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The Wildlife Sanctuary NA covers an area of 164 ha and is located in the southeast corner of the
Symons Campus, south of Pioneer Road and east of University Road (Figure WSNA-1). The WSNA is the
largest and most extensively visited nature area on the Symons Campus, being used for teaching and
outdoor recreation by the University community and the public. It is estimated that there are between
10,000 to 20,000 person visits per year. The WSNA is used for walking, jogging, cross-country skiing,
snow shoeing, and nature walks. In addition, it is used for undergraduate teaching and some local school
classes visit for recreation and nature interpretation.
Topography and Soils:
The WSNA is situated in rolling terrain typical of the Peterborough Drumlin Field. The topography
consists of four NE to SW parallel wetlands, separated by indistinct drumlins, the highest of
which rises some 17 m above the wetlands. Glacial erratics occur in some parts of the WSNA.
Soils of the uplands and a few small lowland areas belong to the Otonabee Series which have a
medium texture, are moderately stony and good to excessively drained. Lowland soils are primarily
classified as Foxboro Series, having a coarse texture, are stone free and have poor to very
poor drainage.
The WSNA has three relatively large, separate wetlands. The northern-most wetland receives
intermittent inflow from several drainage sources north of Pioneer Road, including the
Archaeological Centre Wetland, the Otonabee College Wetland, and a stream which flows
through agricultural fields. Intermittent inflow also comes from a wetland adjacent to the Canal
NA to the southwest. Outflow is via an intermittent stream draining west through the Canal NA
and then into the Trent Canal.
A central, seasonally flooded wetland is situated in a broad, flat lowland dominated by silver
maple. Seasonal inflow into the eastern part of the WSNA comes through culverts under County
Road 6 that drain the upper reaches of this wetland. There are several small semi-permanent
pools in the wetlands. Flow through these wetlands occurs after heavy precipitation.
The topography and hydrology of the southern-most seasonally flooded wetland is similar to
that of the central wetland, except the inflow is not as substantial. Water drains from this wetland
and the central wetland into a large wetland on neighbouring land to the southwest. These wetlands
are the headwaters for Curtis Creek.
Vegetation types in the WSNA are shown in Figure WSNA-2. Upland fields are undergoing secondary
succession with old-field communities composed of grasses, perennial herbs, and a light to moderate cover
of shrubs and young trees. The lower areas of some fields, and areas adjacent to fence-rows often have a
moderate to dense border of tree seedlings, such as White cedar and deciduous tree saplings, such as
Trembling aspen. Young trees are establishing so quickly that
they may soon dominate the upland vegetation, eliminating open field habitats and thus reducing
biodiversity. White cedar is the dominant species; it forms dense stands of tens of thousands of young trees
per hectare. White ash and American elm are also common, but occur at much lower densities than cedar.
The seasonally flooded wetland vegetation consists primarily of deciduous trees or a mixture
of deciduous trees and herbaceous species. The dominant tree species are silver maple, red ash,
white cedar, and trembling aspen, while small patches of open wetland support a mix of graminoids
and forbs. The seasonally flooded areas were undoubtedly grazed by stock animals and
trees felled for firewood.
The large size of the WSNA and its diversity of geomorphological features and habitats are
favourable for wildlife. White-tailed deer are particularly abundant on the eastern side, having
been observed frequently in this area for many years. Deer tracks, bedding sites and scats
are common. Cool, shaded thickets and deciduous wetlands provide daytime shade for deer
from the summer heat. Uplands provide good sources of food such as forbs, grasses and volunteer
alfalfa. Stands of white cedar provide winter cover and browse. This area is fairly isolated,
does not have established walking trails and so is relatively undisturbed by unleashed running
dogs. Raccoons, grey squirrels, red fox, and eastern cottontails may be seen in the WSNA.
Some evidence of beaver and muskrat has been noted in the wetland north of the parking lot
on University Road. Weasel tracks have been observed in snow in the northeast quarter of the
WSNA. Black bears may be occasional visitors.
Shallow pools in the wetlands support a variety of aquatic life. For example, pools in the central
deciduous swamp contain schools of small fish, wood frogs, frog tadpoles, diving beetles,
and many other aquatic insects. Several of the other wetlands provide reproductive habitat for
Among the many bird species to be seen in the WSNA, are the great horned owl, red-tailed
hawk, American woodcock, and common snipe. A cooper’s hawk and fledged young were
observed in the central deciduous swamp in late July, 1996. Other forest-dwelling birds noted in
the same area included a warbling vireo with young, the red-eyed vireo, and great-crested flycatcher.
Ruffed grouse are fairly common along the upland edges of the wetlands, and migratory
flocks of hermit thrush and warblers have been seen. Open areas in fields provide habitat for a
host of different bird species, including upland sandpiper, bobolink, American goldfinch, field
sparrow, savannah sparrow, Baltimore oriole, northern cardinal, northern flicker and rose-breasted
Historical Features:
A number of cultural features occur in this Nature Areas that are related to past agricultural
activities. These include:
- abandoned agricultural fields in various stages of succession
- abandoned agricultural cedar rail fences, rock fences, posts, tracks, wood piles, dumps,
field drains and rock piles in fields and along fence rows.
