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Name: __________________________
Exploring Outer Space
1. Blackhole website
- What is a blackhole? ______________________________________________________
Should we worry about a black hole sucking Earth in? Why or why not?
Click on Journey to the Blackhole.
Drag the view finder to find all the following objects. Put a check beside each
object you find.
Supernova remnant
X-ray binary
Spiral galaxy
Elliptical galaxy
Binary Star
Red Giant
Planetary nebula
Extragalactic bianary
Milky Way center
Drag the view finder on a black hole and then click BEGIN YOUR VOAGE.
Journey to either one of the black hole choices. Which one did you choose?
How fast did you have to go to escape Earth’s gravity? _____________
At this speed how long will it take you to reach Pluto? ____________
Once you get inside the black hole, what happens? ________________________
2. The Life Cycle of a Star
The Birth of a Star:
1. What is a nebulae? ______________________________________________________________
2. Put these steps in order.
______ The gas and dust compresses into a slowly rotating ball.
______ The gas ball begins to spin faster and cool.
______ A star begins to form from clouds of hydrogen gas and dust.
______ The ball separate into a core and spinning disks.
3. How long can a star stay a protostar? ____________________________
4. Explain nuclear fusion. ____________________________________________________________
5. How long does a star live before it begins to die? _______________________________
Sun-like stars.
*** Scroll back up and click on it.
6. How does a star like the sun become a Red Giant? _________________________________
7. Where does most of the mass of a red giant go when the star becomes a white
dwarf? _______________________________________________________________________________
8. The final stage of a medium sized star like the sun is a _________________________.
The death of a Huge Star:
*** Scroll back up and click on it.
9. What happens to a huge star when it becomes a red super giant? __________________
10. The explosion of a red super giant creates a ___________________________________.
11. The final stages of a red super giant depend on the stars _____________________.
12. What happens to a star?
- Less than 3 times the size of the sun? _______________________________________
- Greater than 3 times the size of the sun? ___________________________________
13. How does a star become a black hole? ______________________________________________
14. Could the Sun become a black hole? _______________________________________________
Life Cycle of a star Diagram:
Draw the Diagram of the life cycle of a star use this link OR pg. 735 in your
Why do stars twinkle?
15. What is the scientific name for the twinkling of stars? ___________________________
16. Why do stars twinkle? ____________________________________________________________
17. Why don’t planets twinkle? _______________________________________________________
18. If you were in a spaceship would you be able to see a star twinkling? ____________
Why? ______________________________________________________________________________
The Closest Stars
19. What is the second closest star to Earth? ________________________
How far away is it? _______________________
20. What is the brightest star in the sky? ____________________________
21. Draw the constellation Canis Major and label the star Cirrus on your diagram.
22. How many constellations are in the sky? _________________________
23. Look at the different constellations. Choose your two favorites. Draw a
diagram of each and describe what it looks like.