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1. Site identifies a place by its
A location relative to other objects B mathematical location on the earth’s surface (your set location)
C relative location
D location as it relates to travel times
E none of the above
2. Which form of expansion diffusion goes to the most interconnected places initially?
A contagious
B hierarchical
C relocation
D stimulus E A and B
3. The concept that the physical environment determines human activities is
A climate
B environmental determinism C possibilism D spatial association E none of the above
4. Which is an example of a vernacular region
A states B counties C Roscoe Village neighborhood D Internet site usage alone E a store’s market area
5. Which effect of globalization corresponds to how cell phones, the internet and other new technologies
are making communication over distances easier
A specialized economies
B time-space compression C uneven development
D interdependence
E none of the above are exceptions
6. If someone said that people living in the desert did not have as many opportunities because of a lack of
resources, this would be an example of what geographic approach
A cultural ecology
B environmental determinism C Environmental possibilism D spatial
association E none of the above Charts
7. Which is true?
A large scale maps have a large fraction and tend to show a larger area in less detail because they have
fewer miles represented per square inch on a map.
B small scale maps have a smaller fraction and represent more area in less detail because they have more
miles per square inch on a map represented
C large scale maps have a small fraction and show a larger area in more detail
D small scale maps have a larger fraction and in general show a smaller area in more detail because they
represent fewer miles per square inch than large scale maps
E None of the above
8. An example of a primary sector activity is
B. retail sales.
C. manufacturing.
9. Global Population is
A increasing at 180 million per year
C has a growth rate of .5%
E none of the above
D. mining. E. banking.
B similar in growth to a stage 2 pyramid
D currently decreasing its doubling time
10. If physiological density is about 100 times the agricultural density then
A You have a country that must be having a famine
B you have a high percentage of farmers in your countries
C the country is most likely not a more developed country
D the country is likely developed
E both B and C
11. In more developed countries (MDCs), the % of people employed in which sector is increasing?
the primary sector.
b. all three sectors.
c. the secondary sector. d. A and C
the tertiary sector.
12. The difference between stage two and three (beginning of 3) of the demographic transition primarily
occurs when
A the birth and death rates rise
B the death rate rises
C the birth rate declines
D the death rate declines
E None of the above
13. According to Wallerstein’s World-Systems Theory, the tiers into which countries can be classified
within the global economy are largely a legacy of what historical process?
a. militarism
b. communism
c. imperialism
14. Mr. Lewis frequently
A puts his cats in a stroller and takes them for a walk B knocks the books out of freshman girls’ arms
C knocks on Dignam’s door and then runs
D stars in home movies as the hero nerd boy
E all of the above
15. A graph of which line by itself would be the best way to indicate that a country is entering stage 4
D all of the them could be used E none of them
16. The MOST important reason that people are more productive in more developed countries is because
work harder.
are descended from Europeans
have access to more technology.
have better access to raw materials
belong to labor unions
17. The replacement rate is
A a CDR of 2.1 B a CBR of 2.1
C an NIR of 2.1
D an NRI of 2.1
E a TFR of 2.1
18. A population pyramid that is rectangular in shape until it tapers off at the top is a sign that the country
a) has low emigration b) is in stage 5 of the demographic transition.
c) is an LDC d) has low infant mortality. e) is close to zero population growth
19. A country with a CBR of 40 and a CDR of 40 is in what stage of the demographic transition?
A one B two C three D four E five
20. Crude in CBR and CDR means
A an estimate that can only be crudely guessed because even developed countries cannot keep total track
of births or deaths
B the total number of people even if they are immigrants or emigrated
C the number of births or deaths per 1000 people of any age or sex
D the number of births or deaths
E none of the above
21. Most of the one billion malnourished people in the world:
a) have little power
b) have little money
c) are women or children d) all of the previous ones
e) none of the above
22. The diffusion of the idea of the hamburger to India but with a vegetable patty instead
of the religiously prohibited beef is an example of:
a) cultural mimicry
b) cultural barrier c) stimulus diffusion
d) independent invention
e) none of the above
23. A pyramid with a wide base which then narrows right away as you go upwards would be
a) stage 2 country
b) a stage 4 country
c) an MDC
d) an LDC
e) both a and d
24. A pyramid that looks like a rectangle until it gets to the top
a) shows a stable population b) is having around 2.1 children per family c) is in stage 3 d) both a and b
e) all of the previous are correct
25. What type of processes incorporate lower levels of education, lower salaries, less technology and
generate less wealth in the world economy?
a. post-industrial b. periphery c. core d. semi-core e. semi-periphery
26. Which of the following is not an indicator of a country's level of development?
A. infant mortality rate B. crude death rate C. age structure D. natural increase rate E. both B and D
27. A population pyramid that has a narrow bottom and gets wider as you get to the older ages (looks
kind of like a coffin) reflects
a) all developed countries.
b) countries in Stage 5 of the demographic transition.
c) developing countries.
d) high infant mortality.
e) none of the above
28. China’s population is still growing (despite having less than 2 children per family on average) because
A of demographic momentum
B there are a large number of people at parenting age
C there are a small number of people at the higher age brackets that are dying at this time
D all of the above (a, b and c)
E they have not decreased their TFR below 2.1 yet
29. Highest rates of childish behavior are found in this region.
a) room 222 b) room 218 c) the main office d) none of the previous e) all of the previous have high
30. Which is true
A stage 2 countries have a NIR around 2% and a median age in the late teens
B stage 4 countries have a NIR around .5% and a median age in the 30s
C stage 3 countries have a NIR around 2% and a median age in the 20s
D stage 4 countries have a NIR around -1% and a median age in the 30s
E None of the above
31. The pyramid for a stage 2 country will
A be rectangular
B have a wide base
C reflect replacement rate D show more women than men at the top age brackets
E all of the above
32. Put down A and stop crying
33. The principal reason Rwanda had a decrease in its natural increase rate in the mid 1990s during a
genocide was because of
A the country’s growth and development B the declining CDR
C the increasing CBR
D the increasing CDR
E both A and D
34. An example of a secondary sector activity is
A) education.