- abandoned agricultural building site
- abandoned wells
- invasive species from abandoned garden (e.g. lilacs, periwinkle)
- current agricultural fields (forage and hay crops)
- evidence of logging for firewood and lumber
- conifer plantation
Significant Features:
A significant feature of this nature area is the mature silver maple trees growing in the seasonally
flooded central wetland. Of importance, too is the fact that the wetlands are the headwaters of
Curtis Creek. The WSNA, particularly the eastern half and other areas where trails have not been
made, provides significant habitat for white-tailed deer. In addition, the mature canopy of the
wetlands and the many secluded areas provide nesting habitat for birds such as the uncommon
Cooper’s Hawk.
Another significant feature is the variety of habitats created by secondary succession in the abandoned
upland fields during the past 30 years. A deciduous woodlot near the centre of the nature
area contains lady slipper orchids and wild leeks, uncommon plants in this municipality.
Land Use:
Teaching and Research
Because of the closeness of the WSNA to the Environmental Sciences building and the diversity
of habitats and landforms, this nature area is used as an outdoor classroom for undergraduate
teaching in Biology, Geography, Environmental Sciences. The Department of Native Studies, in
recent years, erected a sweat-lodge in the WSNA. Faculty, graduate, honours and undergraduate
students and classes use the WSNA for research in a variety of disciplines, including hydrology,
soil studies, vegetation succession, forest ecology, small mammal and recreation studies.
The WSNA has excellent recreational potential as a result of its size, habitat diversity and excellent
viewscapes. There is a system of interconnected, formal trails (Figure WSNA-4), with a combined length
of approximately 12 km through the western half of the nature area. The trail system, with several looped
trails, can be accessed from a trailhead at the edge of the parking lot off University Road and from the
central campus area by the path running by the Archaeology Centre onto Pioneer Road and then by using
the trail through the ball and over a bridge, constructed in August 1999 by British Trust for Conservation
Volunteers and local conservation volunteers. This bridge crosses a seasonally flooded wetland to allow
for year-round access to the trail system without having to use University Road. The two longest trails, 2.5
km and 3 km, respectively, pass mainly through open or semi-open upland fields, although several
wetlands are spanned by bridges or boardwalks. The shortest (red trail) is located mainly in a lowland
bordering the edge
of a wetland.
The WSNA is also used by non-Trent groups and organizations such local schools for nature
studies and recreational activities such as orienteering and cross-country skiing. Fleming College
uses the area for non-credit courses. The Peterborough Field Naturalists organize nature walks
for members and the general public
About one-quarter of the eastern half of the WSNA is actively farmed. The primary crops are hay
and corn and there is some pasture
Adjacent Land Use:
Some of the lands to the south and east of the WSNA are used for cultivation and pasturing
while other lands are old fields and a deciduous swamp. Trent owns the lands on the north side
of Pioneer Road, which include leased cultivated land, abandoned fields and two wetland nature
areas, the Archaeology Wetland NA and the Otonabee College Wetland NA. On the west side of
University Road is the Canal NA.
Ecological Integrity:
There is concern that:
• habitat and biodioversity in the WSNA are in decline. The variety of habitats in the WSNA
and associated biota are under threat by overabundance of Eastern white cedar and the alien
species, European buckthorn. Open-field habitat and associated species are disappearing at
a rapid rate, and in some fields are being replaced by monocultures of impenetrable White
cedar stands. White cedar saplings and young trees, for example, have formed such dense
stands in some of the upland fields (e.g. Fields 152, 154, and 114) that the establishment of
deciduous trees is being inhibited. It is possible that cedars will dominate these areas for
many decades. From a recreational use and wildlife habitat standpoint, deciduous or mixed
woodlands are a more desirable cover than impenetrable cedar forest. If white cedar stands
are not too dense they can provide cover for white-tailed deer.
European buckthorn, Rhamnus cathartica, is very common in the WSNA along fence-rows, at
the edges of woodlots and in areas of woodlots where there are gaps in the tree canopy. This
species can shade out native species. Buckthorn is a prolific producer of fruits which are
eaten by birds so that seeds are widely dispersed in bird droppings.
•there is a local problem in some parts of the WSCNA that are being invaded by some other
native and alien shrub and tree species. Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) an invasive alien shrub, and
black locust (a native tree species) are spreading in Fields near a former farmhouse and garden site. Unless
controlled these species will continue to spread, displacing native species. Black locust is also advancing
on the upland south of the parking area in Field 123. While these invasive species are fairly intolerant of
shade and may eventually be displaced, their displacement will take many decades.
• tree felling for firewood has occurred.
• the release into the WSNA in the area of the parking lot of native species of animals and pets
trapped in the city is of concern, and should be banned as this may disrupt indigenous animal
Figure WSNA-1: Contour Map of the Wildlife Sanctuary Nature Area, Symons Campus, Trent University,
Peterborough, Ontario.
Figure WSNA-2: Vegetation Types in the Wildlife Sanctuary Nature Area, Symons Campus, Trent
University, Peterborough, Ontario.
Figure WSNA-3: Vegetation Communities in the Wildlife Sanctuary Nature Area, Symons Campus,
Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario.
Figure WSNA-4: Nature Trails in the Wildlife Sanctuary Nature Area, Symons Campus, Trent
University, Peterborough, Ontario.