in these calculation chains:
25 + 16 – 8 – 8 + 27 – 30 + □ = 25
6 × 3 × 2 ÷ □ × 10 ÷ 5 ÷ 2 = 6
Now write your own chain which ends up at the starting number.
Solve the following equations:
6 × □ = 144
258 – □ = 180
□ + £24.75 = £50
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□ × 7 = 98
□ ÷ 23 = 7
126 ÷ □ = 42
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□ – 6.25 = 2.53
3278 + □ = 8736
Simmering Term 2
Optional week 4 Mensuration
Play Perim-Bots at
l?lesson=lessons/12/m3_12_00_x.swf. Answer questions about
perimeter to choose a body part to build your own robot.
Draw four different rectangles with an area of 24cm2. Which has the
greatest perimeter? And least?
Now draw four different right-angled triangles with an area of 24cm2.
Investigate the Cuboid challenge at
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Simmering Term 2
Simmering Term 2 websites
Ordering Fractions
Lowest terms game
Fruit shoot fractions additions
Fruit shoot fractions subtractions
Are you a Math Magician?
Factor feeder
Chicken coop estimation game
Pop the balloons
Number balls
Circle 3
Soccer maths
Ghostblasters 3
Times table challenge
Cuboid challenge
The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter
collectively referred to as the ‘Links’) have been checked by Hamilton Trust and to the best of Hamilton Trust’s knowledge,
are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the
Hamilton Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of
such Links may have removed such Links, changed such Links and/or contents associated with such Links. Therefore, it is
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Simmering Term 2