B) manufacturing.
C) banking.
D) retailing.
E) mining.
35. One important feature of the world’s population that is most likely going to have the most important
future implications
A It is increasing at a slower pace
B the rapid migration of people from LDCs to MDCs
C the most rapid population growth is in the less developed countries
D people are uniformly distributed across the globe
E many countries now have negative population growth increase rates
36. It is estimated that _____ of the world’s population is seriously malnourished.
a) 1/20th
b) 1/10th
c) 1/6th
d) ½
e) none of the previous answers
37) Development prospects are limited in Sub-Saharan Africa because of which of the following?
A) a lack of clean drinking water (potable water) due to poor infrastructure
B) political instability
C) tribalism
D) overworked agricultural land and declining output
E) all of the above
38. Compared to the line measuring NIR, the population line in the demographic transition
a) goes up in stage 4 while the NIR line goes down
b) goes up in stage 1 while the NIR line is low
c) goes up in stages 1 and 2 with the NIR line going up as well
d) stabilizes at a high level in stage 4 as the line for NIR goes down and remains low to zero
e) a and b
*think about what NIR measures versus what a population line means
39) Which of the following is not an indicator of global gender inequality?
A) Women on average have two-thirds of the income of men in MDCs.
B) Women have much lower incomes than men in LDCs.
C) Female life expectancy is less than males in every country of the world.
D) Female literacy is much lower than males in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southwest Asia & North Africa.
E) Women hold less than one-fourth of managerial jobs in LDCs where data are available.
40) Per capita GDP is a good indicator of all but which of the following?
A) the approximate level of material well being in a country
B) the number of countries below the poverty level
C) the distribution of wealth within a country
D) the spatial distribution of global wealth
E) potential for providing all citizens with a comfortable life
41) Mr. Lewis is
a) asleep b) thinking about what he would do if he were a cat
e) all of the previous
c) drooling
d) none of the
42. The phenomenon that the farther a feature diffuses from its origin, the less dominant it becomes is
called __________________, while _________________________ tries to explain how the above
phenomenon is being altered by modern communication and transportation technologies?
a. globalization, sequent occupance
b. time-space compression, distance decay
c. distance decay, time-space compression
concentric zone, globalization
central place, concentric zone
43. Which type of map would have the smallest scale?
a. world map
b. state map c. continental map d. city map e. country map
44. A city is located on a river that is prone to flooding yet provides trade connections that are right down
the river and nearby and that then bring measurable wealth to the city. Which geographic statement
would best fit that city?
a. The city has a good site but a poor situation.
b. The city has a good situation but a poor site.
c. The city has flood disadvantages that outweigh the advantages.
d. The city should relocate because of the flooding problem.
e. None of the above
45. What type of a map shows the extent of a feature (like average income) in formal, bounded regions?
a. Choropleth density c. isoline d. topographic e. cartogram
46. What type of a map shows raw data and allows you to see patterns?
a. choropleth b. dot density c. isoline d. topographic e. cartogram
47. Which of the following is NOT a reason that high levels of gender INEQUALITY may cause difficulty in
it leads to smaller family sizes
it is associated with lower literacy rates and higher infant mortality rates.
it excludes women from the formal economy, wasting a major economic asset.
it severely limits the economic and social mobility of women.
all of the above
48. Which is not a reason that people in MDCs have fewer children
lower infant and child mortality rates
tend to live in urban environments performing 3rd sector jobs
have high rates of labor participation for women
have uneven development
have less than 10% of their people engaged in primary level activities
49. As the line for NIR increases, the line for doubling time
a) disappears
b) decreases
c) increases as well
d) stays the same
50. Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow
a) it’s late
b) you need another freebie
c) Mr. Lewis is seriously weird
e) all of the previous
e) all of the
d) what?
2) The number of people who are too young or too old to work in a society compared to the number of
working age people is the
A) dependency ratio. B) life expectancy. C) population pyramid. D) sex ratio. E) demographic ratio.
3) Brazil has a lower crude death rate than the Germany because Brazil
A) has a higher sex ratio. B) has more hospitals per person.
C) has a milder climate. D) is in Stage 4 of the demographic transition.
E) has a lower percentage of elderly people.
4) Among countries, the difference between the highest and lowest crude death rates is ________ than
the spread between the highest and lowest crude birth rates.
A) greater B) less C) the same as D) more related to income
E) less dependent on social services
6) Which factor most often causes a voluntary migration?
A) economic B) environmental C) international D) cultural E) regional conflicts
7) Which statement most accurately describes the motivations of the historic European and current Latin
American immigrants to the United States?
A) Motivated primarily by economic factors.
B) Most migrants from Europe were fleeing religious persecution while migrants from Latin America are
motivated by economic factors.
C) Desire to join family members already in the United States.
D) Migrants from Europe mostly spoke English while migrants from Latin American mostly speak Spanish.
–make more obvious that is true but not motivational –would likely feel comfortable because they would
find people that speak their language
E) Both were and are motivated by famine in their home country
8) Migration to the United States declined during the 1920s primarily because of
A) economic depression in the United States. B) forced migration after World War I.
C) imposition of quota laws. D) declining demand for industrial workers.
E) declining demand for domestic workers.
9) U.S. quota laws that lasted from the 1920s until the 1960s primarily had the effect of
A) virtually ending immigration.
B) indirectly causing two world wars.
C) dramatically increasing immigration from around the world.
E) increasing the possibility of migration from regions previously prohibited
What was the effect of the change to the quota laws in the the 1960s
10) According to the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, undocumented immigrants were
A) permitted to become legal residents.
B) increasingly deported if caught.
C) encouraged to remain because of shortages of workers.
D) no longer eligible for public services in the United States.
E) established as guest workers.
11) The largest level of interregional migration in the United States was caused by the
A) arrival of Europeans beginning in the 1600s.
B) illegal immigration from Latin America.
C) immigration of Asians beginning in the early twentieth century.
D) opening up of the western territories.
E) industrial development in the northeast.
12) The most prominent type of intraregional migration in the world is
A) north to south. B) region to region. C) urban to suburban. D) city to city. E) rural to urban.
13) In the United States, which is likely to cause virtually all population growth in the next few decades?
A) NIR of native born population B) 3rd wave immigrants and their descendants
C) Declining death rate D) Both A and C E) none of the previous
-other answers with the other waves
Unlike previous immigrants to the US, the latest immigrants have
-lower TFRs
14. The epidemiological transition refers to how
A in stage one famines and plagues are the main cause of death
B in stage two pandemics recede
C in stage three and four an increase in diseases such as heart attacks and cancers
D all of the above
E none of the above
15. According to the migration transition, migration in modern times corresponds to
A stage one countries have people that migrate to stage four countries
B stage two countries have people that migrate to stage four countries
C stage four countries have low birth rates and people go to them especially if 4's wish to keep their
population stable or to get it to increase.
D people from stage two countries will never go to countries in stage three
E both B and C
16. The following is true
A Asian and African countries are in stage three of the demographic transition
B Africa is the predominant area for stage two countries
C Latin America and Asian countries are largely in stage three and have moderately high NIRs so lots of
people from those countries head to America
D America is a stage four country but immigrants help to keep the population stable or rising because
they have more kids than second or third generation Americans
E BCD are all true and A is absolutely false
20. The number of European countries at or above replacement level is:
a) 20. b) 10. c) 5. d) 0. e) none of the above
21. At the present rate of births and deaths in the world, we are adding about _____ million inhabitants
every year.
a) 50 b) 10 c) 75 d) 250 e) none of the above
22. A developed country that has reached a stage where the population is most stable will develop a
population pyramid that is __________.
a) bell shaped b) pear shaped c) rectangular shaped d) cone shaped e) none of the above
23. Highest rates of infant mortality are found in this region.
a) South America b) Central Africa c) East Asia d) Eastern Europe e) North America
24. In the last 50 years, migration in regards to Peru corresponds with the majority of migrants moving to
a) The Amazon. b) Ecuador. c) The city of Lima. d) America. e) counter urbanization
-relates to Ravenstein –move short distances
27. Which is in the correct order
A) German Migration, Quota Acts, Start of the 3rd Wave of Migration, Start of the Great Migration
B) German Migration, 3rd Wave of migration, interregional migration west, Quota Acts
C) German Migration, Italian Migration, Quota Acts, Amnesty for undocumented immigrants
D) Italian Migration, Quota Acts, Beginning of Suburbanization, 3rd Wave of Migration
E) Both A and D
28. In 1995, the collapse of which of the following European countries produced the largest refugee crisis
in Europe since the end of World War II?
a) Turkey b) Yugoslavia c) Greece d) Romania e) Germany
29) Japan is dealing with economic concerns about an aging population by
A) increasing the birth rate and encouraging older people and women to work.
C) shifting jobs overseas and taking in guest workers
D) encouraging immigration and increasing its birth rate
E) Shifting Jobs Overseas and Robots and Vending Machines
30 Situation identifies a place by its
A location relative to other objects B mathematical location on the earth’s surface
C absolute location
D unique physical characteristics
E none of the above
31. Chain migration of an ethnic group that brings its language to a new area (like Polish people to
Chicago) goes along with this type of diffusion
A contagious B hierarchical C relocation D stimulus E none of the above
**********32. A pyramid for a country that is politically unstable with one of the worst dependency ratio
issues in the world likely
a) has an NIR at or above 2%
b) reflects the longevity gap ******* (1 answer)
c) has a natural decrease rate
d) will have a median age of 27
e) Both A and B
33. States marked by a blue or red color would be a good way to use a
A vernacular region B functional region C nodal region D formal region E none of the above
34. All of the following are effects of globalization except
A the growth of the importance of distance decay B time-space compression
C uneven development D interdependence E none of the above
35. A small scale map most likely shows
A a large area B a small area C more detail D less detail E both d and a
36. In the years before globalization (pre1990), the world had
A Less specialization at the local level B More specialization at the local level
C No specialization D Equal development distribution
E None of the above
37) A physical feature, such as a body of water, which hinders migration is an example of
A) an environmental push factor. B) a forced migration.
C) an intervening obstacle. D) a cultural pull factor.
E) an environmental incentive.
38 This law helps cause chain migration of immigrants from Latin America and Asia
a immigration act of 1965 b immigration act of 1968 c family reunification act d global quota act
e none of the above
Chain Migration –one group follows another
39. How many undocumented immigrants are in the US currently
a 1 million b 2 million c 5 million d 11 million e 100 million
Reagan – Amnesty -3 million
40. Currently, the world
a a is at 2% NIR, has 6 billion people and is adding 75 million people every year
b a is at .5% NIR, has 7 billion people and is adding 45 million people every year
c a is at 1.2% NIR, has 7 billion people and is adding 75 million people every year
d a is at 3% NIR, has 6 billion people and is adding 95 million people every year
e none of the above
41. The biggest difference between an IDP and a refugee is
a the cause of migration
b the Facebook status of the migrant
c the type of country they come from
d crossing a border
e none of the above
42. The biggest difference between a voluntary migrant and a refugee is
a the cause of migration
b the Facebook status of the migrant
c the type of country they come from
d crossing a border
e none of the above
48. A stage two country would have what kind of population curve on a population graph
A J curve B S curve C L curve D no curve E None of the above
-Could switch this to a visual of and S , J curve
50. For the last 40 years, the biggest pattern of intraregional migration going on in the world todays is
A From LDCs to MDCs
B From stage 2 and 3 countries to stage 4
C Rural to Urban in LDCs
D Rural to Urban in LDCs and MDCs
E All of the above
51. What makes the shape of the population pyramid for a stage 4 country rectangular
a) requires a total fertility rate of 2.1
b) requires that the population be at the
replacement rate of 2.1
c) is rectangular in shape at the bottom
d) will have a median age in the 30s
e) all of the above
53 Of the World’s top population concentrations
a) Africa has the third largest concentration of people but is growing the fastest
b) East Asia is the second largest concentration of people in the world
c) The most populous country in East Asia will lower its population growth through restrictions
d) The most populous country in the future will be from South Asia
e) both c and d
54 In America
a) the physiological density is much higher than the agricultural density
b) arithmetic density is equal to physiological density plus agricultural density
c) arithmetic density has gotten lower in the most recent decades
d) agricultural density has gotten higher and higher over the decades
e) all of the above
55 Regionally today REPHRASE
a) Africa has many second sector jobs and has high population growth as it is in the second stage of the
demographic transition
b) America dominates the world through its wealth of second sector factory jobs
c) Latin American countries have around 1 percent growth or higher and are already very urban
d) Asian countries have around 2 percent growth on average and predominantly 2nd sector jobs
e) all of the above
56 Demographic momentum means
a) that your TFR is right at replacement rate but you are still growing
b) that your CDR is even with your CBR but you are still growing due to immigration
c) that your TFR is even with your CBR and CDR
d) that your TFR can be below replacement but your CBR is above CDR
e) none of the above
57 A stage 5 country, theoretically
a) would still be growing due to demographic momentum
b) is where China will be in the next 5 years
c) means that you have ZPG and a TFR of 2.5
d) means that you have an NRI that places you at ZPG and going to a negative RNI -REPHRASE
e) none of the above
58 Stage 2 countries could have
a) high rates of malaria b) TFRs of around 5
c) relatively high concentrations of orphans d) problems with their dependency ratio
e) all of the above
59 Cities around the world are the same in that
a) birth rates largely determine their population size
b) diseases are much more prevalent in urban areas than in rural areas
c) they are all currently growing at small or large rates
d) their population growth is primarily determined by migration in and out of the city
e) they are all decreasing in size in the last decade
60 An LDCs pyramid has its shape determined by
a) a birth rate which determines the top of the pyramid
b) longevity which determines its base
c) a CBR which determines its base
d) mortality rates which determine its height and width at upper levels
e) both c and d
61 The biggest push factor for refugees is often related to this issue
a) economic b) environmental
c) cultural d) population growth
e) none of the above is a relevant push factor
62 Who would be the most likely to migrate to America
a) A Turk in his mid 20s
b) A Columbian in his early 30s
c) A child of 10 in Brazil
d) A woman in her 20s in Mexico
e) A man in Mexico in his 20s with relatives in the US
63 Which ethnic group is more likely to live in rural America
a) Polish b) Greek c) German d) Hispanic e) Asian
64 In what area would a person of German decent most likely live in America (highest probability)
a) within a city proper b) in a rural area c) in a heartland state d) in a suburban area e) none of the
65) Which is not a deterrent to high birth rates
A) a lowered infant mortality rate
B) higher eduction levels for women
C) rural to urban migration
D) economic development
E) none of the above are suitable answers
66) Which is true of LDCs and population growth today
A) there are fewer countries growing in population today than there were in the early 1700s
B) like England, they all go through an industrial revolution as their population explodes
C) there are almost no stage 2 countries left in the world today
D) LDCs get healthier and experience longer lives first before they develop economically increasing their
population explosion
E) none of the above
67) The highest crude birth rates are currently found in countries in which stage of the demographic
A) Stage 1 B) Stage 2 C) Stage 3 D) Stage 4 E) Stage 5
68) 43) A decline in a country's crude birth rate would result in an increase in the country's
A) total fertility rate. B) life expectancy. C) infant mortality D) doubling time. E) natural increase rate.
69) The principal reason for declining natural increase rates in less developed countries today is
A) increasing crude birth rates.
B) declining crude birth rates.
C) increasing crude death rates.
D) declining crude death rates.
E) balanced natural increase rates.
70) The population pyramid of a townhome community inFlorida, is "upside down," because the city has a
large percentage of
A) elderly people. B) young people. C) immigrants. D) females. E) infants.
71) In contrast to the experience of more developed countries, less developed countries entered Stage 2
of the demographic transition through
A) creation of higher levels of wealth. B) diffusion of the Industrial Revolution.
C) diffusion of medical technology from other countries. D) profound changes in their economic and social
E) banking innovations.
72) Gross Domestic Product
A) value of goods and services produced in a country
B) GDP per capita simply means that you divided up per person in the country
C) Does not take into account uneven development
D) can be used to compare countries economies
E All of the above
73) Gender Development Index NOT DOING THIS
A) is a gender sensitive version of the HDI B) helps to explain higher TFRs in some LDCs
C) usually gets better as countries develop
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
74) Most Asians are currently migrating to the United States through the process of
A) expansion diffusion.
B) brain drain.
C) chain migration.
D) illegal immigration.
E) global relocation.
75) Unlike GDP, GNI takes into account
A) uneven devleopment B) goods produced in the country C) services as well as goods D) investments
E) none of the above
6) The most populous country in the world is
A) China.
B) India.
C) Russia.
D) Indonesia.
E) Republic of Congo.
1.2 billion
Projected - Why
And then what will be (think law)
GDP GNI HDI GEM GDI definition and what they measure
Order of migration streams and Ethnic groups and where in America with Migration
-Germans, Italians, movement to the suburbs, urbanization, great migration, movement to the southern
states, Quota Laws 1st wave, 3rd wave
-Where do Italians live today (majority)
7) Two-thirds of the world's population is clustered in four regions. Which of the following is not one of
these four regions?
A) East Asia
B) Southeast Asia
C) Sub-Saharan Africa
D) Europe
E) South Asia
-would know about this in general –Asia has large part of the world’s population
-regions and stages in the demo trans
-core Europe, Japan and America (original core of development)
9) The most populous country in the Southeast Asia region is
A) Bangladesh.
B) China.
C) India.
D) Indonesia.
E) Thailand.
-just do the most populous country
-Indonesia (largest Muslim)
12) Physiological density is the number of
A) acres of farmland.
B) farmers per area of farmland.
C) people per area of land.
D) people per area suitable for agriculture.
E) farm animals per area suitable for agriculture.
-if agri is half of physio 50% = farmers
-first, second, and third sector =
70x higher
13) A country with a large amount of arable land and a small number of farmers will have a
A) high physiological density.
B) low physiological density.
C) high agricultural density.
D) low agricultural density.
E) low arithmetic density.
14) Land suited for agriculture is called
A) population density.
B) agricultural density.
C) physiological density.
D) arid land.
E) arable land.
15) If the physiological density is much larger than the arithmetic density, then a country has
A) inefficient farmers.
B) a large number of farmers.
C) a small percentage of land suitable for agriculture.
D) too many people for the available resources.
E) too few farmers for the large area of land suitable for agriculture.
Airithemetic density = density --could be overpopulated
Refugees – cross a border IDP – women and children (Africa Middle East) born refugees (Palestine)
territory palestinians IDPs
17) The annual global population growth rate increased slightly approximately ten thousand years ago
because of the
A) agricultural revolution.
B) demographic transition.
C) Industrial Revolution.
D) medical revolution.
E) increase in the crude birth rate.
0-.03 ZPG high BR and DR,
ZPG to negative
.5% population growth median age in the 30s ZPG
1 to 1.5% median age in the 20s
2% median age is in the teens
Doubling time as NIR RNI NRI (regions)
World – population – 1.2% 75 million stage 3, peak the 1980s in numbers per year, are we still growing,
but less so
Stage and pyramids
(2 – wide base because of the CBR, longevity a little shorter) lifespan gap is biggest between 2-3
China - demographic momentum
Stage 3 is a bit taller, even at the bottom (2 reasons for pyramid at top,
Demographic momentum (TFR is below replacement which is 2.1) but the CBR is higher than the CDR –
country example that went through this through a law
older generation had lots of kids and they are dying off, even at bottom because the younger gen is having
fwer kids and more rect) China
21) The highest crude death rates are found in countries in which stage of the demographic transition?
B) Stage 2
C) Stage 3
D) Stage 4
E) Stage 5
Traits of stage 2
Orphans, disease, (longevity gap, stages 2 then 3) infectious in stage 2
23) Rapidly declining crude death rates are found in which stage of the demographic transition?
A) Stage 1
B) Stage 2
C) Stage 3
D) Stage 4
E) Stage 5
-How do you know you have entered a stage 1-5
-All countries have not entered at the same time
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
50% first sector agri, mine
50% second sector factory
75-80% 3 sector, service sector
25) For every 1,000 babies born in Burundi in 2008, an estimated 120 of them will have died before
reaching their first birthday. The rate of 120 deaths per 1,000 births is known as the
A) crude death rate.
B) infant mortality rate.
C) life expectancy.
D) total fertility rate.
E) terminal population rate.
Child mortality – 5 years infant 1
as it gets lower what happens to TFR
26) More developed countries moved from Stage 1 to Stage 2 of the demographic transition 200 years ago
in part because of
A) the first agricultural revolution.
B) invention of new technology and newer scientific methods used in various fields.
C) people moving to cities.
D) women choosing to enter the labor force.
E) decreasing crude birth rates.
England example – check on the wiki
Malthus theory and terms
All of the 2s go together- Ind Rev. England
28) The number of people who are too young or too old to work in a society compared to the number of
working age people is the
A) dependency ratio.
B) life expectancy.
C) population pyramid.
D) sex ratio.
E) demographic ratio.
Japan’s CDR and LDCs
2050 Japan 90 - 510 - 400
SSA (Africa) has the worst issues with dep ratio
Shape of a stage 4 rectanguar why
– repl rate, live longer, women outlive men combine with why and steps
Rough Draft
30) Japan is dealing with economic concerns about an aging population by
A) increasing the birth rate. False
B) encouraging older people and women to work.
C) shifting jobs overseas.
D) encouraging immigration.False
E) Robots and vending machine
F) Guest Workers False
32) England's population pyramid would most likely resemble that of
B) Chile. rest of latin america / South Korea, Asian Countries
33) Townhomes or condos in suburban Florida because it has a large percentage of
A) elderly people.
B) young people.
C) immigrants.
D) females.
E) infants.
35) In contrast to the experience of more developed countries, less developed countries entered Stage 2 of
the demographic transition through
A) creation of higher levels of wealth.
B) diffusion of the Industrial Revolution.
C) diffusion of medical technology from other countries.
D) profound changes in their economic and social systems.
E) banking innovations.
Health than wealth in terms of development
37) The medical revolution has been characterized by
A) development of new inventions.
B) diffusion of medical practices.
C) increased agricultural productivity.
D) invention of new medicines.
E) increase in the crude birth rate.
38) Which of the following is a difference between the medical and industrial revolutions?
A) The medical revolution occurred later than the industrial revolution.
B) While they have both lowered death rates, they have had different effects on birth rates.
C) The medical revolution took place in less developed countries and the industrial revolution took place in
the developed countries.
D) all of the above
E) None of the above is a real difference.
-medical tech transferred to LDCs but IND Rev does not always
-countries tend to increase lifespan first (politically stable) and then economic developtment
Sudan and refugees 2 countries ethnic/cultural divisions
39) The average number of births women bear in their lifetimes is
A) crude birth rate.
B) crude death rate.
C) total fertility rate.
D) natural increase rate.
E) increasing in more developed countries.
41) The world's population in 1995 was approximately 6 billion and a steady rate of growth was expected
to reach 12 billion in approximately 45 years. The period of 45 years is known as
A) doubling time.
B) life expectancy.
C) natural increase rate.
D) overpopulation.
E) demographic transition.
43) A decline in a country's crude birth rate would result in an increase in the country's
A) total fertility rate.
B) life expectancy rate.
D) doubling time.
E) natural increase rate.
TFR of 2.1 is repl rate which is 2.1
44) When averaged for all less developed countries, which of the following rates is lower than more
developed countries on average?
A) crude birth rate higher
B) crude death rate not usable
C) infant mortality rate higher
D) natural increase rate higher
E) total growth rate none of the above or
45) Costa Rica has a lower crude death rate than the United States because Costa Rica
A) has a higher sex ratio.
B) has more hospitals per person.
C) has a milder climate.
D) is in Stage 4 of the demographic transition.
E) has a lower percentage of elderly people.
46) Among world countries, the spread between the highest and lowest crude death rates is ________
than the spread between the highest and lowest crude birth rates.
A) greater
B) less
C) the same as
D) more related to income
E) less dependent on social services
47) Life expectancy is lowest on average in
A) Africa.
B) East Asia.
C) North America.
D) Europe.
E) Southeast Asia.
51) The principal reason for declining natural increase rates in less developed countries today is
A) increasing crude birth rates.
B) declining crude birth rates.
C) increasing crude death rates.
D) declining crude death rates.
E) balanced natural increase rates.
As become MDCs
they get education, jobs gender equality, move to cities and lower infant mortality and that lowers CBR
in the last 40 years HDI for all but 4 countries has
-has gone up
53) The most lethal epidemic in recent years has been
A) avian flu.
C) Diareea
D) cholera.
56) The low rate of contraceptive use in Africa reflects the region's
A) improving education of women.
B) low status of women.
C) rapid diffusion of contraceptives.
D) all of the above
E) A and B
4) Refugees migrate primarily because of which type of push factor?
A) economic
B) environmental
C) cultural
D) circulation
E) all of the above
7) Several million Irish migrated in the 1840s primarily because
A) the English forced them to become refugees.
B) disastrous economic conditions pushed them out of the country.
C) poor environmental conditions induced them to migrate.
D) they were attracted to the United States.
E) Spanish invasion threatened their homes.
11) The most important pull factor for migrants to North America today is
A) economic.
B) environmental.
C) forced.
D) cultural.
E) geomagnetic.
Refugees biggest push factor – war or cultural political
12) A physical feature, such as a body of water, which hinders migration is an example of
A) an environmental push factor.
B) a forced migration.
C) an intervening obstacle.
D) a cultural pull factor.
E) an environmental incentive.
21) The greatest total number of foreign-born residents can be found in
A) China.
B) Australia.
C) Germany.
D) the United States.
Family reunification act is the number method
-chain migration
Waves of immigration who and when NW Euro = first then SandE by the E1900s and then a break due to
laws, great depression, WWI,WWII, and then a return happens 70s change a laws during the 60s (Asians,
Culture patterns - least diveristy -how is the south now changing
-slow down of migrarion benefitted African Americans -went north to work in factories pull factor
-what is the culture of rural America and why (diversity, changeability) young people move
Before the great depression and after WWI , laws slowed immigration
Who are the most likely people to move to another country
-20s, 30s, working age, women and men
27) Migration to the United States declined during the 1920s primarily because of
A) economic depression in the United States.
B) forced migration after World War I.
C) imposition of quota laws.
D) declining demand for industrial workers.
E) declining demand for domestic workers.
28) U.S. quota laws from the 1920s until the 1960s had the effect of
A) virtually ending immigration.
B) indirectly causing two world wars.
C) dramatically increasing immigration from around the world.
D) ensuring the majority of migrants continued to be from Europe.*************
E) increasing the possibility of migration from regions previously prohibited.
29) Brain drain is
A) the large-scale emigration of talented people.
B) the process by which people are given reference for migration.
C) people forced to migrate for political reasons.
D) a cultural feature that hinders migration.
E) a net decline in literacy.
30) Most Asians are currently migrating to the United States through the process of
A) expansion diffusion.
B) brain drain.
C) chain migration.
D) illegal immigration.
E) global relocation.
Family reunification act
32) Most European guest workers come from which part of Europe?
A) north and east
B) north and west
C) central
D) south and west
E) south and east
-documented / undocumented
37) The largest numbers of recent immigrants to the United States are
A) illegal immigrants.
B) political refugees.
C) relatives of U.S. residents.
D) talented professionals.
E) guest workers.
38) Recent immigrants to the United States
A) are nearly evenly distributed among all states.
B) are distributed evenly along the southern U.S. border and the east and west coasts.
C) are concentrated in Texas, California, and Illinois.
D) are concentrated in a few states according to economic prospects and migrant's country of origin.
Asians or Hispanics
Why are Italians more likely to live in the suburbs than the city or nrural areas - suburbs versus the city
40) The largest number of legal immigrants to the United States come from what country?
A) Cuba
B) Mexico
C) the Philippines
D) South Korea
E) Dominican Republic
43) According to the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, undocumented immigrants were
A) permitted to become legal residents.
B) increasingly deported if caught.
C) encouraged to remain because of shortages of workers.
D) no longer eligible for public services in the United States.
E) established as guest workers.
45) The largest level of interregional migration in the United States was caused by the
A) arrival of Europeans beginning in the 1600s.
B) illegal immigration from Latin America.
C) immigration of Asians beginning in the early twentieth century.
D) opening up of the western territories.
E) industrial development in the northeast.
47) Which is a current intraregional migration trend in the United States?
A) rural to urban
B) urban to suburban
C) metropolitan to nonmetropolitan
D) net emigration from the northeast
E) all of the above
50) The most prominent type of intraregional migration in the world is
A) north to south.
B) region to region.
C) urban to rural.
D) city to city.
E) rural to urban.
52) Counterurbanization is
A) the move from urban core to suburban areas.
B) due to expanding suburbs.
C) migration to rural areas and small towns.
D) the trend of the elderly retiring to rural locations.
E) decline of the inner-city infrastructure.
53) In the United States, which is likely to cause virtually all population growth in the next few decades?
A) natural increase rate
B) net in-migration
C) crude birth rate
D) declining death rate
E) urban expansions
57) The most common environmental threat to people comes from too much or too little water.
63) Historically, the center of population in the United States has moved a long distance to the west but
not a long distance to the south.
69) During the 1980s, which country provided the largest number of LEGAL immigrants to the United
What country has the largest Muslim population? Indonesia
One in six Africans comes from this country- Nigeria
Rwanda suffered genocide in part because of this issue- Overpopulation
What is TFR # of kids a woman has in her life?
Roughly what was the TFR of a woman in Rwanda around the time of the genocide? 8
Many of the Migrants to France are this? Muslim
Europe and the Middle East have this program for immigrants - Guest Workers
What country is an extremely homogeneous country that does not allow for immigration despite an aging
population? Japan
What is the Infant mortality rate- # of kids that die by age 1
What is a J curve and how does it relate to population growth? Exponential growth
What is an S curve - stable growth
What would you expect to see in America's population pyramid in the 1960s- bulge from baby boom?
How would you expect Maine's population pyramid to look?- Rectangular with a small bottom
Why would Japan have a high CDR?
90-510-400 2050 Japan
21. One of the “laws” of migration as derived by Ravenstein states that
a) urban residents are more migratory than rural.
b) rural residents are more migratory than urban.
c) urban residents are less migratory than rural.
d) rural inhabitants hardly ever migrate.
22. Ravenstein, in his study of migration, suggested that there is an inverse relationship between the
volume of migration and the distance between the source and destination. That is, the number of
migrants _____ as the distance they know they must travel increases.
a) increases
b) decreases
c) remains the same
d) decreases and then rises
35. In 1995, the collapse of which of the following European countries produced the largest refugee crisis
in Europe since the end of World War II?
a) Turkey
b) Yugoslavia
c) Greece
d) Romania
How do geographers define overpopulation
Migration is Permanent move to a new location
the largest level of interregional migration in US history was...
from the 1960s to 1990s what has been the biggest intraregional migration in the USA
What is likely to cause virtually all population growth in the USA over the next few decades
Largest legal immigrants to USA are...
10 million illegals here in the USA
Sunbelt - Southern states plus warmer states out west
Demographic momentum caused by
-# of parents
-by increases in longevity
Sunbelt is for the south
Rustbelt is for the Midwest
Minority concentrations –where do find diversity
Within Europe workers south and the east are more likely to move north and west looking for jobs
Most immigrants to Europe come from where?
City growth is primarily by migration in
-international versus intraregional
-MDC versus LDCs
Vocab words from unit 1
Time-Space compression
Distance Decay
Globalization (skim the wiki article)
Uneven development
Patterns of diffusion
Regions (functional, formal, vernacular)
1) One important feature of the world's population with the most significant future implications is that
A) the natural increase rate is larger every year.
B) there are fewer people in the world now than at the peak in the middle of the twentieth century.
C) the most rapid growth is occurring in the less developed countries.
D) people are uniformly distributed across Earth.
E) the less developed countries have the highest combined crude death rate.
CBR CDR – right now versus TFR
3) Which of the following would MOST LIKELY be part of the ecumene?
A) Greenland
B) the Sahara
C) Ganges River Valley
Amazon Rainforest
E) Himalayas
D) a remote part of the
4) Two-thirds of the world's population is clustered in four regions. Which of the following is not one of
these four regions?
A) East Asia
B) Southeast Asia C) Latin America
D) Europe
E) South
5) Which of the following regions has the highest percentage of its population living in urban areas?
A) East Asia
B) South Asia
C) Southeast Asia D) Europe
E) SubSaharan Africa
6) A country with a large amount of arable land and a small number of farmers will have a
A) high physiological density.
D) low agricultural density.
B) low physiological density.
E) low arithmetic density.
C) high agricultural density.
-not possible higher agri than physio and what the terms mean (arable land)
7) In the United States
A) the physiological density is much higher than the agricultural density.
B) arithmetic (population) density is equal to physiological density plus agricultural density.
C) arithmetic (population) density has decreased in recent decades.
D) agricultural density has increased over the last century.
E) all of the above
When do we get changes in the demo trans
10) Low population growth resulting from a high CBR and a high CDR is found in what stage of the
demographic transition?
A) Stage 1
B) Stage 2
C) Stage 3
D) Stage 4
13) Stage 2 countries could have
A) higher rates of disease
dependency ratio
B) TFRs of around 5
C) relatively high concentrations of orphans
D) problems with their
E) all of the above
14) Demographic momentum
A) means that your TFR may be at replacement rate but you are still growing
B) means that your CDR is even with your CBR but you are still growing due to immigration
C) means that your TFR is even with your CBR and CDR
D) means that your TFR can be below replacement but your CBR is above CDR
E) none of the above
15) Which of the following could be true of a country along the demographic transition
A) it is a stage 2 country with a NIR around 2% and a median age of 27
B) it is a stage 4 country with a NIR around 0.6% and a median age of 35
C) it is a stage 3 country with a NIR around 2.5% and a median age of 27
D) it is a stage 4 country with a NIR around -1.0% and a median age of 35
E) None of the above
20) Thomas Malthus predicted that
A) technology will offset population growth.
B) the distribution of resources other than food would continue to be a problem.
E) Stage 5
C) population would outpace food production.
D) the environment would allow less food to be grown in the future.
E) the Green Revolution would provide agricultural technology to support increasing populations.
21) Neo-Malthusians believe that the Malthusian thesis is
A) less of an issue today than in Malthus’ time.
B) no longer an issue as the world has continuously produced more resources as population has grown.
C) still relevant since population growth is mostly concentrated in LDCs.
D) only relevant regarding the amount of food produced.
E) all of the above
22) Most of the one billion malnourished people in the world
A) are spread evenly throughout the world.
B) are concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere.
C) are women or children.
23) The replacement rate is a(n)
A) CDR of 2.1
B) CBR of 2.1
C) NIR of 2.1
D) are in East Asia.
E) none of the above.
D) NRI of 2.1
E) TFR of 2.1
25) The epidemiological transition refers to how
A) in stage one famines and plagues are the main cause of death
B) in stage two pandemics recede
C) in stage three and four there is an increase in diseases such as heart attacks and cancers
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
26) Which of the following pairs of measurements has an inverse or negative relationship?
A) TFR and IMR
D) IMR and CDR
B) CBR and NIR
E) IMR and CBR
C) HDI and NIR
28) Associated with the East Asian population cluster are ribbon-like extensions of dense population
penetrating the interior. These extensions represent
A) volcanic areas of good soil.
C) basins and lowlands of China's major
B) narrow regions of favorable climate.
D) areas where the Chinese Government
has forced people to settle.
29) Today, world population doubling time is
A) 300 years
B) increasing
E) steady
C) decreasing
31) Between 1650 and 1930 Earth's population increased by
A) 4 billion.
B) 500,000.
C) 6 billion.
E) 5 billion
32) Global Population is
A) increasing at 180 million per year
B) similar in growth to a stage 2 pyramid
D) ten years
D) 1.5 billion.
D) currently decreasing its doubling
E) none of the above
C) has a growth rate of 1.2%
Geographers refer to the name given to a portion of the Earth’s surface as its
3. What allows a phenomenon to be expressed or analyzed at different geographic (local, regional,
national or global)
b. scale
Spatial distribution consists of which of the following properties?
town, cities, states
density, concentration, pattern
region, place, location
all of the above
none of the above
Distortion is greatest on
topographic maps
large-scale maps.
small-scale maps.
all maps.
Mapping the Earth’s surface on a flat map is called projection. What type of distortion can occur
in this transference?
The distance between two points may be inaccurate.
The shape of an area can
be distorted.
The relative size of different areas may be altered.
All of the above are true.
The direction from one place to another can be distorted.
The Spanish language concentrations in the Pilsen and Little Village neighborhoods of Chicago
are an example of what type of diffusion?
Which map scale shows the most detail (assume consistent units)?
9. A video that goes “viral on youtube” would most likely be associated with which form of
time-space compression
b. hierarchical
10. Newspaper delivery areas are an example of which type of region?
11. The ______________ Revolution was the change from handmade production to producing goods
by machine; while the
___________________ Revolution was the change from hunting and gathering to the practice of
settled agriculture.
Commercial; Nomadic
Industrial; Neolithic
b. Neolithic; Commercial
Neolithic; Industrial
Nomadic; Industrial
On what continent would you find the absolute location of 10°S, 60°W?
North America
South America
The linking of different sites by common traits or characteristics is defines as
14. What geographic philosophy suggests that humans possess the ability to dominate their
environment rather than being defined by their environment?
world systems approach
possibilist approach
b. structuralist approach
animistic approach
environmental determinist approach
15. The phenomenon that the farther a feature diffuses from its origin, the less dominant it becomes
is called __________________, while _________________________ tries to explain how the
above phenomenon is being altered by modern communication and transportation
globalization, sequent occupance
time-space compression,
distance decay
b. distance decay, time-space compression
concentric zone,
central place, concentric zone
16. If an area has objects or events in close proximity to each other, it is said to be what?
b. dense
Which type of map would have the largest scale?
world map
continental map
country map
state map
city map
18. Twenty-four specific objects transmit complex radio codes, including time signals traveling at the
speed of light. You can contact at least 4 of the 24 objects at any time of day or night. The
technology described allows the determination of which of the following?
The amount of detail that can be shown on a topographic map
Absolute location on the surface of Earth
The number of layers that can be accommodated in a geographic information system
Distances from radio transmission towers and subsidiary satellite dishes
The weather forecast for any area
19. A city is located on a river that is prone to flooding yet provides trade connections that bring
measurable wealth to the city. Which geographic statement would best fit that city?
The city has trade advantages that outweigh the disadvantages.
b. The city has a good site but a poor situation.
The city has a good situation but a poor site.
d. The city has flood disadvantages that outweigh the advantages.
The city should relocate because of the flooding problem.
Which of the following is not an example of a form of expansion diffusion?
21. The concept of the “South” means many things to many people, and many people draw the
“South” using different boundaries. This an example of what type of region?
b. uniform
22. Which is NOT an example of a functional region?
the circulation area of a newspaper
particular crop
b. the reception area of a local television station
the market area of a supermarket
the area dominated by a
area served by a sports
graphs and lines
All choropleth maps use
the Mercator projection
shading and coloring
Which type of map is best for showing the location and frequency of occurrences within an area?
dot density
The center and place of origin of a cultural tradition is called a
cultural center
cultural complex
cultural trait
What type of a map is really a graph of a value represented in the form of a map?
dot density
cultural hearth
cultural genesis
27. This type of diffusion occurs when an underlying idea is spread but not necessarily in its original
b. hierarchical
Per capita GNI is a good indicator of ALL BUT which of the following?
the general level of material wealth in a country
which countries have the high levels of poverty
the potential of a country for providing citizens a comfortable life
the distribution of wealth within a country
the spatial distribution of global wealth
An example of a primary sector activity is
retail sales.
50. According to Wallerstein’s World-Systems Theory, the tiers into which countries can be classified
within the global
economy are largely a legacy of what historical process?
b. communism
51. According to Wallerstein’s World-Systems Theory, in which of the following countries would core
processes NOT dominate economic activity?
The United States
b. Germany
52. What type of processes incorporate lower levels of education, lower salaries, less technology and
generate less wealth in the world economy?
b. core